How to plan the design of a studio apartment: useful tips, layouts and examples of projects (105 photos)

For some, a studio is their first independent home. Some people buy small apartments for elderly parents or rent them out. In any case, in a small area you need to place everything you need and compensate for the lack of isolated rooms. In this article we will tell you how to make a design project for a studio apartment yourself, and we will analyze the actual layouts.

Painted trade pallets for DIY interiors

You need to be a real inventor to be able to effectively decorate a small apartment. In this case, using red paint and a brush, the designers were able to create a cheerful atmosphere through the magnificent combination of a table, kitchen walls and ordinary shopping pallets as a bed base.

Old wooden boxes turned into shelves and a coffee table. And the hammock just encourages you to relax in this cute and cozy space.

Useful tips and recommendations for arrangement

Advice from an expert

Tatiana Nabokova

Interior designer since 2010. Completed more than 100 design projects for apartments and countryside real estate

They carefully consider not only the external design of the studio, but also the technical aspects. For example, if there are several types of finishes in the apartment, it is worth determining in advance the locations of the joints and measuring their length. Tip: Do not combine laminate and tile when decorating a studio apartment (with the exception of narrow tiles located near the bathroom door).

Color spectrum

The design of a studio apartment greatly depends on your color preferences. Interior design in light colors has already become a classic. But the trend is rich, dark and deep shades, which can be used in intimate spaces.

Moody studios

That is, dark, even gloomy. Sea blue, rich grass green, graphite - world color studios call trendy colors the most natural shades and incredible depth. It is better to support a stylish color scheme not with contrasting white, but with a more noble milky or trendy “butter color”, according to the Pantone palette. And you shouldn’t “fill” the entire space with dark shades. Let it be an accent wall, dark floor or kitchen facades. Otherwise, you risk getting a gloomy cave rather than a cozy nest.

Gingerbread house

Rich color schemes in the modern interior of a small apartment will help to place accents and zone the room. But control yourself: an overly saturated multi-color palette will turn a stylish studio into an “elf house.” One bright wall, a couple of pillows, a poster and a small rug by the chair are more than enough.


Japandi, or japanordic as you prefer, is a stylistic combination of Japanese minimalism and Scandinavian rustic flair. The style is ideal for small spaces. Light-colored walls and ceilings, wooden furniture boards, neutral decor - it is much easier to maintain order in such a space, especially if you also agree with the philosophy of minimalism.

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An old chest to create a new style

To create original decor, you need to learn to overcome stereotypes. The key element of the interior of this apartment is an old chest, which serves as a coffee table and at the same time brings a vintage spirit to the image. A ladder doubles as a shelf, and a worn garden bench becomes a bedside shelf. The graphic nature of light parquet creates dynamics and contrast.

Second floor

If you are the happy owner of a studio with high ceilings, creating a two-level space would be a good solution for you. Upstairs you can organize a bedroom or workspace, and make the stairs a storage space.

An option for rooms with regular ceilings is a loft bed.
It is especially suitable for very small apartments.

Wooden beams for organizing space

Why not use existing elements instead of adding new ones? In this studio, not-so-subtle beams were painted white and used as a base to create a very practical shelving unit that, among other things, acts as a partition and fits in perfectly with the decor.

Contrasting elements in bright red add dynamism to the room.

Pastel colors to create a cocoon-like space

Whatever the size of the apartment, the main thing is comfort and pleasing decor. Pastel colors that dominate the design of this studio give it a Scandinavian charm and create the feeling of a gentle cocoon that you don’t want to leave.

All accessories emphasize the modesty and simplicity of the image. A fantasy chandelier that is suitable for any apartment deserves special attention.

Pros and cons of a small studio

Among the advantages of such housing are convenience, practicality and style. A small studio apartment does not require lengthy cleaning, the space is not limited, which is especially convenient if there are small children in the house; moreover, with proper design, the studio is a fashionable trend among interior designers.

The cost of studio apartments is significantly lower than multi-room options

The disadvantages of such a room are that the limited space is not comfortable for a large number of people to live in. In such a room, sound and smells spread quite quickly. However, these issues can be resolved by purchasing a powerful hood, solid doors or installing sound insulation.

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