Curtain options for a teenage boy's room: design and photos

According to many designers, curtains are the soul of the interior. Indeed, without a window frame, the interior seems unfinished. That is why the choice of curtains should be approached responsibly. Adolescence is fun, but incredibly difficult. This is a time of emotions, a lot of impressions, an exaggerated sense of self-esteem. It is advisable if the child himself takes an active part in creating the interior of his room. At the same time, your son may well wish for black thick curtains or some incredible curtains with images of vampires, bats and other evil spirits. It seems to be useless to convince others, but it is quite possible to direct a teenager’s choice in the right direction. We offer you a selection of photos with ideas for decorating curtains for a teenage boy’s room.

Rules for decorating a room for a teenage boy

As a little boy grows into a young man, it is extremely important for him to have a personal space that reflects his personality. At this age, children already have their own interests, idols and hobbies. Use them as a basis when creating your interior design.

When decorating a teenager's room, it is important to provide the young person with freedom of expression.

The main rule when decorating a room for a teenager is not to interfere. Try to give free rein to your child’s creative impulse as much as possible.

A neutral base is suitable for a teenage room:

  1. We choose furniture in light shades or completely white.
  2. A similar rule applies to the color of walls and floors. The background should be as unattractive as possible, since teenagers will still create a space for themselves, and the abundance of posters on the walls in combination with a bright interior will look too overloaded.
  3. We adhere to minimalism in furnishings, giving preference to closed storage systems. This will help maintain the appearance of order in the boy's room.

When decorating a teenage room, special attention is paid to lighting. It’s great if there is enough sunlight in the space, this has a positive effect on mood and performance. Artificial light here also serves as decoration. Don't be afraid to play with different options for floor lamps, lamps and garlands. With the right approach, they will help divide the space into zones and create additional comfort.

Various loft beds, mezzanines, niches and wide window sills are welcome in the space. These secluded places are conducive to reflection, dreams and self-discovery.

The teenager will love the loft bed and mezzanine, where he will have more personal space.

Baby room

For very young boys who have just been born, it is necessary to choose products in calm, pastel colors. For babies, curtains in blue, green and blue colors are suitable. You can dilute them with the help of accessories and additional elements in brown, plum and beige shades.

Requirements for curtains in a teenage room

Curtains for a boy's nursery should not only be beautiful, but also functional. It is important to pay attention to several factors:

  1. We give preference to durable materials for window textiles. Although the boy is already older, anything can happen, so it’s better if the curtains are stronger.
  2. The cornice should also be stronger to avoid possible injuries and save parents’ nerves.
  3. The fabric should be easy to clean or wash. Keeping order in a boy's room is as difficult as keeping it clean.
  4. Eco-friendly materials should be given preference. A child’s body at this age is still developing, and toxic substances are extremely dangerous for him.
  5. The fabric should not collect dust, as this can lead to the development of allergies.

When choosing curtains for a teenager, there are several factors to consider.
We must not forget about the most important function of curtains in a student’s room. The space should remain fairly light during the day, but become as dark as possible at night.

Note! Blackout curtains are a good idea. Their main advantage is the ability to block light from entering the room, so a child’s sleep with such curtains will be stronger and healthier.

Another important factor for curtains in a teenage boy’s room is modernity. If parents prefer classics, it is better to leave it for the rest of the apartment. The child’s personal space should be liked first of all by himself. Therefore, you should give preference to fashionable and modern models.

Position of furniture relative to the window

From the point of view of Feng Shui, in modern city apartments, energy enters the house or room through the window. And if you pay attention to your sensations of space, then this is really so.

No matter what age the child is, he receives his impressions and strength in the room through the window. Therefore, the location of the furniture is calculated relative to it.

It is important for the baby to see daylight, but so that it does not obscure his eyes. Therefore, it is better to place the crib lengthwise so that the Sun is in the north or east.

An older child will be interested in playing with the rays of the Sun, but it will also interfere with his daytime sleep. Therefore, it is better to leave the crib in the same direction. But free up the space in front of the daylight source for active games.


  • Children's room for a schoolchild: 120 photos and video description of how to choose a stylish and functional design for the room

  • Bed for a children's room - 165 photos and video description of how to choose the right bed

  • Carpet for a children's room - 155 photos of options for insulating a child's room using carpets

It is better to zone a children's room with two windows using furniture - this will make it easier for the child to navigate the large and bright space.

It makes sense to equip a play area or place a desk at one window, and make a sleeping place or additional play space at the other.

Choice of design and color

Let your child come up with the design and color of the curtains for the room on their own. Trying to do what is best, adults often neglect the opinion of the little owner of the room, but it is he who will spend more time in this space. The boy’s parents can help choose curtains for a teenager’s room by selecting examples of photo designs.

It is desirable that the decor on the windows fits into the overall design of the room and does not contradict it. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance on the theme of the room, based on the teenager’s preferences.

Sports interior

Many boys become interested in sports during their school years. Try to emphasize this in your room design. For this you will need a special decor:

  • balls;
  • grids;
  • places for cups, diplomas and medals.

In the decor you can use balls, nets and allocate places for sports trophies.
Curtains for such an interior can be either neutral or bright, echoing other decorative elements.

We use sports-themed prints in the decor. It can be:

  • ball-shaped chairs;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • carpets;
  • pillows and more.

This style allows for the use of brighter colors in the decor.

The sporty style allows for the presence of bright colors in the design.

Creative style

A room for a creative teenager is complete freedom of imagination. Such a child will happily voice ideas for decorating the space. It is important to support his creativity and try to translate it into the interior.

Leave the background in the room neutral, in light or dark colors. Add brightness using:

  • individual pieces of furniture (poufs, sofas, etc.);
  • posters;
  • photographs;
  • carpets

Curtains for a room in this style can be dark, two-tone or, conversely, light and as neutral as possible. It all depends on the big picture.

Curtains can be made dark and neutral.

Marine design

Younger teenagers often dream of sea adventures, so we use this theme to decorate the nursery’s interior. This style is characterized by all shades of blue and blue. Nets, prints with anchors and waves.

All shades of blue and blue are suitable for a marine-style room.

If desired, you can create an entire pirate ship in the room.

Curtains for such an interior will be light-colored with a finish that matches the rest of the decorative elements.

Curtains for a room in a nautical style will be light-colored with a nautical-themed finish.

Unusual solutions for curtains look interesting. Ropes, anchors and strips.

Other types of design

For the rooms of older teenagers we use modern interior styles:

  • high tech;
  • loft;
  • kitsch;
  • minimalism;
  • Scandinavian style.

Modern interior styles are suitable for older teenagers.
It depends on the character of the young man in what space he will feel comfortable:

  1. High-tech style is characterized by an abundance of glass and metal. We hang curtains that are light and weightless.
  2. Loft is a combination of raw wall surfaces and modern furniture. When choosing fabric for window textiles, we give preference to natural materials and try to avoid bright colors. The use of heavier curtains is allowed.
  3. Kitsch will seem like a nightmare for every adult, but young people love bright colors. Here we boldly combine incompatible things; the more colorful the interior, the better. But we leave the base (floor and walls) neutral, adding spots in the form of posters and paintings. You can experiment with curtains; bright and unusual ones will fit perfectly into the overall picture.
  4. Minimalism speaks for itself, let’s limit ourselves to a minimum of details. The colors in the room are neutral, the curtains are the simplest and lightest.
  5. Scandinavian style is still relevant. These are bright spaces with light furniture, natural materials and light tulle.

The main thing is that the curtains fit into the overall style of the room and do not take all the attention to themselves.

Colors and prints

Everything seems to be clear with the color of the curtains. Now let's look at the drawings and prints.

Pattern or plain colors, what combinations are good?

Remember that your boy is growing quickly. As he grows up, his preferences and tastes change. To ensure that the purchased product remains relevant for a long time, choose plain curtains without additional decorations or design solutions.

The laconic design will be relevant for a young man in a few years. But bright prints in the form of cars, cities, warriors or the starry sky will impress a boy for only a couple of years.

So, in this case, the choice of pattern or plain fabric depends on how much you are purchasing curtains for.

Size and shape of curtains

In addition to their decorative function, curtains in a teenager’s room also serve their classic purpose. They should not allow light to pass through easily, otherwise the child’s sleep will be restless and of poor quality, and it is very important for a schoolchild to get enough sleep.

Curtains in a schoolchild's room should shade the room well so that the child gets enough sleep.

It is better to choose short curtains for a child's room for a teenage boy. At the same time, we pay attention to the space as a whole, but if possible, do not hang curtains on the floor. Frills, folds, ruffles, tiebacks and cords are suitable for a living room or a girl's room, but not for a boy's space.

Roman blinds, roller blinds, blinds, and short curtains look good in a youth room. They should be easy to care for and use so as not to cause unnecessary irritation to the child. Try not to experiment with shape; the decor on the windows should be as simple and concise as possible.

For a teenage boy, short Roman blinds or other simple configurations are best.

Curtain style for schoolchildren

Gradually, your son is turning from a little boy into a young man. His preferences change, including in the design of the room. In the bedroom of a school-age boy, it is recommended to use calm tones.

The curtains should not have very childish drawings that resemble a frame from a cartoon. But this does not mean that you should completely forget about prints on canvases. Such solutions are acceptable, but the drawings should be more serious: stars, planets, musical instruments.

Recommendations for combining style

A teenager's room can be decorated in a themed style based on his hobbies. For example, if your child is interested in football, display posters and logos of his favorite team. The choice of curtains will depend on the color of the furniture, walls, and textiles.

If a boy dreams of becoming a great traveler, why not let his imagination run wild and decorate the room in a bright, unusual style. In this case, curtains with a map of an island or a starry sky, where the Milky Way is indicated to the wanderer, would be appropriate.

Long or short, thick or thin

As for the length of the curtains, you can entrust the choice to your child and buy what he likes best. When choosing fabric density, the degree of illumination of the room is taken into account. We frame a dark room with light, almost transparent curtains, but a light room, on the contrary, can be shaded with thick curtains.

Interesting ideas for modern nursery design

The use of modern design solutions in the design of a children's room implies conciseness, minimalism and functionality. If you and your son are close to such trends, consider the styles of Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and High-Tech.

Curtains with a laconic design would be appropriate here. Most often these are plain canvases up to the window sill. An option with a pattern in the form of vertical stripes is also possible. Also, modern design does not exclude curtains with graffiti patterns.

Mistakes when choosing curtains for a boy's room

When choosing curtains for a boy's room, you need to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Excessive pretentiousness. Parents want the decor on the windows to look expensive and unusual, but the child often finds all this unnecessary and uninteresting.
  2. Sophistication and femininity. This error appears in a room if, when decorating it, most of the ideas belonged to the mother. The boy grows and turns into a young guy, you need to give him a chance to express his Self in his personal space.
  3. Sloppiness. This is the other side of the coin, when adults do not interfere at all with the decor of the room. Curtains make the interior complete, so their choice should be taken seriously.
  4. Gloominess. If you hang curtains that are too thick on the windows, you will end up with a cavernous room. But some teenagers love this style.
  5. Low quality fabric. You need to pay special attention to the material from which the curtains in the boy’s room are made. Firstly, they will have to be washed often, and secondly, during outdoor games they can be pulled and touched, they should not tear. In addition, you need to remember about environmental friendliness. Cheap fabric and paint can be toxic.
  6. Difficult to use. In a teenage boy’s room we hang the simplest possible curtains. Various tiebacks and lambrequins will look out of place here, and will also cause additional irritation for the child and parents, who will have to constantly remind them to close or open the curtains.

Excessive pretentiousness, sophistication and complexity of configurations should be avoided.
When buying curtains for a boy's room, use common sense, and the final word should be given to the child.

Basic window functions

Through the window, light enters the room, awakens the child and gives him energy. The beautiful design of a daylight source carries several important functions:

  • Invigorates the child
  • Stimulates creative imagination
  • Develops taste and aesthetic perception of the world
  • Stimulates new activities and discoveries.

How to choose curtains for a teenage girl's room

We choose curtains for a teenage girl’s room following similar rules:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • easy cleaning;
  • reliability.

Curtains for a girl's room meet the requirements of environmental friendliness, durability and ease of care.
Light fabrics are suitable for a young girl's space:

  1. transparent tulle;
  2. light curtains;
  3. silk curtains.

Light, airy fabrics are suitable for a young lady's space.
A teenage girl is already moving away from the theme of princesses and unicorns, so too much pink would be inappropriate here. A universal option is light or dark neutral shades. We use tiebacks and lambrequins to add sophistication to the space, but when choosing, you need to be guided by the girl’s preferences. During this period they change frequently.

Curtains complete the interior of a room; their appearance can improve the overall impression of the room or ruin it. When working with teenagers, it is important to listen to their preferences and hobbies. The space should be comfortable for the child, so that he can express himself by adding important decorative details, so that the room remains harmonious and stylish.

Entrust the choice of window decorations to a teenager

A teenager's room should be the ideal place for young people - comfortable, but decorative. It is better to replace typical furniture that is boring in the eyes of teenagers with designer bean bags and square poufs, and classic curtains with fashionable roller shutters.

When helping our adult child decorate a room, we try to keep our own decorative aspirations, authoritarian character, and aesthetic taste in check. Although in this duet the far-sighted parent must be the rational half, the vision of design and comfort should be entrusted to the occupant of the room. Remember that roller shutters, blinds, curtains, drapes and other window accessories not only protect, but also reflect his personal world. Let your teenager unleash his imagination and give him more freedom in decorating his room.

When it comes to window decoration, it is important to remember that a growing organism requires a lot of light, so the interior design should not prevent sufficient light from entering.

Curtain design options for a teenager's room in the photo


Among the modern abundance of design options for window openings, several of the most popular and in demand can be identified:

  • London curtains, due to their design features, can easily change length. That is, they can be lowered over the entire window or raised almost to the curtain using special tapes. When raised, the curtains gather into large, soft folds, which gives additional charm and charm to these curtains.
  • French curtains. This elegant, stylish and very beautiful window treatment dates back to the Middle Ages, when palaces and chambers of the nobility were decorated with such richly draped curtains. Today, such curtains can increasingly be found in modern interiors. Beautiful, expensive, light and shiny fabrics (organza, taffeta, silk) are used to sew them.
  • Austrian curtains visually look like a canvas with horizontal folds at the bottom. They are of medium length and were previously called scalloped. The main purpose of such curtains is not only their decorative appeal, but also their functionality. They protect the room from cold air entering from the window. Cotton, wool and other materials are used to make them.
  • Roman blinds are considered one of the most practical and inexpensive options for modern window design. They do not contain a large number of folds or complex draperies. Visually they represent a smooth, even canvas that can partially or completely cover the window. They are very compact, fit perfectly with different interior styles and harmonize with any furniture, accessories and decorative items.
  • Roller blinds are a modern, stylish option for window decoration. Ideal for minimalist areas (high-tech, loft). The canvas is often complemented by a three-dimensional image, which allows you to very effectively decorate and complement the interior of the bedroom. They are made from dense, durable materials that perfectly protect the room from bright sun rays and summer heat.
  • Japanese curtains differ from generally accepted models in their design. These are, rather, sliding panels for decorating window space. Most often they are used in spacious rooms with panoramic glazing.
  • Swedish curtains are rarely found in bedroom interiors. They are made in a very simple and laconic design and outwardly look like a short rolled sheet with a weighting strip at the bottom.
  • "Stagecoach" - elegant, pretty curtains that were used in the old days to decorate carriage windows. The curtain is raised manually and fixed in the desired position using a belt, tape, or braid.
  • "Cafe". This type of curtain looks especially cute and original. The cornice is not placed under the ceiling, but approximately in the middle of the window space. Small, light curtains are hung on it, which allow you to hide or open the window if necessary. To cover the upper part of the window, a lambrequin made in the same style as the main curtain is often used. These curtains got their name from their purpose. In the 19th century, many European cafes used such curtains as part of their interior decoration.
  • "Color Block". One of the new products of recent years. A special feature of this model is the combination of two bright, contrasting colored pieces of fabric. The color scheme is selected to match the furniture, wall or floor covering of the room.
  • Bamboo curtains. An excellent option for those who prefer light, stylish curtains to traditional classic curtains. Bamboo is practical to use, does not cause allergic reactions, and does not attract dust. This option is perfect for an interior designed in the style of minimalism, Provence, oriental or eco-style.
  • Country curtains are most often used in Provence or country style interiors. Light natural materials are used for sewing: chintz, linen, cotton with small flowers. Decorated with lace, braid, embroidery.
  • Pleated curtains look like office blinds, but are made of dense material. Perfect for decorating small interiors. They are very compact, perfectly shade the room on a hot day, and can be fixed at different heights. They often have a special antibacterial coating.

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