Principles for arranging furniture in rooms with a small area

The bedroom in the house is considered one of the most important rooms, because it is here that a person spends a significant part of his life, relaxing after a hard day and gaining strength for new achievements. That is why such stringent requirements are placed on the bedroom.

It should be comfortable, functional and properly equipped from a psychophysiological point of view.

In order for the new bedroom design to fully suit the owners of the home, you need to think through every little detail in advance, because the needs of each family are different. There are 2 division systems:

  • By affiliation;
  • By type of housing (in your own house, in a panel house with an improved layout, in a Khrushchev-era building).

All bedrooms belong to different categories.

Types of bedrooms by accessory

The type of furnishings and style of the room should be used taking into account who will own the bedroom. There may be several options here.

  1. Marital (or parental).

This room should be as comfortable and aesthetic as possible. In addition, you definitely need to add at least a touch of romance here, because the spouses not only relax in the bedroom, but also want to be alone.

The central place here will be occupied by a bed, quite spacious and comfortable.

  1. Bachelor's.

The furnishings in this room are as close as possible to a marital one.

Quite often this room serves not only as a bedroom, but also as a home office.

  1. Children's room.

Typically, the child's bed is located in the children's room, which serves as both a play and learning area.

Special requirements apply here.

  1. In a one-room apartment.

These cases also require a special approach, since the bedroom is combined with the living room.

Such a room needs zoning.

Features of choosing a transformer design

A transformer furnishing is considered a rational choice in cases where the apartment is not very large in size.

When choosing, you should pay attention to:

  • The strength of the lifting mechanism when furnishing a room for children;
  • The fact that the use of such transformers is most in demand when trying to combine two or more zones of different functional purposes in one space;
  • The peculiarity of modular elements is to create a single space for ergonomics.

If we talk about types, the designs of mechanisms can be:

  • Retractable;
  • Capable of unfolding;
  • Lifting;
  • With a modular structure.

The influence of housing type on bedroom decor

As already mentioned, the type of home has a great influence on the design of the bedroom.

  1. Own house.

The peculiarity of interior design in a private house is that residents can choose a room for a bedroom based on their own preferences - they have this opportunity.

The main selection criteria will be the direction to the cardinal points, the location of the windows, the area of ​​the room and its location relative to other rooms.

If there is a second floor in the house, designers recommend equipping the bedroom there. Absolutely inimitable design options are available for creating a bedroom in the attic.

Photos of finished projects will surely attract your attention.

  1. Panel house with improved layout.

In this case, the owners have slightly less choice than in the previous case, but there are many opportunities to equip a spacious, bright bedroom without worrying about cramped spaces.

The only limitations in design can be your stated budget and your own preferences.

  1. Khrushchevka.

This type of housing is one of the most common in our country, and this is where difficulties arise with interior design. The main reason is the small area of ​​the room and low ceilings. There is no need to talk about any space here.

Interior designers have a dozen techniques and tricks in their arsenal, thanks to which even the arrangement of furniture in a bedroom of 12 square meters. m will turn out to be advantageous and attractive.

Download the Interior Design 3D program

Arrange furniture in a small room and immediately evaluate the result in 3D
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Launch the editor and click "Create Project"

. The planner will offer to choose a mode for working on the layout - draw it from scratch or use a real apartment plan as a stencil. If you have a scanned version of the layout on your computer, the second option will be ideal for you. If not, don’t worry, drawing a diagram by hand is easier than it seems.

In the “Design” block, click on the “Draw a room”

. Using the mouse, draw a straight line on the working field. To mark the end of a line, simply left-click. Recreate the shape of the room as if you were looking at it from above; it is very important to maintain the exact dimensions of the room. After finishing the drawing, be sure to close the end of the last segment with the starting point.

The finished drawing will immediately appear in the 3D review window, where you can objectively evaluate the result in all details, freely rotating the three-dimensional model.

Helpful advice!
If you live in a serial Soviet house, like a Khrushchev building, immediately after launch, select the “Standard Buildings” mode. You will not need to draw the room manually - you will add a ready-made layout with just one click and can immediately start arranging the furniture. The program's collection includes a dozen models of standard apartments, in which all proportions and sizes are already observed.

Sofa in the bedroom - saving space

Many residents of small apartments install only beds in their bedrooms, sacrificing precious square meters and abandoning other important interior items. Whether it is worth using the same option is up to the residents to decide.

However, masters have long been proposing to use an effective solution to this problem - the design of a small room of 12 sq. m with a sofa.

A properly selected sofa will successfully replace even the most comfortable bed and here's why.

  1. Space saving.

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind, and this statement is indeed true. Unlike a double bed, an assembled sofa takes up 2 times less space, and therefore there will still be enough space in the room during the day.

Moreover, in this case, arranging furniture in a room of 12 square meters will not require giving up other necessary furniture.

  1. Functionality.

Manufacturers offer the use of a huge number of folding sofas, which differ in size and type of mechanism.

Thanks to this, the sofa unfolds in just a few seconds, turning into a spacious bed.

  1. Convenience.

Now you can choose absolutely any sofa, taking into account the size, level of softness and type of upholstery.

Gray sofa in a room of 12 meters.

  1. Functionality.

If you want to save some more space, choose models with drawers at the bottom.

You can place bed linen and other things here.

  1. Versatility.

The sofa will fit perfectly into both the matrimonial bedroom and all other types of rooms.

Pastel colors and textiles will add softness and comfort.

Podium bed

The podium bed looks stylish and impressive, perfectly zones the space without vertical partitions and saves space. This modern design immediately refreshes the interior and allows you to do without cabinets. Communications are sewn into the podium, wires and sockets are hidden, drawers and retractable modules are built in.

The most bulky are models with a monolithic base, but they are the most reliable and durable. Wooden or steel frame structures can even be made with your own hands. And podiums with a retractable base hide linen, bedding, seasonal clothes and other things that constantly take up a lot of space.

Selection of furniture for a small bedroom

So, even if you have already decided on buying a sofa, the question remains open of how to arrange furniture in a 12 sq. m bedroom without compromising the free space and, most importantly, how to choose it?

The process of creating a small home requires a lot of effort.

It should be noted that there is a completely standard list of pieces of furniture that should certainly be in every bedroom:

  • Bed or sofa;
  • Wardrobe (if the house does not have a dressing room);
  • Bedside tables (they can be successfully placed near the sofa);
  • A small chest of drawers (very convenient for storing small items and underwear).

Proper organization of space is painstaking work that requires a lot of attention from designers.

If desired, you can also use items such as a TV (monitor) and a dressing table in the bedroom. Depending on your preferences, the list can be shortened or expanded.

For a small room this set will be more than enough.

  1. Wardrobe.

The design of a small room of 12 sq. m with a sofa simply cannot do without a storage system. At the same time, choosing a suitable cabinet model is quite difficult, because in a cramped room any cabinet will look much larger than it actually is. To improve the situation at least a little, designers recommend choosing built-in wardrobes along the entire wall from floor to ceiling. Another detail that makes life easier in a small apartment is sliding doors (ideally mirrored or frosted glass).

Such furniture will provide good space savings and will allow you to freely place all your clothes, bedding and many other different items.

  1. Shelves.

On the bedside table you can store a cell phone, TV remote control, alarm clock and other small items. In a Khrushchev-era bedroom, such a (seemingly) small piece of furniture can become an unaffordable luxury, because it will “eat up” quite a lot of space. Is there a way out? Of course, these are hanging shelves.

Well-chosen in style and color, the shelves will perfectly replace both bedside tables and chest of drawers.

  1. Sofa.

When it comes to choosing a sofa, you can completely rely on your preferences, since there are a great many options on the product market. They all vary in mechanism type and style. The “American folding bed”, “Dolphin”, “Verona” will be quite spacious when disassembled.

You need to install the sofa against the wall.


The main rule that the owner of a living room of 15 m2 should take into account is the play of colors. In order to visually expand the space of a small room, follow these recommendations:

  • Use pastel colors in the basic finish of the main surface. Adding variety is done by focusing on one of the walls. You can make it brighter or stick on photo wallpaper that has the effect of expanding space (landscape, wide panoramic window, optical illusion).
  • Opt for a neutral white or light gray shade. They can be diluted with ivory, soft milky, beige, pale pink, light green or soft blue splashes.
  • Follow the rule of a primary color, diluted with two additional ones. In such a composition, the color scheme will not give the impression of an overloaded interior.
  • Furniture, doors and decorative elements are selected taking into account the shade of the flooring, wall surfaces and ceilings. In this case, you can focus on 1-2 objects of a dark tone. This could be upholstered furniture, a table or something else. All other attributes are selected 1-2 tones lighter than the main interior.

Interior in harmony with the colors of the living room Source

Living room of 15 m2 with dark tones Source

How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom of 12 sq m

Choosing the right furniture for a small space is very important, but it is equally important to arrange it correctly. Taking into account the recommendations of interior designers, it will be much easier to cope with this, and the result will exceed all expectations.

There are only a few layout options, each of which has pros and cons, and some are completely unacceptable in tight spaces.

  1. Symmetrical placement method.

Its essence lies in the fact that paired objects are installed on both sides of a given axis. A striking example would be bedside tables against the wall on both sides of a bed or sofa. The same can be done with a built-in wardrobe - divide it into 2 parts and install it on the sides of the sofa. In this case, the TV can be hung on the opposite wall. This setting looks quite laconic and traditional. However, it has a drawback - it can only be used in a square (or close to it) shaped room.

One wall in the bedroom ends up being overly busy.

  1. Asymmetrical.

In this case, the sofa becomes the focal point, and all other objects are located around it along the perimeter of the walls. Looking at the photo of such an interior, it may seem that all the objects are placed in the room absolutely chaotically, but this is far from the case. However, to maintain harmony in space, the swing principle is used. In other words, the main emphasis is on the fact that tall objects alternate with low ones.

This technique can be used in a room with any configuration - this is a plus.

Where to begin

Ceiling in the bathroom TOP-100 photos of design ideas

When it comes to arranging furniture, you may find yourself standing in an empty room for a long time and not knowing where to start. There are so many things to consider: personal aesthetic, lifestyle, budget and more, but the best place to start is with your furniture layout.

Furniture layouts for children's rooms

In other words, determining the placement of sofas, chairs, tables, storage cabinets and everything else that relates to the room layout (any item that touches the floor). I've put together a simple guide that works for every room in the house, starting with the living room. These living room arrangement ideas will make the job of organizing furniture and decorating your home easy and enjoyable.

Room plan for furniture arrangement

Play of light

Even the smallest and darkest room can be instantly transformed with carefully thought-out lighting (primary and secondary). The main light is the central chandelier.

For the design of a 12-meter bedroom, it is better not to buy large hanging models. They will look bulky.

Additional light can be provided by a sconce with soft diffused light, a high floor lamp, or spotlights. An amazing design result can be created using zoned ceiling lighting.

Numerous photos of lighting options will serve as proof.


The living room can serve one or more functions. If there are several rooms in the apartment, then the living room will be used for its intended purpose: receiving and accommodating guests, a relaxation area for the whole family.

If the apartment is one-room, then “living room” is a relative concept. This is where household members sleep, watch TV, and work. Therefore, the furniture in such different living rooms will differ from each other.

About furniture for the living room, which does not combine any other functions, is more or less clear.

When it comes to a multifunctional room, you need to be smart to accommodate everything. Transformable or modular furniture will help out.

It is also important to consider the location of windows and doors in the living room.

Textile design - a stylish completion of the room design

One of the main additions to every room interior are curtains. For small, cramped spaces, interior designers recommend choosing light translucent tulle, as it makes the interior more airy and light. However, the bedroom is a place where personal space is of utmost importance, so using a thick curtain is perfectly acceptable.

In color, it can echo the interior palette or, on the contrary, be contrasting and bright.

Vertical blinds can be called a modern fashionable solution.

They are extremely similar to traditional curtains, but much more original and easy to care for.

Seven times measure cut once

Tables from Ikea 80 photos from the 2016 catalog

So, the answers to the main questions have been found: you have approximately determined the dimensions of the future sofa, its shape and place in the room. Now it’s time to remember that you will have other furniture, and think about the relative position of the sofa relative to other interior items.

It is best to mark using a plan: on paper or in a special program. First, carefully draw a diagram, observing the dimensions and indicating windows, doors, heating radiators, and ventilation shafts. After that, try to draw the arrangement for all the furniture. The most convenient scale is 1:20.

Arrange the furniture so that it is convenient to approach it and that there is free space for opening closet doors and unfolding the bed. In this regard, a computer program is more convenient than pencil and paper, because everything in it can be moved with one mouse movement, and also shown in the form of a drawing and in the form of a 3D model.

It is not advisable to place the sofa close to the window opening, because it will cover the radiator and make it difficult to access the window for ventilation. Also make sure that it does not interfere with the opening of doors and balconies.

Drawing a plan is the best answer to the question of how to properly place a sofa: you will immediately understand what dimensions the model will suit you and whether it will be straight or angular. If you find it difficult to arrange furniture yourself, contact a designer for help.

Making a plan

Before moving heavy furniture, it is worth developing a design. This seems difficult only at first glance: in fact, there are several ways to work on the layout:

  • Manually draw a plan on a piece of paper.
  • Use a computer program.
  • Create a simple model by cutting out furniture from paper: such models are convenient to move around the drawing.

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