Gray hallway: is it necessary to dilute the style with paints?

A gray corridor can evoke different emotions, for example, the joy of returning home or, conversely, the desire to quickly leave this prim and cold room. Lovers of geometric compositions will appreciate the hallway in gray tones.

A stylish hallway in a gray design will appeal to supporters of correct geometric shapes and rational use of every centimeter.

The right choice of furniture and lighting, shade for painting walls, floors, and ceilings will allow you to create not a boring area, but a bright room with its own individual accents.

Beginners will be surprised to learn that a design with an emphasis on gray does not imply a monochromatic nature of the walls, ceiling and furniture.

Hallway design options in gray tones

The hallway creates the first impression of the interior design of the entire apartment. Therefore, when entering this zone, guests and household members should experience positive emotions.

Metallic, silver, pearl and a number of other shades will help to place visual accents.

The calm gray palette is balanced by graceful lines and refined shapes. For example, you can place luxurious mirrors on gray walls. Such accessories can be in elegant wooden frames or on a stylish console.

The main thing is to maintain a balance between dark and light tones.

A gray hallway is considered non-marking. This is a great solution, because dusty city paths may be waiting outside the door. The light palette copes well with the bright rays of the sun. Under the influence of UV radiation, the material and color do not fade, so the appearance is preserved for a long period.

Light shades always dominate, visually expanding the space and uplifting the mood.

The classic option for a corridor is a minimum amount of furniture, a lot of lighting and free space. But most often there are properties with narrow and small-sized hallways. A gray shade visually enlarges a small room, especially if complemented with mirror surfaces.

A bet on cool tones is justified only when it comes to the apartment of a business person.

Recommendation! The general situation in this area directly depends on the selection of the interior concept and lighting elements. Designers recommend abandoning mixed styles, minimalism and retro. A bright design will make the corridor spectacular and stylish.

The guests' attention is focused on the pragmatism of nature, which prefers to rationally use every centimeter of space.

The choice of style for a gray hallway today is not limited to the classics. Interior design experts recommend paying attention to current solutions - high-tech, baroque, shabby chic. They are able to emphasize the aesthetic taste of the apartment owners and the correct layout of the room.

When choosing a color, you need to remember the functional purpose of the hallway, as well as the degree of its illumination.

Hallway in gray: many shades

At first glance, it seems that gray walls in the hallway are boring and banal. For ordinary people, this color is represented by only one palette - a little lighter, basic and darker.

The gray corridor prefers spot lighting.

Today you can find many tones, for example, chrome, zircon, metallic, graphite, granite, pearl, slate, silver, stone, asphalt, charcoal, dusty rose and other combinations.

Before you start shaping the appearance of the room, you need to think through the functional component in advance.

Designers recommend using a light color as the main color for painting walls. Other paints are best used to apply contrast and accent. It is light shades of gray that can visually enlarge a space and make it harmonious. This corridor improves your mood.

White color is characterized by versatility. Used in the form of small decorative inserts.

Versatility of color

Not only the combination of different contrasting colors gives an excellent picture, but also the play with one color and its shades. The color, which is inconspicuous at first glance, is in fact incredibly multifaceted.

Today the most popular shades of gray are:

  • Silver
  • Graphite
  • Granite
  • Pearl
  • Metal
  • Wet asphalt
  • Dry asphalt
  • Dusty Rose

Each of these and many other shades is pleasing to the human eye. It has been scientifically proven that the color gray and its shades have a beneficial effect on the psyche and emotional state of a person.

A gray hallway can relieve fatigue and emotional stress from the person entering the house. Think how pleasant it is to return to your home, where even the design of the hallway in gray tones has been thought out to the smallest detail, not to mention the bedroom, kitchen and other rooms.

Playing with gray halftones: new design solutions

The combination of different textures and color saturation is a luxurious way to make a room unique and stylish. The interior looks very harmonious, where the gray wall in the corridor is covered with jacquard elements or matte, glossy patterns. Such a surface does not seem faceless and monochromatic; it plays with different colors due to natural and natural lighting.

It is recommended that before starting work, take several samples from a specialized store in order to check the degree of their compatibility on the spot.

Properly selected furniture will emphasize the sophistication and elegance of the design. It is recommended to pay attention to textured surfaces painted in various half-tones of the main color.

These colors relax, relieve the emotional stress accumulated during the day, and promote a calm atmosphere.

Apartment owners can apply a gray tone to all surfaces, but at the same time achieve a “wow effect” with the help of different textures. The combination of gloss, matte, astringency and roughness looks great. With their help, the interior is filled with variety, which makes it unique and extraordinarily beautiful.

Try to make the walls a little lighter than the furniture and decor in the hallway.

Blue with yellow or orange: a ray of sunshine on the sea surface

Blue wallpaper in the hallway can narrow the space: dark shades of sea wave, cyan and cobalt have this property. Alas, such a nuisance is possible, since the spacious room and bright lighting of a finishing materials store do not always make it possible to present the same wallpaper in detail in a small corridor.

The solution to the problem is elementary: the room must be filled with sunlight, or, in the absence of real light, with artificial light. A bright designer chandelier, a decorative border around the perimeter of the ceiling and along the floor plinth, lemon upholstery on the ottoman - and the blue color in the hallway interior no longer seems either gloomy or overly austere.

A combination with orange shades will also look elegant.

: rich blue and subtle orange patterns strongly hint at an oriental-style hallway solution. This idea can be a real find if the space of a small hallway is limited to just a few square meters.

The Arabic style is characterized by lightness and an abundance of lattice elements that will not clutter up the room. The overlap of planes will help to achieve this effect: the blue surface should appear through the intricacy of arabesques. The accent, as it should be in oriental interiors, should be gold.

What colors to combine gray with in the hallway and corridor: advice from professional designers

The design of a corridor with gray doors is not just one shade on all surfaces and furniture. Modern designers use a combination of gray with other colors, for example, white and several tones of the main color.

The best idea is to combine gray with white.

Sometimes using this color can result in a gloomy and cold environment. This style is not suitable for small corridors. Therefore, if the interior of a small apartment is being updated, you should approach the selection of paint with great responsibility.

Furniture in a gray room may well be light brown, white or light with a pinkish tint.

Chocolate ones will be an excellent replacement for black elements, because they perfectly set off beige and gray palettes. A shade of plum or lavender looks elegant in a gray-lilac corridor. You can emphasize the nobility of the main color with the help of companion palettes.

It is recommended not to use dark colors; they create a gloomy atmosphere.

ADVICE! Do not choose green colors for the ceiling or floor. This combination is not capable of decorating a stylish hallway.

The walls can be painted gray, the furniture will have black elements, the main color of the furniture and/or decor will be white.

The remaining tones can be selected based on the preferences of the apartment owners. White, gray and other related palettes combine perfectly with brighter and more saturated colors. The most suitable options are red, orange, black or brown, as well as a pastel palette.

Such an interior will not get boring, will not disappoint, it will be calm and measured.

What does a hallway look like in white and gray?

Giving preference to a gray shade as the main one, you should think about filling it with furniture. The set must correspond to the chosen concept, complement it and not overload it. The interior looks very harmonious in a white and gray palette, where hand-forged furniture is used.

This shade looks completely different in design solutions.

A gray hallway is an ideal backdrop for noble elements of casting and forging, especially if they are shaded with black varnish and the natural shine of steel. Designers recommend filling the space with components in the same style, for example, a banquette, a shoe rack, and coat hangers.

If the hallway is well lit, and then the apartment is decorated in lighter colors, this color will be an excellent solution.

Do property owners dream of modern style? Gray surrounded by a chrome texture will look luxurious. Impeccable lines and shapes will not leave any person indifferent. The situation is similar with natural wood or its imitation. Such facades create an impeccable effect against the background of the light gray shade of the walls.

A small room, but very intelligently and aesthetically furnished.

There should not be too many lighting fixtures in a gray hallway. Light surfaces reflect rays, which allows you to save on artificial lighting. If the choice fell on dark colors, it is recommended to equip the corridor with bright lamps.

The interior feels soft, smooth and measured.

Gray color is an excellent assistant in creating a stylish designer design. The right combination of textures and shades allows you to fill the room with a wonderful mood and luxurious notes. The combination of gray with white, red, blue is recommended by many famous designers.

When exactly such a space “meets” the owners after a hard day at work, the right mood is formed literally from the first minutes.

Bright accessories will be a great addition to a bright corridor. Today, such a hallway is very popular, because the basic color scheme goes well with all types of furniture.

Both colors in this example are active, and their proportions are really well maintained. White and graphite dilute this bright union.

Blue color in the hallway interior: photos, styles, ideas

How many different feelings and thoughts are evoked by the term “blue”! Immediately what comes to mind is the endless expanse of the sea, the endless sky in its variety of shades and the image of the planet itself, often called “blue”. Without realizing it, we associate blue with hopes and the fulfillment of desires, since childhood we have become accustomed to trusting both the magical cartoon blue trailer and the blue bird, which has become a symbol of happiness. Undoubtedly, an environment in such colors will evoke a feeling of peace and tranquility. The blue color in the interior of the hallway will perfectly convey the feeling of security and comfort caused by returning to your home and closest people.

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