We are decorating a bedroom of 14 square meters. m: interiors and useful tips

Bedrooms in typical modern apartments have an average square footage. A large room, as a rule, is reserved for the living room, a small one - for an office. And the bedroom is given something in between. So, often this room has only 14 m2 at its disposal. Agree, not much, but not 9 or even less. Therefore, the design of a bedroom is 14 sq. m. provides quite a lot of opportunities for creativity. However, there are many nuances here that you will learn about today. Let's get started!

Bedroom 14 sq. m can be made beautiful and functional.

Before you begin a full renovation and decoration of the space, decide what you want your future bedroom to look like. What is important to you? This is the place where you relax after a hard day at work and you need a full charge of energy. Or for you it is a cozy nest where you relax. Is it important for you to expand the space or keep it miniature?

If it is customary to make a bedroom in a small room, then you can use well-known techniques to visually increase the space.

Contrary to popular belief that a bedroom is 14 square meters. m. you definitely need to make more, you can use dark colors here and create a truly cozy room, without being afraid to make it visually even smaller. This space also allows you to create a feeling of freedom and freshness, inviting you to use techniques to visually expand the room.

It all depends on the main idea you choose. And this, in turn, dictates the style and color scheme of the future bedroom.

Leading ideaStyleColor spectrumMain focus
Freedom and freshnessMediterranean, Scandinavian, ecoBlue, white, greenLarge windows, lots of light (both natural and artificial), bright and fresh accents
Comfort and cozinessProvence, country, hi-techBeige, brown, blackA large number of small decorative details, soft and smooth color transitions
Novelty and modernityLoft, techno, modernBlue, metallic, redStreet motifs, hard and contrasting color combinations

There is no need to clutter the space at the entrance.

Much depends on the leading idea. Therefore, decide on this factor, and we will tell you the main design elements of a 14 sq. m bedroom. m.

In a room of 14 square meters there is no need to decorate the walls with dark shades.

Color spectrum

We will consider design elements in terms of a leading idea. The color scheme is no exception. It also depends on the overall mood of the room and the effect you want to create.

The best option would be bright colors that will push the walls apart.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype that a small bedroom needs to be visually expanded, using all known techniques for this, the opposite effect can also be involved here. But light and fresh colors still remain relevant.

There is no need to clutter the room with unnecessary pieces of furniture that can be moved to another room or corridor.

To create a cozy and warm atmosphere, you need to use appropriate colors. For this purpose, the ideal option would be brown and all its shades. Bring it to life in furniture and flooring. For walls, it is better to choose slightly lighter colors. To create warmth and lightness, beige, milky, and peach are suitable. They go well with brown and will make the room calm, soft and cozy.

The windows are decorated with thick curtains so that sunlight does not interfere with peaceful rest during the daytime.

To visually expand the space, use light colors. The permanent king in this case is white. Gray is also great for the bedroom. Psychologists say that it has a positive effect on the human nervous system and promotes complete recovery. So, we advise you to pay attention to this color.

You need to stop decorating your walls with a large number of photographs and paintings in massive frames.

To create a cool effect, use deep blue, electric blue, dark shades of green in combination with the same white. Maintaining the cult of coldness, but adding freshness and spaciousness to it, use blue, purple, and light shades of green.

In the bedroom, it is imperative to observe the “golden mean” and it is better to refuse unnecessary items that you can completely do without.

Remember that light, cool colors will give the room a feeling of spaciousness and visually expand the space. And pastel colors with the addition of brown will help create coziness.

If you adhere to the following rules, then even a small bedroom space can be turned into a positive moment.

See alsoNarrow bedroom design

Bedroom style

Looking through the catalogs, you can see bedrooms decorated in a variety of ways. But if the area of ​​the room is less than 20 sq.m., then not every style presented in the photo will look appropriate.

It is best to choose from those areas that offer a minimum of different interior items with a predominance of simple materials used in decoration and exclusively light colors. Styles such as classic, minimalism and Provence are most suitable for this description.

Style direction

For a small bedroom, the choice of style flow is also a very important aspect. Its choice is influenced by the basic design concept and the choice of colors. However, there are styles that are most suitable for use in the bedroom, so you can start from this factor.

The area in such a bedroom is enough to accommodate a Euro-size bed.

If you want to create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom in the bedroom, as well as visually increase the space, pay attention to such trends as minimalism, Mediterranean, eco-style. They are based on light and fresh colors, simple combinations, and the absence of unnecessary details in the interior.

Simplicity and freedom are what you need for a small room.

Loft, techno and avant-garde have recently been gaining popularity, but there are a lot of nuances in their use. Their urban orientation and coldness make them accessible to a small circle of connoisseurs.

In a modern bedroom interior, these styles are most often found when this room is combined with a living room.

To create a warm and soft atmosphere in a small bedroom, Provence and country are perfect. They are distinguished by the use of pastel light colors, discreet and cute little things.

Such details help create a special atmosphere of comfort.

The middle option would be the Scandinavian style. It is based on the idea of ​​coldness and severity. He uses white, blue, blue colors. Despite this, it is a warm and calm style, since, along with the proposed ones, it calmly accepts yellow, red and brown colors.

This makes it original, calm and cozy.

See also: Room for a girl


The bedroom is the place where we meet the sunrise and see off the sunset. That's why natural light is rare here.

Artificial lighting should be:

  • unobtrusive,
  • soft,
  • create an intimate atmosphere.

Soft artificial light in the bedroom Source avatars.mds.yandex.net
Convenience of the location of switches is a priority here. If there is central lighting in the form of a chandelier, then a switch is needed not only at the entrance to the room, but also at the bed.

A chandelier is not a necessary component of a bedroom. Instead, you can use LED spotlights and various combinations of ceiling lamps.

Sconces at the headboard/night lights on bedside tables are an integral part of the interior.

Spot lighting in the bedroom Source avatars.mds.yandex.net

Night lights on bedside tables are an integral part of the bedroom interior Source avatars.mds.yandex.net

Lighting is required in the dressing area/closet, in the work area, in the make up area. Neon bed lighting, fluorescent paints on the walls, mirror/TV/painting lighting are suitable as decorative lighting.

Decorative lighting and spot central lighting Source avatars.mds.yandex.net

Paintings, photographs, candles in the bedroom interior Source avatars.mds.yandex.net


Every inch matters in a small bedroom, so make the most of the space. It is better if it serves beauty, that is, decoration and the creation of a complete designer style.

A closet would be the ideal place to store things. Furniture of this type is very roomy and takes up little space.

Therefore, in the case of furniture, you have two options:

  1. Use multifunctional furniture that will save precious space;
  2. Transform furniture into a work of art that will become an element of the design idea.

Both options are viable and easy to implement.

Following the first method, choose a bed with additional drawers or shelves. This will help get rid of excess chest of drawers. It is better to choose a cabinet with a mirror surface. Its height should be maximum, that is, up to the ceiling. This will help you make the most of your usable space. If the width of the walls allows, make niches in them to place small items.

You can also make a wardrobe in the wall, eliminating the need to install a closet.

Having chosen the second method, select original furniture that will become part of the decor. You can order any product for individual production or order what you need in the online store. Thus, the modern market can offer a bed and a wardrobe with lighting, unusually shaped furniture, etc.

You can create a niche in which the necessary things will be stored.

See alsoBedroom design project

The bed is the center of the room

In the bedroom, the central place is, of course, the bed. It also needs to be positioned and selected correctly.

The main rule when renovating a room of 14 square meters. m means using every square meter wisely so that the end result is a full-fledged room.

Here are some tips for the correct selection and use of this design:

  • Do not push the bed against the wall; It is better for it to be in the middle of the room;
  • If the room is rectangular, place the bed along the room, but do not sacrifice its length to install it across;
  • If possible, find a bed with side bunks; this will save you from the need to purchase bedside tables and will significantly save space.

A huge range of pastel colors will help create a modern interior in a calm style.

The bed should be not only a practical part of the room, but also an aesthetic embodiment. Choose a model that you like and will fit harmoniously into the overall style of the bedroom.

Warm colors are suitable for those rooms that face north, and cold ones for those facing south.

See alsoAvant-garde style room, photo.

Everything is in place

As we have already said, the main piece of bedroom furniture is the bed. It occupies a central place in the room, and traditionally it is placed in two directions. It is best, if, of course, the shape of the room allows it, to place the bed so that the headboard is directed towards the wall, and the residents can approach it from both sides. Thus, everyone has their own side of the bed with accompanying attributes, be it a bedside table or a table.

Source: //lovely-dom.ru

Another option is to place the head of the bed towards the window. This is generally suitable for oblong rooms, in which case the bed is directly opposite the entrance. This doesn’t always look good, but this bed position has its own advantage: the light from the window does not disturb the sleepers, it is above and behind them, plus the fresh air from the window promotes good sleep.

Final Steps

At the final stage of decorating the bedroom, all you have to do is add decorative elements. These include any little things, the use of which suggests style or your preferences. Paintings on the walls, photographs, figurines, etc.

This color combination will be ideal even for the smallest rooms.

Don't forget about textiles. In the bedroom, this detail creates a complete picture and adds coziness. Be sure to decorate the windows with curtains and select bed linen in accordance with the style and color scheme of the room.

To create some zest, you can add bright elements to the interior, such as a carpet, bedspread or curtains in bright colors.

See alsoBedroom design in a modern style

Bedroom-living room

Combining a bedroom and a living room is the most common option for combining areas for different purposes. The main task is to create a comfortable and functional place for receiving guests and intimate gatherings, without sacrificing a full-fledged recreation area. The bedroom itself, at the same time, should remain somewhat “in the shade”; after all, this is a personal space.

Today, a bedroom and a living room in one room is considered one of the most difficult methods of zoning.

Zoning is the most common way to separate one zone from another. Screens, translucent thin partitions or curtains made of beads or ribbons are used as partitions. You should not use shelving or furniture to divide the space - the area is too small. The space will become “heavy” and uncomfortable.

Often such a combination has to be resorted to when there is a lack of space.

A good way to divide a room is a podium. The bed is either placed on it or built in. And the podium itself is used to store textiles or other necessary household items.

A bedroom-living room in one space today looks incredibly fashionable and stylish.

Of course, when choosing a zoning option, the layout of the room is taken into account. It can be easier to “divide” a rectangular room than a square room.

Small-sized dwellings cannot always accommodate the required number of sleeping places and rooms allocated for them.

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