TV in the living room: 130 photos of the best beautiful options for using and designing a TV

Where is the best place to place the TV?

When choosing a location for the TV, you first need to determine the angle from which it will be convenient to watch.

The distance ranges from 2 to 3 meters (depending on the diagonal) - this is the optimal location where the eyes will not get tired and viewing will be comfortable.

At too close a distance, you will have to constantly rotate your head, which, of course, will be very uncomfortable.

If you have a TV with not very good picture quality, the further away you place it, the better the picture quality will seem.

Distance from TV to sofa: formula

Choose a TV based on the area of ​​the room. So a 65-inch screen (1.65 m wide) in a four-meter room will be destructive for the eyes, not to mention the harmony in the interior. Ophthalmologists have come up with a rule: the optimal distance to the screen is equal to the sum of three or four display diagonals. For example, a 65-inch diagonal screen is 1.65 m wide (1 inch = 2.54 cm). We multiply this value by 3 and get 4.9 m.

The larger the diagonal of the TV, the greater the recommended distance to the viewing point.

Formula and scheme for calculating the distance from the TV to the sofa

Remember, even if there is room for a home theater in a small room, watching it will still be uncomfortable. Firstly, installing the TV close to other furniture will disrupt the geometry of the picture. And secondly, the closer a person sits to the big screen, the more difficult it is for his eyes to follow everything that is happening on the screen. Remember how uncomfortable it is to sit in the front rows of a movie theater.

TV area in a small living room design example

TV on a stand in a blue living room

IMPORTANT: The distance from the TV to the furniture is also affected by the type of TV screen: LCD (liquid crystal) or plasma. So, when watching LCD TVs with a diagonal of 65 inches (or 165 cm), the standard or optimal distance to the resting place is 3.3-5 m, and for the same plasma model this figure is even greater - from 4.9 to 6. 6 m. This is because plasma screens have higher contrast and brightness than LCD models. And in LCD models, according to the technical characteristics, it is quite difficult to achieve a good level of contrast. However, on such monitors the picture looks softer.

TV above a chest of drawers in a gray living room

Placement examples

On the wall - in this case, you need to decide on the sunny side of your room.

In the daytime, light should not fall from the window onto the screen, because the glare of the sun will interfere with viewing. As a last resort, you need to take care of the presence of curtains on the windows.

The wall with the TV in the living room should be in harmony; it can be made an accent wall. The wall will attract attention, then the black TV screen will not look gloomy in the room.

On a cabinet is the most popular installation option. The main advantages of this arrangement are the ease of mounting the TV, compactness and design compatibility with the interior.

The installation height should not be too high - the normal option would be 120-130 centimeters. Of course, the height of the TV in the living room is an individual approach for everyone, but for a city apartment 120 centimeters is just right.

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In an apartment with high ceilings, the height for the TV in the living room should be slightly higher than usual, about 140 centimeters, otherwise the plasma risks getting lost against the background of the wall.

Height from floor to TV: measurement methods

Method 1. Decide on furniture

The installation height of the TV is influenced by two values: the height of the furniture opposite the screen and the height of all household members. Non-obvious advice - before buying a TV, decide on the furniture. For example, the height of a regular sofa is 40-50 cm, and a frameless chair starts from 10 cm. In two cases, the installation height of the TV will be different.

Frameless chairs opposite the TV area in the kitchen-living room

Tall furniture opposite the TV area in an American-style living room

Method 2. Average the height of all household members

It will not be possible to select the height for the height of each apartment resident; in this case, it is better to take the average value - from 100 to 140 cm from the floor level to the middle of the screen. But it’s better to measure the height yourself - sit on a sofa/chair/pouf in front of the TV, close your eyes and open them again. A naturally cast glance (without raising or lowering your head) at a point in the wall will be the approximate height for installing the TV.

Average height for installing TV on walls

Method 3: Install the TV Adjustment Bracket

If it is not possible to average the height of all household members, install an adjusting bracket that can lower or raise the screen up to 15 cm.

Adjustment bracket for TV example

IMPORTANT: If the viewer's head is slightly thrown back or tilted down while watching TV, then the height of the screen needs to be changed. Otherwise, it may have a bad effect on the spine in the long run.

Wall decoration

Lately, wall lighting has become quite common.

Modern manufacturers often install LED elements into the TV, which add a bit of aesthetics to the background at night.

Materials for TV walls


Of course, nothing better than wood has yet been invented. Durable, easy to use, has a respectable appearance, allowing you to play with shape and color. But at the same time, it’s not cheap.

For the walls, both valuable species are used (mahogany, rosewood, walnut, oak, beech) and more affordable alder, birch, and pine.

In addition to being expensive, wooden furniture has several other features:

  • she's heavy
  • afraid of high humidity,
  • Does not tolerate high temperatures well.

Photo: Instagram amdizart

Chipboard and MDF

These alternative materials are good as long as the manufacturer meets all quality standards. The price is much lower than for solid wood products, and there are more opportunities to create things with interesting shapes.

Chipboard is commonly used to make cabinet frames. It can emit formaldehyde, so it is carefully processed and covered with a film that imitates different types of wood surfaces. Despite the protection, it is not recommended to install chipboard furniture in children's rooms, or you need to request safety certificates from the seller.

It is better to choose facades from MDF, although they are more expensive than chipboard ones. Such furniture is environmentally friendly and is not much inferior in durability to wood. Like chipboard, MDF is made from sawdust, but no harmful resins are used for gluing.

Photo: Instagram sharapova_design

Photo: Instagram planirovochka_ru

There is also fiberboard (fibreboard) material in the walls - in the bottoms of drawers, on the back walls of cabinets, in panels for hanging a TV.

Manufacturers love to combine materials. Thus, the body is often made of chipboard, and the doors are hung wooden or with inserts made of glass, plastic, metal or plastic laminated with a textured film to resemble wood.

Photo: Instagram psmobili

In the middle and high price segments you can find furniture with an MDF frame and wooden facades. It weighs less than a solid wood set, it is easier to care for, and there are no problems with durability.

Photo: Instagram balance__design


Often the TV is placed above the fireplace (in a city apartment above the interactive one). Indeed, such a tandem of modernity and antiquity harmonizes perfectly and creates incredible comfort.

You just need to take into account that such a composition does not look cumbersome and does not put pressure on a person with its scale.

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Popular wall models for TV

The mini slide TV wall differs from all other models in that it can perform many practical functions.

There is a wardrobe. It can be used to store tablecloths, curtains, and all kinds of things that are used in the hall. A fireplace can be located under the TV instead of a cabinet. A room with this mini-wall option will always be cozy.

  • This mini-wall model, like a “stand”, is more compact and elegant. Very small cabinets are usually included by designers in the set so that all the necessary things can be stored in them, but the wall remains a space with virtually no furniture, the TV occupies a central place.
  • The “cabinet” wall is a solid structure that turns into an effective frame for the area chosen for installing the TV. It has high stability and is easy to move at any time. It is complemented by comfortable legs.
  • “Gorka”, “cabinet”, “cabinet” can be found in the catalogs of such popular brands as Sherlock, Allegro, Skyline, Bagheera, Palermo. They are in greatest demand due to their aesthetics and high functionality.

Wall cladding and shades

On the Internet you can find many photos of a TV in the living room and recreate the same design in your home. The wall can be styled as decorative, stone or brick cladding, or use 3D panels.

If you choose softer shades for wall decoration, then you should not forget about dark tones (just a little), which would be in harmony with the color of the plasma panel.

An abundance of black colors will create a gloomy atmosphere, while light colors will give the room spaciousness and lightness.

Decor options for the area around the TV

The most interesting decorating ideas.


They are a fairly modern type of decoration, allowing you to create a kind of wall art gallery and thereby visually disguise the TV screen.


Placed in a checkerboard, linear, cascading or random sequence, wall shelves will perfectly fill empty space and allow the TV screen to get lost between the books, indoor plants or other decorative elements placed on them.

The photo shows a wall-mounted TV combined with black shelves in the living room interior.


Provides the opportunity to give the wall a lighter and more elegant look, turning the TV area into the main element of the entire living room.


The television panel and fireplace are a wonderful interior duet that fits perfectly into a wide variety of style solutions in the room.

Decorative panel

Decorative panels with not too dynamic scenes, made in not very bright colors, will be the best option for decorating a living room and will not distract from watching TV.


They are considered a very successful addition to the room and a wonderful interior accessory for the TV area, which allows you to further emphasize the style direction of the room.

Creating an Accent Wall

By creating an accent wall, highlighted with photo wallpaper, paint, panels or other finishing materials in contrasting shades that differ from the color scheme of the entire living room, it is possible to create a specific design for the TV area.


This creative design is not only distinguished by its aesthetic and interesting appearance, but also allows you to create interesting accents and visual effects on the TV device, as on a piece of furniture.

Wood finish

If you think that choosing the design of a wall for a TV in the living room is a difficult and lengthy process, then you are mistaken. Some lovers of natural textures use wood as a wall surface design.

In this case, not only natural wood will look good, since regular laminate will also be suitable for finishing.


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TV accessories

Soundbars. As TVs become more streamlined, elements such as internal speakers also change in size to fit the dimensions of the device.

  • By adding a soundbar, its multiple speakers can amplify the sound of your TV, creating crisp, clear surround sound in your living room.
  • Their slim design means they fit neatly under your TV and easily connect to your audio port.
  • Or connect your smart device to stream music and use the soundbar as a stereo system.

Leather wall trim

For lovers of high prices, this option is perfect. The skin should be soft in color and with warm tones.

This design will not only look harmonious with the TV, but will also emphasize the status of the family and its financial condition.

Is it necessary to organize separate local lighting above the TV?

I answer: no, it is not necessary, since glare from the lamp will interfere with the perception of images on the screen. However, there is no need to watch TV in complete darkness: the contrast of a bright screen and complete darkness of the surrounding space not only reduces viewing comfort, but can also negatively affect vision.

The best option is dim background lighting. For example, a chandelier with a dimmer set to minimum brightness. Or several spots, the beam of light from which can be directed into a wall or corner. Also suitable are built-in miniature LED lamps that produce dim, limited light. Even local illumination of paintings or mirrors can successfully play the role of background lighting when watching TV.



Minimalism as a TV design in the living room also has a right to exist. This is a budget version of design, but with the right approach you can achieve good results.

The following rules should be adhered to: a plain wall, a minimum of objects, simplicity, accuracy and clarity of composition.

Decorative stone wall

Despite the fact that this material is cold in structure, in an interior with warm tones of furniture it can be a very advantageous design option.

This style is suitable for uneven walls with noticeable flaws. The stone will hide all the imperfections, and the TV will look great against such a background.

Where to start choosing furniture for TV

Of course, from its location. You need to figure out where the TV will be, and if it’s already hanging, maybe you’ll want to rearrange it? If so, make sure that the TV is not placed in front of a window, otherwise blackout curtains will be needed for daytime movie shows.

We measure the wall, estimate what dimensions the cabinet and its accompanying modules should be so that the entire structure does not interfere with the passage and generally looks appropriate. The average rule: the larger the room, the more massive the furniture, and vice versa.

Photo: Instagram

Don't forget to take into account the size of the niche for the TV, as well as its weight, in order to choose the right material for the cabinet. Some houses still have heavy lamp rarities, which can also become an excellent highlight of the decor. They should just stand on a good cabinet. LCD or “plasma” are not so capricious in terms of the strength of the base.

If the TV is on brackets, make sure the wall is strong enough.

Photo: Instagram mebel_krd74

The design of the wall depends on exactly how you install the TV. Some models don't care whether it stands or hangs. For others, this is fundamentally important.

And in a small room you can put transformable furniture: for example, a folding table built into the wall for a TV.

Photo: Instagram egoist_mebel

Photo: Instagram egoist_mebel

The cabinet covered with a TV panel (to which the equipment is attached) also looks original.

Photo: Instagram sifurnitureagency

In addition, the TV must be positioned in plain sight so that the screen can be seen from all or almost all angles. It is logical that the furniture will attract attention, which means it should fit perfectly into the decor.

Photo: Instagram decorexperience

And remember about the abundance of outlets nearby. After all, you will most likely connect not only a TV to them, but also speakers, an antenna, a wi-fi adapter and something else.

Think about how you will hide the wires, especially if there are a lot of them. Carelessly dangling cables will spoil the impression of any repair.

Photo: Instagram knock_knock_joinery

Before going shopping, prepare a drawing with your ideas, think about what you would like to change in it. Make a shopping list and research prices online. Imagine what exactly you will store in the purchased modules. If the family is large, you will have to take into account the belongings of all household members.

Photo: Instagram kchr_mebel_na_zakaz_

  • Furniture

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metal wall

The wall will look good in high-tech or loft styles. This panel has a reflective effect that will fill your room with light and give it spaciousness.

Also, a metal wall is very strong and not subject to mechanical stress.

How to choose a wall color

And let's return to color again, since this is one of the key points in creating a modern interior and selecting furniture. The main mantra to learn is simplicity and playing with contrast. Background colors are unpretentious, monochrome, often pale. But there is almost always one or more details in focus: they are bright, like flashes.

When choosing a wall, think about whether there are such details in your room? If so, then the TV set should not be another stain. It’s better if it’s there, but it’s as if it’s not there: it matches the color of the main interior, and even dissolves in it.

Photo: Instagram raisa__belkova

Photo: Instagram raisa__belkova

If there are no accents, you can safely highlight the TV zone. And it’s better in color: an excess of accessories does not suit the modern style.

Photo: Instagram

You can play on the contrast by “contrasting” the furniture with the decoration of the walls and floor according to the dark-light principle. In dark rooms, light-colored furniture looks advantageous (only all of it should be like this, and not just the TV group); in light rooms, it’s the opposite. Following this principle, you will get closer to high-tech or minimalism.

Photo: Instagram lume_home

Photo: Instagram yard_khv

Mirror wall

A wall of mirrors will also fill your living room with even more light, but maintaining such a panel is very difficult and tedious.

The mirror is fragile, unlike metal, so if there are children or animals in the house, it is better to abandon this idea.

If you don't want the TV to be on public display, you can hide it.

Solid monolithic walls for TV

The advantage of modern TV walls is that they can be made in the form of monolithic blocks and airy, lightweight structures. Monolithic blocks offer the advantage of stability and mobility.

  • Shelves with cabinets can occupy the entire wall from ceiling to floor, the entire width of the space.
  • At the same time, it consists of blocks, the number of which the owner will regulate at his own discretion.
  • Their functions easily replace a sideboard from the point of view of the need to find a place in the house for original glass vases and porcelain figurines.
  • As for the dishes that are used to set the table for the holidays, it is more convenient to store them close to the dining table.

Accordingly, the sideboard can be placed in the kitchen or in the living room, but in such a way that the harmony of the area with upholstered furniture, a coffee or tea table is not disturbed.

Sliding panels

This method is suitable for those who have a TV mounted on the wall. Sliding panels (like a wardrobe) can blend perfectly with the wall and become part of the living room design.

How will the TV be installed?

The brackets allow you to hang the TV on the wall like a picture. It is difficult to immediately determine the height at which the TV should be located. It is important to think about this slowly. These are additional parameters of new generation technology, a thin screen, and a spectacular visual image. We must use this opportunity.

True, as a result, you can still drop the TV and damage the wall with a screwdriver or drill. Using an elegant wall with a cabinet on the floor, cabinets on the side and shelves above it is easier and more effective.

And if you still want to place the display on the wall, a furniture set, a mini-wall with an additional wall mount for the screen, will do.


We talked about the design of the wall above, but it can also serve as storage for a TV.

Using a special rotating mechanism, the wall will provide access to it when you need it.

Interior decoration, the location of the TV - this depends on the individual preferences of the person, but in order for everything to look harmonious, without causing discomfort to people, you need to adhere to the rules that will help in planning the most suitable environment.

Screen Resolution Types

  1. Ultra HD – 3840x2160. The highest number of pixels per inch. With this resolution, choose a TV starting from a 50-inch diagonal.
  2. Full HD – 1920x1080. Optimal screen clarity for an apartment.
  3. HD – 1280x720. Small screen TVs are quite suitable for this resolution, for example in the kitchen

It is also worth paying attention to the frame that surrounds the screen. The smaller the frame, the more pleasant the content will be to watch. The large picture area will allow you to immerse yourself in what you are watching.

Another important criterion for the neck is the height of the TV mount. It is best to hang the TV at eye level, but there are still generally accepted values ​​- this is approximately 1.30 cm from the floor to the middle of the screen. If a person is tall, or vice versa short, make adjustments for yourself.

Photo of TVs in the living room

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