How to attach laminate flooring to a wall: 4 methods and installation instructions

Home/Hallway/Wall decoration in the hallway with laminate - design photos, installation options

Laminate is the only type of flooring that has appealed to designers and has become so widely used for purposes other than its intended purpose. Decorating the walls with such panels makes the room stylish and original. This is helped by a huge selection of different material options in color and texture. You can decorate the walls with laminate in any room, but it is best suited for decorating the hallway, which can also be seen in the photo below.

Simple and quick installation of flooring on the wall creates a stunning effect!

Interior design options

A wide selection of laminated products allows you to realize completely different design ideas for rooms.
For example, using laminate as a finishing material for walls in the hallway will improve sound insulation. This material is excellent for cleaning from traces of dirt, which is very important for the corridor. Corridor cladding with laminate has become popular due to the durability and wear resistance of the material.

In the corridor, you can highlight separate zones using different shades or create a contrast between the wall and ceiling. As a rule, walls are not covered entirely with laminate.

If you decide to finish the walls with laminated panels inside the balcony and loggia, then you need to remember about humidity and temperature changes. Therefore, you should opt for a laminate with a higher resistance class. They can completely cover all walls, or they can be combined with other finishing materials.

Another original solution is to use laminate finishing at the head of the bed in the bedroom. In the bedroom you can use material of any class, since there are no strong temperature changes there.

The material will look harmonious if you choose bedroom textiles of the same color. The design of one of the walls with a white laminate in combination with a light brown floor covering looks beautiful. Installing lighting on the wall at the head of the bed will also add zest to the interior.

Laminate moving from the wall to the ceiling will transform such an important place in an apartment or house as a bedroom

In the living room of the apartment, the use of laminate wall covering is also widely used. They can allocate a certain part of the room or, for example, only an area for a TV and a fireplace. A living room that combines laminate and other coverings, such as stone, looks elegant. You can use gray shades of aged wood.

A wide range of laminated panels makes it possible to use them in the bathroom. Due to constant humidity and temperature fluctuations, it is recommended to give preference to waterproof laminate. You can use absolutely any color palette in this room. An interesting option is to highlight the shortest wall in the bathroom with laminate.

Finishing the attic with laminate - the optimal solution

Most often this is an unheated room, so it is important to install thermal insulation when installing walls. If you install lighting in the panel, then, in addition to interesting decor, it will be additional lighting for the attic room

If you choose to decorate the walls with laminate in the kitchen, then you should opt for panels above class 23. There are a huge number of design options in the kitchen. You can purchase a stone or wood finish. Typically, in a kitchen, paneling is used to highlight the kitchen apron or one of the walls. You can also decorate the finished coating with accessories, for example, a watch or a painting.

To learn how to lay laminate flooring on a wall, watch the following video.

We highlight in the living room

The living room, decorated with laminate, can look just as interesting as the bedroom.

There are no clear rules on how to do it right

It plays not only a decorative, but also a practical role. In addition to an impressive design that creates coziness, laminate allows you to hide, for example, wires from a TV behind the skin.

For your information! Ease of maintenance is also important - stains, fingerprints and other contaminants are easily removed from the surface.

We enliven the interior with bright decor

Warm shades of wood add relaxation to the room, while cool shades create an unusual, intriguing impression.

With such a design of the fireplace, the atmosphere is given masculine severity and even asceticism. In large rooms, you can cover a column, one of the walls, or just a corner in this way.

Laminate flooring must be laid on a perfectly flat surface.

If such a wall seems empty in the living room, you can revive and balance it for a harmonious interior using the following techniques:

  • decorative shelves to match on which to place souvenirs or books;
  • arrange decorative beautiful sconces;
  • hang paintings or photographs in stylish frames.

We revive it with decorative shelves to match

For your information! The selection can only affect the recreation area or a fragment of the wall with a TV.

Advantages and disadvantages

For most people, the idea of ​​using laminate flooring in wall decoration will seem unusual. However, if you study this issue in detail, then finishing walls with laminate will undoubtedly have a number of advantages.

Aesthetically attractive appearance. The texture of laminate is similar to real wood, which gives the finish a certain charm. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly product and is suitable for lovers of natural materials. Because of this property, the material can be used to decorate a bedroom, children's room or guest room.

Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, laminate perfectly retains heat in the house and has soundproofing qualities. Reduces the amount of incoming noise and suppresses most of the outgoing noise.

Durability. The wall under the laminate has a very long service life and is resistant to scratches and accidental damage. The material is able to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time.

Easy care will be a nice bonus. The basic rule is to wipe dry from water. Otherwise there are no restrictions. The top of the material is covered with a lash that prevents soap and dirt particles from settling. This makes laminate flooring very easy to clean if it gets dirty.

This wall decoration makes it easy to divide the space of a room into certain zones. The ability to install the material yourself is another undoubted advantage. In addition, laying laminate on the wall will not cost too much. Large selection of colors and shades. There are both woody colors and completely atypical ones.

Like any material, in addition to its positive qualities, laminate also has disadvantages. Be sure to check them out before purchasing and decide if they are important to you.

A high-power hood can be a way out of this situation. It will not allow moisture to accumulate in the room, maintaining the necessary microclimate. This will protect the laminate, maintain its attractive appearance and long service life.

Installing laminate flooring using mounting adhesive requires a perfectly smooth surface. There should be no unevenness, bumps or slopes of the wall.

Laminate is not the thinnest material. Please note that after installation on the walls, the size of the room will be slightly reduced, which makes it unsuitable for very small rooms.

The material does not tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. But laminate is one of the few materials that is impregnated with special agents in case of fire. It burns poorly and does not produce chemicals hazardous to life and health when exposed to elevated temperatures. In this it wins over cheaper plastic panels.

Testing extreme conditions in the bathroom

A bathroom is a test of strength for any finishing material. This room is characterized by high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, water can get on the laminate surface.

Great combination of colors in the bedroom

Due to such difficult conditions, conventional laminate will not work. It is necessary to choose a material with increased moisture resistance.

It is important not to overdo it with a dark color if you are finishing not only the walls, but also the floor

It is expensive, but at the same time it will last a very long time, pleasing with its appearance. An ordinary one will not work - it may lose its appearance and warp.

Wall finishing with laminate: where the material can be used

A special feature of laminate is its layered structure.

High-quality material has a dense coating that is resistant to external influences, usually moisture- or water-resistant (depending on the class of the laminate), however, the use of lamellas in very humid or too warm/cold rooms is not rational. It is even more risky to install it in the kitchen, bathroom, on the balcony/loggia - where fluctuations in temperature and humidity are large and sharp.

Laminate on the wall in the interior is considered acceptable:

  • bedrooms;
  • children's;
  • living room;
  • office;
  • libraries;
  • office;
  • hallway

At the same time, it is undesirable to install the material as a continuous surface; it is better to use it for finishing certain areas.

It is most justified to install laminate on a wall that is often exposed to friction, accidental impacts, and frequent touches - for example, the wall above the head of the bed, adjacent to the stairs.

Surface Requirements

Attaching laminate to the wall requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • absence of irregularities, bulges, depressions, cracks and other defects on the surface. The permissible amount of unevenness is up to 1...2 mm, the same applies to level differences along the entire wall - 1...3 mm per 1 m;
  • sufficient hardness and uniformity of the surface, especially in the case of adhesive installation. For this installation method, it is necessary to carefully level the wall and prime it.

Before installation, the wall is checked for verticality and absence of shape deviations. The first parameter is checked by a level or plumb line in several places. If the position of the wall does not coincide with the vertical, it is necessary to mark the most protruding point of the surface and measure the deviation. Irregularities are detected using a rule - a long straight rod or bar, which is passed several times across the entire surface horizontally, vertically and obliquely. Detected depressions and protrusions are marked.

Surface preparation

To properly level the surface for installing laminate on the wall, you should use the beacon plaster method. It is not necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster; it is enough to simply compensate for all irregularities and deviations in shape.

A simpler and faster way of leveling is to cover the walls with laminate on the sheathing. In this case, you can arrange the sheathing directly on the wall, compensating for its unevenness by lining the planks or by cramping them together. The convenience of this method lies, among other things, in the possibility of sound and heat insulation of the wall using insulating materials placed in the cells of the sheathing.

A modified version of laying laminate on the wall with your own hands is installation on sheets of plywood fixed to the wall. Sheet material can be attached to the sheathing, on top of the insulation, or directly to the wall using an adhesive method. With sufficient thickness, plywood partially “smoothes out” the unevenness of the surface being coated, muffles sounds, and reduces heat loss.

Reviews and opinions about the practicality of this type of coating

The opinions of people who decide to lay laminate flooring in the hallway differ. The main reviews can be summarized as follows.

  • The panel joints begin to warp and become pitted after about 8 years of use.
  • If you equip the hallway with a rubber mat and leave all the moisture on it, then the laminate will remain in decent shape for about 10 years.

The laminate must be resistant, including to point loads.

  • When choosing a dark color for the hallway, many later regret this decision. The hallway is a dirty place, where stains often remain after washing, and the dark laminate gladly highlights them.
  • If you choose expensive, wear-resistant laminate models, you can feel all the advantages of this material. But cheap panels quickly become unusable in the corridor.

The surface remains undamaged for a long time - a good sign.

Choosing expensive and high-quality materials that clearly meet the requirements of the room is always better than counting on a miracle with a cheap coating.

Manufacturers recommend using material marked 23 in residential areas with high loads.

DIY installation options

There are several options for placing panels on the wall, and they depend not on the installation technology, but on the chosen shade, texture and technical parameters. The lamellas can be arranged horizontally, vertically or diagonally.


Having settled on the horizontal finishing option, you need to lay the material in such a way that the joints form a single line. It is covered with skirting boards and fixed to the wall with dowels. For fastening elements, you need to make holes through the panels themselves in advance.

Horizontal installation is more complex and is not always reliable. To ensure a high-quality finish and for the laminate to adhere firmly to the wall, it is recommended to cut the strips before installation. This will evenly distribute the load on the fasteners.


There are several ways to lay the laminate on the wall vertically, if you install it using an adhesive solution on a dry base. Using long panels as the main ones and the remainder of various shades as complementary ones, the following installation options are available:

  1. The strip is laid out below with complementary lamellas, and the main material is installed up to the upper edge of the wall. Skirting boards are placed at horizontal and vertical joints.
  2. The main panels cover the lower part of the walls, and a whitewashed strip is left on top to create a laconic visual effect.
  3. A dark strip of complementary slats is placed in the center of the wall and decorated with plinths. You can place paintings and other interior items on the strip, which will look original in the interior.


Laying diagonally opens up a number of design possibilities. If the panels are placed non-standardly, but offset to a certain angle, then the diagonal placement can correspond to the principle of parallelism to the light rays.

Most often, diagonal installation is performed in small hallways, since the masonry visually expands the space. This option looks impressive indoors and adds uniqueness to the given style.


Modern laminate imitates the shade and texture of wood, leather and other natural surfaces. Depending on your own preferences regarding the design of the room, you can choose the appropriate type of material. When choosing panels, it is recommended to study the basic characteristics and features of each type.

Decorative vinyl

Vinyl laminate is a modern type of coating and consists of several layers. The top layer of material simultaneously performs aesthetic and practical functions. The panels imitate wood and harmoniously complement the classic interior. Due to the strength and protection by aluminum oxides, the main layer of the material is resistant to external influences, moisture and fading from ultraviolet rays.


This type of adhesive laminate gets its name from the method of laying it on the surface. The material is fixed to the wall with glue, after which it holds firmly in place and maintains good quality for a long time. In terms of external characteristics, adhesive laminate is similar to classic laminate, but has improved flexibility and is more resistant to wear.

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The adhesive variety in structure is elastic tiles made in the form of planks. Just like vinyl material, the constituent layers are a protective layer coated with polyurethane or aluminum oxide and a base layer with an adhesive base. The bottom layer may also contain a special smart tape, which makes installation possible without the use of an adhesive solution.


Click laminate is a modernized variation of tongue and groove material. The panels are distinguished by a pear-shaped ridge shape in section. When mounting on a wall, the adjacent panel is tilted approximately 20 degrees. The lock comb is placed in the groove and rotated toward the base under pressure, causing the lock to close securely and secure the panels.

You can fix the click material on the walls using an adhesive solution or small nails. Finishing is carried out on wooden sheathing. Clips are not suitable for fixing, since they will prevent the lock from latching.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminate wall finishing

When working with laminate, the following positive characteristics were identified:

  1. The product is environmentally friendly. It is produced by both foreign and domestic companies. You can safely use it in a children's room without fear of any harmful effects.
  2. Durability, and if you follow certain rules, you can maintain the ideal condition of the laminate for several decades.
  3. Cheap material. For many, the determining factor when choosing a finishing material is cost. Laminate is an inexpensive element in comparison, so you can save money when working with it.
  4. Wide variety of color palette. The variety of textures provides scope for choosing the appropriate option for decorating rooms.
  5. There is no need to hire workers to lay laminate flooring. All work can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the features of the work and strictly adhere to them. Even a person with minimal repair work can do everything.

However, there are some disadvantages that you should know about before using the material. The main negative feature is strong susceptibility to moisture

After carelessly spilling liquid on the surface, the material may swell and crack. You should treat this coating with care or carry out finishing only in rooms where the laminate will be constantly dry

The second disadvantage is considered to be high susceptibility to temperature changes. High temperature especially spoils the appearance.

Not the best solution would be to decorate the walls of a balcony or loggia or basement. Even the best laminate will not be able to withstand unsuitable operating conditions for long. In such places, it would be optimal to use lining or MDF.

Corridor design: a combination of attractiveness and practicality

When decorating a hallway or corridor, preference is given to materials that are easy to care for.

Practicality of the material in any room

Since the walls here can often get dirty, laminate will be an effective solution. For finishing, you can, for example, decorate all the walls with panels or select only one of the walls.

The corridors are often narrow and sometimes poorly lit. To compensate for this drawback, it is better to prefer a fairly light coating - after all, it is still easy to maintain.

Design solution for wall decoration

But the gloomy corridor will take on a new life - it will become lighter and, as it were, even larger.

Wall finishing with laminated coating

Panels on the wall can be mounted vertically, horizontally and diagonally. However, it is worth remembering that each position has its own installation difficulties. Much depends on the skills and experience of the installer.

Using spacer wedges, small gaps are left in the corners, at the floor and ceiling. This space will later be covered with baseboards and will not be visible to prying eyes. Fastening is carried out using dowels. Additional fastening using a plinth will reduce the load on the laminate, the strips of which adhere to each other. The panels should be laid with a “comb” to increase the strength of the cladding.

The panels begin to be fixed from the left corner, which is opposite to the entrance to the room, then work should continue clockwise. This will make it more convenient to attach all subsequent elements.

Before finishing the walls with laminate, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material. To do this, you need to multiply the height of the wall by the width and add 10 percent. These percentages will allow you to adjust the material to the corners. Next, depending on the number of stripes and the design, the surface is cleaned and leveled for the adhesive look.

For other types of laminated flooring, it is necessary to make lathing. It is made from metal profiles or wooden slats. They are attached to the wall using self-tapping screws in increments of 35 centimeters. They should be mounted perpendicular to how the laminate strips will be installed. Very often, fastening systems are included with the material.

Covering walls with laminate always starts at the top, regardless of the area. From the ceiling you need to measure 15-20 millimeters under the baseboard. When installing the adhesive type, you need to apply glue to the panel, hold it for about a minute and continue installation. The panels are attached to the sheathing using clamps or nails. For greater reliability, all panels can be glued. After installation, skirting boards are attached, which will give the structure a more aesthetic appearance.

How to beat the decoration in the hallway?

The corridor is a space without natural light. And for this reason, it is wrong to lay dark-colored material there. Choose light colors to add light and coziness.

And you don’t have to cover the entire wall completely. Sometimes decorating one niche or section of the wall is enough - for example, to zone a room or allocate space for shoes.

Photo: Instagram metrix_design

Photo: Instagram metrix_design

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Popular colors and textures in 2022

There are trends not only in the world of style and beauty; interior design is also subject to fashion trends. Sometimes this is due to the release of a new finishing material, and sometimes simply due to a very popular design project.

Laminate imitating natural wood.

Fashionable and popular shades of laminate this year are as follows:

  • red-brown - perfectly disguises dirt, but does not allow the floor to become banal;
  • light brown - these colors are combined with any shades of the rest of the interior;

To lay laminate flooring in a hallway, you need an absolutely flat surface.

  • dark, deep tones are impractical in the hallway, but if the hallway is huge and you have the opportunity to regularly clean it, it’s worth the risk;
  • gray and white shades will create a cool but stylish finish.

It is imperative to remember that the material for the entrance area must be highly resistant to moisture and high strength.

Classic wood remains a hit among textures. Moreover, the laminate imitates not only the pattern of different rocks, but also their texture.

Visually, this technique will make the floor in the hallway original and special.

Current options for home

When people say “dark laminate,” they don’t necessarily mean pure black. These include chocolate tones and imitation of cuts of valuable wood, stone and other materials.

Nowadays the following tones and textures are relevant in the design of residential premises:

  • "Mahogany". It is characterized by the finest golden or copper veins on a warm chocolate background. The boards are additionally coated with a layer of pearlescent varnish on top to enhance the shimmering effect.

  • "Rosewood". An ideal combination with the design of a room in gray and white tones. Its reddish hue can be played up in several brighter accessories.
  • "Ebony". Dark brown, almost black color. Its gloominess is softened by small yellowish inclusions, similar to sunbeams.

  • "Cherry". It is difficult to call this shade dark in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is a kind of transitional option between light and dark, taking the best qualities from both. It looks good in any lighting, improves the interior and dirt is invisible on it.

These are fairly traditional solutions. For those who find them too boring, there are other types of dark laminate that allow you to create a truly original and exclusive design that will be memorable for a long time.

Related article: Selecting laminate color for different rooms

Currently trending:

  • Imitation of natural stone . Real stone slabs are very expensive, and walking on them is uncomfortable. For those who are not ready to make sacrifices for the beauty and authenticity of the interior, a laminate that imitates stone is suitable. It is indispensable in ethnic interiors and country style.
  • Imitation of concrete . For those who like the 20s of the last century and constructivism, this is the ideal solution. In this style, like no other, laconicism, coldness and even a certain rough straightforwardness are in demand. Gray concrete will harmoniously complement the black, white and gray decor.
  • Simulation of aging . The texture imitates small abrasions, cracks and scratches, giving the impression that the laminate has been in use for quite a long time. At the same time, it does not look dirty and unkempt. If you prefer vintage, feel free to choose this option.

Those who have decided on color and texture are faced with the following question. Should you choose a glossy or matte surface? The disadvantage of the first option is that it is easy to scratch, and these scratches will be very noticeable. The second has the unpleasant property of absorbing light and is quite easily soiled.

Ideas for using laminate in various styles (photo)

Surprisingly, laminate panels fit into various style trends:

If you want to highlight the country style, then select a darker texture. Preference is given to imitation logs, boards with a pronounced wood structure, natural timber. When high-tech style predominates in a room, pay attention to glossy material options. For modern classics, the most suitable imitation of light noble wood will be

In the eclectic style, various textures and the most unexpected shades can be used. It is important to remain organic and not get too colorful.

Functionalism. The complete opposite of minimalism style

A combination of various elements of several interior design styles and a large variety of decorative moments.

The neutral walls of the living room will be diluted by laminate flooring with the texture of natural wood.

Bright and laconic living room interior in Scandinavian style

  • In a room decorated like a Swiss chalet, laminate flooring with imitation walnut and ash will look good. If preference is given to a pleasant, elegant Provencal style, then light, discreet finishing colors will be required, for example, bleached oak.
  • In the Japanese style, muted accents look organically, which help emphasize minimalism in the overall interior design, elegance and restraint. There should not be more than three shades here. Preference is given to gray color.

The color and texture of natural wood in the interior will transform any room

Dark tones of laminate on the wall are best used in spacious rooms

The pop art style, which tends towards maximalism, dynamism, and audacity, allows you to pay attention to the laminate with green splashes and a blue background. This material will harmonize well with the bright patterns of creative furniture. With an avant-garde interior solution, you can use rich shades in wall decoration

Achromatic black and white options will also fit. For the Art Nouveau style, beige or mustard tones are selected. If possible, use plant imitation. The modern version of the Art Deco interior involves broken lines, so the laminate is selected with a similar solution.

Interesting design of a large living room with natural finishing materials

Eco style is popular among people of any age category and with various interests. Natural materials, living plants and flowers soften the bustle of the city

Mediterranean notes in the design of the premises are combined with appropriate bluish and purple shades. Imitation of pebbles and sand is possible.

The influence of the direction of the board on the perception of the interior

Is the direction of the laminate coating important or not? Looking like natural wood, the material has the ability to influence our perception of a room.

Board placement influences perception

In this case, you can significantly “adjust” the parameters of the room that you don’t like – right down to the height of the walls and square footage.

Horizontal arrangement: “expanding” the walls

This technique allows you to visually expand. A horizontal arrangement is appropriate in rooms with high ceilings but a small area.

Visual expansion of walls is easy to do

In this case, the laminate is installed with a shift so that the joints are not located directly above each other, but, for example, in a checkerboard pattern.

What if the ceilings are low? In this case, the board is not sewn to the very top. When the entire space is filled, the proportions of the room change, and it begins to seem that the ceilings have become even lower.

Possible different installation options

Vertical arrangement: “raise” the ceiling

The vertical orientation of the laminate flooring creates the feeling of a high ceiling.

You need to pay attention to the brightness of the material

If the room has low ceilings, but is also narrow, then it is better to abandon this method of finishing.

Diagonal arrangement: choice for originals

This approach to installation allows you to use laminate flooring in any room. This method is complex and uneconomical, as it requires careful calculation and cutting of the material at an angle.

Choosing laminate to match the furniture

Only a master with relevant experience can perform the installation beautifully. This method is quite rare in design.

Design solutions for the hallway

Wood-look laminate is usually placed on the hallway floor, and manufacturers offer a wide range of these products. In small darkened hallways, it is better to use light laminate, which will visually expand the space. It can be bleached oak, maple, beech or ash. Dark laminate is best used in hallways with good lighting and a large area. For small rooms, it is worth combining a dark floor with light walls. It is better to use moisture-resistant laminate on the floor, since cleaning here is done more often than in other rooms.

Finishing walls with laminate is a limitless field for design imagination. The classic version of panels with a height of 1-1.2 meters is very practical for the hallway. The laminated surface will not only be beautiful, but also practical. It is not afraid of accidental mechanical damage, and the moisture-resistant surface is easy to clean. Wallpaper and decorative plaster are perfectly combined with the laminate located at the bottom of the wall.

Completely finishing the hallway with laminate is an effective technique; in this case, collections of contrasting shades are used on the floor and walls. Part of a large hallway can be finished with laminate of the same color, which creates the effect that the floor rises onto the wall and reaches the ceiling. Such solutions are typical for modern styles in interior design.

How to make your interior look expensive

There are many ways to use laminate flooring to give a room a special shine and elegance.

Accent wall in dark colors

For a bedroom, for example, this could be a combination of warm shades of materials with soft lighting. Cold light in this case will reduce the cost of design and reduce its attractiveness.

For the living room, laminate flooring in dark and grayish tones can create a sensation among guests. Sophistication in this case should be emphasized by an overall calm color scheme in cool tones.

Creating infinite space

The wall, which is decorated with laminate, becomes the most noticeable in the room.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to those objects and furniture that will be located in close proximity. There simply shouldn’t be anything bulky, heavy or sloppy here.

We definitely pay attention to furniture and decor

The more open a wooden wall is to view, the more impressive it will look.

Which laminate is suitable for wall decoration?

When choosing a laminated coating, first of all, they are guided by the load it will be subjected to. And if you take into account that there are practically no loads on wall structures, then you can safely purchase 21 classes of material. It is intended for installation of floors in sparsely populated areas and has a low cost.

Construction stores offer three types of laminate: glued, tongue and groove, and clicked. Which one is most suitable for finishing wall structures?

  • The adhesive type has smooth edges. It is installed on a leveled surface using liquid nails or construction silicone. Most often, this type of coating is used when installing floors. This is explained by the fact that the adhesive laminate has a small contact area with the surface, and this does not allow it to be installed on the sheathing.
  • The tongue-and-groove type is equipped with a special tongue-and-groove lock. It is suitable for finishing any surfaces of the room. It is attached using staples - gluers or small nails.
  • Click laminate is also suitable for decorating walls in the kitchen, hallway or bedroom. Sheathing made of this material is characterized by increased strength, reliability, and resistance to deformation. It is attached to the walls with glue and small nails.

Modern manufacturers offer laminated panels in various colors. You can also purchase laminate with a pattern printed on it or imitating other materials. For rooms decorated in a classic style, oak or mahogany wood flooring is suitable. In modern-style rooms, it is recommended to use panels imitating stone, metal, and ceramic tiles.

In the photo gallery you can see a wide variety of interior design options using laminated boards. It is not necessary to completely decorate all the walls with laminate. The photo shows that other design options for wall surfaces will also look beautiful. For example, in the hallway, sometimes only the lower half of the wall is covered; in the bedroom, only the area at the head of the bed is decorated.

Why dark laminate?

The increased attention to dark laminate is easy to explain. Many people consider a dark floor in the interior to be quite practical, because... it does not get dirty, or rather, it does not show dirt as clearly as its light-colored counterpart does. But the thing is that a dark color can darken a room and create many problems for the mental perception of the interior, cause us anxiety and provoke depression. That is why such material deserves a separate description, as well as instructions for its use.

Laminated panels in decor

When choosing a laminate for a bathroom, you need to take into account all the features of this room. All surfaces in it are exposed to high levels of exposure to water and steam. That is why it is worth choosing panels with waterproof characteristics. Such material will cost a little more, but it will retain its properties for a long time and give the room originality.

Almost any panel is suitable for the kitchen. The location and finishing area completely depend on the designer’s ideas. In most cases, they cover the apron in the work area. It will look harmonious if the panels match the style of the flooring or furniture.

You can use laminated panels to decorate your living room in any way you like. The main condition will be a harmonious combination with the overall interior of the room. They can visually enlarge a space or add warmth to it. You just need to play the plot correctly.

In bedrooms, the wall behind the head of the bed is often decorated. This will add organicity and practicality to the bedroom. As an addition, the wall can be decorated with paired lamps or a large painting.

Finishing the walls with laminate in the hallway is very practical. Since the hallway is a room that is used a lot, it can be completely covered with such panels. They will not rub or fade like wallpaper, maintaining their original appearance for a long time.

Main selection criteria

A competent choice of laminate for finishing the walls in the hallway requires taking into account a number of criteria.

The main points that it is recommended to pay attention to when choosing include:

  1. Material color. When considering the shades of the panels, you need to think about the combination with the given interior style. The geometric features of the space, the level of illumination and the need for emphasis on the walls are of great importance.
  2. Brand. You should not purchase cheap options from unknown and unreliable manufacturers, since such products can last a short time and quickly lose their original appearance. It is better to give preference to material from trusted brands and be confident in its proper quality.
  3. Dimensions. If the apartment has a small hallway, then thicker panels will visually reduce the free space. In this case, a laminate that is too thin will be less resistant to external mechanical influences. It is important to choose the best option taking into account the size of the hallway. The width and length of the lamellas are also important, since this affects the speed of laying.
  4. Connection type. Without practical experience in installing laminate on walls, it is better to opt for a material with snap locks. If you make a mistake, you can easily disassemble the panels and place them correctly on the base. In addition, the presence of click locks simplifies installation.
  5. Environmental friendliness. This indicator can be assessed by the presence of a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer and coating markings. Laminate flooring marked E0 and E1 is suitable for finishing residential premises.
  6. Moisture resistant. If there is a bathroom next to the hallway, then the panels located nearby will be regularly affected by evaporation. Depending on the expected operating conditions, you need to select the appropriate water resistance class. You can first soak a piece of coating in water to test the reaction.

See also

How to properly plaster window slopes with your own hands

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