Design of a small hall +75 photos of interior examples

The living room is the “face” of its owner and the place where the whole family gathers in front of the TV, where guests are received, gala evenings or quiet family holidays are held. The hall should be decorated in such a way that guests and family members feel comfortable while in it. It should be stylish, comfortable and cozy.

Designing a small room is always a challenge for a designer.

Design features in small rooms

A correctly selected design of a small room will make this room unique, and if you place the necessary accents in different places of the room that will emphasize the overall idea, for example, scatter bright pillows on the sofa or put an elegant table, vase, figurine, then you can amaze guests with your taste and sense of style . A house can be transformed beyond recognition by using small means to decorate it.

The interior needs to be not just beautiful, but ergonomic and comfortable in absolutely everything.

Important! Before starting renovations in any room: spacious or in a Khrushchev-era building, you need to choose the style of decoration for this room, draw up a design project, purchase high-quality furniture and the necessary decorative elements. It is very difficult to “beat” a small room, but if you approach this issue correctly, then you can realize your ideas and ideas even with a small square footage.

In any small room, it is better to paint the walls in light, light shades like beige or light gray.

Curtains and tulle: fashion trends 2022

Curtains and tulle play a big role in the decoration of the room.
It would seem like just textiles! But if the textiles are chosen incorrectly, then the integrity of the room and stylistic harmony are out of the question. The best examples of hall decor with curtains are presented in the following selection of photographs.

Choosing a color scheme for the hall

A small room can become bright and spacious thanks to the correctly selected colors of its design.

For the interior of a small living room, a low sofa is best suited.

It’s good when this room has high ceilings - they will visually enlarge the living room. But if they are low, then their finish should be light.

It is better to exclude unnecessary details from the interior. Otherwise it will be overloaded.

If a stepped, plasterboard or suspended ceiling is to be used when arranging a room, then you can combine several shades and colors that can divide the room into zones and at the same time emphasize each other.

Opt for an accent color that will brighten up the neutral color scheme of the entire room.

In a small room, there is no need to decorate the walls and ceiling in dark colors, and the wallpaper should be selected in light, neutral shades with small prints or be completely monochromatic so as not to be conspicuous, not to stand out from the general background and to emphasize a certain style, and not to do otherwise. necessary, flashy notes in the living room, thereby making it tasteless and unattractive.

The glossy ceiling and diffused light go well together. They visually expand the area of ​​the room and make it stylish.

Colors that can be used in the hall to visually expand the room and make it lighter and more spacious: beige, olive, pastel colors, as well as light shades of yellow, purple, gray, blue, pink. The color scheme should also be selected based on the presence of large and small windows in the room, as well as according to their exit to a certain side. For example, if the windows are large and face south, then natural lightening can be shaded with yellow shades and make the living room bright and sunny. For the north side, cool shades of gray or blue would be ideal, which will make the room strict and at the same time cozy and comfortable. This color scheme will calm you down and create a peaceful mood.

It is better not to use curtains made of thick fabric. They make the interior heavier.

Stylistic directions

The design of a small hall should emphasize the chosen style for this room. At the moment, there are many styles, bringing to life you can emphasize your taste preferences and your vision of beauty. For small rooms, you need to choose a style that will be made in light, calm colors without excessive frills in interior items.

Such an interior will be light, in which every inhabitant is comfortable, and the atmosphere is cozy.


This style is currently quite popular and in demand, as it combines relics of the past mixed with the latest innovations. It is not multi-component and combines practical, functional interior items with a calm design and light color scheme. A modern style in the living room will emphasize the good taste of the owner and will be quite fashionable. A fireplace can be an interesting detail in the interior.

In any acceptable style, light colors are best suited for a small room in an apartment.


Calm tones, pleasant shades, beautiful, comfortable furniture and other interior details will make a room furnished in this style cozy. For this style, light, pastel colors of light gray, beige, olive or blue are considered acceptable for wall decoration, which can be shaded with paintings or photographs. Small tables, poufs, simple, practical furniture, unusual lamps or chandeliers would be appropriate in such a room.

It is also important to take into account the palette of all other colors and shades.


Many people think that implementing this style in the living room needs to be done in a large room, but this is not the case. Classic will look good in a small room. The design of such a room should be luxurious, noble, rich. Furniture should be made from natural, high-quality materials. You can use wood, leather, expensive textiles.

The classic style in subdued colors is better suited to a rectangular room.

Other styles

You can use the territory of a small hall in the overall solution of a certain style and make its design unique and original by using many modern techniques for processing walls and ceilings. For small rooms, you can also use art deco, hi-tech, minimalism and other styles, made in light colors and not burdened with unnecessary details.

Paint, decorative plaster and plain wallpaper will help create an “airy” look for any area.

Selection of furniture and its arrangement

When designing a small room, you need to correctly place accents and emphasize the chosen style with interior items. Bulky, massive furniture will make the room smaller and look unaesthetic.

Laminate, parquet and linoleum without large prints are what make the design of a small room more uniform.

Note! If the living room is small, then the pieces of furniture in it should only be practical and necessary. There is no need to buy unnecessary interior details for a small room.

  1. The arrangement of furniture should begin from the center of the room, moving towards the walls, namely, put a table in the middle of the living room, place a sofa and a couple of armchairs around it.
  2. Instead of a wall that takes up a lot of space, you can make hanging shelves with individual lighting.
  3. If the room has a rectangular narrow shape, then you can arrange the furniture on two long sides, which will look attractive and make the room functional and comfortable.
  4. If the room has a square shape, you can place furniture on all sides, making an accent in the middle in the form of a coffee table.


Before you begin repairs and organize the surrounding space, you should pay attention to all the planning nuances of a small room.
The layout of a small square-shaped living room is quite symmetrical and harmonious. In such a room, any furniture can be conveniently placed along the walls or in the center.

The layout of a small rectangular living room has a less proportional appearance. Light curtains with a horizontal pattern will help correct the shortcomings of a narrow shape. Short walls can be finished with brickwork or shelves with long shelves can be installed near them.

For wide walls, it is better to use a mirror, glossy design or wallpaper with vertical stripes to expand the space. It is advisable to lay the flooring in a parallel direction to the relatively narrow walls.

The photo shows a modern design of a small rectangular living room.

Designing a living room with a non-standard shape involves installing semicircular furniture, unusually shaped coffee tables and cabinets with beveled corners. Such a room should have high-quality lighting that penetrates all areas of the room.

The photo shows the interior design of a square living room combined with a balcony.

For a small corner living room, you can use the usual furniture arrangement scheme. A place near a long wall can be furnished with a sofa with armchairs and a table. A neat corner sofa, chest of drawers or TV stand will fit perfectly into the corner between two windows.

An effective way to increase a small area is to add a loggia. A small room, partially or completely combined with a balcony, not only becomes much more spacious, but is also filled with additional light.

The photo shows a non-standard layout of a small living room with a half-bay window ledge.

Decor and textile options in a small room

When choosing fabrics for sofas and curtains, you must first take into account the overall design of the living room in a certain style.

When evening comes, this room should also be illuminated as brightly as possible.

  1. For classics, soft, flowing fabrics in delicate colors would be ideal, and for Provence, you can use a print with a small flower or a small pattern.
  2. If you nail the cornice higher to the ceiling and use long curtains with beautiful ripples of light colors, then you can visually expand the room and make it cozy.
  3. Curtains should not blend into the general background, but be several shades darker in order to stand out and harmonize with the overall interior.

Attention to detail is also important, as small paintings in simple frames, photographs, mirrors on the walls or vases of flowers will look like interesting details that complement the design. An important role is played by lighting fixtures, which softly illuminate the entire space of the hall and are made in accordance with an unusual design solution.

A massive chandelier in a small living room does not look at all, cutting up the space, depriving it of integrity.


Spot lighting is the most suitable option for such a room. Wall sconces should also be compact and discreet so as not to distract attention from the overall picture.

Illumination of ceilings, shelves and TV in a small room is welcome. When choosing lamps, you can give preference to glass spheres, shades in the form of tulips and roses, and lamps with a mirror base.

Chandeliers with many hanging parts are not suitable for a small room. Even in small lamps, conciseness and simplicity are encouraged.

Photos of design examples in a small room

The design of a small room in an apartment can be made in a Scandinavian style, which makes a small room cozy for a family holiday and stylish for entertaining guests. Subtle tones, light color of surfaces, minimal interior items, which in turn are quite practical - this emphasizes the chosen design idea, embodied in a small square area of ​​the room.

The classic version of the walls in a compact room belongs to a single color scheme.

A small room can be transformed by using modern trends and placing color accents that will not only make this room unique and original, but also create coziness and a feeling of comfort in it.

Walls in nude colors will allow you to use much more interior innovations than walls covered with wallpaper with a dark and heavy pattern.

If you think through a design project well and bring it to life in a small room, then you can transform this room, making it quite attractive and fashionable. By using the latest innovations, special decorative details, and arranging the furniture correctly, you can make the living room a comfortable place to relax.

When furnishing a small room, you need to avoid bulky items.

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