7 simple ways to make your apartment stylish and cozy (without losing your salary)

When decorating a modern style in the interior, the main thing that needs to be done is to create the most functional space using the latest technological advances and design ideas. Restraint in the use of colors is encouraged. Thanks to the right combination of wallpaper, flooring, ceiling design and selection of decorative elements, you can create a beautiful interior in any area on a limited budget.

Interior design in a modern style is not a specific trend, but a combination of styles that were relevant in a certain period of time.

Down with everything that makes noise

Visual noise is those things that “pollute” a room and create a feeling of clutter. In the kitchen, jars, vases, spice boxes and other small utensils that proudly occupy the entire length of the countertop will make noise. Of course, you shouldn’t throw it away, just let’s put this “wealth” in the lockers.

Let's move on. Eliminating magnets from the refrigerator. You can leave one or two of your favorite ones, the rest will be superfluous. Now for the towels: instead of making a Tower of Babel out of them, hang them on a door hanger or inside a cabinet.

Brief description of modern apartment interiors: art deco, loft, modern classics

Interior designs for apartments in a modern style are more diverse than in other areas. Some styles are considered the heritage of classical trends, for example, modern Provence and modern classics, while others, on the contrary, were created in accordance with the latest trends. It is not easy to identify any general rules characteristic of creating modern styles, because each of them has its own characteristics.

At the moment, trends such as loft, industrial, scandi, minimalism and hi-tech are at the peak of popularity.

Important! The main thing that unites designs in a modern style is the freedom of human imagination.

Currently, design allows the use of various combinations of textures and colors that, it would seem, are not in harmony with each other. The main features of a modern interior: self-expression, spontaneity and functionality are reflected in every detail. Apartment interiors in a modern style are very popular.

Modern interior classic or neoclassical. A style that is considered the ideal of elegance and beauty. The main features are combination, restraint and symmetry. Modern classical style in the interior combines the traditions of classicism and antiquity with an eye on the latest aesthetic realities. When decorating the living space, modern finishing materials and technological means are used. Here preference is given to light colors, such as beige, shades of brown, gray, and various versions of white. When developing a design, it is considered popular to use stucco molding and mirrors. A minimum amount of furniture and decorative elements is welcome.

Modern Provence. In style, such buildings resemble houses in provincial Europe. In the Provence interior style, all elements must be harmoniously combined with each other. In this case, preference is given to finishing made from natural materials, the presence of natural colors, good lighting, and the use of floral prints. Furniture and accessories are always chosen with traces of “aging”. The main thing is to light the area well, use more glossy ceramics and floral themes.

Natural materials create a cozy atmosphere in a modern interior

Other popular modern interior designs

Modern living spaces rarely feature large areas. Therefore, designers have adapted various styles to suit the design of small spaces. Let's consider the most popular interior styles that are used in small apartments.

High tech. Refers to the most modern styles. It originated in the 80-90s of the last century and is still considered one of the most popular. The main task that needs to be accomplished when arranging an apartment or house in a high-tech interior style is to make the space as functional as possible. The direction accepts straight lines and regular geometric shapes. Only the necessary objects (and nothing unnecessary) should be in the space. Most often, housing is decorated in a single color, where the most common colors are red, white, shades of gray and black.

Contemporary. The contemporary style in the interior of an apartment or house is not distinguished by a large number of chic or luxurious elements. The style is considered simple, yet functional. The layout is characterized by right angles and smooth walls to make it convenient to arrange furniture and appliances. There are no preferences in color design, but mostly a monochromatic wall color is used, which is diluted with the presence of abstract drawings.

Design in a modern style is the use of a neutral palette of shades

Minimalism. It was formed at the end of the last century, when smart apartments began to be built en masse, which do not have a large area. Typically, apartments in a minimalist style interior are furnished only with multifunctional furniture and appliances. The use of a large number of accessories is not encouraged here; only necessary items are used in the setting. The style is characterized by straight lines, sharp angles and plain objects - often with light, pastel surfaces. Stylish interior design is created using a combination of glass and metal.

We boil it all down to decanting.

This is where it gets a little tricky. We think it's suitable for those who have plenty of storage space. Let's explain now.

Assorted bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap give the bathroom a “non-marketable” look. It is better to pour the contents into identical containers. This way it will look beautiful.

What to do with the bottles? We do not recommend throwing them away; we suggest storing them in closed cabinets. Firstly, there will still be liquid in them; it’s rare to pour everything at once. Secondly, the bottles will contain important information about the product: method of use, terms, etc. You can, of course, photograph them, but, as practice shows, photographs are deleted at the most inopportune moment.

The main features of the contemporary style in the interior

The main features of the contemporary style in the interior are functionality and simplicity of designs, which are distinguished by convenience, comfort, elegance and technical reliability. This direction combines the ideas of such styles as Scandinavian, high-tech, minimalism and constructivism. Over time, the genre acquired characteristic features that made it recognizable among other modern trends. The main features of contemporary art include:

  1. Simplicity. This applies to planning and design. Simple forms of furniture sets, clear boundaries, and the absence of carved and openwork elements are welcome. The room is not filled with a large number of accessories and decorative elements.
  2. Functionality. When selecting furniture, preference is given to modular, built-in options and transformers. Wardrobes are usually spacious, with plenty of shelving.
  3. Zoning with light and furniture. Like other modern trends, contemporary prefers spacious rooms.
  4. Interchangeability of interior parts.

Contemporary style provides great freedom in the choice of materials, furniture and decor, without restrictions and strict rules

Looking through photos of apartment interiors in the contemporary style, you can be convinced that the direction is optimal for decorating studio apartments and large spacious rooms. In the interior of the bedroom, the contemporary style suggests a desire for comfort. In a children's room, the basics of style are reflected in conciseness: the features of the style can be played out both in the room of a teenager and a student. This direction accepts the use of a variety of materials, such as plastic, glass, stone (artificial and natural), metal. Features of surface design:

  1. Ceilings. Plasterboard suspended ceilings are popular; most often they have multi-level surfaces into which various lighting elements are built. Tensile structures are acceptable, as well as ordinary ceilings painted with water-based paint of a neutral color.
  2. Floor. The most common flooring options are tile and laminate. It is also permissible to lay laminate, carpet, linoleum or make a self-leveling floor.
  3. Walls. They are either painted or wallpapered. The latest fashion trend is to decorate walls with laminate, which acts as zoning. Laminate helps to divide space into functional zones and creates accents in the interior.

In the color scheme, preference is given to neutral shades: gray, sand, white, ivory. Furniture is often brown, dark blue, or graphite. The necessary atmosphere is created with the help of bright vases, carpets and bedspreads. Decor and accessories are used not only to diversify and create a special atmosphere, but also to individualize the space. Indoor plants look harmonious. Below is a selection of beautiful photos of contemporary style interiors.

When decorating an interior in a contemporary style, you need to give preference to neutral shades

Features of contemporary style in the kitchen interior: photos

The contemporary style in the kitchen interior is easily recognizable due to the features of the room’s decoration, the principles of arranging furniture elements and the layout. The best option is to combine the dining room with the work area. The main design rule is to fill the room with innovative items, which include:

  • smooth facades;
  • transparent fittings;
  • molded profiles;
  • built-in buttons and lighting elements;
  • lampshades made of nickel-plated steel.

Quite often you can find lighting built into furniture, not only in its upper part, but also in its lower part (to highlight the floor). A kitchen backsplash is usually made of tempered glass or tiles that imitate natural stone. Geometric shapes and abstractions are welcome on the walls. Above the dining table there must be a large, low lamp. Also, when decorating the space, you should consider in advance the presence of built-in cutting boards, garbage bins, and drying racks for dishes.

Smooth shapes and clean lines are one of the main features of a contemporary kitchen interior.

Important! Kitchen items should be within walking distance to make working in the room as easy as possible.

The modern rhythm of life is characterized by extremely rapid changes, when it is necessary to energetically adapt to changes. This also applies to the arrangement of modern apartments. Therefore, it is quite logical that the rules for creating interiors acquire new features and go beyond established principles. The absence of strict requirements for the design of modern styles allows you to expand the boundaries of possibilities and create individual designs.

Proportions are important

An armchair that is too large in a small apartment looks ridiculous. And even if you paid a decent amount of money for it, there will be no talk of any style or comfort here.

To prevent this from happening, make sure you have the correct proportions. This is 2 to 3. The bedside table is no more than two thirds of the total size of the bed, the table is next to the sofa, and so on. Same with empty space. It should not be too small, otherwise the room will seem cluttered.

Modern classics in the interior: main features

The style of modern classics in the interior of an apartment is distinguished by the fact that this genre, although it gravitates toward the classics, at the same time keeps pace with the times. Neoclassicism is a direction that combines elements from different eras and at the same time remains modern.

Classics are often chosen to emphasize one’s status and high position in society.

The style is based on only classic shapes and textures, to recreate which new design solutions and materials are used. In fact, modern classics in the interior of an apartment adhere to a minimalist approach to the basics of traditional design. Neoclassicism is an ideal option both for decorating a country house and for furnishing an apartment. The main features of the style are the use of pastel colors that create a harmonious space, symmetry of shapes and simplicity.

Over time, the principles of modern classic interior design have changed, but one condition remains constant - it is easier to recreate the style in a large room. To create such an interior, a two-story house, old apartments with ceilings of 3.5 meters and two-tier living spaces are ideal. It is especially good if there is a large staircase leading to the second floor.

Interior design in the style of modern classics gravitates towards spacious and bright spaces. To emphasize the lightness of the style and fill the room with coziness, it is recommended to use a light monochrome palette. The following are used as primary colors:

  • cream;

The neoclassical interior is dominated by light natural shades and calm, muted tones.

  • pale blue;
  • pink;
  • olive;
  • beige;
  • light yellow;
  • milk chocolate color;
  • Blue, terracotta, dark green, burgundy and chocolate colors are used as bright accents.

The wallpaper is chosen in soft colors, restraint is combined with a variety of decor, straight and symmetrical lines are welcome here. The best choice is wallpaper where modern patterns are depicted on canvases of calm shades.

Another feature of modern classics in the interior, in contrast to classical conservatism, is the combined use of traditional and modern building materials. The interior successfully combines granite, ceramic and marble surfaces along with simple but elegant plastic. Parquet is usually laid on the floor, although if you have a limited budget, even linoleum with a neutral color can be used. It is advisable to decorate the ceiling using wooden or plastic (wood-like) panels. This approach is appropriate to use both when decorating an apartment and a house.

To decorate walls in neoclassical style, decorative plaster, moldings, and overlay wall panels are often used

Features of lighting design and other integral features of modern classics

A neoclassical interior is necessarily filled with numerous lighting items: wall sconces, floor lamps, spotlights, massive chandeliers. Lighting highlights certain areas and fills the room with light. Modern classic chandeliers used in the interior look both solemn and modern; the main types include:

  • glass pendants;
  • multi-arm chandeliers in a metal casing;
  • chrome surfaces combined with glass shades made of tempered glass.

Preference is given to diffused matte lighting, which evenly distributes light throughout the room, emphasizes the features of the environment and highlights decorative elements. When decorating an interior in the style of modern classics, it is recommended to use a variety of sconces, pendant lamps and spotlights, which are placed at different levels, using not only the ceiling, but also the walls and floor. Below you can see several successful photos of modern classics in the interior using various lighting elements.

Important! If you pay attention to the photos of interiors in the style of modern classics, you can come to the conclusion that much attention is paid to the selection of lighting.

Chandeliers in modern classic interiors look luxurious and at the same time modern

Neoclassicism inherited from the classics only the most interesting elements that make the interior unique: arches, antique-style columns, sculptures, pilasters. Stucco molding is considered a special decoration that attracts the greatest attention. But at the same time, you should not get carried away with using all the elements at once and oversaturate the room with decorative details that will overload the interior of the room. Other characteristic features of the direction:

  1. Capito stitch is a technology that is used for decorative upholstery of furniture, for the design of kitchen facades, ceilings and even plumbing fixtures.
  2. Windows with Roman blinds. It is not recommended to cover windows with thick curtains, which limit the flow of natural light into the room.
  3. Fireplace. It is considered an important central element of interior design, which not only warms the space, but also serves as a place of family unity.
  4. Unification of space. In the photos of real objects of modern classics in the interior, there is a lack of zoning of space using walls. The main principle is the combination of small rooms into one spacious room, which serves as a living room, dining area and relaxation area. At the same time, it is recommended to abandon unnecessary doors.

Neoclassical interiors are notable for their characteristic colors - black, white and gold.

Arrangement of the kitchen, living room and bedroom interior in the style of modern classics: photo

The main item in the bedroom is the bed, which is recommended to be made from natural materials, such as wood. Textiles in a modern style are perfect for decoration. On the sides of the bed, it is appropriate to place bedside tables or stand tables where bedside lamps or small reading lamps are located. You can also install lamps in the headboard of the bed. Preference is given to neutral light tones, against which coffee-colored furniture and dark floors look advantageous.

This is interesting! The neoclassical direction easily fits into a bedroom of any size.

The living room is considered the most important room in the home, so it is better to put a damage-resistant laminate or parquet board on the floor. The center of attention is a large sofa for guests, next to which a soft carpet with geometric patterns will look good. It is better to choose furniture from natural wood with leather upholstery, which is easier to care for than fabric. It is advisable to use stucco on the ceiling in light colors; coffered ceilings can also be used. On the walls it is appropriate to hang massive paintings in heavy frames and retro-style clocks.

Traditional and modern, laconic and noble, strict and at the same time light kitchen in the neoclassical style

Modern classics in the kitchen interior involve a strict layout, which uses practical furniture made from natural materials, filling the room with comfort. If you have a limited budget, kitchen fronts can be made from glued chipboard or veneered MDF with a pattern that imitates the texture of natural wood. The presence of spectacular fittings that emphasize the features of the style is mandatory. In the photo of kitchen interiors in the style of modern classics, you can mainly see that the countertop on the work surface is made of a material that in appearance resembles natural stone.

The apron should be made of tempered glass or ceramic tiles, the surface of which can be easily cleaned from dirt. The interior is made more modern by displaying household appliances that meet the latest technology.

Natural materials

In recent years, designers and apartment owners are increasingly giving preference to everything natural and organic. This applies to everything from materials to some decorative elements. Natural and environmentally friendly materials for decoration and furniture provide not only an aesthetic appearance to the room, but also comfort for those who live in it.

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It is better to choose parquet for the floor than laminate, for walls - ceramic tiles or stone instead of PVC panels. The advantages of natural materials are: durability, reliability, safety, thermal conductivity, etc.

One of the main disadvantages of the material is their high price. However, it is justified by the fact that the coating will last a long time. The modern construction market presents imitations of natural materials. They can replace natural finishes only if there is no doubt about the quality.

Allocation of space for a dressing room

Most owners of small apartments believe that a dressing room is a luxury they cannot afford. As a result, cabinets are installed to store things, which not only hide the space, but also make it less functional. Even built-in systems take up usable square footage, which is very important for small city apartments.

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The most rational solution is still considered to be arranging a dressing room. The main advantages of this room include:

  • all things are always at hand;
  • space saving;
  • the ability to recreate individual projects.

Arranging a walk-in closet can cost less than buying a high-quality wardrobe. The room can be organized in a pantry, on a balcony or loggia, in a bedroom, etc. It all depends on the characteristics of the house or apartment and the lifestyle of the owners.

Sometimes the dressing room is separated by a screen, curtain, or partition from the main room. Original design solutions include open shelves with clothes, however, from a practical point of view this is not the most convenient option.

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Simple ideas without extra costs

Let's start with the concept of comfort. Usually they talk about it often, but not everyone understands what it is. Your home should not only be beautifully furnished, but above all, it should be comfortable. There is no need to repeat exactly the perfect pictures from the Internet or magazines to decorate your apartment. Sometimes just add a few things or replace only part of the interior:

  • Place or hang soft rugs. A soft rug can be a beautiful and comfortable addition to your flooring, but rugs can also be hung on walls. Choose a rug with an unusual pattern that will attract attention. A bright rug of an original shape will become the highlight of the interior in any room.
  • Complete your bed or sofa with pillows. Buy pillows with interesting quotes, designs, patterns or textures to decorate the room. Check out consignment stores and online furniture stores. T-shirt workshops can even put the design on a fabric pillow cover.

    Decorative pillows are selected to match other textile elements or in contrast with the upholstery of upholstered furniture

  • Add cabinet lighting.
    If you have trouble seeing items in your closet or just want to brighten up the room, use white hanging garlands on the inside of your doorway. It may feel like you're opening the door to an unknown universe or the fashionable wardrobe of a rock band. Use tape or hooks to secure the garlands. Built-in LED lighting will add convenience to using the cabinet

Beautiful and cozy rooms that you want to be in right now (photo)

If you are looking for inspiration or renovation ideas, this interior collection is for you. Here you can find thoughtful, beautiful, atmospheric and unusual rooms, houses and interiors from all over the world. There's an entire community on Reddit dedicated to inspiring room interior design. Let's take a look at the ones you want to be in right now!

Guest bathroom

A guest bathroom is not a luxury, especially if space allows. Even in small apartments, it is recommended, if possible, to provide a toilet for guests. It may occupy only two square meters, but it will change the quality of life for the better.

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A guest bathroom requires much less cleaning effort than a bathroom and toilet that is constantly used by all family members. Home owners will feel much more comfortable if their bathroom remains their personal area. The only thing that should be taken into account is the technical capabilities of arranging the premises, since it may be necessary to make changes to the engineering communications of the house when renovating the apartment.

Warmth of a candle

Even the smallest candle will make the room instantly glow. If you put a few candles near the mirror, it will enhance the atmosphere, and if you fill the false fireplace with them, you can’t think of anything more romantic and cozy! Whatever room you place candles in (even the bathroom), make sure they are located a safe distance from flammable materials.

Large amount of bed linen

Many housewives have a whole closet dedicated to bed linen. This is also no longer relevant. It’s better to buy 2 instead of 5-6 sets, but the highest quality and most expensive ones. After a few months, repeat and please yourself with a new thing.

There will be no extra bed linen - there will be no need for bulky furniture

See alsoThe concept of architecture and interior design of residential interiors

High doors and panoramic windows

Many property owners prefer to install standard doors. Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of sizes and shapes of entrance structures. Often this helps not only to refresh the interior, but also to feel more comfortable. Rooms with high doors always look more impressive than those with standard-sized structures.

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Panoramic windows add sophistication to the interior. They let in much more light than standard ones. This method of glazing is increasingly used not only in country houses, but also in apartments. The advantages of panoramic windows are obvious:

  • wider view;
  • abundance of natural light;
  • respectability.

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Among the disadvantages is the complexity of their installation. In standard apartments it is not always possible to replace ordinary windows with panoramic ones. For owners of country houses, this problem is less acute, however, it requires financial costs.

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