Rearranging furniture - useful tips and tricks

When thoughts about changes in life and the environment come to mind, it is not at all necessary to quit your job or move to another continent. It’s worth starting small, for example, modifying your home. A complete renovation requires large financial costs, but rearranging the furniture in the apartment will take a little time and effort. Although this is by no means as simple an activity as it might seem at first glance. In order for interior items to successfully harmonize with each other and make operation as comfortable as possible, certain rules should be followed when moving them around the apartment.

Let's start with cleaning

Putting things in order sets the mood for change: once you start cleaning, you shouldn’t stop at simply washing the surfaces.
We recommend disassembling the interior cabinets, getting rid of unnecessary things and freeing up space. Perhaps this will help set you up for more significant transformations: replacing bulky walls with lightweight cabinets and shelves, or selling an unloved chair or an outdated computer desk. General cleaning will help identify weak points in the apartment. Perhaps an awkwardly placed sofa has long been in your way or an empty corner has irritated you.

Children's room

Furniture placement requires special attention. There is no need to place it in a central way, since the room should have as much free space as possible for the child’s games and activities. Therefore, you can choose two arrangement options. The first is to create a separate play area with plenty of space. In this case, the arrangement of furniture can be done in any way. The second is placing furniture along the wall. This way you can save a lot of space.

Furniture arrangement. Learning from the example of a bedroom (1 video)

Beautiful furniture arrangement options (14 photos)

Making a plan

Before moving heavy furniture, it is worth developing a design. This seems difficult only at first glance: in fact, there are several ways to work on the layout:

  • Manually draw a plan on a piece of paper.
  • Use a computer program.
  • Create a simple model by cutting out furniture from paper: such models are convenient to move around the drawing.

Bedroom layout

Mastering spatial organization can be a difficult skill to master. For a bedroom, the basics are simple: you usually start with a single bed and adjacent bedside tables. But what about awkward angles? What if the room isn't big enough for two nightstands or a chest of drawers? What if the room is too long and leaves a lot of dead space? Where in the room should the rug be placed?

Interior of a narrow and long bedroom

Achieving the perfect bedroom layout may be easy in word but not in practice. However, with a few basic rules, you can optimize your bedroom furniture to create the perfect room. That's why I'm providing you with some basic layouts to help you choose the right plan.

Compact and roomy


Layout: If your bedroom can barely accommodate a bed, there are a few hacks to help you manage the space. While it's not advisable to push the bed against the wall, try leaving as little space as possible on one side - this will leave more space on the other end for a larger bedside table. A hanging shelf on the opposite side works great in tight corners.

Bed lighting for an airy space

Bed: Opt for a small double bed with built-in storage instead of a dresser.

Bed with large storage

Additionally: If you lack a large closet, choose clothes hangers. Place a small bench or chair next to them for any purpose, such as a spot for a bag, so that nothing ends up lying on the floor. Mirrors will also help a room look larger, so use multiple mirrors that can be placed strategically.

Full size

Layout: A large rug (20x30cm or larger) will help anchor the space. Choose matching nightstands and lamps that take up most of the wall, and a chest of drawers with an armchair on the opposite wall. This is a classic, reliable bedroom design that works like a charm.

Full size bedroom with furniture

Bed: A typical master bedroom, more or less square, should have enough space for a queen or king size bed.

Large space for a king-size bed

Extras: If you have the space, a long bench at the foot of the bed will come in handy and is not only aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable.

Large bedroom with the necessary furniture

Long Layout

Layout: In a long, narrow room, it may be tempting to place the bed in the far corner, but try centering it along a long wall instead. Since the space is large, it will likely be difficult to find a rug that is the right size and they will usually be significantly more expensive. Instead, place your favorite rug on top of a less expensive extra large main rug. Instead of regular bedside tables, opt for larger chests of drawers that will really fill up the space.

Choose a large chest of drawers for storage

Bed: Choose a 2m x 2m king bed - you have room for it, so enjoy it!

It is better to choose a bed according to your height

Additionally: Large bedrooms often come with a walk-in closet, so ditch the chest of drawers in favor of more comfortable furniture. A reading nook, desk, bench, and large plant can help fill awkward corners. Assess your needs and plan your layout accordingly.

Allow yourself more with a huge bedroom

We monitor safety

You should be careful when rearranging furniture: remove everything that might get in the way—carpets, objects scattered on the floor, and wires. Before moving your wardrobe, you should completely empty it of clothes and belongings. The same goes for furniture with drawers or shelves. It is worth inviting an assistant, otherwise the large structures will be easily damaged.

There are several tricks to avoid scratching the flooring when moving furniture:

  • Place pieces of old linoleum under the legs of a cabinet or sofa.
  • Use a wool rug.
  • If the listed items are not available, slices of raw potatoes, plastic jar lids, and pieces of damp cotton cloth will come to the rescue.

Also on sale are special shoulder straps for carrying heavy objects, which reduce the load by 66%.

Preparatory stage

Rearranging furniture in the apartment must be planned. It is best to make a detailed drawing or simulate the future design on a computer. Do not neglect the exact dimensions of the room and all the items in it, otherwise a bulky closet may turn out to be too large for a niche that just 5 minutes ago seemed like an ideal place for it.

Modeling the furnishings of a room will allow you to avoid unnecessary labor costs, save time and prevent damage to floor and wall coverings as a result of thoughtless movements of large items from one corner to another.

Also, to make your work much easier, you need to empty the furniture in the room of its contents. It is also necessary to restore order along the path of movement of the structure - all small and large objects must be removed. Please note that when carrying the product, any of its doors or drawers may open. At best, you will have to stop to correct the situation; at worst, your property will deteriorate and damage will occur. To avoid this, all easily opened parts of the furniture are securely fixed with tape.

Simulate a future design on a computer

Empty the furniture in the room from its contents

Remove small and large items

Secure opening parts of furniture with tape

Working with light

If your reading area or work desk is tied to outlets or wall lights, it's worth considering this before moving furniture. The lack of light brings a feeling of discomfort, so you should think about the level of illumination in advance.

You may need additional light sources or extension cords that will have to be hidden. It is good if the apartment has portable lamps, lamps and floor lamps.


When thinking about how to transform a room with your own hands without renovation, you should not forget about lighting. A new lighting design can make a big difference in your home. If your living room is dim, try opening the curtains to let bright daylight into the room. Replace the light bulbs in the chandelier with fluorescent lamps.

In the bedroom, on the contrary, it is better to get rid of bright light, because this is the room where we go to relax after a long day of work, so dim light from a small sconce or a lamp at the head of the bed is much better suited here than a massive chandelier with seven lamps.

If your room is furnished in a modern style, then it is unlikely that a lamp with crystal pendants that you inherited from your grandmother will be a good solution. Why not buy a floor lamp or table lamp in a high-tech style? A lamp of an unusual shape can serve not only for lighting, but also as a decorative element of the interior.

As you can see, interior elements such as mirrors and curtains, paintings and chandeliers play a very important role; they can give our home new colors and change the atmosphere. It is quite possible to create a modern interior without extra costs if you use a little imagination!

Thinking through the functionality

When starting a transformation, it is worth determining what functional areas you need. For example, have you always needed a mini-office, a reading nook, or extra storage space.

If more than one person lives in a room, zoning will be needed: a shelving unit placed across the room, a sofa with its back turned, or a curtain as a partition will do. Pay attention to the corners - they often remain unused and the usable area is reduced.

The TV and computer should not be placed opposite the window - the screen will glare. The distance between the TV and the viewer should be at least three diagonals.

Changing furnishings

We recommend not limiting yourself to one room: perhaps universal furniture like chests of drawers, shelving or nightstands will find their use in another room or even the kitchen.

It is also worth “breaking up” long-established pairs - for example, the usual table and chair that look good together. Combine different elements with each other so that the combinations look new, but remain harmonious. If the furniture no longer seems modern, one of the options for transforming it is restoration at home.

If the kitchen is tiny, and rearranging the living room has freed up several useful meters, it is worth organizing a dining room in the living room. An unconventional approach can appeal to all household members and bring new experiences to life.

Arranging furniture correctly

In order for the rearrangement to bring a positive result, you should listen to the following tips:

  • An elongated rectangular room looks more aesthetically pleasing if its shape is brought closer to a more regular one. A closet located against a short wall, or zoning dividing the room into two squares, will help.
  • To make the room seem larger, you can arrange the furniture symmetrically.
  • By adding or rehanging a large mirror, you can make the interior lighter and more interesting.
  • The atmosphere will become more comfortable if you place two closets on either side of the sofa or bed.
  • It is not necessary to place the head of the bed against the wall - you can turn it with the foot towards the window or even place it diagonally.

Rearranging is a great alternative to remodeling that doesn't require any expense and helps freshen up your space.

Basic Rules

Rearranging furniture is carried out according to the main rule: the ease of use should not be inferior to aesthetic properties. If the cabinet fits harmoniously between the bed and the chair, but its door cannot be opened completely, the place has been chosen incorrectly. Do not neglect the following recommendations:

  1. Furniture in a small room is placed in only one order: first large items, then small ones.
  2. All removable parts of heavy structures are first dismantled.
  3. To move objects that are too large, special devices are used.
  4. If there are wheels on the base of a table or cabinet, you need to make sure that they are intact.

Instructions for installing furniture hinges, the nuances of their adjustment

Arrange large items first, then small ones

Dismantle removable parts of heavy structures

To move large objects, use special devices

Check the serviceability of the wheels.
A radical rearrangement of furniture can be done in the living room, bedroom or children's room. In the kitchen, the possibilities are significantly limited, because it is unrealistic to swap the sink and gas stove without the participation of a specialist and additional financial expenses. However, the atmosphere can be diluted with additional elements, while following simple rules. It is unacceptable to place heat sources near the refrigerator, and dishes and household appliances should be located in close proximity to the work area. When moving a dining table or other pieces of furniture, avoid the risk of damaging gas or water lines.

Updating your bedroom decor is as easy as rearranging your living room furniture. In the first case it is not recommended:

  1. Place the bed opposite the front door, as light from the next room will cause discomfort when the door is open.
  2. Place a mirror opposite the bed.
  3. Install the cabinet near a window, otherwise you will have to turn on the light every time you use it.
  4. Littering a small room with too many items.

When arranging a living room, you cannot place the TV with the screen towards the window and closer than 3 meters to the sofa or armchair. To make a long room cozy, you need to visually create a square. The following will help in solving this problem: a corner sofa, special partitions, shelving, and other pieces of furniture.

The width of passages in living rooms must be at least 60 cm.

A small child is unlikely to appreciate the modern design of a room; comfort is of paramount importance to him. For this reason, the children's bed is rearranged so that there are no irritating factors around. For schoolchildren, it is important to provide a large amount of light in the work area.

Do not place the bed in front of the front door

Do not place a mirror in front of the bed

Do not install the cabinet near the window

You cannot place the TV with the screen facing the window or closer than 3 meters to the sofa.

There should be no irritating factors around the child's bed

For schoolchildren, provide plenty of light in the work area

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