Blue curtains - 120 photos of ideas for combining in the interior + new design items

Blue is a noble and elegant color. But this does not mean that it can only be used in classic room design. The peculiarity of the blue color is its versatility, so it fits perfectly into modern, modern and sometimes even extravagant design solutions. A striking example of the use of this color can be the use of blue curtains in the interior.

It should be noted that lighter shades can make the room visually larger and more spacious. And dark blue curtains can bring some freshness and coolness to the interior of the room. In this article we will look at the main options for using shades of blue in apartment design, and also determine the most successful combinations of it with other colors.

Basic color characteristics

Blue shades are quite noble tones. It makes you think, eliminates depression, and helps you get ready for active work. What is important is that it does not irritate people in any way.

Many psychologists claim that blue color reduces appetite. This is why using blue shades in kitchen areas will encourage less food consumption.

If you belong to the category of people who, for good reasons, need to consume a lot of food, then you should not use blue color combinations in your kitchen design.

Blue color, along with all shades, is considered to be cool tones. In no case should you use blue curtains in those rooms whose windows face north, because the room will seem even more gloomy, dark and very cold. These color shades will look good in living spaces with windows facing north. Here they will give the rooms freshness and coolness.

When choosing blue curtains, it is important to evaluate the size of the room. For large rooms with huge windows, dark blue curtains are well suited, but in small rooms light blue or light blue shades will look harmonious.

When choosing blue curtains, it is important that it is present in other interior items or decor. You can use curtains with drawings or patterns, but in this case the same drawings should also be on textiles.

But not only the color of the curtains is of great importance in the room. It is also important what textiles you choose to decorate your windows:

  1. When using organza in the hot season, you will feel a surge of freshness.
  2. Using satin, you will feel comfort and harmony.
  3. Thick curtains can visually warm you and your family on cold winter evenings.

Restaurants and cafes

In this case, do not overuse the color blue, as experts believe that this particular color can discourage appetite.

But in hotel rooms, light shades of blue will be very useful, as they create an atmosphere of relaxation and relaxation.

Shades of blue in the kitchen

Many housewives know that the blue color in the kitchen is associated with cleanliness and order. If the people you live with are not used to eating a lot and respect measured meals, then this option is ideal for you. Checkered curtains are good for the kitchen.

When choosing a blue color for window decoration, kitchen units and furniture are often selected in milky or white colors. Such combinations are considered the best.

Selection rules

When purchasing blue curtains, harmony should be visible in the interior of the room. They should set you in a positive mood and promote relaxation. It is important to take into account some nuances:

  • Which side does the room's windows face? If this is the southern side, then the palette of shades can vary from ultramarine to soft cornflower blue. Even thick textiles are allowed here. It is better to decorate a window facing north with curtains in which blue is combined with yellow or gold. But it’s better to avoid white shades here, otherwise the room will look too cold.
  • Room area. The smaller the room, the lighter the shades you need to choose. If the room is decorated in a marine theme, you can experiment with a blue and white combination. In a large room it is allowed to use dark and rich colors.

Blue curtains with black tassels in the living room Source

  • The texture of the curtain. On a thick canvas, the color will look more saturated. Blue velvet curtains will make the atmosphere heavy. If they need to be lightened, use tassels, fringes, lambrequins, and tiebacks in white or silver tones.
  • Depth of shades. Blue has a huge range of tones, each of which can be chosen based on a specific situation.
  • Availability of designs and decorations.

Children's room

You can use blue color in a children's room. Here these shades will create an atmosphere of balance and at the same time boundless fun. Unlike other rooms, in a children's room you can combine blue with pink, green or yellow color combinations.

Various mechanisms can be options for curtains in a children's room: lifting, roller, hanging. It is important that this combination fits harmoniously into the design of the children's room. You can use blue curtains with flowers in girls' rooms.

Combination of blue spectrum tones

The tone of textiles and small decor influences the overall interior more than we can imagine. It is the details that determine the taste. That’s why it’s so important that the colors combine well.

  • Dark blue. Very often they are found in the bedroom or living room, bringing here a feeling of cleanliness and peace.
  • Light blue. Ideal for a bright room. Due to the fact that blue can visually enlarge space, curtains of this shade can be used for rooms with a small area.
  • Bright blue. They will look good against the backdrop of bright walls or decor, so they are recommended to be chosen when decorating a children's room.
  • Cornflower. This shade will look especially impressive with snow-white. This combination is suitable for interiors in modern design trends.

Blue curtains indoors in a classic style Source
In order not to overload the room and make it too “heavy”, blue should be combined with the following shades:

  • Grey. This combination gives a calm atmosphere, so it is recommended for use in the bedroom.
  • Orange. If you want to create a calm environment, orange should be combined with heavenly tones. Where a bright design is required, sand tones are combined with dark blue curtains.
  • Golden. This majestic color traditionally goes well with blue.
  • Yellow. This combination will play most favorably in a country style design.
  • Milky, white. They are often combined in a marine-style interior.
  • Beige. The elegant blue-beige palette looks very restrained.
  • Red. The connection is quite complex and contradictory. But with a skillful approach, you can get a unique composition.

Exquisite curtains in blue tones Source

Photo of blue curtains

Types of materials

When sewing blue curtains, you can use various fabrics. All fabric variations can be divided into:

  • Natural;
  • Created artificially;
  • Combined, containing natural and synthetic fibers.

To create curtains, a denser base is used, which will simultaneously serve as protection and decor for the room.

Such curtains can be plain or with different patterns. As for materials, the most popular options are listed below.


Thick textiles. Single-layer execution is chosen very rarely. Double-layer sewing is great for creating reliable protection from the sun's rays. The first layer should be black and directed towards the window.


Natural material, high density. They are chosen when making both curtains and simple curtains.


This is a fabric with a large weight, small pile, designed to retain heat well in the room. Velvet curtains will add luxury and sophistication to it.


The fabric is soft to the touch, lightweight with an iridescent surface. It is made with relief, it can be smooth. Choose for the hall, bedroom.


A winning option for rooms in a variety of stylistic directions. Such a canvas can be placed on the cornice with either side facing the window. In any case, the effect will be unforgettable.


In appearance, the fabric looks like burlap. In production, plain weave is used through the use of paired threads. Thus, a stylish chess relief is obtained. These curtains are used to decorate kitchens and living rooms.


This material is mainly used to make curtains, which have such qualities as softness, smoothness, and a flowing effect. Suitable for different stylistic trends.


It is lightweight and made from natural and artificial threads. The advantage is that the surface shimmers under the influence of different lighting.

Colors and prints of curtains for the kitchen

Usually, when choosing a design option for a kitchen window, they take into account the color of other textiles, as well as the color palette of walls and furniture. The white color scheme for curtains is universal. If there is a lack of natural light, it is recommended to choose warm-colored models.

It looks impressive when the pattern on the curtains is repeated in wallpaper, on furniture facades and in other home textiles. With large drawings you should be careful. It has the ability to influence the perception of space (narrows it).

Models with vertical stripes or diamond prints will help raise the ceiling. If the room is small, then Roman or roller curtains will add visual volume to it.

Classic interiors welcome textiles with traditional patterns - checkered, floral, heraldic.

Combination options

Nowadays, combining different curtains is often used to create harmony in a room. Most often, a combination of translucent curtains and thick drapes is used; it allows you to adjust the lighting.

Tulle and curtain

Tulle and curtains are often combined in bedrooms and living rooms. Blue curtains can be paired with yellow tulle to create a bright accent, or white for a calmer atmosphere.


When combining curtains of two colors, you need to take into account that these colors should complement each other and be contrasting. One of the shades is chosen as the main one, and the second shades it. For example, turquoise-blue curtains with purple drapes will look beautiful.


The hall is usually decorated with lambrequins. With their help you can complement the image of the room, enliven the design, and also hide flaws in the ceiling and uneven walls near the window. Curtains with lambrequins in sea green or emerald color will look good.

Combination of different lengths

The length of the curtains is very important; if they are too long, a lot of dust will accumulate on them; if they are too short, they will look awkward. But you can also combine different lengths, for example, a stylish and often used combination is Roman and long curtains. Most often, this combination is found in the living room and bedroom.

With wallpaper

The combination of colors can be either in the same palette, for example, blue curtains and blue wallpaper, or contrasting (dark blue and beige) or complementing each other (turquoise and lilac).

The photo shows a living room with blue curtains and patterned wallpaper.


Blue shades of curtains are best combined with furniture of the same palette and pastel tones of wall coverings. For example, a blue sofa, carpet and curtains in combination with beige or white shades of the rest of the furniture will look impressive.


Curtains, bedspreads, pillows can be plain, different shades or have different colors, while echoing the general motifs in the design.

Length of curtains in the kitchen

Most often, the cornice is mounted above the window opening so that it extends beyond it by 20 - 25 cm. As for the length of kitchen curtains, they can be:

  • Shortened (to the window sill);
  • Long (to the floor).

It is important that there is a gap of 10 mm between the horizontal surface and the canvas. This way the curtains get dirty less, and they will be much more convenient to use.

Attaching curtains to a cornice

In this case, there may also be several options.

  1. Eyelets. The elements are made from plastic, rarely from metal. They are made in the form of rings that cling to the curtain and are sewn inside the fabric.
  2. Velcro. Suitable for light curtains. One part is fixed to the fabric, the second to the wall surface.
  3. Loops. Made from the same fabric as curtains. They are easy to put on the cornice, you can easily form beautiful folds.
  4. Kuliska. Used for straight curtains. They will be combined with pockets along the entire width. It is placed along the upper edge and through it the material is put on the curtain.
  5. Braid. The most common design is curtain tape, which is attached to the inside of the curtain. Allows you to adjust the width of the curtain on the window.
  6. Rings. Popular mounting option. Elements can be selected in accordance with the style features of the interior.

Blue textiles will fit perfectly into any room, you just have to be patient in choosing, sewing, and decorating them.


Naturalness is in fashion now. Therefore, it is better to use cotton and linen for kitchen curtains. Mixed fabrics are also suitable. And in some modern styles, synthetics would be appropriate.

  • It is recommended to avoid wool and silk - these materials are extremely demanding to care for.
  • Durability, beautiful texture, resistance to sunlight - all this makes linen the most suitable option for sewing kitchen curtains. But when purchasing it, it is worth remembering that this fabric should be taken with a reserve - it will shrink after washing.
  • Cotton materials have an attractive appearance and good strength properties. The disadvantages include significant shrinkage after wet cleaning and rapid loss of color in the sun.
  • Viscose is an artificial replacement for silk. Its advantages are efficiency and practicality. Disadvantage - does not tolerate regular washing. Designers advise choosing curtains of a mixed composition or lined with natural fabric.

Polyester curtains have their advantages - low cost, resistance to deformation, resistance to fading. There are only two disadvantages - the attraction of dust, high soiling.

How to choose companion colors

Designers note that blue looks perfect with wood and white. When developing the design of a kitchen space, it is necessary to take into account the optimal color combinations:

  • contrast spectrum - orange, yellow and red;
  • monochrome range - a combination of various blue shades;
  • neutral colors - implies a combination with lilac, purple, green, pink, beige, gray and brown.

Living room

The photo shows a good example of using two-color curtains with horizontal stripes.

To choose the right shade of blue curtains for a hall or living room, it is important to take into account not only the location of the window, but also the size of the room. If the area of ​​the room is small, it is advisable not to use dark colors when decorating it. More light shades and a minimum of contrasting combinations - this is the basic rule for visually expanding space.

In a spacious living room, you can play with contrasts (blue and red, for example), and give preference to rich, deep shades of blue.

The color scheme of curtains should be selected in such a way that the already created interior style is not disturbed and its harmony is preserved.

For example, if blue is present on the curtains, there should be other items of this color in the room: furniture, accessories, carpeting, picture frames.

It is not necessary to make the entire room blue, but a moderate predominance of the main color will create the impression of completeness and thoughtfulness of the interior.

One of the options for an elite interior is a living room in blue and gold tones. This is an excellent combination for a room with a palace-style interior. But the “gilding” should not prevail, but only set off the main color, then it will look stylish and not too pompous. For example, you can use gold cord to decorate upholstered furniture and curtains.

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