Children's high-tech - current interior projects and tips for implementing design (110 photos)

A high-tech children's room is ideal for boys, especially teenagers. And some girls might like a “high-tech” room. Well, parents may be attracted by the following advantages of this style:

  • It is perfect for decorating a nursery for growth and, thanks to its neutral finish, leaves the opportunity to easily change the interior of the room when the child wants a change.
  • High-tech is suitable not only for spacious, but also for small rooms, because it involves the use of only the necessary furniture and a predominantly light color scheme.
  • Minimalism in the decor also greatly simplifies cleaning the room; at least there will be less dust in it.

In this material we will give tips on renovation, design, selection of furniture and decor of a children's or teenager's bedroom in a high-tech style, and also present 35 photos of beautiful interiors of boys' and girls' rooms.

High-tech features in a children's room

Similar concerns of scientific luminaries are associated, mainly due to the dark colors inherent in this design direction. To neutralize the negative effects of a modest color scheme, children's rooms in this high-tech style are decorated in more elegant and eye-pleasing shades.

The style is perfect for small rooms, as it requires a light finish that visually expands the room, a minimum of furniture that provides free space for games, and a small amount of decor that does not distract the student from doing homework.

The functionality of each item will teach the child to get around with a small number of things, the geometricity of the lines will form analytical thinking.

The style is also convenient for parents. A neutral finish will help you effortlessly change the interior of a room without spending a lot of money on updating the floor, walls, or ceiling. And cleaning the premises will become much easier thanks to the minimum number of objects on which dust settles.


Minimalistic interior

For modest teenagers with a hidden craving for creativity. A minimalist interior is a blank canvas on which you can fully realize your ideas. Instead of traditional pastel colors (“girly”, the boy will say), the main role is given to dark gray and black, diluted with bright details.

In the design of a children's room for a teenage boy, it is imperative to use modern materials and original textures in decoration. A stylish solution - a suspended ceiling with spotlights, glossy surfaces and a compact but spacious storage system. A minimum of designer accessories and a maximum of things that reflect the character of a teenager.


The best option is to use white, gray, black shades. A boy's nursery in high-tech style is decorated in blue tones.

But such options are not very useful for the development of a child’s imagination, so the interior is often diluted with brighter colors or completely replaced with pastel colors of light green, orange, and blue. For a teenager, you can leave the traditional calm color scheme.

Color solution

As a rule, a room for men is decorated in subdued colors. It all depends on personal preferences.

If you need a lot of light and air, white is suitable for finishing the walls and ceiling.

And if you are comfortable in a dark environment, there is nothing stopping you from painting the walls and even the ceiling black.

To break up the monochrome palette, use color accents in furniture and decor.

Adherents of more classic interiors should pay attention to beige, brown and the color of natural wood. Read about how to make an interior in beige colors not boring here.

If you want to add a pop of color to a room, use an accent wall in your favorite color. Typically, men choose calm shades of green or blue. And in order not to overload the interior, paint only one wall, for example, opposite the entrance. So a bright, saturated color will attract attention, but will not create an oppressive feeling.

Floor decoration

A perfectly smooth self-leveling floor will look great, on which you can safely play without fear of losing parts that usually tend to roll under cabinets or beds, and without worrying about the stability of the buildings being built.

To create more comfortable conditions, such a covering can be additionally equipped with a heated floor system.

A light laminate is a good option; for younger students, cork is used. It perfectly relieves tension from the spine, is a completely non-allergenic coating, and is not afraid of spilled water or paint. Regular linoleum is also suitable for decoration.

Little tricks for transforming your interior

A major renovation of a room is a pleasant solution, but not always feasible. Therefore, it is worth considering how you can make the room more relevant, comfortable and age-appropriate for the boy without construction measures. The following techniques will help you:

Imagine how the interior would change with red curtains and a bedspread

The main element of style is posters above the bed

Among the interesting accessories: thread curtains, English pillows, wicker boxes

Originally arranged furniture will help you arrange your room successfully.

A retractable bed will help expand the reception area

Engage in remodeling with your teenager, and then transforming the room will not only be quick and budget-friendly, but also fun.

The reception area can consist entirely of frameless poufs

Wall decoration

The design of a nursery in a high-tech style involves painting the walls. This makes it possible to get a smooth, monochromatic surface over which the eyes glide without lingering and without overloading the brain with unnecessary information.

One of the walls can be decorated with brick or photo wallpaper with a black and white image. Most often they use photographs of cities, spaceships, and the child himself.

Volumetric gypsum or polymer panels, which optically enlarge the room and give it a futuristic mood, have become a good option for wall decoration.

Wallpaper is practically not used, although a high-tech style nursery for girls can be decorated with wallpaper with an abstract pattern or with geometric shapes.

The usual swing doors are being replaced by sliding structures. They can go into the wall and be equipped with photocells.

Men's interior styles: what will suit your boy

A teenager is no longer a child, but not yet a man. He is ready to put aside his childhood attachments and devote more time to communicating with friends. To make sure your boy doesn't feel embarrassed about bringing his friends home, make his room stylish, personal, and comfortable for house parties. Provide a large study area with a computer, a full-size adult bed (if space allows, a double bed), and plenty of seating for guests. A teenager is not ready to share all his hobbies and thoughts with others, so he must have an intimate/secret area (a place to relax on the balcony; a shelf for philosophical books in the closet; a sleeping place outside the reception area).

The sleeping area is like a sofa for guests, and the work area smoothly flows into the television area - perfect harmony

How to choose the right room style for a teenager

All details of the project need to be discussed in detail with the young man, listen to his ideas and tastes. But remember that it is during adolescence that a person’s preferences and priorities change dramatically and repeatedly. Therefore, if you make a room in a pronounced safari style for a 13-year-old boy, then at 15 it may turn out to be irrelevant due to his new hobby of basketball.

Stylize the young man's room with hints. Direct associations and theatrical decorations will make it too childish.

Let all the style-forming elements of the room be easily replaceable. For example, the walls should be painted or wallpapered, rather than spending money on textured plaster with wax; It’s better to immediately choose a neutral color with a wood texture for the floor than to style it as concrete or lawn; The ideal ceiling is painted or fabric suspended with the ability to repaint it in a new favorite color. Such reinsurance will help you completely transform the room in 1-2 days when the guy’s tastes change again. And the boy will independently re-glue posters of his favorite bands, replace the dumbbell with a basketball, and the model car with a funny stand for a smartphone.

Posters, pillows and a bedspread add brightness to the interior, the rest is as neutral as possible

Details are very important in interior design.

This example clearly demonstrates the danger of unrestrained kitsch

Some interior experts recommend using kitsch in teens' rooms to suit their diverse tastes. But it is important to remember that full-fledged kitsch, even very well thought out, puts too much pressure on the psyche and loads the nervous system. It is difficult even for an adult to live in such a room all the time; this style is more suitable for a living room or hall, where people do not spend much time. Therefore, if a young man wants to combine incongruous things, help him decorate an eclectic room (with a calm background), but in no case a kitschy one (with a riot of colors and shapes).

High-tech, eco, pop art, minimalism, and, with the right approach, country, look very harmonious in youthful bedrooms.

Photo gallery: beautiful solutions for youth rooms

If the resident’s household items (ball, gadgets, nunchucks, books) highlight the interior rather than spoil it, then the style has been chosen correctly.

High-tech - the style of a real man

If a teenager constantly carries gadgets with him, even does his singing homework on a laptop and dreams of becoming a programmer in the future, his ideal room should be in high-tech style. In such an interior, a computer with two or three monitors, charging wires and even computer boards on open shelves will look harmonious. High-tech style welcomes the presence of both a computer and a TV. A game console, remote-controlled curtains and windows, and a touch-sensitive light control system would be appropriate.

A computer with multiple monitors is a gadget lover's dream

Here you should use materials and decorative elements characteristic of industrial design, but without a touch of antiquity (which is typical for a loft). Glass, metal, plastic of all types, painted wood without a clearly defined texture always look appropriate. Storage systems are ideally made hidden, the facades should resemble an ordinary wall and open with a click. Sliding wardrobes are already a departure from the style, since they always have a noticeable difference in the location of the doors (one is closer, the other is farther away).

Photo gallery: interior ideas for technology lovers

High-tech colors are all shades of gray, white and black, diluted with one accent of any degree of saturation, from acid-light green to deep burgundy. Colored spots are best used in a bedspread, on an accent wall, upholstery of upholstered furniture (work chair, sofa/chair). It is customary to paint background walls, like the ceiling, in a white or soft gray shade; the same tone is selected for window decoration (blinds, Roman blinds, pleated shades, roller blinds). If the room is small and dark, you should not deviate from this rule. The floor in such an interior is stylized as concrete, or a colored self-leveling polymer floor is used. A more budget-friendly and practical solution could be a laminate that looks like grayish aged wood or a completely plain one. During repairs, it is very important to perfectly align the walls, since the wall/ceiling and wall/floor joints in high-tech do not close.

Spots, a pendant lamp, contour tape and rotating ceiling lamps are successfully used in the interior

Lamps can be frankly industrial or futuristic; Colored contour lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling or functional area would be appropriate. It is imperative to provide separate lighting adjustments in different zones.

It’s even nice to solve physics problems in such a cozy chair

The bed, desk and open shelves must be as simple and concise as possible, without any decoration. But you should take a computer chair with bells and whistles: adjustable height, seat depth, tilt locking and large wheels.

High-tech decor can be either functional or style-forming (graffiti on the wall, photo wallpaper with cars or other equipment). An ordinary sleeping pillow can be equipped with a bright, formal cover, but scatterings of decorative pillows are unacceptable. For friends, you can add colored cube poufs or frameless bean bags.

From the sofa it is convenient to watch both the TV screen and the laptop

The approach to planning here remains standard: the workplace is closer to the window, a hidden storage system evens out the geometry of the room. In a small room where the bed also serves as a sofa for guests, it can be installed parallel to the work desk, even in the center of the room. This way, it will be convenient for guests and the host to play computer games on one large monitor.

Minimalism: maximum space

Does the young man love cleanliness, but does not tolerate frills and routine cleaning? Perhaps he will like the minimalist style. This solution looks especially good in small rooms, as it allows you to preserve air and space even with a significant functional load. It will also appeal to martial arts fans who need to train regularly at home.

“Living cube” is an excellent solution for a room with high ceilings

The “trick” of minimalism is multifunctional and transformable furniture. Hidden beds look good here; tables and chairs that grow with the owner; stools suitable for use as a sofa table. Similar to high-tech, minimalism does not like patterned textiles and complex decor, but allows the use of two accent colors and natural materials (unpainted wood of simple shapes, polished stone). An accent wall is rarely highlighted with color, but texture in the form of wallpaper or decorative plaster is often used. The background color scheme is monochrome with splashes of natural wood color.

Photo gallery: examples of easy-to-clean rooms

The walls should be painted or covered with plain wallpaper, the floor should be decorated with wood, and the ceiling should be made plain white and smooth (tensile fabric is allowed). The windows are designed as in high-tech, but simple plain floor-length curtains are allowed.

In minimalism, proper zoning of space is especially important. The room should be clearly divided into areas for storage, sleeping, working and receiving guests. Division using wooden, glass and fabric partitions is allowed, but only if necessary.

The strict forms of the storage system are softened by bionic chairs

Furniture should be simple and preferably light, but unusual shapes without sacrificing functionality are welcome. Cabinets should be selected built-in with flat, laconic facades and simple handles or without them at all. It is better to avoid open shelves and racks, as teenagers are simply not able to maintain perfect order on them. It’s great if a young lover of minimalism has a dressing room where he can hide all his accessories.

Lamps from different collections, but in harmony with each other

Lighting in this style is soft and diffused, hidden if possible. Only a laconic chandelier in the living area and a table lamp can remain visible; the rest of the lighting is provided by built-in spots and LED strips.

Country - the choice of travelers

Country is well suited for lovers of hiking, fans of cycling and simply calm, balanced individuals. It looks appropriate for travel suitcases, chests, wooden souvenirs and even travel backpacks. Country colors and materials are as natural as possible; there is no deliberate gloss or sharp contrasts. An abundance of wood, textiles in muted tones and even decorative pillows of simple shapes with geometric prints are welcome.

The interior at the intersection of country and scandi is suitable for a travel lover

Creative people appreciate country music because it does not require maintaining perfect order . Open shelves can easily be arranged with assorted books, equipment and souvenirs; the bed does not have to hide the bed linen under the coverlet. Numerous works by a novice artist on the walls will serve as magnificent decor here. The country room turns out to be cozy and very personal, so you can only receive your closest friends in it.

Photo gallery: ideas for “village” rooms for teenagers

A massive bed is a noticeable detail in a country interior

It is advisable that the reception area be separate and that guests do not sit on the bed. The work desk can be either simple or extensive with additional cabinets and pencil cases, but only a table lamp is allowed among the elements of equipment. It is worth providing a special drawer for a laptop or tablet so that they are not constantly in sight.

Pop art: it couldn't be cooler

Pop art is the most youthful style, it is suitable for bright and strong personalities, lovers of parties and modern music. If a young man is over fifteen years old, is into graffiti, is a party leader, or does modern dancing, you should not resist his desire to place a red sofa against a blue wall.

Photo gallery: bright interiors of youth rooms

Pop art is the style of rebels who love to surprise and deviate from the rules. Therefore, the furniture here should be as mobile as possible, so that it is easy to clear space for a disco in the room. A table on wheels, mobile poufs, frameless chairs, and a transformable bed will come in handy. Storage systems should not seem bulky, but can be accentuated (bright shelving, a cabinet with colored fronts, a wardrobe with photo printing). The textiles here are usually bright, but more often monochromatic or with large geometric patterns. A pop art interior cannot exist without posters of idols, posters of stars or images from comics.

Pop art is a rebel style, but can be calm and balanced

Natural materials are optional here; plastic, blackened metal and chipboard are more often used, but wooden surfaces can be used as an accent. It will be great if you can find or make some truly unusual piece of furniture.

Video: remaking a stool in pop art style

Ecostyle: all covered with greenery

Contrary to popular belief, a room in an eco-friendly style does not have to be completely green; the main condition is the use of natural materials. This environment is primarily suitable for allergy sufferers and teenagers with weak immune systems. The psychological impact of eco-design will be appreciated by lovers of outdoor recreation and adventure, young botanists and zoologists. Such an interior balances and harmonizes well, so it is suitable for those who find it difficult to endure the hardships of adolescence.

Eco-style does not imply complete unity with nature; modern technology, designer furniture and bright colors look appropriate here; inclusions of glossy surfaces and synthetic/blend textiles are allowed. The more natural materials (wood, stone, clay, glass) in such an interior, the better.

Photo gallery: youth rooms in ecological style

The layout of an eco-interior should be comfortable and natural, so the work area is traditionally located near the window, although with properly thought-out lighting it can be in the corner. Designers often use podiums by placing on them a bed with a storage system, a guest area with a bed underneath, or a work desk with a roll-out bed.

Extensive storage system does not clutter the room at all

The storage system should ideally be located in a separate dressing room, since bulky cabinets in eco-style look somewhat inappropriate. If this is not possible, it is better to use hidden ones with facades made of plywood or wood.

When decorating walls, it is worth combining wood (lining, boards, imitation timber) and painting; plain paper wallpaper is acceptable. The floor should be wooden, but it is better not parquet, but planks. The ceiling remains pristine white or merges with one of the walls (completely or zonally). In textiles, unbleached linen is considered the most successful choice.

Eclecticism: everything about everything

If a teenage boy has a lot of different hobbies and it is simply impossible to settle on one interior style, eclecticism is your salvation. This is a great option if you want to keep some furnishings from the room's past, such as curtains, a favorite reading chair, or a chandelier.

A classic table with a medallion added a touch of humor to the interior

In eclecticism everything is permitted that is not prohibited by the law of harmony.

When combining incompatible things, follow these rules:

Photo gallery: harmonious interiors in eclectic style

Eclecticism is a riot of life against a calm background . Therefore, walls, floors and ceilings in this style are designed as neutrally as possible. The material does not matter much, as long as the color is calm and unobtrusive. You can combine several materials with different textures: painting and wood, tiling and wallpaper. The joints of the walls with the ceiling and floor can be framed with narrow baguettes, but this is not necessary.

In contrast to the background, textiles simply must be bright and multi-colored; designers often use fabrics with stripes, zigzags, oriental paisleys and arabesques. The furniture should also be varied; here you can place 5 completely different seats for guests next to each other. If the room has a cool floor, you will like eclecticism and the obligatory presence of a carpet (from a piece of one-color carpet to a patterned long-pile work of art).

Podium and open shelves - an unusual and multifunctional storage system

If you can give free rein to your imagination in decoration, then the layout should be thoughtful and convenient. You shouldn’t put your desk next to the door or your TV in front of the window just for the sake of visual effect. It’s better to stick to the classic principles of furniture arrangement.


High-tech style always means an abundance of light, but, unlike other types of design, it is quite bright and sharp.

To decorate the nursery, spotlights are used along the entire perimeter of the ceiling; a traditional chandelier is not used at all or installed above the work desk or sleeping area. The luminaires of such lamps have a simple geometric shape (sphere, cube, parallelepiped) and emit cold white light.

Additional lighting elements will be table lamps of the most modern models, sconces near the bed, in harmony with the chandelier, if there is one, or having the same simple shapes, LED strips near the ceiling and on furniture, lamps built into closets.

The ideal solution would be the ability to control all light streams from a remote control or install dimmers that allow you to adjust the level of light flux.

Room decoration

Finishing is carried out using modern industrial materials: metal, plastic, glass, concrete. Natural objects are covered with film or painted to look like metal. Brick walls are welcome. Traditional colors are black and white, gray and metallic.

Finishing is carried out using modern industrial materials: metal, plastic, glass, concrete

Paper wallpaper is not used in this direction. The walls should be without relief, very smooth and certainly monochromatic. One wall can be styled as brickwork; a raw concrete surface will look great. An ultra-modern TV will look great on it.

The floor can be anything: linoleum, parquet, laminate or self-leveling

It is better to make the ceiling mirrored, suspended, or suspended. Its multi-level design will visually emphasize the geometric features of the room. To illuminate all the necessary areas of the space, you can use halogen lamps or spotlights. Pretentious chandeliers, geometric lighting fixtures and metal lampshades should not be used. Lamps can even be built into walls, floors, and furniture.

Lamps can even be built into walls, floors, furniture

The floor can be anything: linoleum, parquet, laminate or self-leveling.

Attention! The only condition is that it should not show any prominent texture or flashy shades. It must be treated with an anti-slip coating.


All pieces of furniture should be laconic and functional.

Preference is given to furniture made of metal, plastic, less often wood with strict lines or streamlined shapes.

The bed can be represented by a two-level structure, combining a sleeping and working space. An additional advantage of a regular bed will be drawers for storing bedding. Sometimes such a bed is placed on a podium, giving the sleeping area an unusual look, or hanging options are purchased that seem to float above the floor.

The cabinet is selected from models with sliding doors. Most often these are mirror or glossy surfaces without patterns or additional decorations. If possible, install built-in cabinets to save space.

For cabinets and hanging shelves, lift and push opening mechanisms, as well as closers, are used.

The workplace can be equipped with a glass tabletop or glossy plastic, and the chair can be transparent plastic or metal office.

For girl

When decorating a girl's room, light colors are used for the walls . A good choice would be a light gray shade, which can be diversified with bright yellow furniture.

For a schoolgirl, special attention is paid to arranging the work area . Here a straight desk with glossy fronts and metal fittings is installed, original broken-shaped shelves are hung on the wall, and a chair with metal legs is installed. The ceiling in the room is suspended with original neon lighting.

ATTENTION : a special role is given to modern technology: a plasma TV is hung on the wall, a computer with a glowing keyboard and mouse is installed in the workplace, blinds with remote control are hung on the windows.

Textiles and decor

The minimalist style does not like decor, but you can’t do without it in a nursery.

Curtains should be the most laconic models. Japanese or roller curtains and blinds are ideal. All these types can be displayed on a separate remote control and you can control the incoming light without leaving your bed.

Decor can include lamps, unusual clocks, posters, and living plants of strict shapes.

Photos of a high-tech nursery will help you understand this unusual style and its pleasant functionality.

Drive and adventure: bedroom design for a teenage boy in a modern style

Added by: Marina Maksimova-Koldashenko July 28

Arranging a room for a teenager is always a search for compromises in an attempt to combine the desires of the child and the common sense of adults. After all, children 13–16 years old are more daring and often prone to polar thinking, so the interior they themselves invented may not appeal to anyone after the renovation is completed. The task of parents is to restrain the irrepressible impulses of their offspring and show how to stylishly and beautifully play with his wishes. Before you start planning, you should read the design guidelines together and look at pictures of finished projects to understand which style direction you should move in.

Photo of children's hi-tech

Category: Children's

Design history

The Hi-Tech direction dates back to the 60s of the last century. But this interior design finally won people's hearts in the 80s.

The high-tech style marked the end of an era and marked the beginning of multifunctional and rigorous interior design.

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