Color schemes for a teenage boy's room: 60 examples

It cannot be said that black is an extremely popular color in children's interiors. In the vastness of our country, vigilant parents treat it with a certain degree of fear, believing that the use of an ambiguous tone when arranging a child’s room can negatively affect his fragile psyche. Meanwhile, this is one of the deepest misconceptions, which does not have any scientific evidence and has been strengthened for years in the minds of average people. It is known that the psychology of a black room for a child will not have any negative impact on him if this color is used in doses. If you use bright, cheerful colors when decorating the interior of a room, this will certainly set up optimistic expectations and bring a positive mood to its occupant.

Children's: design features (photo)

In skillful hands, noble black becomes an effective tool with which designers create stylish interiors that are distinguished by amazing elegance and harmony. Professionals know the secrets thanks to which this color is revealed in all its beauty, demonstrating a large number of the most unexpected shades.

Rules for using black

A black children's room can be very cozy if you choose the right room design

. You should not make a dark tone dominant in the interior: its abundance will create a depressing atmosphere, causing a depressed mood not only in children, but also in adults.

Using it fragmentarily, you can get a luxurious and stylish picture of the interior decoration of the room. Do you doubt that the nursery, one of the walls of which is painted black, is full of love of life and mischief? In vain! It is enough to equip it with several bright elements: paintings, shelves, clocks, and other accessories, and the interior will immediately take on a festive look. At the same time, to achieve harmony, you will need to “support” it with some interior element made in a similar color option.

It sounds paradoxical at first glance, but black is the ideal companion for all shades. He easily makes contact with them, providing a huge field of action for creative experiments. The result, as a rule, is distinguished by particular sophistication and sophistication.

The designers of the WESTWING shopping club recommend actively using colored textile accessories for children's decor. A win-win combination: bright pillows on the black upholstery of a sofa in a teenager’s room, soft fluffy carpets on the floor of the same tone, rich multi-colored curtains or curtains against a dark fabric wall. A classic of the genre: a timeless combination of contrasts. A duet of white and black will add aristocracy and chic to the room.

Styles in the design of a teenage girl's room

Stylish room for a girl

If you look into some online encyclopedia of interior design styles, you can easily get lost for a week or two, mired in the diversity and distinctive features of each direction. Therefore, it is advisable to first talk with the girl, finding out her taste preferences, favorite shades and other preferences. It is quite possible that while parents are racking their brains over a style decision, the daughter has long known exactly what she wants. Well, starting from certain parameters in the form of color or decorative elements is easier than starting the design of a room for a teenage girl from scratch.

Expressive contrast

The style for a black nursery can be chosen according to your preferences. A contrasting solution is appropriate when decorating a nursery according to the laws of modernism and art deco, minimalism and Provence, fusion and Scandinavian style.

The young princess will certainly be interested in the weightless glamorous design of the nursery, designed in the art deco style. The room looks great, the walls, floor and ceiling are made in pure white. A contrast to it will be the filigree frame of the mirror and the picture frame, painted in a charcoal shade. The feeling of airiness is achieved with the help of suitable textiles. Using translucent dark chiffon or voile for sewing bedspreads and curtains, you will achieve a stunning effect of lightness. If desired, it can be enhanced by adding a romantic canopy made of the same fabric to the bed. Pink decorative pillows will add a touch of glamor, which should be used to decorate a bed or armchair.

Small children's rooms for girls are an excellent space to decorate in Provence style. A wrought-iron bed will fit well into the soft colors of the girl’s possessions. A poster made using the graphic technique and successfully placed above the dressing table will become a suitable companion to a young lady’s bed. A pair of black wooden chairs, complemented by fabric cushions that match the color of the bedspread, will complete the design.

The boy will love the spacious children's room in a minimalist style. Decorate the wall with horizontal black stripes and repeat this pattern in other interior elements, such as a floor rug. Add accents with details by choosing bright furniture for the nursery or decorating it with richly colored curtains.

The skillful use of black in the interior of a nursery is not only stylish, but also functional.

. Caring parents are well aware of their children’s ineradicable desire for artistic creativity. By painting the chalk board black, you will receive not only a useful device that can protect the wallpaper from the drawings of a young artist, but also an important decorative element of the room. To achieve harmony, its color should be repeated using a suitable accessory to decorate the room.

Looking through numerous photos of a black room, you can see that dark-colored flooring is often used when decorating the interior of a child’s home. By choosing a heated black floor, parents will be sure that the child will not freeze even in the cold season, playing on the insulated surface.

Color schemes in room design for a teenage girl

Room in monochrome colors

The palette that surrounds us, invisibly, but constantly affects the mental and even physical state of the body. Scientists have long proven that certain colors can improve mood and cause joy, others can depress and create an oppressive feeling, and others can promote performance and mental activity. Therefore, choosing specific shades for the design of a children's teenage room is as important as high-quality furniture, technical devices or beautiful decor.

Interesting techniques for zoning space

Zoning in the nursery occurs with the help of furniture, partitions, and a combination of different types of flooring. This allows you to delimit places for games, relaxation, and activities in the child’s multifunctional room.

WESTWING professionals offer creative ideas that allow you to effectively delimit the areas of your child’s various activities.

The bedroom can be easily defined with a black or white bed. For its decor, you should choose bed linen with an expressive large pattern in black and white. Give preference to children's themes: animal figures, transport, letters or numbers. This design looks simple, stylish and concise.

A carpet with contrasting graphic or floral prints is ideal for the play area. Not only the classic black and white combination looks attractive, but also black and orange children's rooms.

Designate a study area by adapting one of the walls, in whole or in part, to accommodate a dark board. Equip it with a special stand in which you can store colorful crayons or markers. The child will be happy to write and draw in a place specially designed for this.

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Bold ideas

Black color in the interior of a nursery is an ideal background that allows you to create a conceptual design that reflects the interests and hobbies of the child. There is no need to worry that its use will make the children's room dark. White color added in a prevailing ratio will provide the required level of light component.

If you have a musician growing up in your house, decorate his room accordingly. Even a small room is suitable for this. Implement the idea of ​​a black and white piano key combination in the form of a harmonious mix of white furniture and black bedding. The staff of music can be presented in the form of an installation of five dark slats mounted on the wall. A carpet on the floor with a similar print looks great. The musical theme will be supported by a pair of black and white paintings in snow-white wooden frames.

Black and white balance and functionally complement each other . This combination of colors in a dark nursery solves many problems. For example, a white ceiling and black walls create the illusion of a tall room. In addition, this combination creates the visual effect of greater illumination of the interior space of the room. Cover the bed with light-colored linens, throwing a striped blanket on top; Place a rug with the same print on the floor. A clock in the shape of a steering wheel, a compass on the shelf, an image of an anchor on the pillow will leave no doubt that an admirer of sea travel lives here, reading fascinating stories about exciting journeys.

Room design for a 14 year old teenage girl

Room for a 14 year old girl

14-year-old girls are already almost fully formed girls, and not so much physically, but psychologically. They have long-established interests and preferences, they have a certain social circle, so the room should reflect the life of the hostess in everything. If a girl plays music, it is advisable to provide a comfortable area for exercise and a place to store a musical instrument. A young athlete will need a trainer and a convenient closet for equipment. An artist or needlewoman will need a place to store her tools.

Hobby place

At the same time, it is advisable to choose the color scheme and style in such a way that the interior complements the character and hobbies of the hostess. A good example of design for the room of a 14-year-old teenage girl would be Scandinavian and nautical motifs, vintage and pop art, hi-tech and loft. However, both classic and modern also remain attractive options for this age.

Scandinavian style room

In terms of color scheme, a room for a 14-year-old teenage girl, the design of which does not belong to a specific style, can combine contrasting shades, chromatic and achromatic colors, a combination of pastel colors with bright strokes of different gradations.

Room in natural colors

A short guide to modern styles

Just two decades ago, designer services were perceived as a privilege for the rich. But now, when the Internet has taken up a significant part of our lives, it is quite possible to think through the design yourself.

First of all, you need to decide on the style and overall design. When you know the picture of the final result and have defined your desires and expectations, it is easier to choose finishes, furniture and decor.

So that you don’t get lost in the vastness of the Internet, we have compiled a short guide to styles that will fit perfectly into the interior of a room for a teenage boy.


The main components are simplicity and functionality. Furniture performs several tasks at once. Minimum amount of decor. This is a great option for small spaces up to 15 square meters. m. Finishing and lighting should visually expand the space.


This style will appeal to active boys who love everything unusual. If your son is a creative person, then the bold loft style is an excellent solution. A room in this design resembles a cozy attic. The walls should be natural, natural shades. The finishing helps create the atmosphere of a tidy industrial space. Brickwork, unplastered concrete, metal, untreated wood - these are the distinctive features of this style.

High tech

Clear straight lines, laconic design and functionality are the hallmarks of high-tech. This option is suitable for active, courageous young people who keep up with the times. The decor uses chromed metal, glass and plastic. The furniture is most often built-in and matches the color of the walls. The peculiarity of this style is the abundance of stylish, laconic lamps.


This style is characterized by smooth natural lines, not very bright, calm lighting. Wood is predominantly used as a finishing material. The choice of color combinations is unlimited, so you can choose your child’s favorite color. Many psychologists recommend using certain colors and shades in the interior depending on the age and character of the child.

Cold and light colors are suitable for active and ambitious young men - blue, light blue, beige, gray, brown. To decorate a room where a calm and passive young man will live, it is better to choose bright, cheerful options - orange, yellow, green. It is worth remembering that you cannot decorate the entire room in one color. In any case, you need to add other colors that go well with the main color scheme.

Photo wallpapers look stylish. They can depict superheroes, cities, idols, landscapes. It is better to ask the child to independently choose a drawing and design that is close to him in spirit.


When planning the furnishings of an apartment or house when choosing black furniture, you should consider several main rules:

  • Functionality . Each piece of furniture must perform a specific function. It’s worth thinking through a plan for each room in advance. In other words, buying furniture just for the furnishings is not worth it. It should be convenient and used for its intended purpose. It would be useful to think in advance about the placement of furniture. It may be worth giving preference to modern multifunctional transformable options that save space.
  • Appearance . It is necessary to immediately decide what kind of furniture the owners like; you should not make a purchase based on someone else’s advice. You should be guided only by your taste.
  • Quality . Before purchasing, you must make sure that the furniture you purchase is of high quality. There is no need to be embarrassed to ask the sales consultant about the manufacturing features of the headset. On the contrary, you should clarify what varnishes and paints were used, what kind of materials, etc.
  • Size . Be sure to make sure that the selected furniture is suitable in size for the intended place in the interior. You should not make such serious purchases “by eye”.

Checklist for parents: what should be in a teenager’s room

In the rooms of children of primary school and preschool age, the center was the play area. In the bedrooms of high school students, the emphasis shifts to the work area. There should be all the furniture necessary for studying and hobbies, as well as places to store clothes, textbooks and other supplies.

The design of a teenager's room includes the following details:


After about the age of 12-14 years, the need for any special children's furniture completely disappears. You need to focus on quite adult tastes and needs:

Closed storage areas are the key to order.

The furniture is white or light gray in color. Dark gray and black are also a risk-free option in terms of color combinations, but not so practical because... dust is visible.

If, as usual, there is a small room left for a teenager’s nursery, you will have to use the height. The standard option is a loft bed. The bed itself rises to the 2nd level, and on the first level we make a sofa, wardrobe or table. It is used often and is no longer exotic. Or at least drawers under the bed.

Transforming a child's room into a teenager's room is often a non-trivial task. But it’s not worth arguing either—don’t be afraid to let the teenager make decisions. Even if he makes a mistake, let it be his mistake. Good luck with the renovation!


Teenage room design: style guide

You can decorate a teenager’s room in a certain style: you need to maintain the color scheme, select materials, and place accents. Choose a design concept together with your child - it is important that he is comfortable in the bedroom. We offer ten interior styles suitable for decorating teenage rooms.

Loft (or industrial)

It is dominated by rough factors, decorative aging, and carelessness. The decoration is dominated by light warm tones - beige, terracotta, cream. Characterized by an abundance of metal elements, imitation brickwork, rough-processed wood. If it is not possible to use natural wood or stone, you can replace them with wallpaper with appropriate prints.

The rough textures of the loft are balanced with light tones. Source:

Choose monochromatic furniture in the spectrum from white to dark gray. Always choose a light shade from light materials; let the bedspreads contrast with the main color scheme. Laminate, parquet or dark-colored carpet are suitable for flooring.


This style of interior decoration is suitable for those who value free space and a minimum of decorative details. Calm shades predominate, bright accents are acceptable. The dominant colors in the interior are white, black, red and their halftones. Choose furniture in neutral shades - gray, beige.

To prevent furniture, walls and floors from merging, you need to hang posters, pictures or photographs on the walls. Let the teenager decide for himself what he would like to decorate the room with. You can also lighten the atmosphere with contrasting textiles.


Renovation in a teenager's room in high-tech style suggests a cool color scheme. The design is dominated by glossy textures, metal parts, and strict geometric shapes. Floral prints and ornaments are prohibited, a clear direction must be observed. Choose hanging furniture that leaves more free space in the room - wall shelves, shelving. The ambiance is complemented with contrasting pillows, ottomans, curtains, and bedspreads.

To decorate the walls, you can use photo wallpapers with images of constellations, works and other scientific objects. Hi-tech is a strict and laconic style. He does not tolerate disorder and chaos: if a teenager is not ready for the functional minimum in the room, it is better to refuse this design idea.


The design of a room for a teenager in a nautical style will suit girls and boys. Romantic teenagers who dream of conquering the water element will appreciate this design. For the bedroom, choose furniture made from natural wood or MDF, painted in a light or dark brown shade.

The design is dominated by shades of blue or light blue. Curtains, chairs, carpets, bedspreads are chosen in these tones. One wall or ceiling is decorated with a large image of a ship or sailboat. The Moroccan style can be seen in the details. Handles on cabinets and doors can be made in the shape of an anchor, fish, or birds. Wooden steering wheels, bells, marine paintings, photographs of the sea or ocean are suitable for wall decor. The emphasis in the marine style interior is on the abundance of wood and blue tint. Pirate themes are also acceptable: their flags, photographs, emblems.

Asymmetry and avant-garde

Avant-garde tendencies are suitable for teenagers who prefer non-standard solutions. If a child wants to stand out from his peers, he will like this interior design, which does not tolerate strict rules.

The avant-garde allows for a combination of the incongruous.

The essence of avant-garde in interior design is its asymmetry. Non-standard furniture is installed in the premises: it has bends and curvatures. Rotating shelves and storage systems of unusual shapes will complement avant-garde ideas.

A teenager’s spacious bedroom can be supplemented with a relaxation area with non-standard furniture.

The emphasis on an unusually shaped chair is a feature of the avant-garde.

Make a contrast between the ceiling and walls so that the boundary line is clear. Additionally, select patterns and ornaments, decorate the walls with paintings and posters.


The French style in decorating a room is more suitable for girls. This is an airy, light and delicate aesthetic, in which pastel tones predominate. To decorate the walls, choose the colors of lavender, creme brulee, beige, mint green, lime green, peach. For windows, buy French curtains with horizontal frills made of lightweight fabric.

Place a large image of the Eiffel Tower on one wall. Home textiles - bedspreads, decorative pillows, curtains - choose with floral prints. A girl’s bedroom in this design turns out to be bright and spacious. Choose furniture in light shades - white or light brown wood looks harmonious in Provence. Complete the decor with voluminous vases with flowers, paintings of lavender fields, photographs. Posters with performers of your favorite bands do not look good in such a gentle interior. Ask your child to find an alternative so that the design remains harmonious.


The Scandinavian style is characterized by northern laconicism and the predominance of a cool color palette. This design of a teenage room is distinguished by smooth transitions and strict lines. There are no sharp contrasts and a riot of colors: neutral tones from white to gray form the basis of the design.

Simplicity and abundance of light shades is a good solution for a children's room.

Choose furniture from MDF or natural wood in light colors. Beige fluffy rugs and long pile bedspreads complement the room and make it look complete.

Dilute light tones with contrasting textiles so as not to create the impression of a hospital room.

In Scandinavian style there should be a lot of light. Large windows, massive ceiling lights, and spot lighting allow you to achieve the desired result. Always choose a straight, classic cut made from lightweight material - for example, organza. Vertical drapery of curtains adds lightness to the atmosphere.

In the Scandinavian style there is a minimum of decorative details. The walls can be decorated with one or two paintings. With an abundance of decorations, the concept is lost.


The first step is preparation for repair

Teenage room

The personal space of a high school student is not just a place where he rests and does his homework. To make it comfortable for growing children to stay there, moms and dads need to make repairs. It is necessary to update the color of the walls, buy new furniture, and think through decorative elements.

Consider the teenager's interests and hobbies when planning renovations. Source:

The final design will differ from what the parents planned. Teenagers will bring in their ideas, and psychologists recommend that mothers and fathers give in. The idea for compromise is neutral shades of furniture design and upholstery. Allow high school students to decorate the walls with any details so that children can make bright accents. Later they will remove the excess themselves.

As a result, you get something like this: colorful and difficult to perceive. This is the self-expression of teenagers; they should not be prohibited from it. Source:

The rule “pink is for girls, blue is for boys” does not work in the design of a teenage interior. Offer soft colors in the spectrum from light beige to light gray. Contrasting textiles will help diversify the atmosphere: curtains, bedspreads, decorative pillows. It is better to offer furniture to teenagers that is light: it does not show dirt, it visually expands the room. Allow high school students to express themselves: stick posters on the walls, post drawings and photos. There will be a lot of such details, parents should react calmly.

Light is the head of everything

This is probably the only thing your child won’t argue with. Sources of dim evening lighting, either regular white or yellow, or neon, will appeal to everyone, regardless of gender.

Stationary additional lighting - hidden LED strips. They need to be laid before the renovation begins. Because you need to come up with a place for them, make a 220 volt supply, choose where to place the power supply with access for maintenance.

There are also simpler but also cool mobile sources - floor lamps and garlands . They can be added at any time. The main thing is to have a lot of outlets. Considering the number of gadgets, there are never too many sockets.

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