Glass curtain for the bathroom: reliable and practical protection from moisture

The traditional curtain made of water-repellent material for enclosing the shower area no longer meets consumer requirements: it is not aesthetically pleasing or durable enough.

It was replaced by opening or sliding curtains made of glass or plastic. A shower screen is an important element of bathroom zoning. It will not only separate the bathing area, but also protect furniture, floors and walls from water and splashes.

A functional and beautiful bath screen, assembled with your own hands from simple materials, can become a source of personal pride and decoration for a bathroom or shower room.

Curtains have a richer assortment

Bathroom curtains are made from inexpensive PVC or water-repellent polyester. Unlike glass structures, curtains can have any pattern, color and degree of transparency. This makes it possible to add variety to the interior design: if you get tired of the look of the bathroom, changing the curtain will not be difficult.

Varieties of design

Protective screens for showers and bathtubs are divided into frameless, framed and combined.

Depending on the method of connecting the panels to each other, partitions are:

  1. Stationary. Such curtains are fixed motionless and protect only that part of the bathtub where the shower stand is installed.
  2. Foldable. They consist of narrow sections that fold like an accordion. A convenient option for a corner or curved bathtub.
  3. Swing. The design is similar to doors; they consist of 1-2 leaves suspended on hinges. An inconvenient option for cramped bathrooms - it requires a lot of space to open freely.
  4. Sliding. The blades move along the guides, opening or closing the opening. For better sliding, roller systems are used. Versatile and compact option. Suitable for limited space.

Frame screens

This design involves the presence of a framing profile made of aluminum or plastic. For panels, 4 mm glass or plastic is used. Such protective screens can consist of one or several sections.

Some of the panels can be fixed motionless, making them a stationary partition, while the remaining ones will fold or move on rollers along the guides.

Frame screens are durable and reliable. They are sealed and well protect surrounding objects from splashes and streams of water. Rigid construction is the safest solution for families with small children.

The main disadvantage of a screen on a frame is its massiveness. It can only be installed in a spacious room: in a cramped space, such a design will look too bulky, visually reducing the space, which is already small.

Using frame technology, you can also make sliding screens that hide pipes and connections. An original screen for the bathtub, made with your own hands from the same materials as the shower curtain, will stylistically support the design of the bathroom. In addition to aesthetics, such a screen also performs a practical function, for example, it adds stability to an acrylic bathtub.

Frameless structures

They are most often made of thick tempered glass (6-8 mm). Sections can be installed permanently, moved away or folded. Fixed load-bearing elements are made from thicker canvases, movable ones from light and thin ones.

The absence of a frame makes such structures smaller in size and visually light. They look great in small spaces. Folding screens are especially convenient: they are easily assembled like an accordion against the wall and do not clutter up the approach to the bathroom.

The main disadvantage of this design is poor tightness: water easily seeps into the cracks between the panels. But if you use the shower carefully and do not turn on high pressure, this will not create problems.


Such screens combine the design features of the first 2 options. For example, the stationary part is framed by a profile, and the movable part is a glass or plastic panel with hinges or hinges.

The curtain is cheaper

Finding a fabric product to your liking will not be difficult: any construction hypermarket or home goods store offers them.

Creative individuals can order a curtain on online services using the individual printing function, and even this exclusive option will be much cheaper than purchasing, delivering and installing a glass partition.

Materials used

To install the screen you will need:

  • guide profile (aluminum can withstand heavy loads and will last longer);
  • sheets of plastic or glass cut to size;
  • silicone sealant;
  • accessories: hinges, screws, etc.

Transparent materials are the most popular: they are economical and do not overload the interior. The most expensive option is tempered glass with a decorative pattern.

Plastic or polycarbonate

Plastic attracts with its variety of colors, decor and low price. It is practical, easier to work with at home: it is easy to cut, does not prick, etc. The main disadvantage of this material is that it will not last as long as glass or polycarbonate, it is easily scratched and quickly loses its appearance.

When choosing this material, keep in mind that plaque and dirt appear on it quickly. With insufficient care, the appearance becomes untidy and the surface becomes cloudy. Fungus or mold may appear.

Polycarbonate is a durable, versatile polymer. It is lightweight and impact-resistant, therefore safe and easy to install.

It is more practical in operation than plastic; it can easily withstand high humidity and temperature changes, which is why it is often used for making cabinets and screens. In appearance and durability, things made of polycarbonate are no worse than glass.


This material is not as impact-resistant as polycarbonate, although high-quality tempered glass comes close in this characteristic. The safest and most durable is triplex. The risk of injury when using it is minimal: if such glass breaks, it will not crumble into small and sharp fragments.

The remaining performance characteristics of this material are higher than those of plastic. Mold does not form on it; its surface can be easily cleaned with a special product and a cloth or paper napkin.

A transparent glass screen is a win-win option, suitable for any style of bath design.

The screen does not hide space

Transparent glass structures allow light to pass through, making the bathroom visually lighter and airier. They are suitable for interiors where no frills are required, and seem to dissolve in space, becoming almost invisible in the right lighting.

This is especially appreciated in small bathrooms in Khrushchev-era buildings, as well as in bathrooms up to 3 sq. m.

Design of glass curtains in the interior


Designers like to use transparent partitions in minimalist interiors or small bathrooms. In small spaces, clear glass is almost invisible, making it appear as if it is not there. This makes the room visually seem larger.

Photo by ReRooms


Matte partitions are often used in combined bathrooms. Due to the fact that the material is opaque, you will not be visible behind it. Of course, it won’t hide you completely, but being in the shower will become much more comfortable.

Photo by ReRooms

Glass partition is more modern

Glass screens are not yet as common as curtains, so they look more original and elegant. There are interiors where a fabric curtain does not fit into the chosen style - this applies to luxury bathrooms with luxury renovations: in this case, a glass partition becomes a more appropriate solution.

Additional installation tips

The service life of the screen largely depends on the assembly. Accuracy of execution, accuracy of measurements and technical nuances are important here.

Before installation, think through all the details:

  1. Do you need a gap between the top edge and the ceiling to ventilate your shower stall.
  2. Is there a need to install an additional lamp in the water treatment area?

Pay special attention to the selection of metal fittings: rollers, hinges, fasteners, rubber bands, etc. Products of poor quality are not able to ensure trouble-free sliding or smooth opening of the sashes.

Stationary panels

It is possible to install a simple product: a simple stationary panel. The element does not move. The panel covers part of the space.

This option is used if the limitation of a certain zone is sufficient for comfort. This model is suitable for corner baths or very neat owners.

All-glass panels

Made from large sheets of glass. There are no structural aids, with the exception of connectors that allow you to attach the curtains to the ceiling, floor or walls.

In all-glass structures, only glass with high load-bearing capacity should be used. All suitable materials look good and are very practical, but are expensive.

All-glass partition in the bathroom

To save money, frame glazing is often used. For this purpose, profiles of the following materials are used:

  • Tree;
  • Painted steel;
  • Aluminum alloys;
  • Plastic.

Photos of homemade bath structures

Your homemade curtain will look no worse than an expensive purchased booth if you follow 3 basic rules:

  • correct design;
  • careful installation;
  • careful operation and regular maintenance.

If you don’t yet know how to decorate the shower area of ​​your bathroom, photographs of successful homemade projects will help you make a decision.

Review Reviews

Judging by the reviews that periodically appear on the Internet, most buyers evaluate the glass replacement for a regular curtain positively. Users like both the aesthetics and ease of use of the products during water procedures.

The only nuance that forces some to abandon the innovation and return to the usual vinyl curtains is the need to periodically wash the structure. There are no problems with the glass itself, especially if you purchase a model with special treatment that prevents streaks. But it can be difficult to clean the guides from dirt. Problems also arise if moisture is not wiped off from parts in a timely manner.

Features of plastic products

Plastic analogues are cheaper than glass ones and are easier to install. The design is much lighter. The option is simple and practical. Installation does not require expensive, complex fittings.

The obvious advantages are overshadowed by a number of disadvantages:

  1. Low strength. The plastic panel runs the risk of cracking from impact or heavy pressure. You will have to use the product carefully.
  2. Low aesthetics. Plastic is usually chosen as an economical option. Against the backdrop of elite finishing and plumbing fixtures, the material looks ridiculous.
  3. Rapid loss of initial attractiveness. Soap and lime stains remain on the plastic. With regular cleaning, the material becomes dull, scratches and wear appear.

Choosing sliding plastic curtains for the bath will be a good move for arranging an economical option for the bathroom. Careful handling will extend the life of the product.

Sliding panels

The optimal balance between aesthetics and ergonomics lies in the sliding version. The doors are installed on special rails. The opening mechanism involves moving the panel to the side.

The option is convenient and practical. The structure can be installed even in a very small room. This causes an increased demand for this type of curtains.

Bathtub with glass curtains: DIY installation

Installing a glass partition is a difficult, labor-intensive process that takes a lot of effort and time. To complete it you will need at least several people. The principle of installation of structures is standard for all types of curtains. Only some details may differ. Typically, the structure is delivered disassembled to the assembly site and installed directly in the bathroom. Despite the strength of glass, caution is required when working with it.

Installing a glass curtain is quite difficult; the process requires certain skills

It is difficult to install the structure; it requires skill; when installing it yourself, it is better to consult an experienced specialist. During work you will need the following tools: tape measure, level, screwdriver, drill, dowels, aluminum profiles. The walls for fastening vertical profiles must be level. Otherwise, the angularity of the surface will have to be corrected.

Regardless of the curtain model, manufacturers provide instructions for assembling the product. It will present a drawing of the future design.

Glass curtains made in Italy and the Czech Republic are some of the highest quality and most expensive

Let's look at the main stages of assembling a curtain for a bath or shower:

  1. First, the structure itself is mounted, to which the glass curtain will then be attached.
  2. Places for attaching the product are located, which depend on the types of partitions and the shape of the bathtub. The screen model is fixed in two places, which are marked with markers, a tape measure and a level, and then drilled with a drill.
  3. We install guides and brackets in the designated places.
  4. The door fastening lines are treated with sealant.
  5. Next, the glass is installed and secured with fasteners. The partition must be left for two hours to dry completely.
  6. For the glass partition, the installation is complete, but for other models it is necessary to secure the sashes.

Is it worth buying a glass curtain for the bathroom: prices

Sliding curtains for the bathroom can be purchased from 4 thousand rubles. For example, a model from a Russian manufacturer measuring 80x80 cm and rectangular in shape costs 3.7 thousand rubles. However, in such a bathroom curtain, the glass is framed with plastic. The price of chrome doors ranges from 8.5 thousand rubles. up to 37 thousand. This range is due to the diversity of producing countries. Inexpensive models are produced in the following countries: Russia, China and Slovenia.

The price of curtains varies, depending on the quality and country of manufacture

Glass screens for bathtubs in the price category of 12-18 thousand rubles. Produced by manufacturers from Russia and Germany. Products from Italy and the Czech Republic have the highest prices. Sliding plastic curtains for the bathroom are cheaper, but inferior in quality.

How to choose “your” option

The photo of sliding curtains for the bathroom shows a variety of models in design, shape, and construction. Deciding on an option to purchase is difficult.

Attention must be paid to cost, appearance, convenience, and the possibility of installation in the available space.

Sliding panels made of plastic are recognized as a universal solution. When choosing other specimens, it is necessary to more carefully evaluate the individual situation.

Installing sliding curtains is a good way to combine a bathtub and shower. This option will save money and space. The implementation of the idea must be approached seriously, carefully choosing appropriate ways to solve the problem.

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