Design of a room with two windows: tips for 4 room options

The living room in every home is the most multifunctional room. This room is used for receiving guests, festive events and quiet family evenings in front of the TV. Based on the interior of the living room, one can draw a conclusion about the taste and wealth of the owners. Therefore, when planning the design of a living room with two windows, you need to think through every detail of its interior. After all, the task is not easy: the furnishings of the room must correspond to the tastes and interests of the owners and give a cozy, hospitable, comfortable atmosphere.


The living room should be decorated taking into account the wishes of all family members. The interior can be expressed in any style: from classic to modern. It can also combine the most daring ideas.

Psychological characteristics

A room with a lot of light has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state. But for people who prefer a secluded atmosphere, two windows can cause discomfort. Especially if the windows overlook a nearby house. This option makes you think about the special design of the windows, which will not allow curious people to invade the owners’ space.

Blinds or Roman shades will help regulate the level of illumination in a living room with two windows.

Furniture set

When choosing furniture, it is necessary to take into account the architectural style of the entire room. It is necessary that the furniture matches it and does not conflict with it, so you should adhere to the following rules:

  • In the living room, furniture should not stand in the aisle and allow easy access to the windows and exits.
  • When arranging furniture, you need to take into account the balance in the number of vertical and horizontal objects.
  • The arrangement of furniture in the living room should correspond to the size of the room. If the room is small, you cannot place bulky furniture in it. For such premises, transformable furniture would be the ideal solution.
  • In order to make the space cozy and spacious, it is better to arrange furniture in complex groups.

It is necessary to decide what kind of furniture the owners need. For a corner living room with windows on adjacent walls, a corner sofa or soft corner is suitable.

Identical armchairs combined with a floor lamp and a coffee table will look good in a small room under symmetrical windows. You can put an artificial fireplace between the windows and a sofa opposite it. You can hang a flat-screen TV above the fireplace.

When placing the TV between the windows, light will not fall on it. This will protect your eyes from fatigue.

Large windows inspire bold decisions: hang linen Roman curtains on them, place a round table made of solid wood and matching chairs in the center of the room, complement the interior with a massive wrought-iron chandelier, and the room will turn into a Mediterranean house by the coast.

Color spectrum

Colors in any interior are the core basis. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the choice of colors. To decorate a living room with two windows, there are several design tricks for choosing colors.

All colors in the interior must be divided into groups:

  • basic;
  • complementary;
  • accentuating.

All colors should be present in the interior in the correct proportion: the main colors should be used in most of the space, complementary colors should be used in no more than a third, and perhaps a tenth of the room should be used to add accents. When choosing a color you should also consider:

  • the shade of the furniture should be darker than the walls and lighter than the floor;
  • the number of flowers in the room should be no more than five.

For the living room, it is better to choose light colors; it will be easier to place accents on them in the form of accessories, lamps and other decor. For a living room with two windows on different walls, the ideal solution would be to highlight the space between them with color. For a long and narrow room, you can paint the end walls in darker shades and choose dark-colored furniture. This will help expand the space.

If both windows face north, choose warm shades for the interior. For rooms with windows facing south, light shades are predominantly used. Delicate pastel shades will help balance a room with windows facing west and east. White color goes well with any shade. By choosing white as the main color, one wall can be highlighted with a brighter shade. Blue looks good in combination with patterns on accessories and upholstery. Orange color creates a mood and refreshes, but you should not oversaturate the interior with it.

It is better to paint one wall orange, the rest of the interior shades should be neutral.


When choosing materials for decorating the floor in the living room, you should take into account the overall concept of the room. It is necessary to select a floor covering so that it does not catch the eye.

With the help of a floor, you can highlight or zone a space using various materials in its design.

It is better to choose natural materials for the floor. The best floor decor option is parquet. It gives the hall solidity and leaves room for the imagination of decorators. Budget options include laminate, carpet and linoleum. They can be used separately or combined. It is better to lay carpet in the recreation area, and laminate or linoleum in the dining area. Truly a masterpiece - a decorative self-leveling floor. When using such a covering, the floor becomes the main accent of the room. Among other things, the floor covering must be wear-resistant, easy to clean, and compatible with the style of the room.


When decorating the walls in the living room, not only the choice of their color is of great importance, but also the texture of the material used in their decoration.

A shiny surface adds saturation to the color, while a textured surface mutes it. Painting the ceiling in lighter shades than the walls will help make the room tall. In a room with windows on one side, you can use photo wallpaper on the opposite wall. Thus, the space will visually become more spacious.

You can decorate the walls by using false windows. It is better to do this using stained glass. Using this technique, an irregularly shaped room can be balanced. So a room with windows on one wall can be decorated with stained glass on the opposite side.

Windows – ban on different curtains

When decorating two windows in the same room, there is a rule: you cannot use curtains that are different from each other. You can choose curtains of the same texture, but in different shades. For such an experiment, it is necessary that the design of these window openings have something in common, for example, identical curtains or holders.

When decorating window openings on opposite walls, a mirror option works well.

Today, designers choose Roman blinds or Japanese curtains for decoration. Their lightness will add charm to the room. You should not burden the overall concept of the room with dark curtains made of dense and heavy materials. This is completely inappropriate for a living room. If you need to darken a room, blinds are better suited for this purpose.


Various paintings and photographs on the walls are suitable as decor for a room with two windows.

The choice of chandelier is of great importance. It should not only illuminate the entire room evenly, but also serve as a decorative element. You can also hang sconces and decorative candlesticks on the walls. The floor can be decorated with a natural carpet. Mirrors, correctly placed in a room, will not only serve to expand the space; if combined correctly, they will decorate the interior.

Turkish mosaic Chakmaks.

Read how to paint walls with water-based paint here.

Wall putty for wallpaper:

How are things going in new buildings?

The main disadvantages of a corner apartment in a panel house of an old building. In the USSR, especially the post-war one, the task was not to do it well, but to do it quickly - after all, it was necessary to provide housing for a large number of people. As a result, today corner apartments in old buildings have more disadvantages than advantages.

If we talk about new buildings, there are 2 points of view.

  • On the one hand, materials, rules, and construction technologies have changed: when used correctly, they neutralize all the negative aspects of corner apartments.
  • On the other hand, unscrupulous developers save on gaskets that insulate against cold and noise; there is no guarantee that your brand new apartment, which is located in the corner, will not freeze.

Finally, as promised, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of corner apartments near expansion joints. Their main advantage is that there are fewer side neighbors. 2 plates + air distance do the job. As for noise, dampness, cold - oddly enough, everything again depends on the developer. If the seam is closed and insulated, you will not feel the difference compared to the central location. Otherwise, a circulating draft will cause cold, damp walls.

Whether to take a corner apartment depends only on you. Evaluate all its positive and negative aspects, make an informed decision. Then you can be sure that your new home will be a source of joy, not problems.

Option No. 2: apartment for a married couple


Create a spacious living space;
set up a corner for watching TV and receiving friends; install a large double bed; equip the functional kitchen area with designer furniture with a U-shaped worktop.

The door was moved to the kitchen, a wall and an opening into the room from the corridor were shown. The sleeping area was separated from the entrance area by a small screen made using thin frosted glass. Such an incomparable layout makes it possible to arrange all the necessary areas in tiny apartments without cluttering the decoration with stationary structures.

In addition, if necessary, the boudoir can be zoned using a podium with drawers for storage, bed linen and clothes, curtains or a low bookcase. You can also install sliding partitions on the loggia.


Lots of storage cabinets; a cozy lounge for relaxing, eating and watching TV.


Open sleeping area.

What to consider when choosing an interior design

When choosing an interior for a living room with two windows, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • natural lighting of the room;
  • ceiling height;
  • perimeter of the room;
  • window shape.

The advantage of a room with two windows is that it is usually well lit by natural light. The larger the windows, the brighter the room. To decorate such a living room, you can limit yourself to light colors and a small amount of furniture. Bright shades can be used in such an interior as accents.

If the room is small, a glossy multi-level ceiling will help to visually enlarge it. Illumination of such a ceiling will help to divide the space and give the room originality. If the windows are located on one wall and at the same time overlook a dimly lit part of the street, you can add natural light by placing a mirror opposite. If the windows are large and offer a wonderful view, this will stimulate unusual design solutions.

Option No. 1: apartment for an unmarried man


Equip a room for watching TV and receiving guests;
divide the space into different functional areas with excellent interior design - bedroom, kitchen and office, as well as organize a large dressing room;
harmoniously connect the guest lounge and the cooking area, equip the bathroom with all the necessary equipment. Solution

It is necessary to remove the partition separating the kitchen and the large living room, and install additional walls to isolate the boudoir. Due to this redevelopment, the bedroom is located in a closed area, and all other areas are open free space.


Zoning the premises into different areas - personal and public; Lots of places to store clothes, dishes and other things.


Construction of stationary structures that clutter up a modest room.

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