Room design for a teenage boy (47 photos): the best interiors and ideas

Features of children's design

A small room is furnished using furniture and textiles in light shades. The walls and ceilings are also decorated in pastel colors. Monochrome interiors are trending today.

Basic principles for decorating a small room:

  • Visually increase space using color and light.
  • Rational arrangement of the premises

To dilute the design of a children's room of 13 sq. m, use bright accents and various decorative elements. If the windows face north, it is better to give preference to warm colors. White tone is suitable for any room, you just need to not overdo it.

If the ceiling height is 3 m, then you can order a multi-level structure; a painted or tensioned option would be a win-win. For the walls, wallpaper of the desired color and textured plaster are selected. It is better to give preference to neutral shades. For flooring, laminate and carpet are often used.

When a child is small, parents decide all issues on their own. The child grows, he develops his own taste and interests. Therefore, it is better to ask him how he sees his room. Together you can create the perfect design for a comfortable life and child development.

Fairytale room 13 sq m for a boy and a girl in the style of “Winnie the Pooh”

— The nursery was made for two children of different sexes. Now they are 7 and 4 years old.

When we were planning the design of the room, we changed our minds about many options. We decided to make a real nursery for the children. We wanted to create a fairy-tale world for them, where our children would be the owners.

I also really wanted this room to smell of kindness and friendship. So we settled on Winnie the Pooh. Although this character is very childish, he is a good-natured person, and his friends bring an atmosphere of kindness and celebration to the room. Bright colors, kind Winnie and always summer - that’s the idea for our nursery!

For the walls we chose plain paper wallpaper in a combination of colors that are suitable for both boys and girls. The advantage was given to green: firstly, it’s “always summer” here, and secondly, this color is favorable for children’s eyes.

We picked up a border with Winnie the Pooh and his friends, as well as various accessories with this hero. After all, Winnie the Pooh lives in the forest, and in the summer there are a lot of bright colors there. To do this, we made appliqués on the walls (felt decor, which gives it volume and a 3D effect). We came up with them ourselves, cut them out and glued them together with the children. The children really enjoyed taking part in decorating their room.

The ceiling is with elements of the starry sky. It was covered with two types of wallpaper with different textures, separated by a shiny edging. Because of this, it seems that the ceiling is two-level. The blue stripe on the ceiling is wallpaper with stars glowing in the dark. In the evening, when you turn off the lights, the starry sky appears above your head.

The furniture is made according to our design. We tried to take everything into account: convenience, interesting design and safety. The house serves not only a play function. It has spacious shelves. Also, when children are not playing, it is a good place to hide large toys.

The table and chairs were purchased separately. This furniture is still age appropriate for the children and is very comfortable.

There is enough light in the room. Chandelier - with 7 lights and the ability to switch to different colors. There is a reading sconce above the sofa bed. There is light in the house itself.

The result is that the children are delighted with the room! Despite the fact that the son already has his own room (it is equipped according to the needs of a schoolchild, in a more adult way), he is in no hurry to leave this nursery.

The most expensive thing in a room is the furniture. Everything else is a budget option. Considering that almost everything was done with our own hands, the total budget was about 200 thousand rubles.

Children, of course, grow up quickly, but for several years we made a holiday for them!

And then there’s a sea of ​​imagination - you can make a pull-out wardrobe out of the house, re-paint the wallpaper for older people, put a small comfortable table near the window, or make a completely different room.

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Real photos of children's rooms:

Children's room 14 sq m for two girls and one boy on the attic floor

Bright children's room 17 sq m for a 4 year old girl: on the attic floor and with a dollhouse

Cozy children's room 15 sq m for a boy in the style of a beach house

Boy's room

Blue and light blue shades are considered traditional for a boy. A successful combination of the main tone with other colors will create a harmonious atmosphere. A boy’s nursery is often decorated using thematic designs: space, sea, superheroes, aviation, robots, etc.

Read here! Decorating a children's room: ideas for creating style and basic rules for organizing comfort (100 photos)

Purchasing a bunk bed with a wardrobe and an upper berth will save space. A large number of drawers for toys and things will help you maintain order.

It is better to immediately purchase a full bed. The child will soon grow up, you will have to change it and rearrange it. Furniture is selected according to the height of the child, so that he is comfortable.

For the baby, you can use characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons in the design. A preschooler needs more space to store books and sports accessories. School time will gradually push toys out of the room. Teenagers want to decide for themselves what their territory will look like.

Design of children's rooms for a boy with a sports corner

A sports corner is relevant in any children's room, but especially for a boy. Many parents give up the idea of ​​organizing a corner in their child’s room due to insufficient space or the fact that these equipment “do not fit” into the interior. Using the example of apartment design projects from the portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies, we will make sure that a sports corner with proper planning will not take up extra space, and can even decorate the interior of a nursery.

Yellow and blue children's room with a sports corner for a teenage boy

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy, 12 sq. m in yellow and blue tones

The interior design of this children's room follows a two-color combination of harmonizing shades: yellow and blue. The sports corner imperceptibly “adjusts” to the overall color scheme of a modern room with loft style elements.

Functional partition in a loft nursery

In the photo: Functional partition and sports corner in the children's room

It is convenient to separate functional areas using a functional partition, which is an open shelving unit in which you can place toys and books.

Sports corner and chalkboard in a small children's room

In the photo: Interior of a small children's room with a sports corner and a board

The small area of ​​a children's room is not a reason to deprive the interior of its functionality. The sports corner is located in a niche formed between two spacious shelving, and the wall in this area has been turned into a slate and magnetic board, which will be appreciated by the inquisitive young owner of the room.

Multi-colored sports corner - space divider

In the photo: Design of a bright play area in a children's room with a sports corner

In a children's room for two boys, a sports corner divides the interior into two functional zones. The bedroom and play area are separated from the office, equipped by the window, where there is a desk for both children.

Design project for a children's room with motifs of a knight's castle

In the photo: Design project for a children's room 14 sq. m with a panel and a sports corner

If a boy is interested in adventures and knightly deeds, in his room you can reproduce the environment that he will like. A chandelier from a medieval castle, a colorful panel with a romantic landscape will awaken a child’s fantasy and imagination. But what kind of knight can do without good physical training? A sports corner in green tones, equipped at the entrance, will help with this.

Playroom with sports corner on the loggia

In the photo: Play area with sports corner on the loggia

If the children's room has a balcony or loggia, then this space can be effectively used by equipping a mini-sports corner and play area. Bright and light shades will visually expand the area of ​​the loggia, the width of which you can put a sofa - where you can sit down to relax or read a book with your baby.

Personal space for a girl

The little princess will enjoy her world if it matches her interests. Even very young children select wallpapers and textiles with interest. A girl's nursery is decorated in pink, green, and white colors. If the baby objects, not wanting to see this or that object in the room, it is better for the parents to listen to her opinion.

In the nursery the child will play and relax, so the interior of the nursery is 13 square meters. m shouldn't be boring. But you should also not use bright flashy colors that will bore him. It is worth taking care of the rational arrangement of furniture, you should also leave free space for games.

If the walls are made monochromatic, then as the princess grows up, they can be decorated with drawings, photographs, mirrors, etc. Too bright colors chosen by the daughter can be diluted with beige and white shades.

If they are developing a thematic design, they pay special attention to the walls. This will allow you to set the right mood for the environment.

It is worth taking care of dividing the space into functional zones. Several lighting sources should be provided. Purchase interior items without sharp corners and removable elements to avoid injuries.

The total area affects the design of a boy's room

Depending on how large the room is, you can decorate it in completely different ways!

A room with an area of ​​11 - 12 square meters. m

In a relatively small room it will be possible to put only the necessary children's furniture for a boy. If he doesn't go to school yet, there is no need to put a table, then there will be more space for games.

If your son is already going to school, then it is worth installing transformable furniture. For example, a loft bed is convenient and a child will also like it.

13 – 15 square meters

Based on the age of the child, all of his most basic needs can be taken into account. Thanks to the presence of so many sq. m You can organize both a sleeping and relaxation area with absolute confidence. Moreover, there is absolutely no need to worry about literally every centimeter, since its area allows you to “relax”.

Interior of a nursery for a boy, with an area of ​​15 square meters

Here you can completely roam and give free rein to your fantasies. If your child likes the “cosmic” design, it will look very original. Or maybe he is your future geographer, and then you can put a large bookcase and decorate a large map of the world on the wall. And you can come up with a lot of things for sports and furnish the room!

Decorating a nursery depending on age

The baby should be provided with everything necessary for its full development. A crib, changing table, and locker are purchased for the room. There should not be a lot of things in the space so that dust does not accumulate on them.

The room of a preschooler and primary school student should contain a recreation area, an area for games and a place for activities. Soft, diffused light should be provided above the bed.

  • Children's room for a boy: TOP-150 photos of ideas on how to arrange a practical and functional design

  • Design of a small children's room - 125 photos of examples of finished design. Features of successful and practical zoning
  • Options for children's rooms - how to create a stylish and cozy atmosphere for a child? The answer is here! 100 photos of modern design in the nursery

The work area is separated by a small partition and sufficient lighting is provided. Plasterboard structures, arches, and podiums are used indoors. An excellent solution is transformable furniture.

During adolescence, interest in bright colors does not disappear. When arranging a room, it is important to take into account the child’s opinion. Girls prefer more delicate shades, while boys choose rich blue, purple, and brown colors.

The child must have the opportunity to express himself. The teenager uses the space provided for him to study, relax, and meet with friends. You can change the interior with the help of photo posters, small rearrangement of furniture and removal of unnecessary items.

Children's room design ideas for a boy. Photos of interiors

In a children's room, it is important that the interior is not only beautiful, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child. At the same time, the room should not resemble a “classroom”: nevertheless, first of all, it is a space for relaxation, but also a personal space, so your baby’s personality must be present in it.

Bed shaped like a racing car

In the photo: Design of a children's room 12 sq. m with a bed in the shape of a racing car

Many boys are interested in cars, trains and motorcycles - why not please your baby by turning a boring bed into a racing car? A panel on the wall with your favorite cartoon characters adds color to the already bright interior of the nursery.

Wall – slate and magnetic board

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy with a wall bars and a bed in the shape of a racing car

When a child is fascinated by “rock painting,” many parents have to think about new renovations in the children’s room. This can be avoided by prudently organizing a suitable place for the young artist’s creativity. For example, turn an entire wall into a slate and magnetic board, on which the child can not only draw, but also play with the magnetic alphabet and figures.

Mini-observatory for a young researcher

In the photo: “Mini-observatory” of the future scientist

If a boy likes to look at the stars and asks “unchildish” questions about the structure of the universe, a telescope definitely needs to be installed in his room. Today there is a huge selection of telescopes for children and teenagers, and many are not inferior in quality to “real” modern devices.

Tent for games in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room with a play tent

A tent is a perfect solution for a play area in a boy’s nursery: with the help of it and your imagination you can organize many exciting games. For example, imagine yourself as the Leader of the Redskins, who is playing a prank on his captors, or “go” on a multi-day hike.

Green carpet and starry sky above the bed

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a boy with a wall in the form of a starry sky

The children's room is divided into play and sleeping areas using colors and designs that evoke natural associations. “Obeying the laws of nature” - this could be the name of the design idea for this room. The starry sky in the sleeping area and a carpet reminiscent of a green lawn in the playroom are an excellent solution for visual zoning of the children’s space.

Creating a nursery interior taking into account the child’s age

Having your own room from early childhood develops independence and a sense of responsibility in a child. In the process of creating the interior of a children's room, many factors must be taken into account, and especially the age of the child. Design options for a children's room 12 sq. m are shown in the photo.

From birth to 3 years

When decorating a nursery, you should use soft colors and bright details. You can paste colorful stickers with images of animals on the walls, place bright toys around the room, lay a carpet on the floor on which it would be comfortable for the baby to crawl.

When arranging a small child’s room, you need to choose furniture that will be comfortable for his parents. The nursery needs a crib, a chest of drawers or a closet for storing the baby's clothes, and a changing table.

Attention! Furniture for a child learning to walk must be safe: reliable, durable, have no sharp corners and made from natural, environmentally friendly materials.

From 3 to 7 years

During this period, the baby actively learns about the surrounding reality, and parents should contribute to this in every possible way. Children must have a study corner. You can put a small chair and a low desk, at which he will draw and sculpt. In the nursery, it is recommended to install a shelving unit on which books and toys will be stored. Photo of children's room design 12 sq. meters for a 4 year old girl can be seen below.

When decorating the interior of a preschooler’s room, you can and should use rich colors that lift the mood and encourage activity. If up to 3 years old a child’s room may look universal, then after 3 years old a boy’s room should be different from a girl’s room. Any preschooler will be delighted with the themed interior design. So a girl’s room can be turned into a princess’s castle, and a boy’s room into a ship captain’s cabin.

From 7 to 13 years

If it is recommended to use bright colors when decorating the walls of a preschooler, then when decorating a student’s room it is better to choose calm tones. Pastel shades of the walls will not distract from your studies, but, on the contrary, will help you concentrate on learning.

Advice! When arranging a nursery, parents need to take into account the tastes and wishes of the baby so that the final interior of the room evokes only positive emotions in him.

A student needs a place where he will do his homework. The best location for a desk is near a window. For the table, you should choose a comfortable chair and a lamp with an adjustable leg. At this age, children have more things to store, for which they need a spacious closet.

From 13 to 16 years old

A teenager can independently design the interior of his room. Parents just need to ensure that the child’s wishes do not conflict with the convenience and functionality of the nursery.

When decorating a room, a teenager will use not only his favorite colors, but also images of his idols: actors, singers, TV presenters, athletes. When choosing furniture, he himself will determine its convenience and necessity. Photo of room design 12 sq. m for a teenage boy of 14 years old can be seen below.

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