Gray hallway - 70 photos of ideas on how to decorate the interior of a hallway in gray tones

Hallways, however, like the corridors in many of our apartments, do not take up so much space, and in terms of their functional importance they are not at all in first place for us. And it’s really in vain! They do not try to pay attention to these premises solely for the reason that people spend very little time in them. What do ordinary people think? Such a room should be non-staining and have a couple of closets for clothes and shoes, so it turns out that everyone who comes into the house is greeted by a gray hallway, and gray not only in terms of color, but also in terms of the gloominess of the atmosphere. But this is fundamentally wrong!

a gray hallway brings discreet elegance to the interior

Let's look at the hallway from a slightly different angle. You need to understand one thing: your hallway is not a place to store outerwear, but a full-fledged room that first receives all guests, and, therefore, the primary opinion about the people living in the house will depend on the respectability of its design. Make the hallway fashionable, beautiful, stylish - and those who enter it will not be able to help but notice the subtleties of your taste.

A beautiful hallway does not always mean an interior in bright and catchy colors. If you are a practical person and do not want to deviate from your principles, then you can easily arrange a gray hallway, but do it in such a way that it will amaze with its elegance and positivism .

Gray color is noble and also rich in shades, and these are its advantages that you should take advantage of when creating a new decor. In addition, it combines perfectly with other spectra, so that there will never be an oppressive, faceless atmosphere in the hallway.

gray table and lamps in the hallway

Having settled on the gray color of the main background of the hallway, do not forget that, for all its neutrality, it should become a decoration of the room. Its saturation should be such that it allows you to manipulate the visual perception of space. This is especially important in very small hallways, as well as rooms with poor lighting. So get ready to balance on the fine lines of design decisions.

Gray hallway: play of colors

“If you need to get a “friendly” gray hallway, stop at warm dark gray colors, but if you want to convey the information that respectable and respected people with a special status live in the house, complement the decor with a cold range of dark gray colors.”

The simplicity of gray is deceptive. It is quite capable of turning the hallway into an elegant corner of your home. Try to put it in a secondary role, that is, use gray to enhance the effect of another shade.

small gray rug in the hallway interior

Designers call the color composition of gray and red a trendy combination. A person perceives this couple without unnecessary emotions, because the calmness of the first one gently and laconically suppresses the aggressiveness of the second.

In addition to the fact that such decor will look incredibly stylish, with the help of this pair you can very successfully correct the design flaws. How? Very simple. If your hallway is long and narrow, then make the far wall red - the room will immediately seem more square. The ability of red color to enlarge objects will make the hallway space more uniform.

gray hallway, decorated in a classic style

Gray is also good in its own variety. His palette contains the following shades:

  1. Pearl.
  2. Metal.
  3. Silver.
  4. Dry asphalt.
  5. Wet asphalt.

Any of them has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. They gently adjust your mood, relieve emotional stress, and promote calm and relaxation. Having crossed the threshold of the house and finding yourself in the cozy atmosphere of the gray hallway, you are unlikely to be able to hold back a sigh of relief: “I’m home!”

Pearl grey, aluminum, silver tones will easily expand the space, fill it with light and make the decor elegant. If you want a more classic feel, finish the hallway floors with beige and furnish the room with furniture in the same tone. You can add modern touches to such an interior. All you need is a few bright accessories in green, blue or purple.

red furniture is a bright accent in a gray hallway

Darker shades of gray are more insidious. They can provoke apathy, inspire melancholy and simply tire you, so there is no need to choose them as the leading colors. Decorate your entryway in any light color because it's a really good idea to bring some spaciousness into it, and complement the resulting backdrop with a rich gray. If you need to get a “friendly” gray hallway, stop at warm dark gray colors, but if you want to convey the information that respectable and respected people with a special status live in the house, complement the decor with a cold range of dark gray colors. In this case, the hallway will be distinguished by brevity and moderate severity.

Professional designers love working with the gray palette because of its incredible neutrality. This quality of gray allows it to be combined with any known color. The most popular are duets of gray with:

  1. Blue.
  2. Pink.
  3. Green.
  4. Blue.
  5. Violet.
  6. Caramel.

monochrome hallway design in gray tones

In combination with them, gray can even be left in leading roles. Bright decorative objects will brighten up its overwhelming and depressing effect, filling the interior of a gray hallway with sparkles of joy.

You can perfectly enliven the hallway without turning it into a festive fireworks display of flowers. A banal white shade will cope with this task quite well. It can be present on furniture, textiles, decorative items and interior accessories.

Features of the combination of gray doors with the interior of the apartment

The calm and laconic appearance of gray doors acts as an ideal backdrop for any room in the apartment and gives it solidity. Proper use of the variety of gray palette is a great way to create incredibly cozy, original and very beautiful interiors.

They form a very successful background for other objects or furniture in the room and give them a brighter, richer and richer look.

Such doors fit organically into almost all stylistic trends: minimalism, classic, chalet, Provence and others. This calm and discreet color scheme is perfect for decoration even in a children's room.

Shades of gray can soften overly variegated and saturated accents in a room and soothe vision.

Color texture

“The only thing you need to adhere to in the design of a completely gray hallway is to make the walls several gradations lighter than the planned filling of the room”

To get a hallway with a stunning interior, experts advise using materials of different textures when decorating existing surfaces. That is, you can do almost everything in gray: ceilings, walls, floors, however, thanks to the different textures of the coatings, the decor will be perceived completely ambiguously. Combine the shine of gloss, the tartness of roughness and the tranquility of matte in a gray hallway, and you can easily diversify the interior, making it extremely interesting, extremely original and truly beautiful.

combination of gray and yellow in the hallway interior

The only thing you need to adhere to in the design of a completely gray hallway is to make the walls several gradations lighter than the planned filling of the room. You shouldn’t furnish gray interiors with too dark pieces of furniture. They will spoil the overall picture and bring despondency. But a pink or light brown hallway against the background of light gray walls will be perceived very positively. Reinforce the effect of perception with clocks and paintings in rich colors - without these accessories it will simply be impossible to make the decor complete and perfect.

To make the hallway in a more modern interpretation, close to newfangled minimalist styles, only the floors can be left gray in it, from the entire background. The solution is beneficial in all respects - both aesthetic and practical. The gray floor will be perfectly complemented by sandy walls, and the harmony of the atmosphere will be given by gray furniture and accessories shiny with a metallic tint.

family photos in a white frame do not blend in with the gray walls

What should you not combine with?

Gray is a universal color, but it doesn’t go well with every shade. Designers recommend carefully combining gray with floors, walls or furniture in black and dark brown colors.

Models look ridiculous against a gray background of a different temperature. The rule applies here: cool shades are not combined with warm ones.

Combinations that make the interior unsuccessful are highlighted:

  • a simple canvas can ruin a classic interior;
  • such doors are not installed in a small room; the products visually make the room smaller;
  • carefully approach the choice of color when creating an interior in ethno, empire, baroque, country and eclectic styles.

"Gray" secrets

  1. The right selection of tones will add sophistication and elegance to the gray hallway. Unsuccessful color variations and an excess of “shadows” will make it oppressive and gloomy.
  2. A classic of the genre is the combination of gray with black, white and brown.
  3. The gray background of the hallway is optimal if it is planned to be filled with such dynamic shades as orange, red, cherry, presented in furniture and accessories.
  4. A pale gray tone is suitable for decorating rooms for any purpose, but the dark gray spectrum must certainly be diluted with bright or very light shades.
  5. Gray color is an excellent springboard for experiments. Unusual design projects are often born with his participation. The main thing is not to satiate them with the situation.
  6. Shades of gray look impressive in combination with the wood spectrum: oak, reddish, walnut. The interior with their presence turns out incredibly calm.

decorating the walls with wide stripes alternating gray and white.
The gray hallway will receive warmth and softness from cream, caramel and milk companions . By combining gray with yellow or soft blue, you will also get a very balanced environment. As you can see, gray color can be very versatile and incredibly interesting in decor, so you shouldn’t be afraid to use it even in the darkest options.

Selecting a shade

A variety of tones helps you choose an option suitable for any interior.
The number of achromatic shades of gray is 256, and the number of chromatic types cannot be counted. Features of the color palette :

  1. A light gray color scheme will give the room stability and calmness, and will not distract or draw attention to itself.
  2. Dark tones create an atmosphere of intimacy and sensuality in the room, giving depth to the atmosphere.
  3. White and gray colors bring cleanliness and freshness and create a feeling of spaciousness in the space.
  4. Gray-blue colors add sophistication and nobility to the interior, filling it with fresh notes.
  5. Gray-beige tones form a calm, elegant design. Doors of this shade look natural and do not overload the eyesight.
  6. Gray-brown doors accentuate the attention and create an atmosphere of homeliness and calm elegance in the room.
  7. Gray-green cool colors are not devoid of sophistication, but at the same time simple and as if dusty. This is an option for a non-trivial design.
  8. Gray-blue shades make the interior sparkle with new colors and at the same time balance the design, making it light and comfortable.

A rich dark gray shade acts as a neutral component. The right color of the canvas will add a touch of glamor to the room, and lighting will make the doors look voluminous and impressive. Dirty tones are chosen to add warmth.

An increased concentration of gray can add coldness to the interior. Combining pure pigments with “old” ones will help avoid this.

The canvases often have a pleasant woody tone, for example, “gray oak”. Deep color creates a sensual atmosphere in the room, and a pronounced pattern gives sophistication and solidity to the interior. Wood colors are popular and can maintain an attractive appearance for decades.

The shade “gray cedar” would also be a good choice. Tonality is often imitated using eco-veneer, which 100% reproduces the look of natural wood.

Furniture for a gray hallway

Having decided to decorate your hallway in gray paints, you should understand that these paints do not necessarily have to lie on the walls, floor or ceiling. Furniture for it may well be made in this color. A gray set will look advantageous against the background of neutral light tones of the main decor. To emphasize the unusual beauty of its colors, you should complement the decor with chrome elements and mirror surfaces. The result will be a strict, elegant and modern stylish interior. If you want to somewhat “defuse” the stiffness of the situation, you can add bright inclusions in the form of small accessories to the interior of the gray hallway.

gray walls and furniture in the hallway

Floor coverings

In the gray interior of the hallway, floor coverings should be selected that are more contrasting. Sand or brown shades are perfect.

It is also important to remember that the color of the flooring in the corridor should be somewhat similar to the shade of the doors, of which there are several in the corridor.

A dark-colored floor combined with light wallpaper will visually expand the space. But if the ceiling in the hallway is also a dark shade, this will negatively affect its height. The height of the room will appear smaller.

If the size of the hallway is small, then a combination of 2 types of flooring will come in handy. Ceramic tiles are usually laid at the front door. It is a more stain and water resistant material.

Photo gallery - gray hallway:

Varieties of textures of gray interior doors

A variety of products made from various materials and transformed by the efforts of designers into almost works of art fill the door market. In order not to make a mistake and make the right choice for the interior, it is necessary to take into account three circumstances.

  • For which room is the interior door selected?
  • Are there small children and pets present?
  • Determine the importance of light, sound and thermal insulation.

Resistance to high humidity is important for a bathroom. For children - environmental friendliness and sound insulation. Glass doors will look great in a trendy living room.

What colors does beige go with in the hallway?

Other shades can be included in the design of a hallway in beige tones. The “uncapriciousness” of this range is confirmed by its excellent combination with many representatives of the color palette. It should be noted that combinations of shades change the character of the interior. The most popular beige color companions are the following shades:

  • white – a symbol of freshness and elegance;
  • gray and silver, emphasizing nobility;
  • golden – a companion of luxury and chic;
  • burgundy - an attribute of greatness and aristocracy;
  • olive and light green, speaking of romance and tenderness;
  • light turquoise and blue, emphasizing lightness and playfulness;
  • The hallway in brown and beige tones also looks very harmonious and traditional.

Interior elements of these shades can complement the decor as decoration, furniture or decor.

Advantages and disadvantages of using gray doors

The main advantages of gray doors include their neutrality, which allows them to be friendly with different colors: pink, yellow, blue, green and others.

The neutrality of the gray shade allows you to select a wide variety of companion colors for it.

The variety of palettes makes it possible to choose the best option and improve the appearance of the entire room:

  • gray-brown door leaves will add a light accent, giving the room elegance and homeliness;
  • white and gray doors will give freshness, cleanliness, a feeling of pleasant coolness and spaciousness to the space;
  • gray-beige - the most cozy, elegant and pleasant atmosphere;
  • gray-blue - will make the design of the room light, comfortable, balanced, it will sparkle with new colors;
  • gray-green - an excellent solution for a non-trivial interior, devoid of sophistication;
  • gray-blue - emphasize nobility.

Gray doors in the interior of an apartment perfectly mask minor scratches, fingerprints and dirt. They have practically no disadvantages, except perhaps a discrepancy between quality and price, as well as an incorrectly chosen model that may not fit into the design of the room.

Too dark colors can create a feeling of darkness, but this can be easily corrected with good lighting.

Wall materials

The abundance of modern assortment of finishing materials provides the opportunity to make the ideal choice, guided by personal preferences. The design of a hallway in beige tones can decorate the walls:

  • wallpapered;
  • tiled;
  • painted;
  • plastered;
  • covered with panels.

Paper, non-woven coverings with a vinyl layer are perfect for this room. The material can be washed using household chemicals. It is not afraid of mechanical stress and has high strength. A hallway with beige wallpaper looks warm and cozy and can be decorated in modern and classic styles.

The hallway with beige wallpaper looks cozy

It is easy to choose wall tiles for this room. This can be glossy ceramics, providing additional visual expansion of the space. You can use brick-like tiles if modern styles are chosen for the hallway design. The interior can be decorated with stone-like material, which provides an expensive, sophisticated look.

Brick look tiles for a modern style

Painted walls do not require complex maintenance. You don’t have to limit yourself to a single-color coating. You can decorate surfaces with patterns, do artistic painting to make the design original and unique. The range of decorative plaster also includes options that can be used in finishing this room.

Painted walls do not require complex maintenance

In modern home interiors you can increasingly see plastic panels. This simple yet effective finish can be used in any room. The material can withstand any test without loss and does not require much effort to maintain. In the photo of hallways in beige tones, you can see plain panels and wood-look trim in a light shade.

Choosing wall and floor colors

In order for gray doors to have a harmonious appearance, you need to pay special attention to the lighting design of the wall. It can be finished with plaster or paint. Also, walls in Russian apartments and houses are often covered with wallpaper. The choice of color depends on what goal the owner of the room sets for himself. If the wall is white, the design of the room becomes less contrasting. The combination with light green and blue tones adds elegance and comfort. Together with pink, a gray shade gives a similar effect.

Features of using yellow tones in apartment design

You can make sure that the updated yellow hallway will look the way you want only after carefully studying the features of this color.

. Any rich shade should be treated with care, and yellow is no exception.

We present the main properties noted by psychologists and designers that characterize yellow walls in the interior:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • filling with vigor and optimism;
  • increased mood;
  • expansion of space due to reflection of light;
  • awakening mental abilities;
  • refreshing the appearance of the room;
  • creating a warmer atmosphere in the hallway.

But even such an impressive list of characteristics of the color yellow in the interior does not mean that simply wallpapering a room with canary-colored wallpaper and buying new yellow furniture will give a positive result

. You need to feel in moderation in everything, including the amount of primary color. A too flashy environment is the result of an inept combination of colors with yellow in the hallway.

The nature of yellow brings it closer to white; it is just as warm and radiant, bringing purity. It is important to remember that a yellow hallway can be cold.

(shade of blooming mimosa, lemon peel) and warm (shade of blooming dandelion, egg yolk).
The yellow color palette breaks down into many halftones :

  • mustard;
  • saffron;
  • champagne color;
  • corn;
  • neutral yellow;
  • citric;
  • vanilla;
  • ripe pear color;
  • gold;
  • canary.

This list can be supplemented with several dozen more tones. The main thing is to use it correctly

warm and cool shades of yellow. The former help make the room visually more compact, but fill it with pleasant warmth. But cool colors make the room visually larger.

Gray doors in the interior: questions and answers

1. Are gray doors suitable for an interior with a brown, red, beige or other color floor?

Yes, gray is neutral, which means it can successfully integrate into any company. Whatever the floor, gray doors will not conflict with it.

2. What to associate the color of the doors with?

Gray doors are often complemented by gray trim and baseboards, and sometimes by ceiling cornices. But this is not a prerequisite.

It’s beautiful, of course, when the door and baseboard match in color. This allows you to combine different rooms of an apartment or house into a single whole. However, you can do without this by choosing a plinth, for example, in the color of the floor, walls, windows.

Doors can rhyme not only with baseboards and cornices, but also with walls, windows, and furniture. And with any: both case and soft.

3. If the walls are gray, is it possible to install doors of the same color?

Yes, their shades can be absolutely identical, which will make the door almost invisible. This, by the way, is a good move for small rooms - if the doors match the walls, there is no effect of fragmenting the space. A single line is created, making the walls seem longer and the room as a whole larger.

There is another possible way - to make the doors, on the contrary, noticeable. Fortunately, there are a lot of shades of gray. The main thing is that the surfaces are in harmony with each other.

4. Is it possible to decorate the opening with platbands of a different color?

Yes, white or black cladding will go perfectly with gray doors. You can try on trims in wood shades.

Door design options

Interesting design ideas for gray door models.


They make the atmosphere more sophisticated, fill it with air and soft light. With the help of a special finishing coating, it is possible to achieve a delicate and velvety effect, which allows you to deprive the interior of its uniqueness and sharpness.


Gloss gives the space a special aristocracy and elegance. In addition, thanks to the shiny surfaces, it is possible to create an original play of light in the room.

With glass inserts

Such models with transparent, frosted or colored glass, such as black, brown or other inserts, not only give the environment a rich and sophisticated look, but also visually expand the space, add light to it and create a great atmosphere.

With white trim

With the help of achromatic or sharper contrast, it is possible to create an emphasis on the doorway and emphasize the completeness of the ensemble.

The photo shows a children's room with a gray door decorated with a white trim.

Examples of combinations with skirting boards

When combining a dark gray door leaf and a dark floor, you can use a contrasting baseboard of a lighter shade, such as white or light beige, this will harmonize the visual perception. A door and plinth with a monochromatic design will especially harmonize with each other and create a single and integral composition.

Advantages of a hallway interior in beige tones

There is no need to prove the expediency of decorating the hallway in beige tones. Suffice it to recall the criteria by which the “ideality” of the interior of this room is assessed:

  • harmony of all elements and colors;
  • creating a good mood for the owners of the house;
  • positive impressions from guests.

Beige shades fit these criteria perfectly. They go well with a variety of colors. Thus, you can easily select furniture, decorative items, bright accents, making the interior harmonious. Thanks to light colors, the space will visually expand and light will be added, which is extremely important for small rooms.

An entrance hall in beige tones with bright accents will fill the house with comfort and warmth, emphasizing the sense of style of its owners. Returning after a hard day, even a lonely person in such an environment will feel the warmth of the family hearth and experience positive emotions.

The beige range belongs to the spectrum of warm tones. Such a hallway will tell the person entering about the hospitality of the owners of the house, the pleasant, sincere atmosphere that reigns in the family. The interior of hallways in beige tones in a modern style, photos of which you can see in our article, is the choice of many homeowners today.

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