Black interior in the living room: design ideas, color combinations and materials, 30+ photos

Not everyone comes up with the bold idea of ​​making a living room black, and the reason for this is the widespread stereotype that such an interior brings depression. Associations arise with horror films or gothic creepy rooms. However, black is not as scary as it is imagined and described. With its help, designers create extremely elegant and stylish interiors, and most importantly, black is a universal and classic color. It suits any style and matches the entire color palette.

It may seem strange, but in Asian and African countries the color black symbolizes not death or fear, but kindness, wisdom and morality of the human soul.

Psychology of black color in the interior

You can look at black color in the interior from different perspectives. Typically, dark colors for interior decoration are chosen by bold and strict people who are not afraid of experiments and everything new. The black color is clear, so it appeals to sensible and rational people. They do not try to please others and surprise others with the bright and catchy furnishings of their home. The most important thing for them is order and calm.

It is also chosen by creative people who, on the contrary, want to emphasize the original accent details of the interior. Black copes with this task perfectly - against its background, any, even at first glance, faded decor, stands out and looks brighter. To implement such an idea, black is usually used to decorate one of the walls.

But when choosing black as the dominant color, you should be extremely careful not to cross the line. This color is perceived differently by people, depending on their psychological state. For emotionally stable people, black gives them composure and discipline, which is why they work better and more productively in strict black offices. But it is not surprising that it can have a negative impact on others, depressing them, lowering their mood, or even increasing symptoms of depression. Black interiors are contraindicated for people suffering from anxiety and frequent headaches.

Because of this, it is worth using black in moderation in the interior. It is recommended to dilute it with bright accents or colors of a light palette so that the atmosphere does not look overly oppressive and depressive.

Variety of shades

Christian Lacroix wrote: “There are many shades of black: delicate black - veil, matte and sad black - crepe, intense royal black - velvet, ... joyful and official black - lacquer.”

Although the designer spoke exclusively about fabrics, variations of black materials also exist in cabinet furniture: glossy fronts, for example, look like patent leather, while matte ones resemble crepe or matting.

The photo shows a monochrome dark bedroom

In addition to textures, there are also undertones: this is no longer a pure shade, but a mixed one: for example, blue-black with a certain glow gives a blue highlight. By the same principle, there are purple, brown, red, violet shades.

A separate category is the admixture of white. The final tone depends on its quantity: anthracite, coal, resin, soot, onyx. At first glance, it may seem that all black colors are the same, but a detailed examination shows the opposite.

Pros and cons of using black in the living room interior

Black is one of the few colors that goes well with absolutely any shade of the color palette. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a moody olive or a bright red – in the end you will still get the perfect combination. Thanks to its ability to harmoniously fit into any interior, with the help of black you can bring any design idea to life. It can be used as a leading color, creating a certain mysterious and strict atmosphere. Or use the darkness and languor of color to highlight other shades in contrast and give them expressive and clear outlines.

If black is your favorite color, you're in luck. It is suitable for any style, from luxurious classics to discreet minimalism, in which it plays one of the main roles.

Another interesting feature of black is that it can reduce appetite. Of course, this doesn’t work for everyone, but people watching their weight should try decorating their kitchen in black. In the end, such a kitchen set simply looks stylish and interesting.

Along with a large number of advantages, black also has some disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing an interior color palette. Designers strongly discourage dark colors for small rooms. While black adds depth to large spaces, it will make cramped rooms feel even cramped and uncomfortable.

Black color is impractical from a cleaning point of view. Dust is most noticeable on it, and glossy surfaces will also highlight dirty spots and water stains. This is especially annoying in the kitchen, so the set and table will have to be wiped after each meal preparation.

On black surfaces, mechanical damage such as scratches and chips is most noticeable. You can make them less catchy using textured surfaces.

What color combinations look good with black?

A black wall in the interior will be an excellent basis for any other color spots.

There are no restrictions on the colors used. These can be either light pastel colors or bright flashy electric colors, for example, bright fuchsia or light green-lemon.

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Here, speaking about color combinations, it is worth focusing more on the style that will be implemented in the room.

For example, a black wall in combination with gold or silver, as well as warm beige tones, is perfect for a classic or modern style.

Then, black heavily diluted with delicate pastel shades will create a Provence style.

Black walls in the apartment, in combination with rich, bright, close to spectral tones, colors are an excellent basis for the boho, oriental, loft, hi-tech style.

How to use black in your living room interior

Black color can find its place in completely different pieces of furniture and even in the decoration of walls and ceilings.


A glossy dark ceiling with point light sources creates the effect of an open starry sky overhead. This solution is relevant in spacious and large living rooms - here the black ceiling reveals itself to the maximum.


It is not recommended to decorate all walls in black. This will create an overly oppressive atmosphere and visually narrow the living room. Most often, black is used when creating an accent wall. It can be simply painted with black paint or covered with embossed wallpaper with a pattern. Wall decoration using black and white photographs looks interesting - such a stylish solution is often used in modern interiors.


Furnishing large living rooms is no easy task. It is necessary to arrange the furniture in such a way that it does not create a feeling of emptiness, but this is not always possible to do. In this case, the solution is the subfloor. It will add completeness to the interior, and even single pieces of furniture will look appropriate.

However, such a floor should be handled with special care, because, as we have already found out, black surfaces treacherously highlight the slightest scratches. You will also have to clean it often - dust on a black surface always catches your eye.


Black furniture came to Europe from China. The noble aristocracy began to decorate their homes with lacquered black tables and chairs decorated with carvings.

If you decide to use black furniture in the interior, it is better to create a light neutral background for it, because it looks quite bulky and heavy. It is better not to furnish small living rooms with black furniture, otherwise you will feel cluttered and cramped.

Don't try to choose all the furniture black. Let it be one, but a large accent black sofa or a coffee table that will become the center of the room.

Leather upholstery of upholstered furniture looks advantageous and stylish, and glossy surfaces will help add a touch of luxury.

Decor, lighting and textiles

The final touch when creating the interior. First of all, you should pay attention to the lighting. In black rooms it should be as bright as possible, so it is better to implement a dark interior in rooms located on the sunny side. For the evening, you need to take care of correctly placed light sources and choose one main one - for example, a large crystal chandelier.

In a simple black interior, simple drawings are welcome. Striped black and white pillows complete with matching curtains will ideally complement the decor.

Textiles can also be turned into accents. Moreover, it is most often used for this. Therefore, in a black interior, bright multi-colored textiles have an important function.

The choice of decor depends on the owner’s imagination. It can also be made in color or kept in black tones, making it a discreet interior detail. Black and white photographs in contrasting frames, arranged in a single composition, look atmospheric.

Special Recommendations

When creating a black interior, you should not focus on one color. To create stylistic unity, contrasting items are selected. Prints are used to soften transitions. The main rule is to use no more than three tones.

If you wish, you can create a contrast between the color of the furniture and the walls. It is important to consider the style in which the room is decorated. If this is a loft, which involves focusing on a brick wall, then the furniture is selected from leather. Embossed textiles look good against the background of smooth walls.

When experimenting with decor, the main thing is not to overdo it. An excess of such elements is much worse than their deficiency. In a black living room, understatement is better. Any doubt regarding the selected item must be resolved by refusal. It's better to look for something else.

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