Black bathroom interior – 250+ (Photos) fashion trends



A person’s life largely depends on color combinations: color can invigorate, suppress, excite, and change one’s mood literally at every step. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right colors in the interior of your home.

As a rule, everyone tries to avoid dark colors, guided either by superstitions or personal beliefs. In the minds of many, the opinion has long been ingrained that dark shades are gloomy and pessimistic. However, professional designers are ready to break this stereotype by developing unforgettable color schemes for the interior of houses.

For those who are ready to take the first step, but have some concerns, a dark-colored bathroom is a great option to try your hand at a non-standard color scheme.

It is generally accepted that a dark color can visually eat up square meters. Indeed, the owners of a spacious bathtub are luckier in this matter. However, some tricks will help not only preserve the space of a small bathroom, but expand it. Large mirrors, good lighting, bright light details - all this can solve the problem for owners of small spaces.

When choosing a dark bathtub design, you should pay attention to the ceiling and floor. A light ceiling allows you to “breathe”, even if everything else has dark shades. A checkerboard floor will add an intriguing touch to the room. But dark walls in the bathroom can visually narrow the room, so in this case it is good to use large mirrors and very good lighting.

A bathroom design with dark furniture will look very stylish and bold. This choice of design will not leave anyone indifferent.

It is also necessary to choose the right “temperature” of color. For example, a dark, cool color can be very refreshing, although many may find it uncomfortable. Dark green shades, on the contrary, insulate rooms. A chocolate tile with the addition of a coffee shade will look original. Those who like brighter colors should take a closer look at burgundy and purple colors.

A classic bathroom in dark colors is a bathtub made in black

The combination of black and white does not create a feeling of sharp dissonance, as it might seem at first glance; rather, on the contrary, it evokes a feeling of harmony, a non-boring composition. It can be diluted with unpainted wooden furniture, introducing an element of wildlife.

Don’t be afraid to experiment; a bathroom in dark colors will only emphasize the status of the owner and the nobility of the interior.

Lighting Features

Black surfaces absorb light. This is why it is so important to create the right lighting in a dark bathroom. In small bathrooms you will have to install many lighting sources, not to mention large bathrooms.

  1. Ceiling lighting. In a large classic-style bathroom, preference should be given to a large chandelier, because... she will look stylish. In other cases, you will have to choose between inconspicuous spotlights and laconic spots.
  2. A diode lamp and point light sources will help you carry out a variety of cosmetic procedures with comfort.
  3. The design of a black bathroom will become more comfortable if you add night lights and evening lamps as lighting.
  4. If there are windows in the bathroom, they can become sources of natural light.

You shouldn't cover them with curtains if no one can see into them. To protect from prying eyes, thick dark curtains or light, light curtains will be effective.

When creating a bathtub design in dark colors, you should think in advance about the color combinations of all its elements, based on the size of the room.

Bathroom in black

In order for your black bathroom to turn out original and stylish, you need to correctly take into account all the nuances and facets. With the right design choice, your room will become a real highlight.


For the toilet, be sure to choose a sewer pipe of at least 100 ml. For the rest of the plumbing, you can choose pipes of at least 50 ml. It would be better if they were noise-absorbing.

Polypropylene pipes are inexpensive and easy to install. But all breakthroughs and leaks occur precisely at the junctions of such pipes. The adhesions must be performed flawlessly. With pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene with fittings for crimping, there will be no breakthroughs. But the price will be much higher.

How to dilute it?

Additional colors can help make a dark bathroom feel cozier.

First of all, white. The classic color of the plumbing should not be changed to black or colored; let it remain light. Add other white details to the interior: decorative borders, furniture, textiles.

Secondly, a light range of the selected dark tone: light gray, beige, pastel blue, green, red. You can find companion tiles on sale: when the design is the same, but the shades are different. Such a duet will be the most harmonious on the walls and floor.

In the design of bathrooms, bright details will not be out of place: for example, yellow accents in a black room or green in a brown one. It is the expressive tones that set the dynamics of the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you prefer black plumbing, first study the advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Nice appearance. Such plumbing will attract attention and create the necessary accents.
  2. Space saving. Black plumbing looks more compact than white. Especially if you choose the right lighting system.
  3. Correct zoning. Using black sanitary ware, you can add functionality to the bathroom by dividing it into several zones.


  1. The need for complex care. In black, stains, dust and mechanical damage are much more visible.
  2. Difficulties of color. It is quite difficult to achieve harmony in colors using black plumbing fixtures. Therefore, you first need to study the rules for combining tones.
  3. High price. Black plumbing is considered designer. That is why it is more expensive compared to white.

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