Black and white curtains in a modern interior (21 photos)

Features and types of curtains

Black and white curtains are used mainly when you want to add elegance and richness to the room. Many may think such an interior is boring, dull and official, but with the right approach it can even look festive and solemn.

Curtains in black and white colors are appropriate not only for rooms designed in strict minimalism. They can be used when arranging premises and in other style directions:

  • High tech. The interior of this style is characterized by rigor, conciseness and simplicity. Having opted for a high-tech style, give preference to black and white curtains with geometric shapes.
  • Minimalism. It is noteworthy that this trend is characterized by the use of black and white in everything. When choosing curtains to decorate windows in a minimalist room, use curtains with a black and white pattern in the form of stripes or checks.
  • Safari. Curtains that imitate zebra skin are perfect for this style.
  • Art Deco. To furnish a living space in the Art Deco style, designers recommend choosing curtains with an abstract pattern.
  • Neo-Baroque. To decorate the windows of a room in the neo-baroque style, plain curtains with contrasting edging are suitable.

In recent years, thread curtains, which came to us from Western countries, have become especially popular. Such stylish products in the design world are also known as “muslin”. In large apartments or spacious rooms of private houses, thread curtains in black and white can serve not only as curtains on the windows. They are also often used to divide a space into separate zones. In addition, such models, despite their transparency, serve as a reliable barrier to the penetration of sunlight into the apartment.

It is not necessary to decorate all rooms of the apartment exclusively in black and white. It is advisable to dilute them with other colors, since such contrasting home decoration can have a depressing effect on the human psyche.

Not only pale pastel shades create harmony with the black and white color scheme, but also colors such as light lilac, soft pink, blue, olive, and blue.

Color combination

The advantageous combination of black and white curtains is admirable and gives the room a fresh and fashionable look.

Any tones and shades are suitable for this tandem, but in combination with a black and white design you need to be careful. The best solution would be to add another tone to the interior and focus on contrast.

This type of curtain attracts attention and highlights any accessories. The photo shows how black and white curtains give the interior a laconic and complete look.

Read here! Greek curtains - 135 photos of usage ideas, original examples of combinations and tips on choosing color and material

Roller blinds black and white

In addition to textile curtains, black and white roller blinds, known as “Zebra” or “Day and Night,” are popular. In appearance, they are practically no different from ordinary white blinds, but their principle is completely different. Rolled structures are made of horizontal strips of fabric of the same width in black and white, which alternate with each other.

The design of a living room or bedroom looks interesting when roller blinds are complemented with thin white tulle and thick contrasting curtains. This design technique allows you to visually expand the space of the room and increase the height of the ceiling.

A room that uses Day and Night roller blinds and vertical contrasting wallpaper in the same color scheme looks quite interesting and original. This idea is suitable for the interior of a living room and office.

Features of the right choice

Before you go looking for fabrics with interesting colors and patterns, decide what might influence their correct perception.

Often, in the process of interior design using textiles, a mistake is made: the curtains merge with the walls or completely contradict the color scheme of the room, as a result of which the entire design is perceived as inharmonious and causes discomfort.

If you do not have experience in design selection of curtains, but you want to achieve the desired result without unnecessary alterations, follow the following rules:

How to choose the color of curtains to match the wallpaper? The colors of wallpaper and curtains should not be the same: if you stick to one palette, choose several tones of the same color. This design of the window area will allow you to create smooth color transitions that will emphasize home comfort.

Bright colors of wallpaper and curtains are not acceptable in rooms intended for sleeping.

One of the most successful options for choosing curtains to match the color of the wallpaper is duplicating the shade used on the wall patterns. This way you can not only create a lively and vibrant environment, but also ensure the integrity and harmony of the design .

Often, several curtains or curtains are used in interiors. How to choose curtains to match the wallpaper in this case? It is advisable that one of the fabrics matches the shade of the wall coverings.

Using several different colors, you can create interesting transitions: for example, blue curtains and white tulle against the background of blue walls will look quite natural and harmonious.

Stylish living room ideas

Black and white curtains are more often used in the living room than in any other room in an apartment or house. When choosing such a combination for curtains, you should be especially careful; it is important not to allow the proportions of these two colors to be equal; one of them should dominate. White or black will be the dominant color in the room - the choice is yours. The tulle for such curtains must be white.

The following curtain options are suitable for the living room:

  • classic curtains with eyelets;
  • Roman curtains;
  • vertical blinds.

They will add dynamics and expression to the living room. For the living room, it is best to pair such curtains with furniture of simple geometric shapes and chrome-plated interior items. To give the living room elegance and respectability, choose multi-layer products made of natural silk, curtains with tiebacks and lambrequins.

How to choose?

Everyone wants their living room to be harmonious in style and color palette. Curtains are one of the most important elements in the entire interior, so they should be given special attention. Curtains are a decoration for a room. Such a seemingly insignificant detail can transform a space with minimal financial and physical costs.

Neglect of choosing curtains can significantly spoil the overall impression of your interior.

Secrets of choice:

  • Heavy and thick curtains are best used in spacious living rooms, and in rooms such as a bedroom or children's room, hang light and airy materials.
  • If you are trying to create a bright and cozy atmosphere, turn to bright and warm colors. For a stuffy and sunny room, it makes sense to choose cool and fresh shades.
  • If the room does not have a large area, choose light wallpaper with light curtains. Dark shades conceal the space, and rich-colored curtains visually bring the window area closer.
  • Wall decoration and textiles should have a similar texture. Thin paper surfaces are complemented by light tulle, while thick vinyl or non-woven wallpaper requires dense, more massive curtains.
  • If you like patterns, don't forget about the overall style of the room. An ornament that is too large will visually reduce the space. Remember that shades and patterns should be in harmony with each other.
  • Don't get carried away with dark colors. To avoid gloom, dilute rich tones with light accents.
  • Wallpaper with a pronounced texture of stone, brick, or plaster harmonizes best with plain blinds or roller blinds.
  • When thinking about renovating an apartment, many people think about how to decorate a room to match a particular wallpaper tone. If the wall decoration includes 2 colors, curtains that match one of them are best suited. Remember that curtains that are a few shades darker or lighter than the walls look best.

Bedroom design

If you want to see your bedroom in a white style, but at the same time want to add some bright accents, hang black and white curtains on the windows with a predominance of light colors. In this case, white curtains with large black flowers or plain products with a dark contrasting edging will look beautiful.

In a relaxation room, the following options for black and white curtains are appropriate:

  • Roman;
  • roll;
  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • curtains with geometric patterns.

You can complement the interior with a blanket or bed linen in the same color scheme.

A stylish and modern solution for decorating windows in the bedroom will be a combination of night and day curtains. Light white tulle is suitable as a daytime curtain for the windows; in the evening, it is better to cover the windows with black thick curtains with a white pattern.

Practical solutions

Curtains as a decorative element should not focus all the attention on themselves. Their goal is to diversify the interior, well, and physically limit the bright rays of the sun entering through the window.

Voluminous black curtains are best placed in a large, spacious room with light walls. If there is an ornament or floral pattern on the walls, it is better to choose a plain tulle.

Horizontal or vertical stripes on textiles can continue on the walls, so the room will visually gain additional volume.

Kitchen interier

White Roman blinds are best for the kitchen. They can be made of fabric or bamboo. You can use textiles for the dining area, but for the area intended for cooking, you should choose bamboo curtains.

If the kitchen is small, the design of the curtains should be dominated by white color, so the room will seem more spacious. Black and white checkered is a good choice for a modern kitchen. You can also use kitchen napkins in the same colors.

Curtains in black and white, when chosen correctly, can be an excellent decoration for rooms in many styles. Textiles in contrasting colors will highlight other interior items.

Basic rules for choosing curtains for wallpaper

Curtains carry an important meaning in the interior. If they are chosen correctly, the room takes on a complete look , and beautiful curtains in it serve as another important decorative element. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to follow the basic rules.

Wallpaper and curtains in warm colors

Here the interior is made in cool colors

Dark turquoise color curtains

Thin tulle framed by curtains made of darker and heavier fabric will look interesting.

Curtains in the color of the wallpaper

Combination of white wallpaper and blue curtains

Shade table

Warm and cool colors

If the room is small

In this option, designers do not recommend framing the window in dark colors, and it is advisable to drape the walls with light wallpaper. In this case, the beautiful curtain design is plain beige or light gray curtains made of natural fabric. The wallpaper is in the same range, but a couple of shades darker.

In a small room you can hang curtains with vertical stripes or small patterns. Sprawling patterns or flowers will visually “steal” the space. The color combination in the interior of a small room should be laconic. Monochrome is preferable, or using just a couple of shades of the same range.

Pastel palette

Delicate pastel shades go perfectly with black. With this choice, harmony is achieved, because there is no oversaturation of colors. Black walls enhance the colors that are next to them.

When introducing rich shades into the interior - green, red, orange, blue, this must be done with extreme caution, since next to black they become even brighter and more expressive. With pastel colors this effect is absent, so you can safely dilute the black with pastels. Light beige, sand, light yellow, pale pink, light blue or light blue, pale green, peach are suitable.

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