Wall clock in the living room - 80 photos of original design ideas

When decorating the interior of a living room, designers most often use neutral finishes to decorate surfaces, and preference is given to the simplest model, the most functional.

Equally important is the decor and accessories. A beautiful wall clock for the living room is a godsend for anyone who is used to controlling the passage of time.

What types of watches are there?

Modern style is very fast, because people strive to be everywhere on time, and therefore it is necessary to control time.

The living room is where you need to relax and unwind. The clock in the living room is used as a decorative element, which reminds us that we should not forget that in addition to relaxation, there is also reality.

It's not so easy to choose a wall clock. You cannot buy this item just to control time.

It is important to understand that watches often become the highlight of the interior; the main thing is to choose the right design.

Most people choose a large clock for the living room, but the style that is inherent in the living room is taken into account.

The material used to create a watch must be in complete harmony with the furniture used, as well as with the decoration.

Useful tips

When choosing a chronometer, you need to take into account the color scheme of the room, the geometric shapes and patterns that predominate in it. A clock mechanism can become the main element of decor or simply complement the look of the room. It is recommended to ensure that the size of the chronometer matches the size of nearby objects (paintings, vases, furniture). When purchasing models with a fabric or mirror base, surfaces should be cleaned frequently. Otherwise, the dust settling on them will quickly ruin the appearance of the product. Removal of contaminants must be carried out carefully, without touching the arrows. In this case, the penetration of moisture into the mechanism must be prevented. It is better to clean with a pipidaster (a special broom) or a soft brush. Mirror and glass models can be wiped with a rag previously sprayed with glass cleaner. Gentle cleaning will help maintain the attractiveness of any timepiece.

Style selection

The style of watches varies, because there are different models for one style or another. The design of this item can also be anything - it can be either geometric figures, or it can be a clock in the form of animals or plants.

If the room is modern, then you can use an electronic clock with a lot of necessary additional functions.

An interesting option is to use several different types to create the desired emphasis in the design. It is better to choose watches that can suit a particular interior style - glass, plastic, wood, cardboard.

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Often, wall clocks in the living room interior are decorated with decor - gilding, crystal, natural wood, glass. A classic living room will be complemented by a wooden clock of the highest quality; a metal clock will harmoniously fit into the high-tech room.

DIY decor

Even the most complex chronometer can be transformed with your own hands. The following ideas will be useful for this:

  • Changing the background of the base.

Covering the base with fabrics, ribbons, pieces of burlap. Decorating with old newspapers, decoupage with napkins. Painting with acrylic paints and gouache.

  • Replacement of display elements.

The numbers are replaced by dominoes, dice, flat figures (animals, people), keys, small pictures or photographs.

Gluing to the back of the cutlery body, inserting the base into the hoop, old frying pans. Framing with paper decor, thick threads and ropes.

When gluing the base, you need to remove the clock mechanism and hands. Transparent universal glue is suitable for the job. It has increased thickness, making it easy to apply.

Clock in the interior

A clock is an important component of the interior, and if the clock does not fit into the interior, then the appearance of the living room will be lost.

It happens the other way around - the clock is simply lost against the background of the living room, because it is cluttered with furniture and decor. If you decide to decorate a wall for hours, you should use a minimum of any decor.

An antique clock can be used to decorate a retro living room or vintage room.

Jute thread and leather

You can make some kind of twigs from jute - after immersing the threads in PVA glue, they are laid out in interesting patterns with ornate weaves. The frozen imitation of branches is decorated with beads and rhinestones.

You can also create an original frame for a chronometer at home using a voluminous cord woven from strips of leather. This design perfectly combines wooden elements and a variety of textiles.


An original background for decoration is obtained using ready-made paper strips - this greatly simplifies the work. The decor turns out to be voluminous, which must be taken into account when fixing it under the mechanism.

You can place patterns collected from quilling in the places of the numbers. Small paper figures are also placed outside the base.

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This way you can create an original watch frame or even a full-fledged painting. These can be images of people, animals, musical instruments.

From vinyl records

An ordinary vinyl record can be decorated in an unusual way using beautiful pictures. Decoupage of the surface should be carried out after thoroughly treating the base with the finest sandpaper. This will allow you to remove remaining stickers and level the surface of the record. Using a drill or jigsaw, the plates can be cut out according to prepared silhouettes (teapots, cups, hearts, superhero icons, animal outlines). And using the following instructions, you will be able to make “flowing” clock mechanisms from the paintings of Salvador Dali:

  1. Place the plate in the oven for 2 minutes (temperature about 180 degrees).
  2. Place the heated plate on the board. Start stretching and bending the vinyl (leave the central part flat).
  3. Install the chronometer mechanism.


The use of textiles to cover the base of the chronometer is justified by the variety of fabrics with colorful patterns and amazing structure. You can use cotton, linen, satin, burlap, jacquard, organza. Volumetric elements are easily glued to such fabrics. For example, polymer figurines or clay figurines, pieces of wood.

The fabric used can be pre-embroidered with acrylic threads, satin ribbons or beads. Sewing on multi-colored sequins or large beads will help highlight the indexing. Such bases also go well with self-adhesive rhinestones. You can frame fabrics with trim, jute thread, bright soutache or thick cords. The frame should be selected based on the structure of the fabric, its color, and style.

Hoop and fabric

Fabric decorated with embroidery will perfectly highlight the originality of the created dial. Simple cotton fabrics or canvas are used for work. The preparation of the base is carried out according to the following instructions:

  • embroidery of fabric (free space is left in the center for threading a pin under the arrows);
  • fixing the fabric on the hoop, trimming protruding edges;
  • cutting a hole for the arrow pin in the center, treating the edges with glue;
  • installation of the mechanism, arrows;
  • Attaching plexiglass to the hoop with digital indexing.

The presence of plexiglass protection is mandatory. Its absence will lead to the accumulation of dust in the fabric structure. Because of this, the embroidery will soon darken and to wash it you will have to completely disassemble the mechanism.

Jute thread, etc.

Stylish watch designs can be made using thick threads. Imitation twigs can be easily made from jute. To do this, the threads are immersed in PVA and then ornate patterns with weaves are laid out from them. It is recommended to supplement the frozen “branches” with beads and rhinestones. At home, you can make a braided voluminous cord from leather, which will act as an extraordinary frame for the chronometer.

A piece of burlap will help completely change the look of the product. It is simply tucked under the mechanism, and on top it is complemented with voluminous plastic figures and wooden beads. You can also make a fashionable backdrop yourself from a canvas belt. Its pieces are glued under the arrows in stripes and diamond shapes. Other weaves of thin straps are also allowed.

Wicker and knitted dial

An interesting option for decorating the mechanism would be knitting the warp. The work can be carried out by analogy with the manufacture of potholders and napkins. The finished fabric can be dense or openwork. The color scheme and patterns on the knitted fabric are selected individually. They must match the color of the hands and the chronometer itself. It is recommended to starch or coat openwork fabrics with glue to maintain their shape. The product should be dried on a flat surface. It is not necessary to use a web press. It is better to fix it after applying glue or starch with pins: this way you can stretch the knitted fabric evenly. Stylization of canvases is usually carried out by using threads of different colors. They are suitable for weaving macrame with patterns and simple images.

For kitchen

To make your kitchen look unusual and cool, you can remodel the chronometer using various improvised means. Housewives can make an elegant frame from coffee beans. They should be glued with a silicone gun or thick transparent glue. Cool and funny models are obtained by pasting them with cutlery. But for rooms decorated in blue or blue-white tones, it is recommended to make the marine decor of any watch with your own hands. To create it you will need different pebbles and shells. They should be glued to the bottom of the base or a new indexing should be made from them. It is better to make the edging of the mechanism from a thick cord. If desired, the rope can be laid out in waves or supplemented with neat knots. With such an original clock you can style any dining room.

From cutlery

You can decorate mechanisms in an unusual way not only with improvised means, but also with kitchen appliances. Forks and spoons are suitable for the job. They will be glued to the base from the back. The density of the devices is selected individually. But to make the model more original, it is better to glue them as close to each other as possible. And you can arrange them as an unusual indexing. For maximum styling of the new product, it is recommended to attach shallow soup bowls or spatulas as the main indexing elements. The color of the selected cutlery should match the background of the base. If necessary, the devices used and the base are painted in the same tone. Metal spray paint is suitable for this.

Saucers and cups

You can brightly and elegantly decorate your chronometer using a set of cups and saucers. They don't have to have the same design. The most eye-catching items will be those created using cups and plates of different types and colors. Making the model is quite easy. The work will take no more than 1 hour and is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. A large circle base is cut out of a plywood sheet. A hole is cut out in its center to install a mechanism with arrows.
  2. The plywood circle is coated with paint.
  3. When the paint is dry, indexing marks are placed.
  4. The saucers are glued to the marks with silicone glue.
  5. After 20 minutes, the cups are glued to the saucers.

To ensure that the finished product lasts a long time, it is recommended to clean the places where saucers and cups are glued using sandpaper. You should choose lightweight sets for work.


The idea with butterflies is good for creating a new mechanism. A large butterfly is cut out of a vinyl record, and small insects are glued around the perimeter as a frame.

Several moths flying into the distance look fascinating. The smallest ones can be placed under the chronometer, larger moths can be glued diagonally or vertically above it.

Colored or metallized cardboard is also suitable for making butterflies.

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