» Violet » Gray-violet color and its combination

Gray-violet color is soft, natural. It combines with almost all tones, but is equally complex, which is advantageous in clothing and interior design.

In nature, gray-violet can be found in thunderclouds, wet stones, poisonous mushrooms, etc. To some extent, this is depressing, but a person who has cast aside the bustle of the city and focused on nature will see in this the breadth of the universe and the versatility of the forms of its manifestation. The stone lies in the ground for more than a hundred years, mushrooms are a separate class between plants and animals, and the thunderstorm is majestic and dangerous. In all this is the mystery of the universe. This is how the global, transcendent violet color, filled with the sounds of space and the unknown mysteries of the universe, influences our consciousness. But modest gray brings the violet “distance” down to ordinary, earthly phenomena, which in solitude take on a new meaning. Gray-violet is good for those who want to hide in their own world, prone to depressed creativity, but undoubtedly talented people.

Shades of lilac

In nature, shades of lilac in pure form are rarely found - mainly in the flower petals of lilac and some other plants. But even there are more than forty varieties of lilac, and there are many more artificially created lilac tones. Using shade tables, designers determine the tone that is suitable for a particular situation, and then select companion colors to match it.

The most popular colors in interior design are:

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  • classic lilac;
  • gray-lilac;
  • soft lilac;
  • soft violet;
  • bluish-lilac;
  • pale lilac;
  • lavender;
  • blue-lilac;
  • blurry purple;
  • beige-lilac;
  • lilac pearlescent;
  • cyclamen;
  • silver-lilac;
  • amethyst, etc.

All differences in tones are due to the proportion of blue and red, as well as the amount of white and the presence of additives of other colors. For example, a pastel white-lilac color contains a lot of white, while blue-lilac is easier to call blue with a lilac tint: it is so dark. There is a lot of pink in the violet color; dusty lilac has a muted, blurry tone, which is why it is very popular in design.

The combination of lilac in different rooms

You need to plan your design depending on the purpose of the room, as well as the level of illumination. When the room is located on the sunny side, the shades should be darker. On the contrary, a cool room whose windows face north and do not receive natural light should be decorated with soft, warm shades.

Living room

When using this shade, it is important to maintain an overall balance. If the wallpaper is light, with a barely noticeable lilac tint, you can make the furniture, curtains, and accessories darker. White leather furniture or a blue velor set with armchairs will look good against a lavender background.

Warm lilac tones in the living room go well with different wood shades. For the south side of the house, where there is a lot of light, a duet of lilacs with a blue tone is a good choice, which will give a feeling of cleanliness and coolness. To create an aristocratic atmosphere, you can combine a pale shade of lilac with purple, burgundy, and dark brown. Gray colors have a special charm; they can and should be combined with lilac to decorate the room.


By adding different floral shades, the bedroom takes on a special charm and an atmosphere of romance. Pastel colors of lilac will make the space calm and very cozy. Dark curtains, bed linen, and prints on tulle should become brighter spots. Lilac accents in combination with emerald on a light background will look good.

Purple nursery for a boy

If a child asks for a purple room, this is not surprising. Especially if it's a boy. Remember how many super heroes wear purple costumes? And if you take into account the costumes of the heroes of computer games, which every boy adores, every second person has an outfit with purple elements.

Decorate your child's nursery with purple wallpaper. Choose the least aggressive tones. A child’s bed can also be in a purple tone.

Throw a non-staining purple blanket over the bed, especially since it is most suitable for a boy. After all, he is not so easily soiled.

Greyblue, turquoise

One of the most spectacular and even luxurious color combinations! Shades of gray for the most part are classified as cold, just like shades of blue (turquoise). It is not surprising that such ensembles look harmonious. Gray and blue can be combined regardless of the saturation of both colors. In any case, the end result will bear the stamp of nobility and restraint. But turquoise and gray are a different story. Turquoise can only be a solo color; even in small quantities it brings a festive mood. Gray is an excellent support for turquoise and it is best if it assists in the form of accessories, shoes and handbags. Another spectacular combination is turquoise and gray metallic.

Turquoise combined with gray of different textures - metallic and matte.

Gray-violet color in clothes

Gray-violet is quite rare in clothing. It is not a classic gray color, but rather an ethnic or extravagant one. But even if you do meet it, it will most likely be outerwear, leather shoes, bags, hats, skirts or tops, rarely pants. The purple-gray palette works well in creative, vintage, dramatic or casual styles. It will fit well into evening dresses made of velvet or silk with silver inserts or decorations. As I already said, gray-violet is preferable to creative people and would not be appropriate in business, especially those related to exact disciplines. This color is suitable for people with medium to low contrast in appearance, such as "autumn" or "summer".


Gray and blue are included in the palette of so-called business or work colors. This combination is often used to create uniforms for employees, work clothes, and also in business dress codes. In addition, some shades of blue, like gray, bear the stamp of mediocrity. And it’s not for nothing that apt comparisons of “gray mouse” and “blue stocking” are circulating among people. Therefore, when combining clothes of gray and blue colors, under no circumstances allow the shades of “blue stocking” and “gray mouse” to appear in the same outfit! Let it be not a formal blue, but a rich royal one, and not a dark gray, but a pearl one, then the ensemble will definitely not smack of dullness! Another way to get away from the working mood of gray and blue is to use different textures. Translucent or bouclé fabrics, metallic materials or embroidered with sequins - there are many options for different textures that will bring freshness and give a different mood to a business gray-blue ensemble.

Dark metallic blue and pearl gray are not a working combination at all.

Gray-violet interior and living room dimensions

To create a successful gray-violet living room interior, you need to take into account two factors - the size of the room and the level of natural light:

  • Designers recommend decorating a small living room in a light, pastel palette. Pearl grey, silk grey, pearl violet, dull lilac are the optimal undertones for a small space. They will give the living room additional volume, fill it with light and air.
  • A large living room does not need color adjustments. Therefore, here you can realize your wildest gray-violet fantasies. Deep, rich colors or bright, cheerful summer colors – it’s up to the owner of the apartment or house to decide.
  • It is recommended to decorate the living room, the windows of which face south, in cool shades of purple and gray, diluted in some details with green and blue. Ideal combinations are greenish-gray, white-gray, green tea, lilac-blue, purple mixed with khaki.
  • The western side dictates its own interior rules. The grey-violet design is done in warm tones to fill the living room with light and add extra dimension to a dimly lit space. Shades of beige-gray, pinkish-gray, yellowish-gray, burgundy-violet, pink-violet, red-lilac will fully cope with the assigned functions.

The transition between gray, purple and their complex combinations is facilitated by white, milky, light beige. It is advisable to use auxiliary colors in any design. They lighten the space and neutralize the excessive pomp inherent in the purple interior.

When combining numerous shades, do not forget about textured finishing materials. For example, a soft purple wall combined with a gray stone counter gives the interior originality. Or the soft lilac sweetness of the wallpaper is successfully extinguished by a gray tapestry, textile decor or furniture.

Purple bedroom interior

If you decide to take a risk and create a purple bedroom interior, you should take into account several important aspects. First, you should think about what shade of purple appeals to you.

You also need to take into account the combination of purple with flowers of a different color scheme. For example, the color purple looks good in contrast. Since purple is a cool shade, it can be contrasted with a warm shade. For example, orange.

If your bedroom has purple wallpaper, add a bright accent to the bed by throwing an orange blanket over it. You can also use orange pillows. Now turn on your imagination and create to your taste.

Color combinations

It is difficult to imagine a room where the decoration, furniture and textiles will be made in the same tone, so the presence of purple in the interior should be considered in combinations, both with its “native” shades and with completely contrasting colors. The eggplant palette is created by mixing blue and red tones, so purple will harmonize both in a duet with any of them, and in a trio. New shades are obtained as a result of the predominance of scarlet or blue tones. For example, a purple shade is formed when there is more red dye, and an eggplant shade is formed with a larger dose of blue. In the photos below you can see the variety of purple palette.

Purple with white color

The versatile white palette is the ideal partner for any combination. Violet in its various variations is no exception. White will perfectly emphasize and complement the richness of even the most delicate colors, not to mention rich tones. Snow-white furniture against the background of the lilac decoration of the living room or a luxurious eggplant set that stands out in contrast against the white wall will look excellent. In one case or another, there is impeccable clarity of lines, confirming the stylishness of the setting.

Purple with black color

The most pathetic mixture of bold, saturated spectra, which has a rather powerful energetic effect. The combination is more typical of Gothic interiors than of modern spacious minimalism. However, by using decorative techniques, you can make the atmosphere lighter and more relaxed. This combination is not advisable to use in small rooms or to dilute the darkness with light colors.

Purple with yellow color

The bright sunshine of the yellow palette combined with purple elements will create an unsurpassed intriguing mixture. For design, it is better to choose rich lemon yellow or golden tones, which will create an impeccable tandem with a deep dark purple color.

Purple with green

The most colorful, joyful and pleasing to the eye interior will be achieved if the violet spectrum is combined with the grassy spectrum. Lilac tones look especially fresh in combination, and the pistachio color of the walls will play perfectly with dark purple upholstered furniture without the interference of other shades.

Purple with orange color

A pleasant combination of soft violet tones with bold orange colors will create an excellent ensemble, especially when it comes to a children's room. For extraordinary, bold personalities, a combination of a trio will be successful, where the main background will be a medium-intensity purple tone as a finish, and it will be complemented by orange and red furniture elements.

Photo gallery

Below is a photo of an idea for using purple in the interior.


Purple has long been firmly established in a wide variety of accessories for men's and women's clothing. Ties, belts, gloves and scarves in numerous shades, from ink to soft lavender lilac, as well as purple shoes and handbags are all recommended to be worn, especially if you don’t have the courage to immediately put on a large piece of clothing of this color. Let the choice of purple in the details of the set be a touchstone, the first stroke across the palette of your wardrobe.

It should be noted that purple is recommended to be reflected in eye makeup. This is the only color that sets such conditions for fashionistas. The remaining shades obediently accept the fact that copying them by matching the color of the shadows to the color of a dress or coat is considered bad manners.

Color theory Your color type Selection of hair color Combination of colors to get color in the interior in the interior of another interior in the interior - in the interior of unusual interiors in the gray-violet interior in the interior of the living room Considering the interior of the living room in the gray-violet interior the main thing

combines article and renovation to create a modern purple image looks thanks sofa source

Purple bedroom

For every housewife, the bedroom has a special meaning in the apartment. This is a place for rest and relaxation. Color plays a very important role in decorating a bedroom.

It has always been believed that a sleeping place should be made in calm colors, so that nothing distracts or irritates the psyche before bed. But these are already relics of the past. In the modern world, people are increasingly introducing bolder and more daring solutions into their interiors.

  • As an example, this is a bedroom in purple tones. For the male half of humanity, darker shades of purple are suitable. This will undoubtedly emphasize the brutality and masculinity of the young man.
  • For a girl, softer tones are preferable, perhaps diluted with shades of gray or pink.

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