White curtains - 100 photos of original design solutions. The best combinations of white curtains in the interior


Looking at the photo of white curtains, their advantages should be noted:

  1. Simplicity and elegance.
  2. Good compatibility with any interior styles.
  3. The ability to visually expand a room and raise a low ceiling.
  4. The ability to add light to a dark interior.
  5. Versatility.

In addition, white curtains in the interior will undoubtedly give it freshness and cleanliness. And such curtains can be combined with different shades - they will make any colors more calm.

The only drawback is strong soiling. But you can get around it by giving preference to models made from fabrics specially treated against dirt.

Combined curtain design

Options for combined curtains can be varied, but we will consider the most popular ones for residential interiors.

  • Of two halves. A window with two curtains makes its composition symmetrical and balanced.
  • Various lengths. Combined curtains with short and long curtains make the window opening cozy. Such a solution will perfectly complement the image of a room in the style of country, Provence, chalet, etc.
  • Striped. The stripe in the curtains adds a visual effect that allows you to appreciate the space in a new way, so the room will appear wider horizontally and taller vertically.
  • On the bottom. An interesting solution for curtains is the presence of fringe along the bottom of the curtain, and a contrasting edging will emphasize its length.
  • With inserts. A colored textile insert in the drapery will add personality to the window.

White curtains in different styles

As already mentioned, this window design looks appropriate in a room of any design. The main thing is to choose the right style.


This style direction welcomes fabrics of natural origin - cotton and linen. Curtains can be of two types:

  1. Plain, framed with ruffles or lace and decorated with embroidery.
  2. Curtains with flowers, for example, with bouquets of roses or lavender, olive branches (the pattern should definitely be small).

Window decor in white tones favorably focuses attention on the romance and coziness that form the basis of Provence. It can be safely used to decorate a girl’s bedroom, diluting the neutrality with pastel tones of blue, purple, and green.

For the kitchen, it’s worth choosing shortened models with tiebacks and flounces made of translucent or dense material.


Since white is considered a neutral color, it is ideal for enhancing a minimalist interior.

Snow-white roller blinds look incredibly impressive in combination with black or gray furniture. This combination reflects the spirit of a busy person, determined to work and unwilling to be distracted by trifles.

The design of white curtains in this case may be different. If you need to soften the severity and indifference of minimalism, you should choose wide, long canvases that cover the entire wall.

For large panoramic windows, it is worth sewing Japanese sliding curtains. You can add romance to the atmosphere with the help of Roman curtains.

And there is another option with roller shutters - they perfectly hide the room from prying eyes and allow the sun's rays to penetrate into it.


This style accepts curtains made of expensive natural fabrics, embroidered with gold or silver thread and decorated with ruffles and ruffles. Additional elements may include a lambrequin and tiebacks.

For curtains in a classic style, it is not at all necessary to use a veil and organza. The following fabrics would also be appropriate:

  • linen;
  • cotton;
  • brocade;
  • tapestry;
  • silk.

It is worth noting that classics can also be represented by smooth floor-length canvases, without voluminous draperies.

Tulle fabric options

White tulle in the interior protects the room from prying eyes, dust, dirt, sun, and drafts. It allows you to give the kitchen or bedroom an atmosphere of privacy. The practical properties of natural light-colored fabrics are not related to the reflection of light.

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Soft cotton threads in snow-white fabrics usually turn yellow. Linen can also quickly lose its original appearance under the rays of the sun. 3 types of tulle are considered optimal:

  1. Veil. Polyester or mixed fabric with the addition of silk, wool or cotton threads.
  2. Organza tulle. Made from polyester, it is a reliable protection against drafts, as it does not allow air to pass through well.
  3. Mesh fabric. Made from synthetic and natural materials, the fabric can quickly accumulate dust.

The soft fabric of the veil drapes easily. It may have an elegant printed design. Increased strength ensures the cleanliness of the product during its operation. The tulle veil perfectly transmits light and air, so the product is not capable of collecting dust. To more thoroughly block the penetration of sunlight, you can choose a fabric that has many decorative elements. Even white voile curtains do not require careful maintenance.

Organza has the following advantages:

  • does not wear out;
  • does not wrinkle;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • dries quickly;
  • resistant to washing.

The disadvantage of this material is the need to move the fabric away when ventilating the room. If you hang white organza on the windows, this will improve the illumination of the entire room - the curtains reflect sunlight.

Due to the rapid accumulation of dust, tulle mesh is usually not purchased for the kitchen. It is more suitable for living room interiors as it requires frequent washing. For kitchens, it is better not to use curtains in combination with mesh tulle.

How to combine correctly

Having decided to choose white curtains, you need to remember that combining this color with others is not difficult, but there are certain rules that should be followed:

  1. It is allowed to combine two light-colored fabrics. The main thing is that the thickness of the curtains is greater than the thickness of the tulle. To prevent the curtains from blending together, it is recommended to use fabrics with different textures.
  2. The border framing the curtains can be of any tone from those present in the interior. Its width depends on the dimensions of the window.

Beautiful curtains in the interior may well be white. Modern technologies make it possible to treat fabrics with special dirt-repellent impregnations, so that excessive soiling of a light palette ceases to be a problem.

Which tulle color to choose

For the summer and spring periods, the most preferable are tulles with a dense structure and rich shades. They will not only protect the room from the hot rays of the sun, but will also allow you to regulate the temperature in the room. In winter and autumn, tulle plays an aesthetic role.

Before choosing tulle for the hall, you need to consider that in winter and autumn it is best to use light-colored products. They play an exclusively aesthetic role and at the same time visually increase the space of the room. If there is very little space in the hall, then it is better not to choose light and airy tulle models for it. The color of the material can be completely unique.

If tulle is selected for a spacious room, then it is best to pay attention to fashionable contrasting patterns. A chic or milky canvas can visually expand the space. The current trend is lilac tulle. You should choose the shade carefully so that the windows do not end up with curtains of a poisonous purple color.

Curtains and tulle in traditional colors can have an original look. Such a window will not be boring, as it may seem at first glance. When choosing curtains for standard windows, aesthetics are often a priority. Tulle and curtains for windows with a balcony door should be functional.

When choosing a material, you need to remember the location of the room in the house, as well as the seasonality of using these products. If the room is located on the sunny side, then you can use any options for decorating the window opening. Before you hang tulle beautifully, you need to consider how the room looks on sunny and cloudy days.

The design of tulle in the hall may not have a strict direction, so the most suitable are pastel-colored curtains that do not have a pattern or pronounced ornament. The winning combinations are contrast or monochrome with a difference of several tones. A design with tulle should not have neutralizing shades, otherwise the image will be expressionless and boring.

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Photo of white curtains

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Materials for making tulle

When choosing a material, you should take into account the seasonality of its use. An important criterion for choosing tulle for a room without curtains is the completeness of the appearance of the entire structure. The material can be combined from dense and transparent fabric, which is plain or decorated. Grommet curtains are a common option for this design.

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If you choose curtains made of fabric with a complex texture, they can be successfully combined with tulle curtains. Making a product yourself is quite difficult, since the type of fabric is always taken into account during the cutting and sewing process. Improper sewing will lead to the material being overstretched, wrinkles forming on it, as well as a number of unaesthetic waves.

If you combine synthetic tulle material with artificial curtains, then these 2 interior elements may not look the way the owner of the room would like. Artificial and natural light will distort the shades of the curtains. This factor is important to consider when choosing material for them.

The use of complex decorative elements in the interior requires a choice. These models can consist of several layers, including additional elements. Tulle looks beautiful with a lambrequin and artificial inserts. It emphasizes the originality of the luxurious room, where elegant pieces of furniture are located.

The opening should be decorated very responsibly, since it represents the basis of the interior. A wide variety of fasteners, materials, and accessories allows you to create even quite complex images. If you don’t want to show your creative imagination, then it’s enough to opt for a suitable ready-made kit.

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