Upholstered furniture in the interior - 150 photos of original design solutions

Upholstered furniture in the interior is not just a functional item, but also a highlight that will give it comfort, softness and charm. What could be better than changing a hard office chair in the evening after a hard day to a soft chair with a cashmere blanket?

What should you pay attention to so that upholstered furniture becomes a friend and serves faithfully for decades?

Kitchen furniture

On the one hand, the kitchen should be practical, as well as multifunctional, because it has such influences as:

  • Temperature changes.
  • Constant humidity.

But despite this, every housewife wants to create a nice atmosphere in the kitchen, because in this case, all gatherings in the kitchen will be joyful and sincere. And cooking in such a kitchen will be a pleasure.

To add coziness to the kitchen, you should take care of high-quality upholstered furniture. The main upholstered furniture in the kitchen is a sofa and a corner.

  • The upholstery should be easy to clean. It is better to give preference to leather and leatherette.
  • The sofa must have legs.
  • The upholstery of the chairs should be the same as the upholstery of the sofa.

Bedroom furniture

The bedroom contains furniture such as a sofa and armchairs.

The sofa is comfortable in everything, because it is an excellent option both for gatherings during the day and as a place to sleep at night. If the dimensions of the bedroom allow it, then it is better to opt for a bed so that you can choose a mattress with the ideal firmness.

On the sofa and the armchair next to the floor lamp in the evening you can retire with a book, but you should not clutter up the space, because the purpose of the bedroom is relaxation, rest, and healthy sleep.

What is upholstered furniture?

There is no exact definition of the concept of “upholstered furniture”. Everyone understands it in their own way. Some people think that it should be located in the living room, and that it has no place in other rooms.

Upholstered furniture is a variety of sofas, poufs, armchairs, which were invented in order to make the room cozy and as comfortable as possible.

So that after a working day you have a place to relax and watch TV not on a hard chair, but in an easy chair. Others, on the contrary, buy, for example, a sofa that will serve as both a bed and a decoration for the guest room. But the main criterion when buying is comfort.

A sofa is a basic element that every home has. Your room can be decorated in any style, but there will definitely be a sofa there. Very often, designers abandon armchairs and replace them with a sofa. You can find a variety of models and colors on sale.

Upholstered furniture in different rooms: how to make the right choice?

Long gone are the days when upholstered furniture was only in the living room. Modern upholstered furniture can look good in the kitchen, bedroom, and nursery.

Many owners do not risk buying sofas and armchairs for the kitchen. They explain this by saying that the textiles will quickly become dirty and there will be greasy stains on the sofa that cannot be removed.

Basic recommendations

When buying upholstered furniture, it is very easy to get lost in the variety of options. The question immediately arises of how to inexpensively purchase a quality chaise longue or bed. But cheap does not mean excellent quality, no matter what the sellers claim.

By hurrying and taking the managers' word for it, you can get the corresponding result: after a few days, the folding out of the purchased sofa will begin to be arbitrary and at the most inopportune moment your living room will begin to turn into a sleeping area.

Remember, buying furniture is a serious matter, it does not tolerate haste and fuss.

When purchasing a furniture set, you must pay attention to the following points:

  • Design decision.
  • Dimensions.
  • Number of functions.
  • Materials used.
  • Coloring.
  • Accessories.
  • Filler.
  • Complete set.
  • Manufacturing company.
  • Store level.

Upholstered furniture in the kitchen

You should select furniture for the kitchen space carefully. It must be made of special materials that are not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and moisture. In addition, textiles should be easy to wash and dry quickly.

Upholstered furniture in the kitchen will give the room additional comfort and create a festive atmosphere. You will be pleased to be in the kitchen and greet guests. Kitchen furniture sets include a sofa and two armchairs.

If the size of the room does not allow you to place bulky furniture, then you can buy either a sofa or armchairs. The color of upholstered furniture can be any. The main thing is that it fits into the overall concept of the room and is in harmony with textiles or other kitchen furniture.

Tips for choosing colors

There are two basic rules to follow when choosing the colors of upholstered furniture:

  • furniture is selected in the same color shade as the decoration of the room, for example, if the walls have a light green tint, you can purchase upholstered furniture of the same green color, but in a darker shade
  • you can make the furniture the brightest accent of the room and play on contrast, for example, using combinations of green and rich brown, blue and yellow or milky, gray and turquoise; by the way, silver and purple are considered one of the most fashionable combinations of a modern interior

Is it possible to place upholstered furniture in the bedroom?

This question worries many owners. After all, the bedroom is the place where you want to relax and unwind. If the size of the bedroom allows, then you can buy upholstered furniture. Usually, poufs and a sofa are placed in the bedroom, but you can buy a small sofa that will replace the bed.

An armchair or sofa can be placed in the relaxation area, near the floor lamp, where on winter evenings you can drink coffee and leaf through a magazine. If you don’t want to clutter up the space, then buy a beautiful ottoman and place it near the chest of drawers.

Steps before purchasing

The first step is to determine the purpose. Calculate capacity, whether a sleeping compartment is needed and how often the item will be used. Based on the answers, the shape and design of the furniture is selected.

The next step is how much space will be allocated to upholstered furniture in the living room. This moment will decide the size and select the final shape.

Next is the choice of style. If the interior has already been designed, then the sofa needs to be harmoniously integrated into it. It may be the other way around: design development depends on the furniture. The choice of style and color depends on the choice made.

Placing upholstered furniture in the living room

Upholstered furniture is simply necessary for the living room. This is not just a room, it is a room where guests are received and the whole family gathers in the evenings.

The choice of upholstered furniture depends on the size of the living room. In a large room you can put a sofa and armchairs. But in a small living room you will need to place one thing.

  • Do-it-yourself upholstery of upholstered furniture: step-by-step master class, advantages and disadvantages of updating furniture (130 photos)
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It is not necessary to buy ready-made kits. You can choose two identical sofas or buy 6 armchairs. Additional seating can be created using ottomans.

Gray upholstered furniture looks advantageous against the backdrop of bright textiles and wallpaper. If you buy this set, you won't regret it. It has not gone out of fashion for many decades and does not get dirty.

Filling and upholstery

Before purchasing upholstered furniture, you need to check whether it is environmentally friendly. Be sure to check what material the upholstery and filling are made of.

It is ideal if the filling of the sofa or chair is of natural origin (for example, down, batting or felt). But usually foam rubber or polyurethane is used as a filler.

The following types of fabrics can be used for upholstery:

  • jacquard;
  • velor;
  • velvet;
  • tapestry;
  • chenille

But materials with pile soon wear out, as a result of which natural or artificial leather is becoming increasingly popular.

Upholstered furniture in the nursery

For convenience in the children's room, you can place a chair near a small table or buy several bright ottomans.

They will look very unusual, and the child will definitely use them during the game. New furniture allows you to choose unusual options for decorating your premises.

Sofa bed

This sofa is also called a sleeping sofa. It is used as a bed. In small apartments.

Folding sofas can be divided into

  • Eurobooks;
  • Aleko;
  • Accordion;
  • Click-clack.

Photos of upholstered furniture in the interior

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