Bedroom in two colors: color combination, zoning options, photo of combined wallpaper in interior design

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Each of us tries to make our home cozy in order to get great pleasure while being inside. When starting a renovation, we already imagine the future interior of our dreams.

Today the building materials market can offer us a huge number of goods. A large selection makes it possible to inexpensively furnish housing.

Wallpapering is considered popular. Many people try to choose wallpaper with a rare pattern and unusual texture. But it is much more interesting to choose the right combination of wallpaper in colors for the bedroom.

So, let's look at some rules for combining wallpaper.

Let's take bedroom decoration as an example. There are rules for organizing and carrying out finishing manipulations. After studying the article, we will learn how to transform our bedroom into two colors.

Zoning in the interior using color

In what cases would it be most appropriate to use wallpaper of different colors? This method will perfectly help to zone the room.

The main thing is not to use similar shades of the same color scheme. Choose contrasting colors. Your choice will be determined by the style you are going to achieve.

Decoration nuances

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Combined wallpapers are very popular, this is due to the versatility of the method and the possibility of using this finishing technique for rooms of various types. Combined wallpaper can be selected to suit any room style, choosing different color palettes and patterns. Instead of standard wallpaper, you can use photo panels, bamboo and liquid wallpaper. For decoration, you can use various combination options, combine different textures, shades and patterns, creating a unique, stylish interior.

There are several options for combining wallpaper:

  • decoration of adjacent ceilings and walls using coatings of contrasting colors (the wall is decorated behind the headboard);
  • decorating walls using wallpaper of various colors;
  • use of wallpaper inserts;
  • decorating opposite walls using two types of wallpaper.

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When choosing a design and type of decoration, you must immediately decide what the furnishings should be like and in what style they should be made. For example, for a northern room with a small area, dark-colored coverings with a complex, intricate pattern are completely unsuitable. But for southern bedrooms this option is suitable, but it is necessary to highlight an accent wall.

You need to start planning your bedroom design with its area and configuration:

  • for very small rooms it is necessary to select light-colored coverings that will visually expand the walls;
  • for large rooms with a significant glass area, you can use coatings of any shade, but it is better to highlight the bed area; also for such a room you can use dark coatings;
  • narrow rooms can be visually “stretched” if you use light coverings for long walls and dark ones for short ones;
  • if there is a niche, you can use coatings of a lighter or darker shade to decorate it; panels with floral patterns or photo wallpapers are also good for a niche;
  • When using photo wallpaper, it is recommended to use this material on the walls adjacent to the window, and not opposite.

To highlight individual walls or areas, you can use a general monochromatic covering and inserts with spring patterns or bright ornaments. For example, for a recreation area, panels with views of nature or city landscapes are well suited; if the room is not very large, then the drawing should have a perspective. These can be forest or garden paths, flowering fields at dawn or sunset, river or lake surface. In this case, you need to pay attention to the finishing of the furniture - the color of the wallpaper should not merge with it, that is, it is advisable to select contrasting shades. The only exception is a monochrome interior, but even in this case an accent is needed, for example, gilding, patination, a subtle, barely noticeable ornament.

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When decorating the sleeping area, the design is used for the wall to which the headboard is adjacent. This makes it possible to create the necessary focus and make the environment more comfortable. The color of the wallpaper may be different, but it is better to choose coatings from one collection. For example, the overall tone could be pearl gray, and the insert could be an ash rose or lavender shade. You can use an interesting patchwork technique, for which the space behind the bed is decorated in patchwork style - in the form of a combination of wallpaper fragments with different colors and patterns. This imitation of a patchwork quilt will give the atmosphere more comfort, but the technique itself is not suitable for all styles. For example, patchwork finishing is not used for high-tech or classic interiors.

Using two types of wallpaper for the bedroom allows you to give the decor more attractiveness and comfort. Various methods and techniques are used for finishing; their choice depends entirely on the area of ​​the room, its shape, and the characteristics of the furnishings.

How to choose a color for your bedroom

Avoid choosing bright colors to decorate your bedroom. Neutral shades will be more acceptable. In order to diversify the interior, choose bright details. If you decorate your work area in bright pink, red or yellow, you will have a hard time falling asleep.

Let a blanket, pillow or picture be bright. The situation is somewhat different when it comes to creating a children's bedroom. Here green, yellow or blue shades would be appropriate, but in more subdued versions.

Features of wallpapering two types

It is unacceptable to rely only on the background and external characteristics when choosing wallpaper, since each of them has its own rules for gluing, especially when it comes to combinatorics.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account some subtleties of the process:

  1. Ceiling height. In rooms from 2.5 m and below, it is recommended to use plain canvases either with a small, discreet light pattern, or with stripes that visually elongate the walls. In rooms over 3 m it is recommended to use a large pattern.
  2. Bedroom area. For rooms with large dimensions, it is permissible to select dark colors that will visually reduce the area and make it more comfortable, and for small rooms, vice versa. In long narrow rooms, it is preferable to use two types of wallpaper: with a large pattern, which will slightly compress the space, and plain ones, which will expand it.
  3. Textural features of wallpaper. When using different types of textures, the joints will stand out clearly.

The nuances of gluing two types of wallpaper in a bedroom are demonstrated using the example of horizontal combination techniques.

With this method, the following conventions must be observed:

  • the higher the border or baseboard is, the lighter the upper zone should be;
  • It is not recommended to use lines at eye level more than a meter wide in bedrooms with low ceilings;
  • the size of the segments should be different when dividing the room;
  • it is necessary to take into account the height when joining two sections of wallpaper (in a room with a low ceiling, their border is located at a height of 1 meter from the floor).

To avoid making mistakes when performing work, you must follow the following rules:

  • wallpapering begins from the top segment, and then proceeds to the bottom, leaving an allowance;
  • from the floor and in no other way the joint boundary is measured;
  • an unsuccessful connection can be hidden under a curb or baseboard.

Rules for combining colors in the bedroom

Each color is individual, has its own unique energy and influence on mood and health. When you select combined wallpaper for your bedroom, focus on the size of the room, shape, wall covering, and lighting intensity.

  • To visually expand the room, colors such as shades of white, gray, beige, pistachio, as well as coffee and peach are perfect.
  • The colors that you can choose to match them are shades of blue, fuchsia, brown, as well as black and classic green.
  • Follow the basic principles of color combinations - softer shades will go well with bright colors. Remember that the leading tone is the one that is softer.

Combining shades

There are two options for combining shades and colors: complex and simple. In the first case, they combine two shades of completely different colors that will oppose each other, but at the same time complement each other. In the second option with a simple type of combination, two shades are selected that belong to the same color. This option will soften the perception and make the room cozy for the owner to stay in.

When using wallpaper of two colors in a bedroom interior, you need to take into account the characteristics of each type of wallpaper, because they can not only behave differently, but also have different gluing technologies, which can differ in their complexity.

Before choosing the interior of a bedroom and what wallpaper to use, it is best to look at photos of ready-made options on the Internet. With the right combination of two colors, you can create an original and unique interior that will delight the eye every day. It is important to take into account the functional features of the room, because the bedroom is a place to relax, a room where you can relax, unwind and sleep.

Designers still advise using calm tones, which will help relax the eyes, and thereby calm a person and set him up for relaxation. If you use bright colors, they will cause excessive activity, anxiety, and over time they will begin to irritate and you will have to do the repairs all over again, which will lead to new financial costs. If you choose wallpaper that matches each other correctly, you can forget about renovating the room for a long time, and in order to create a unified picture throughout the entire apartment, you can focus on what colors and shades are used in other rooms. What the patterns, ornaments and images will be depends only on the taste and preferences of the owner, the main thing is to take into account some rules and features in order to successfully create a bedroom design.

Rules for combining green in the bedroom

Calm and soothing green color scheme goes well with natural shades, such as:

  • Grey,
  • Coffee,
  • Brown,
  • Both light and dark colors,
  • Golden,
  • Lactic,
  • Orange,
  • And also peach.

Use a nature theme by choosing prints and other decorative elements. In the photo of the bedroom in two colors you can see a bedroom decorated in exactly this style.

How to glue companion wallpaper

When gluing companion wallpaper, you should follow the general operating algorithm that is typical for different wall paintings.

  1. Pasting always starts from the window opening. First, draw a vertical line using a plumb line.
  2. The first sheet is glued and wrapped in a corner on the adjacent wall. The canvas is glued overlapping in the corners.
  3. Using a carpenter's knife and a ruler, the canvas is cut along the line.
  4. The excess is removed, the edges are smeared with glue and aligned. This is required even in cases where the walls and corners are quite smooth, due to the fact that it is almost impossible to obtain accurate geometry.

If wallpaper is combined with a pattern , a shift should be provided at the joints when cutting the wallpaper to the width of the repeat. The sheets are attached to each other so that the design matches. A rubber roller or spatula is used for smoothing.

To attach wallpaper to the surface of the arch , you first need to place dry sheets over the arch. From the inside, a line is drawn along the contour along which the sheets are cut and glued. If the edges of the wallpaper extend beyond the edges of the arch, the dried canvas should be cut with a knife.

to form a veiled transition between wallpaper.

These are decorative panels created in the form of overlay convex strips that are used to decorate various surfaces.

Moldings emphasize neat finishing lines and draw attention to smooth walls. They are painted in shades that match the colors of the room design.

For a bedroom in the Provence style, simple panels are chosen, different in width and shape, with simple relief and a small pattern.

You can also use panels of wallpaper and baguette to decorate companion wallpaper. The baguette highlights the desired part of the wallpaper, which helps to create an appropriate accent and complement the interior with an effective decorative element.

Rules for combining beige color in the bedroom

If the main color of your bedroom is beige, you can rejoice - this color is universal. There is room for your imagination in terms of pairing colors.

To have wallpaper in two colors in your bedroom, add emerald, blue, brown and many others to the beige shade.

Proper use of color palette

Designer ideas for an interesting interior:

  • It is fashionable to combine not only materials, but also colors.
  • Adjacent walls can be decorated in an original way.
  • Use wallpaper on the ceiling that will differ in color from the walls.
  • You can highlight only one wall with a bright color.
  • It is effective to decorate opposite walls with different shades of the same tone.

If you have no experience in repairs, it is better to choose plain wallpaper or with a small pattern. A creative option is multi-colored walls, where the emphasis is on one wall to distract from others. Wallpaper in a bedroom in two colors looks interesting.

Advice! It is appropriate to make an accent above the head of the bed in the bedroom. To do this, it is enough to decorate half the wall with a different color, painting, photo wallpaper, etc.

Rules for combining purple in the bedroom

Are you creating an interior design in a modern style? Purple color is perfect for you. Choose shades such as lilac, gray, olive, and off-white.

If we are talking about a bright version of purple, do not choose it as the main one, let it complement the overall composition.

Basic rules and design tips

Designers, fulfilling customer orders, are always guided by a number of principles when combining wall coverings. Following the advice of experts will allow you to create incomparable options for wallpapering your bedroom.

  1. The use of borders, baseboards, and dividing tapes form the interior with complete horizontal zoning.
  2. The room will become colorful, even if you highlight only one wall with wallpaper.
  3. Harmony and style in interior design are achieved by combining faded canvases with brightly patterned ones.
  4. Patchwork combination is considered the best solution for a children's bedroom.
  5. Rich tones are successfully complemented by pastels.
  6. It is worth keeping in mind that plant motifs often overload the room.
  7. The integrity of the composition includes not only the perfect renovation, but also furniture, curtains, etc.
  8. It is better to buy decor, glue, wallpaper in one store.
  9. Corners covered in contrasting colors visually align the proportions.
  10. The use of more than 5 colors in the design of wallpaper for the bedroom is unacceptable.
  11. A large drawing will visually make a small room even smaller.

Rules for combining white in the bedroom

A classic color combination, you can choose any color paired with white. It all depends on your imagination and what style of interior you want to get.

The most common combinations are white and pastel. The result is a calm atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Experiment with black, red, and blue if you want a bold look.

Combine white and black colors in the bedroom

The classic combination of black and white colors allows you to achieve the effect of completeness in the interior. You don't even need to add a lot of details to it.

Also, black color goes well with:

  • Violet,
  • Yellow and orange.

Choose only one color from them.

Rules for combining pink in the bedroom

The most popular options for this color scheme are pastel shades or fuchsia.

Choose for the perfect combination:

  • Mint,
  • Light blue,
  • White,
  • Turquoise,
  • Gray and olive tones.

Current solutions for decorating the bedroom

Possible options include painting and plastering, but many prefer wallpaper.

Eco-friendly wall coverings can have a paper or vinyl backing. There are textile, non-woven, natural, liquid or textured.

All varieties have their pros and cons. Our task is to consider design solutions for the bedroom.

Rules for combining yellow in the bedroom

A sunny mood is guaranteed if you choose yellow for your bedroom. It is better to combine with such cool shades as blue, gray, light blue, black, and lilac.

Rules for combining turquoise color in the bedroom

Did you choose the mysterious turquoise color? Then the combination is perfect for you:

  • Beige,
  • Yellow,
  • White,
  • And also a bright version of pink and brown.

The interior design will look even more luxurious if you add certain silver or gold details.

Rules for combining lilac color in the bedroom

Your interior will be very gentle and romantic if it is made in lilac colors. Combine lilac with a pink palette, as well as soft yellow and light turquoise.

Dark shades can also be used; in combination with lilac they look lighter.

Combination of prints and textures in the bedroom

No less important is what texture is chosen, as well as the wallpaper pattern. Don't try to take too many details - choose basic wallpaper, as well as wallpaper with an active color scheme and print.

Choose wallpaper of the same thickness and texture, so they will look neat at the junction.

Bedroom lighting

Please note that the light from the lighting sources has a cold or warm tint.

  • Avoid choosing wallpaper shades that are too light if the light is cold, or if the room has a lot of natural light or is on the sunny side.
  • In this case, your bedroom will look like a hospital ward.
  • If there is little light in the bedroom, it is warm, do not choose dark tones as the main ones, otherwise the room will be completely dark and your eyes will get tired.

All the tips for choosing colors for your bedroom will help you feel like a real interior designer. You will be able to create a cozy atmosphere and at the same time follow modern design trends.

Stages of material selection

The first stage is zoning the bedroom. Determine, for example, a sleeping area and highlight a work area.

The second stage is saving. As we found out earlier, wallpapering is one of the cheapest finishing options.

Please note that it is rare to find an inexpensive pair of wallpaper of the same type. For this reason, it is necessary to combine wallpapers of different types and costs. This is where the small savings lie. Try to choose wallpaper with approximately the same quality so that changes are not noticeable upon closer inspection.

The cost of wallpaper is also affected by its quantity; buy more - it will be cheaper.

The third stage is choosing a color. A selection of wallpaper from two colors is the chosen color scheme for the entire room.

These colors should be in harmony in the interior as a whole; to do this, you should repeat one of the selected colors for the ceiling treatment or select a similar floor plane. As a result, you will get a harmonious bedroom design.

Photo of bedroom design in two colors

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