Design options for men's apartments in a modern style

The design of a one-room apartment for a young man does not have a clear definition or any specific style solutions. There are key reference points, but a lot depends on the personal preferences of the homeowner. After all, the apartment can be made in a classic or vintage style, if a young man prefers them. But still, there are 2 main features that, according to designers, are present in all “male” apartments. This is conciseness and convenience. That is, such a design should not look too pretentious. The multifunctionality of the room will also be considered a big plus. Some pieces of furniture and interior design must have multiple functions in order to be transformed at the right time. After all, even for an avid bachelor, a room in a one-room apartment can play the role of not only a bedroom, but also a living room, dining room and even a gym.

The difference between a men's apartment and a women's apartment

The main difference from men's and women's interiors is that the former strive to express themselves, the latter - to adapt the surrounding space as much as possible and make it more comfortable for themselves. Men prefer simple forms, women love exquisite things, sophisticated shapes, and details. A man's home should be organized as efficiently as possible; providing convenient places to store things will help to avoid cluttering the space.

When designing a bachelor’s home, it is important to take into account the area of ​​the apartment, the man’s age, his interests and preferences

Women prefer soft colors and textures when decorating, men use rough stone, tile, and glass finishing materials. When choosing furniture, a guy pays attention to the compatibility of items, a girl pays attention to the reliability, functionality, and durability of items.

The correct masculine style of an apartment presupposes adherence to geometry, clear lines, and rationality. Women's space may not be organized so logically; the purpose of the interior is to create a feeling of comfort and coziness, even if it is an ordinary Khrushchev building.


This interior solution is suitable for young people who play a certain sport. If this is a football player, you can choose finishing materials in the colors of his team, decorate the walls with cutouts from magazines or posters with the young man’s idol athletes, and lay a covering on the floor that imitates a football field. If the owner of the room is into volleyball or basketball, hang a ball net for him. The room of a young man who is interested in oriental wrestling can be decorated with quotes from martial arts masters.

Often, a child’s passion for sports develops into something more, and a young person at 20 already has a certain list of awards and achievements. For cups and diplomas, you can allocate a separate rack or cabinet with glass doors, so that all guests entering the room can see the pride of its owner. For greater effect, the cabinet can be equipped with internal lighting. Those guys who are not interested in any particular sport, but simply prefer an active lifestyle, can be pleased with a wall bar with a pull-up turnstile or a simulator. Since such things are bought for more than one year, you should not skimp on the quality of sports equipment. And then the corner, which was bought for a teenager at 14 years old, will serve its owner at 20 years old.

Features of the layout of a men's apartment

The layout of the apartment can be open or closed. There is also a compromise solution in the form of a kitchen-living room, adjacent to one or more separate rooms.

Simplicity and functionality

Women's and men's interiors have differences; men prefer free space and simplicity. The standard design of a man's apartment is associated with combinations of solid, reliable materials and textures. The most popular materials are stone, glass, and concrete. A minimum of attention is paid to the decor; the apartment can be decorated only with traditionally masculine attributes - weapons or trophies; often in such interiors there is a globe and spyglasses.

Before renovation, you need to decide what zones should be in the apartment

This design of a one-room apartment for a man should be as rational as possible and convenient for everyday use. In men's apartments there are often modern gadgets and household appliances that make life as simple as possible.


There are no complex details in the men's apartment - the combination of a sofa and a small wall is considered standard. The cabinet or wall can be replaced with ordinary shelves. This approach provides freedom of movement and saves time.

In an apartment where a single man lives, everything should be at hand and in its place


If there is extra space in the apartment, a man will definitely make a dressing room. If there is no free space, a spacious wardrobe is installed to store all the necessary things and items of clothing.

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Suitable interior styles for a men's apartment

In pursuit of a stylish interior, it is important to maintain the functionality of the home, because first of all, the apartment should be comfortable and only then fashionable and beautiful


Most men prefer this particular style; it embodies all the aspirations of their soul. The most common materials are metal and glass; much attention is paid to LED lighting and technology. The main element of such an interior could be a cinema or a console with a large monitor.

In high-tech, simplicity goes well with convenience and comfort.

Ethnic style

The ethnic style can be anything - the apartment is decorated in African, Japanese, Scandinavian, English, Italian styles. This option is ideal for decorating country houses; some difficulties may arise when decorating apartments. In such interiors, much attention is paid to the choice of furniture and decorative elements.

The interior of an African-style apartment looks quite unusual


The loft style is distinguished by spontaneity; it is suitable for men due to its brutality accents. It looks equally good in small studios and huge apartments. This style perfectly combines a variety of trends, which will help any man express himself. The loft style allows you to combine old brick walls, hanging wiring with canopies, and cozy armchairs.

A loft requires the most spacious space possible, even if you have to sacrifice walls


The main essence of a minimalist interior is the rejection of minor details in favor of the main thing. A man, even in an apartment, wants to surround himself with only functional things. They do not want to waste their lives on trifles and refuse rules imposed from outside. This apartment has a minimum of furniture, which allows you to focus on yourself and creativity.

Minimalist bachelor pad decorated in various shades of gray

Boutique hotel style

When creating this style, attention is paid to exclusivity and individuality. The interior should resemble a hotel, which has everything you need for a comfortable life. At the same time, the feeling should be created that the person will always get a sense of privacy.

In most cases, this is a studio apartment, where the kitchen is a small corner

Light nautical style

Light marine style is suitable for decorating a space of any size, amount of sq.m. doesn't matter. It could be a one-room apartment, a two-room apartment, or a large country house. When choosing shades, attention is paid to blue, green, white, blue shades.

A marine-style interior involves the use of natural materials

Rest zone

The bedroom is a special place for a man, where you can not only relax and have a good rest, but also feel solidity, pride, and a romantic mood.

The main patterns can be: large checkered, striped, weightless plant or floral motifs, geometric images.

If we are talking about a sleeping place within the living room, then a folding sofa will be the optimal solution.

When carrying out renovations in a bachelor's apartment, it is worth considering the technology of working with the interior. Then the most successful result will be achieved.

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To create a visual separation between the living room and the relaxation area, a plasma panel, a large aquarium, and lighting are used.

Suitable design styles for a men's studio apartment

The standard apartment design for a young man is made in high-tech, minimalism, and loft styles. Scandinavian style is ideal for decorating a small room.

Laconic interior of a modern men's apartment in Scandinavian style

It is not at all necessary to choose one style direction; you can decorate the apartment in your own way, taking the best from everywhere

Bedroom design for a young guy

A combination of practicality and comfort is a must. There should be a separate area for hobbies. If he likes to draw, then an easel is installed. A bookcase and a comfortable, soft chair nearby will suit the reader.

A young man's room should be stylish and comfortable

When choosing an interior, you should take into account the owner’s preferences

Among the shades, it is worth stopping at blue, beige, brown or gray. An area should be allocated for the working segment. There the young man will be able to study or work. Be sure to have a functional table where all the necessary items can be conveniently placed.

Lighting and interior decor for men

When creating a masculine design, special attention is paid to lighting; savings in this case are not encouraged. For lighting, chandeliers and sconces are used; the first option is suitable for decorating a small apartment. Depending on the room, it is possible to install floor lamps and table lamps.

Men love light and space, so you shouldn’t skimp on lighting fixtures.

Subtleties of arranging a bedroom of 17 square meters. m

On a large area, you can allow any bold project: combining a room with a balcony or living room, installing a fireplace, organizing a dressing room, a lounge area and much more.

Today, most designers are abandoning the idea of ​​placing furniture around the perimeter of the room. To make your interior look modern, you should follow the advice of experts. Place the bed in the middle of the room parallel to the window and start from it when arranging a wardrobe, chest of drawers, dressing table, armchairs or floor mirror

To make your interior look modern, you should follow the advice of experts. Place the bed in the middle of the room parallel to the window and start from it when arranging a closet, chest of drawers, dressing table, armchairs or floor mirror.

If the bedroom is intended for an established married couple, as a rule, these rooms are quite conservative.

Photo examples of the design of men's apartments

Blue bedchamber

There is an opinion that the choice of colors for a small room is extremely limited. Many people advise decorating them only in white colors. Using white is a really great solution. However, light shades of any other colors in the palette will look just as good! If your favorite color is blue, you can use it as a base. Blue will be an excellent background for furniture and various accessories.

Choose light shades of blue and azure. Combine them with white. Blue is perfect for rooms located on the south side. A similar color scheme will create a slight coolness and visually increase the space. It should be present not only in the decoration. Blue bed linen, textiles, and pillows will look great. You can try to combine several shades at once, choose a specific theme - sea, sky. Ideas for such a design can be found on the Internet.

Blue color will be an excellent background for furniture

You don’t have to make the whole room one color; a combination of blue and white will look great

Recommendations from professionals

Here are the most interesting recommendations for decorating small spaces.

The best style for the interior of a one-room apartment is minimalism. The main task of furniture in this case is to perform several functions simultaneously. It is better if it is transformable furniture: a folding table, a transformable sofa. It is ideal to make custom-made furniture based on your own wishes. This will allow it to occupy only the necessary areas of the room, so that there is a maximum of unoccupied space. Use “airy” interior design. It would be appropriate to use mirror surfaces, partitions or frosted glass (tempered). If there is no need to install partitions, then zoning of housing can be done using finishing materials

But it is very important to select and combine them correctly. As for the floor, it can also be made different in each room

For example, you can use tiles for the kitchen, lay laminate flooring in the room, and lay a small rug in the sleeping area. Also pay attention to the lighting design. You cannot use only dark colors or only bright ones in one home. The ideal solution is to place only accents. For example, the walls and floor can be made snow-white, and the ceiling dark. Or vice versa. But keep in mind that small rooms love light shades, then they will visually appear larger! It is also worth dismantling the walls if they are not load-bearing. After all, they make an already small apartment seem even smaller! The Khrushchev-era apartments have separate storage rooms. Many people store various unnecessary junk in them. When working on a design project for an apartment of this type, you can make such a storage room yourself not just a wardrobe, but an entire storage system! Thanks to this, you will not need to install a separate closet in the room, so you will “win” in space. If the ceilings are high enough, the sleeping place can be designed “in the air”. After all, nowadays everything is possible, but the option of an attic bed is an absolutely stylish and appropriate solution for the design of a one-room apartment! To make such a sleeping place durable, a closet can be built in below! In order not to worry about the strength of such furniture, it is better to turn to experienced and professional craftsmen who will make a custom-made loft bed based on your individual “parameters”. No need to overload the room with completely unnecessary things! To decorate windows, it is best to use light fabrics, and to ensure that nothing is visible at all, you can install roller blinds made of thick fabrics. As for household appliances, they should be as mobile as possible. It is better to install the same TV on a swivel bracket, and install the acoustics in the ceiling.

Finishing methods

The renovation will allow you to get a single space from a neutral space: warm, cozy, comfortable. Experts assure that all plans and repair costs need to be recorded and tabulated in special programs. This way you can understand where the most money is spent, whether you can save money, without forgetting about your original plans.


It all depends on the initial condition of the floor. If it is a wooden floor on joists, the boards will probably make a creaking noise. If it is an old coated screed and has not been repaired for a long time, it may manifest itself as rustling sand, dents and instability of the finish coating. In short, if such serious defects are noticed, the floor will have to be changed. Sometimes everything is cleaned up and a new screed is poured. Let's figure out what floors to lay.

Wooden ones are the most environmentally friendly option. This floor is laid on logs, between which insulation and sound absorber are placed. The boards themselves are laid either on the logs or on the plywood placed on them.

In some apartments, the plank floor requires a slight “upgrade”, after which it can be painted (and not brown at all, but the popular white, for example), and it will be inexpensive, natural, and modern.


The wallpaper option remains the most popular so far. For a small room, this is a one-day job, unless, of course, you use complex combination techniques.

You can decorate the walls in a one-room apartment not only with wallpaper.

Paint it. This option has become very common because this method is considered simple, modern, and self-sufficient. In case of any defect, the paint layer in this place can be renewed. Moreover, you can use a combination of two colors in a horizontal way.


Stretch ceilings are losing ground. If you want to focus on Western models, where there is a lot of environmental friendliness, complete simplicity and naturalness, then it is better to simply level the ceilings and paint, whitewash. But multi-level tensile structures are becoming something of a series of “European-quality renovations” that are outdated.

Not very voluminous decorative beams may appear on the ceiling, significantly adding coziness to the room. But dividing a room into zones using ceiling zoning is also a thing of the past, although if you really like it, why not do it that way. True, at 18 meters you don’t want to “eat up” a single extra centimeter, but frame ceiling structures force you to do this.


Initially, the apartment had a conventional layout. We decided to dismantle two partitions between the room, hallway and kitchen. This created a solid studio space, but with proper zoning.

We insulated the loggia space and designed 3 functional zones here: a library, a work area and a bar counter.

The library follows the concept of a functional cube. The bar tabletop along the window can be folded down as needed, and the work area is located at the other end of the loggia. The wall in the work area is a slate board, convenient for the work process.

Color spectrum

The ideal base color for a man's apartment is white or gray. It is they who decorate about 50-60% of the space, such as walls and main pieces of furniture.

As additional shades, we take those colors that the stronger sex likes - cold, rich, deep. These include wine, burgundy, black, steel gray, blue, emerald, as well as all shades of brown.

To add warmth to the interior, you can introduce some bright contrasts using red, orange or mustard.

In masculine interiors, “girlish” colors like pink, lilac and delicate pastel shades are practically never found.

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