Brown curtains in the interior 2022: TOP-80 best design ideas with photos

Interior decoration is a fascinating and responsible activity. A properly organized space will not only ensure a comfortable stay in the room, but will also make you feel truly at home: surrounded by comfort, warmth and a sense of moral satisfaction.

One of the important design details is curtains. When choosing this interior detail, it is important to correctly choose the fabric, fabric density, fabric texture and, of course, color.

The universal color from a design point of view is brown. Light wood tones or deep rich chocolate color? Brown has long been considered the color of earth and wood. This color is also associated with leather and stone. Symbolizes family hearth and security. Brown is also the color of stability, devotion and reliability.

Brown curtains in the interior will look as laconic as furniture made of wood or parquet. Warm wood or chocolate colors will add additional comfort, harmony and a sense of unity with nature and yourself to the interior.

From a coloristic point of view, brown is very convenient to use. It acts as an excellent background, promotes a harmonious combination of other interior details, and does not draw unnecessary attention to itself.

The relevance of brown

Will anti-brown people give up chocolate, coffee and nuts? Do these opponents even exist? If you dig deep into your memory and look around, you will notice many brown objects - tree trunks, furniture, doors, windows, facades, etc. Plastic products are definitely crowding out their natural counterparts, but at least a little brown color in the interior can be maintained. In particular, we are talking about curtains. They are chosen for various reasons:

  • A successful completion of a classic interior, especially if the room is a study or living room;
  • Harmony with a light background - white, beige, cream, blue;
  • Complementing decorative objects with brown elements - indoor palm tree, terry pillows, wooden chandelier or floor lamp;
  • The frame is large glazing, which has to be darkened during the daytime in summer.

Therefore, photos of brown curtains are often created in large private homes. Country life by default welcomes the color of solid wood. However, even in modern minimalism, the thematic range sometimes slips through. Not surprising, since brown is more dark than light. It is beneficial for them to emphasize different objects and generally give shape to space.

Specific recommendations for color combinations

Brown curtains look presentable with light patterns. It is advisable that the latter also slip on the carpet, pillow or picture frames. The corresponding focus of attraction should be surrounded by a light background.

If brown curtains look great against a light background, then curtains for brown wallpaper, on the contrary, should be light.

Straight curtains can be conveniently moved apart using eyelets. For the latter, it is necessary to select a tubular or string cornice. If the curtains are brown, then the tubular supporting base should be light. Moreover, for heavy curtains it is better to use a metal curtain rod.

Brown curtains are good because they do not become visually dirty. However, caring for them is required. As a topical product, it is better to use rinse aid (conditioner for dark fabrics). Washing powder - only as a last resort and in the “Hand wash” or “Curtains - no spin” mode.

Pros and cons of using brown curtains in the interior

Curtains in this color range are stylish and original. They allow you to create a variety of images that will make the interior of your home truly individual. Such curtains have their pros and cons.

Chocolate-colored curtains have a number of advantages. Among them:

  1. Versatility. This color goes well with many others. It can be used as a background, it is quite neutral.
  2. Combination with interior items. Brown curtains go well with wooden furniture, floors, and other interior solutions. This applies to both the classic color and its shades: sand, coffee, etc.
  3. Comfort and tranquility. The room, the windows of which are decorated with curtains in brown shades, is very cozy, there is a feeling of safety and calm.
  4. Luxury and nobility. Curtains made from expensive fabrics of cocoa color and other shades of this color scheme look noble and solemn. Fabrics with a silk sheen look especially luxurious. Such curtains give an elegantly austere look to the living room.
  5. Brown curtains create a warm feeling in a room.

But there are certain rules for decorating a room with such curtains. If you neglect them, the curtains will ruin the interior. This manifests itself in the following:

  • The room will be very dark if there is too much chocolate color. When combined with other dark shades, the room can become gloomy and gloomy.
  • If there are too many dark shades in a room, it will look much smaller than it actually is.
  • Curtains of cold colors should not be used in the bedroom (you will want to hide under the blanket), but in the office they will set the mood for work. It’s good to decorate your kitchen windows like this if you want to lose weight: cold shades of coffee take away your appetite. But in the living room they can cause unreasonable aggression.

Combinations of different tones of brown

Choose a modern brown curtain design so you don't go wrong.

How to combine different shades of one color according to the rules:

  • The surface of materials of different shades of the same color should hardly differ.
  • Gloss, structure and velvety must match as much as possible.
  • The tones of the fabric should have the same warmth. You can choose similar tones or contrasting ones.
  • Designs on fabric from the same range do not have to be the same color.
  • For each room, the style of the models should be different.

In which rooms is it better to use curtains in brown shades?

Quite often, brown curtains decorate bedrooms and living rooms. Sleeping rooms are often not very large, but such curtains are still appropriate in them. Warm shades warm, improve mood, calm, promoting quick sleep and healthy sleep. A good rest requires good darkening, which chocolate curtains will certainly provide.

Such curtains are suitable for the living room if it is large enough. Otherwise, the room will seem very small. If you really like this color scheme, but the living room does not have much space, then you can use not brown curtains, but, for example, beige ones with a darker pattern.

Panels in coffee, sand tones or cocoa colors will look great in any room where there are interior elements such as wooden furniture or parquet floors.

The kitchen is rarely spacious, which is why brown curtains are rarely used in it. But in a small room, golden muslin in combination with white tulle will look great. But in the dining room (and they are most often spacious), brown curtains will look great.

You should not use dark-colored curtains in a children's room. You can decorate the window with light canvases with dark chocolate-colored designs on them. Some parents believe that dark colors calm a temperamental child. But that's not true. Psychologists warn that if the room is dark and gloomy, then the child’s psyche is not formed as positively as it should be.

Curtains of coffee or chocolate shades in the interior design of offices are a very correct decision. This palette puts a person in the mood for work, helps one not pay attention to external irritating factors, and calms one down.

Photo selection

In order for you to be able to visualize what the interior looks like with brown curtains, we have collected an informative series of photos.

Cocoa curtains

This pleasant color seems to fill the room with the sweet aroma of your favorite drink. The delicate woody shade of brown can be called traditional and at the same time ultra-fashionable.

It is found in classic and modern styles, combining perfectly with pastel and rich colors. Cocoa-colored curtains look perfect in the interior of a nursery or bedroom.

Harmonizing with walls, furniture, and flooring, such curtains will not act as an accent, but rather as a cozy addition.

Plain fabrics look best against the background of the same or ornamented walls. Curtains with patterns are more appropriate on a monochrome background.

Whatever color scheme the room is decorated in, cocoa-colored curtains will always be in place. Additions include a carpet, lampshade, sofa cushions, niches, and accent wall. There is an opinion that such colors tend to make the room smaller. But you can argue with this by looking at the photos presented below.

Cafe au lait curtains

And here is another confirmation of the well-known design move - to use in the design a color that is associated with something tasty.

The color of coffee with milk is no less universal. Fashionable coffee shades today are often used in interior design, regardless of the style direction and purpose of the rooms.

This is due to the fact that they go well with all other colors. Warm light brown tones have no “contraindications” in terms of room size.

Interesting fact: color therapy experts confidently claim that the color of coffee with milk calms and encourages positive communication.

Material selection

The correct choice of material for curtains in brown tones will further influence their practicality and durability.

After all, you want them to retain their original appearance and color for a long time. Synthetic fibers are added to fabrics so that they are denser, do not fade, are easy to clean and do not wrinkle.

The best materials are:

  • Blackout. Has a satin weave. Completely block sunlight. Does not fade, absorbs sound.
  • Jacquard. It has a high density and original patterns. There is one-color and multi-color.
  • Linen. Appreciated by fans of natural fabrics. It has a coarse weave and is wear-resistant.
  • Taffeta. Has a smooth surface with shine. Suitable for multi-layer compositions.
  • Brocade. Luxurious fabric with vibrant patterns and tight weave. Wear-resistant.
  • Satin. It has a metallic tint and has increased density.

Types of brown curtains

Thread curtains

Usually decorated with beads, ribbons, and beads. They are most often used in the design of interior openings, as well as for the purpose of zoning space in the apartment.


A classic option for window design is to install floor-to-ceiling curtains. In this case, the correct length is considered if the curtains reach the floor or lie freely on the floor. Curtains that are 2-3 centimeters short of the floor will look sloppy.

In addition, the option of curtains flowing across the floor symbolizes a high level of wealth. It is perfect for bedrooms and dining rooms, characterized by elegance and sophistication.


Recently, blinds have become extremely common in city apartments. Attached directly to the window frame, they do not take up much space and free up window sill space.

The variety of materials from which blinds are made, a large number of different colors make it possible to choose an option for a room of any stylistic interior.

Roman curtains

When you look at a photo of brown Roman-style curtains, you realize that you are dealing with a practical and beautiful product at the same time.

Such curtains will decorate the interior and therefore can be placed in any room of the apartment.

Wenge curtains

Dark brown coloring, combined with wood, is used for contrast. It contains splashes of burgundy and purple colors. This option will create a spacious, well-lit living room. In compact rooms, this bright accent includes light curtains, like a pattern or edging.

Double curtains combined with tulle or three-dimensional curtains look beautiful, where the edges are decorated with dark curtains, pastel fabric is closer to the window, and the middle is filled with a patterned panel with both colors.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the rich color, using it in small portions in chair covers, bedspreads, and pillowcases.


Shortened curtains will cover only half the frame or the entire window from ceiling to windowsill. Such kits are economical and convenient. Most often they are used to decorate corridors, dining rooms and kitchens. Sometimes for children.


The transparent material does not prevent daylight from entering the apartment, but at the same time diffuses it.

Light brown tulle curtains create a unique impression of lightness and airiness in the room. In addition, tulle goes well with other types of curtains.

Japanese curtains

A special feature of this type of window decoration is the horizontal movement of individual panels, as happens in screens. A distinctive feature of Japanese curtains is practicality and brevity.

Brown tulle

The tulle is light and transparent. It scatters the sun's rays and creates soft diffused light. This room is warm and cozy. Brown curtains in the interior are most often combined with tulle.


Brown curtains are completely unsuitable for a child's room. In order to grow up cheerful and cheerful, a child must be surrounded by light and bright things, while brown is the embodiment of severity. Of course, the floor and furniture elements can be brown, but the walls and accessories should be brighter.

Think again about using brown in the following circumstances:

  • The living room is small and decorated mainly in dark colors;
  • You plan to use a lot of brown ingredients, without diluting with other colors.

Don't be afraid to combine classic brown with bright colors: washed, blue, pink. Very often, a combination of seemingly incompatible things gives a positive result.

In addition to curtains, the interior should contain other brown elements, such as pillows or a rug.

Surfaces made of wood go well with brown and create a holistic picture of comfort and homely warmth.

Brown color is a classic option, which in skillful hands can be turned into an element of an original and modern room. The abundance of shades of this color helps to create a favorable environment for relaxation, work or just a pleasant time with family.

Combination of brown pieces in rooms:

In the living room

The hall is the first room to greet the brown curtains. Moreover, the latter, contrary to the festive purpose of the thematic space, in most cases look quite simple:

  • Sliding product with many vertical folds;
  • The composition is both dense and glossy taffeta;
  • The color is made in a single copy;
  • The cornice is a classic tubular one.

If you want to add luxury, brown curtains in the living room should be made of jacquard or brocade. Most often, such curtains are distinguished by picturesque patterns that are almost invisible from afar.

Another good way to make hall curtains laconic is to use eyelets instead of loops and hooks. Holes for the curtain rod also greatly simplify the operation of curtains. And if straight sliding fabrics still seem boring, one or both curtains can be fitted.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is designed to relax, so gray-brown curtains suit it better than other analogues. The effect of the original neutral palette is enhanced by the presence of three light planes, including the flooring.

The density of the fabric is selected depending on the requirements for the use of curtains and the atmosphere of the room itself. It is recommended to choose curtains made from mixed and artificial fabrics that do not attract dust much:

  • Organza is a mixture of silk, polyester and viscose;
  • Moire is a type of silk with a ribbed surface;
  • Viscose is an artificial fabric based on cellulose.

But in addition to the gray-brown design, which sets the mood for relaxation, users can turn to a pure brown color. It visually warms and perfectly shades the space.

There is no need to give up tulle, because... it allows you to illuminate a space while remaining hidden.

Some designers, instead of purchasing double brown curtains for the bedroom, buy one curtain and one curtain to create a two-tone story, where the brown color is located in the middle or on the side.

In the kitchen

The most functional room needs to be well lit. Therefore, at first glance, brown curtains for the kitchen are the wrong decision. However, you can do many experiments with curtains:

  • Shortening to sizes characteristic of the window opening area;
  • Replacing dark shades with salmon, copper or brown;
  • A combination of brown curtains with light and pastel models (blue, turquoise, peach, linen).

Also, the kitchen is a damp place, so when choosing brown curtains you will have to pay attention to synthetics. Otherwise, the curtains will quickly deteriorate.

In the office

Owners of private houses can easily arrange an office in one of the rooms. Well, somewhere, but here dark brown curtains will be useful. But you have to follow a few rules:

  • Firstly, the cornice must be framed and ceiling-mounted;
  • Secondly, it is better that the glazing is light and extends from the floor to the ceiling;
  • Thirdly, brown curtains need to find a companion - the best solution would be gray curtains, as well as golden or blue tulle.

Moreover, the main curtains can be chestnut or clay. The main thing is that the curtains differ from the background.

In the nursery

A room for children is only welcomed by light brown curtains, in which the main area is occupied not so much by chestnut color, but by cream, pink or beige counterparts.

But this solution is best used if the user is an infant or teenager. Children from seven to thirteen years old prefer cartoon stories. In this regard, designers recommend using 3D curtains.


It is not often that you can find windows and curtains inside a dressing room. It’s not surprising, since the apartment generally suggests replacing the clothes storage room with a closet. However, some craftsmen still manage to create a dressing room without windows, but with curtains.

The latter hide things well and allow you to quickly get to them. The affordability is also captivating: instead of installing a supporting frame under complex sliding doors, it is easier to install a cornice and brown curtains that perfectly imitate door leaves.

Photo of brown curtains

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