Plumbing cabinet - cabinet doors in the toilet for the bathroom under tiles in the bathroom

When renovating toilets, the question always arises of how to hide the pipes in the toilet. After all, the appearance of the pipeline creates the impression of “eternal” repair. The building materials market offers many types of finishing materials that can disguise a technical unit.

The camouflage of the water supply and sewerage systems should be such that access to valves and meters is convenient. In the event of a breakdown, the masking structure must provide access to the main components. Many owners have a question about how to hide pipes in the toilet, and, most importantly, with what. There are three design options for decorating the pipeline.


Let's draw a future closet on a piece of paper.
In the figure we indicate the hatch door. The bottom of the hatch should not be lower than the height of the barrel so that it can be opened. If the barrel is planned with a vertical drain mechanism, with a lever, you need to take into account the height of the drain handle. Note: the dimensions of the hatch door are standard and can be viewed on any seller’s website.

Together with the cabinet drawing, we will draw a frame diagram. The frame of the sanitary cabinet between the walls of the toilet is not complicated. Vertical racks near the walls and in the places where the hatch is installed. Horizontal racks on the ceiling and floor, as well as reinforcing racks along the bottom and top of the hatch installation. Around the installed hatch, a kind of frame should be formed from profiles for drywall, and the profiles themselves must be reinforced with a wooden beam in order to be able to secure the hatch door.

Where to start ↑

Decide on the location of the plumbing. In a typical bathroom you won’t be able to speed up much, the space won’t allow it. But larger rooms have a choice. General recommendations:

It is recommended to place the toilet first from the sewer riser. It is desirable that the toilet outlet flows through the fitting directly into the riser or has a minimum number of turns. It would be correct if drains from plumbing fixtures located further from the toilet spill through it.

Also place the shower, whose typical height of the drain from the floor is small, closer to the riser so that there is no problem with the slope. The drain is located quite low. But the washbasin, kitchen sink, and washing machine can be placed further away. Most washbasins, bathtubs, and toilets are connected to pipelines in a similar way: the axes of sewer outlets and supply water pipes are located at the same height. But there are atypical solutions. It is advisable to select all the equipment in advance, take communication connection diagrams from the seller, and strictly follow them

We recommend paying special attention to the toilet diagram: the drain can be directed in different ways, and at different angles. 90% of domestic devices are equipped with an inclined horizontal outlet, but there are other options. If you are going to install a large corner bathtub that does not have legs, but a supporting frame, take the frame diagram: it is not always possible to “untie” the bathtub drain according to the usual diagram.

If you are going to install a large corner bathtub that does not have legs, but a supporting frame, take the frame diagram: it is not always possible to “untie” the bathtub drain according to the usual diagram.

Having arranged the plumbing, you should outline the location of the pipelines: start with communications.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If you have questions about the installation of plumbing ducts or cabinets, it is better to seek recommendations and advice from professionals.

Review of the closet (hatch) in the toilet:

Installation of blinds:

Pipe box - quickly and economically:

To hide water or sewer pipes in the bathroom, consider all factors: the size of the room, the location of the pipeline and riser, the presence of additional devices.

Perhaps the best method of camouflage would be a false wall with doors or a plasterboard box with a hatch - it all depends on the specific conditions.

Share with readers your experience of masking communications in the bathroom. Please comment on the article and ask any questions you have. The feedback form is located below.

Invisibility hatch trim

Finishing the structure to match the overall design of the room

An invisible structure without finishing does not look aesthetically pleasing enough. It can be painted:

  1. The surface is coated with primer and putty.
  2. Use wet putty to make a cut around the perimeter of the door.
  3. The dry putty is sanded with emery cloth and finally covered with paint along with the walls of the bathroom or toilet.

If it is decided to tile the hatch, then proceed as follows:

  1. The walls and hatch doors are coated with primer.
  2. A load is hung on the back side of the door, which will be equal in weight to the weight of the cladding. This will prevent the product from sagging in the future.
  3. The opening mechanism must be closed (blocked) with a special clip during installation of the tiles.
  4. The tiles are glued using regular tile adhesive or liquid nails.
  5. The edges of the tiles should protrude beyond the contours of the door. The projection on the hinge side is from 5 to 50 mm.
  6. The glue is not applied to the entire surface, but only to the part that will be adjacent to the door.
  7. Excess glue is removed after a day.

Then fill the seams with silicone sealant, including around the opening perimeter, selecting the composition according to color:

  1. The edges of the tiles along the seam are protected with masking tape on both sides. However, the sealant may also stick to the tape, making it difficult to remove without damaging the seam. To avoid this situation, the tape is coated with vegetable oil and removed as soon as the seam is closed with sealant.
  2. Excess composition is removed with a finger dipped in soapy water or a soft plastic spatula. After this, the hatch is left for two days. During this time, the sealant will dry completely.
  3. After opening the hatch, trim the sealant where necessary if the door sticks.

Wood finish

The aesthetic side does not lag behind the technical side. Sometimes the hatch is not masked, but rather highlighted. For example, an interesting option looks when the hatch is finished with mirror tiles, then it also performs the function of a mirror.

Exquisite hatch models are created not only from plastic and metal, but also from glass and wood. Wooden structures are covered with stain, varnish or wax. Glass doors to a sanitary cabinet in a toilet do the following:

  • made of brown glass;
  • made of glass with a pattern;
  • made of textured glass;
  • with a matte pattern;
  • tinted to match the color of the tiles;
  • translucent.

A unique version of an inspection hatch is a roller shutter. Often they cover the entire wall without making a separate hole, and thus create a false wall. Any drawing or photo can be applied to the roller shutters.

Tips and tricks for use and care

Review of locks for metal cabinets, what models are available

Professional plumbers give several recommendations for the further operation of inspection hatches:

  • The hinges of the plumbing hatch must be periodically lubricated with appropriate means, for example, lithol.
  • Over time, the door may sag slightly under load. To make adjustments, use a hex wrench to correct the position of the hinges, and, consequently, the door.

Plastic and metal hatches are gradually losing popularity, giving way to invisible hatches that meet modern design requirements. These products have a presentable appearance, but have complex installation.


It is better to install such a cabinet in a combined bathroom, where the toilet is not squeezed into a tight space between two walls; but this design is quite suitable for a separate toilet. The main requirement is communications hidden in the wall.

To make a cabinet you need the following tools and materials:

  • natural wood, MDF or laminated chipboard panels;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • wood glue;
  • manual frezer;
  • electric drill;
  • furniture fittings (handles, hinges, shelf holders);
  • metal ruler and pencil, square;
  • regular or plexiglass for windows (to save time and money, you can do without it by making the doors solid wood);
  • primer and paint;
  • Grinder;
  • an iron corner or other device that allows you to attach the cabinet to the wall.

Step-by-step instruction

The situation is similar with glass - it is much easier and more efficient to entrust its cutting to professionals. Having ready-made parts, you can immediately begin assembly.

If ordinary boards are used, the work will proceed as follows:

  1. Measure the height and width of the toilet with a cistern and determine the desired cabinet parameters.
  2. Draw a sketch of the product on paper, marking the dimensions of various elements on it.
  3. Transfer the outlines of the parts onto the board using a simple pencil. Pairs draw in a single copy and, after cutting out the first, use it as a pattern. This method helps to obtain two or more identical blanks.
  4. A milling cutter is used to cut out a relief on the part connecting the façade and side walls to the roof. To make your task easier, you can buy factory-made shaped furniture strips, which come in various shapes and sizes.
  5. A grinding machine is used to process the cuts and the rest of the surface if there are irregularities and splinters on it.
  6. A primer is applied to the front and back of the parts, allowed to dry and covered with paint. It is advisable to choose acrylic enamel in a spray can - this way there will be no smudges or smears on the surface, and the coating itself will be moisture resistant.
  7. Assemble the cabinet body. All connections are glued and, if possible, tightened with self-tapping screws:
      holes are drilled in the side walls at the same level and shelf holders are inserted into them;
  8. glaze the doors and install handles at the same stage;
  9. they hang the doors on the almost finished structure;
  10. Between the side walls from below, a drawer (crossbar) is fixed.

Popular cladding options

Disguising the pipes in the toilet is not difficult

It is important to choose the option that suits specific conditions and, if necessary, provides unhindered access to communications

The box for pipes in the toilet can be made of plastic

The most popular solutions today are:

  1. Box made of plastic or plasterboard. Even a person who does not have construction skills can do the work. Subsequently, the drywall can be decorated with tiles or wallpaper, depending on the overall interior design. Installation of the box significantly reduces the area of ​​an already small room and makes it impossible to carry out repair work without completely dismantling the box.
  2. Cabinet made of wooden panels. Thanks to this solution, getting to the desired pipe will not be difficult. Initially, a wooden frame is made, which is attached to the wall with dowels. All that remains is to fix the doors on it and, if possible, install shelves where household supplies will be stored.
  3. Blinds. An optimal solution in terms of price and ease of implementation, which does not “eat up” space at all. Blinds and roller shutters can be removed at any time and easily cleaned.

Each of the above options has its own number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before starting work, you need to carefully study each proposal and compare it with the available square meters.


Plumbing rooms in apartments are often small in size, so you want to use every centimeter of space. A hand-made closet in the toilet will be the best option for storing things. This is an ideal place to store various small items on shelves. Here you can put tools for repair work, which you will probably find in the house, and there will be a place for other important items.

You can build shelves, a wall cabinet or a pencil case yourself. The final result of the work depends on how correctly the size of the cabinet and its color were chosen. Furniture in the toilet should be beautiful, comfortable and functional. Usually the toilet is small in size, so the furniture should not be bulky and voluminous, so as not to visually take away the already small space of the room.

Before starting work, you should choose the model you like and draw a detailed work plan. To make a toilet cabinet, you should make a drawing with detailed measurements. There are many options for shelves and cabinets for sanitary facilities; among them, you should choose the one that is suitable for a specific room.

When choosing a model, you should take into account the design features, namely:

preference should be given to moisture-resistant materials; when installing the cabinet, it is important to leave free access to pipes or valves, water meters and other sewer fixtures; the size of the furniture must exactly match the size of the room; the cabinet must be securely fastened to the wall; have enough shelves to store as many things as possible; The plumbing cabinet must be functional and fit harmoniously into the overall design of the room.

Choosing a design for a box

Before decorating the toilet niche and at the same time gaining access to the taps and meters, they make a frame for installation, taking into account the fact that roller shutters and blinds do not need it. The main material for finishing plumbing units is ceramic tiles (tiles), which are laid on drywall when closing the openings. To do this, a plasterboard box of several types is pre-installed, depending on the location of the water and sewer pipes.

Rice. 7 Installation of a square box

The whole wall is closed

The method when the entire opening is covered with finishing sheets or hanging fixtures is most often used for communications located behind the toilet. To install plasterboard around the perimeter of the opening, a metal profile frame and lathing are attached using dowels and self-tapping screws, after which the plasterboard is screwed to the structure. Access to pipes with valves and water meters is made through hinged hatches.

Square box

If the pipes run in the corner of the toilet room or do not occupy the entire wall area, they are covered with a square plasterboard box. To install it, a metal profile is screwed to the floor, ceiling and walls around the perimeter of the structure, after which vertical guides are inserted into it. To install a door for access to plumbing fixtures, a window is made from a metal profile, after which the entire structure is covered with plasterboard. The same is done in a situation where the water supply is located horizontally on the floor - guides are screwed onto the walls and floor, lathing is made and sheathed with plasterboard.

Rice. 8 Boxes of various types

Multi-level box

One of the often encountered situations of using a multi-level box is when there is enough space in the sanitary unit, the length of the horizontal section is small, or the owners decided to save a little on gating.

The method is often used if the horizontal water supply is located below. In this case, the vertical and horizontal pipelines are sheathed with plasterboard fastening to a metal profile sheathing.

Slanting false wall

With a certain arrangement of pipelines, in order to save space or materials, not a square structure is made, but an oblique one. To install false walls, profiles are attached to the floor, ceiling and walls, a horizontal frame is made, after which the profile structure is sheathed with plasterboard.

Rice. 9 Installation of profile sheathing

Installation procedure

First you need to prepare all the necessary parts. The dimensions must exactly match the indicated dimensions in the drawing. If a home craftsman has difficulty cutting the material correctly, you can ask the craftsmen of the company where it was purchased. Almost every company that sells chipboard provides such assistance.

To make a toilet cabinet, you cannot do without the following tools:

  1. Electric jigsaw and wood saw,
  2. Roulettes,
  3. Level,
  4. pencil,
  5. Screwdriver,
  6. Electric drill or hammer drill.

Having prepared all the necessary parts, you can begin installing the cabinet in the toilet.

  • Installation begins with attaching the bars that are intended for the frame. Using self-tapping screws, pre-marked holes are drilled, then dowels are inserted into them. Preliminary markings are made according to the level, since a skew of the frame may occur, which, in turn, will entail a skew of the door. When marking the wall, keep in mind that the toilet tank should not be included in the plumbing closet area.
  • The next stage of installation will be to mark out the spaces for the shelves. We select one wall and mark out places for shelves in random order, the main thing here is that the shelves are located conveniently. The second wall is marked by level; you need to ensure that the shelves are installed strictly horizontally. After this, in the places marked with a pencil, we attach the aluminum profile that is needed to install the shelves. We fasten using self-tapping screws and dowels.

Plastic technical doors

Not everyone has tiled walls in their toilets. For such rooms, invisible inspection hatches are made of plastic, as well as doors to them. Modern plastic doors have endless possibilities and many advantages. They are dielectric, which means that they can be installed where there is electrical equipment. Plastic also copes well with ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, high humidity is not dangerous for plastic. These doors can be installed without any problems not only in toilets, but also in bathrooms and any rooms where there is high humidity.

Doors can be perfectly hidden in the wall - modern solutions do not have handles or any other protruding parts. Instead, modern push mechanisms are used for opening. Also, in some models the door can only be opened using a suction cup handle. The mechanical lock prevents spontaneous opening.

The kit includes the door itself, a mechanism for opening and hanging, a frame, a GVLV panel, and door fixing devices. A sanitary door is installed in the bathroom or toilet using special solutions or polyurethane foam.

Modern possibilities make it possible to equip both the bathroom and the toilet to suit every taste. With aesthetic entrance doors and convenient technical doors, you can make life better and more comfortable.

How to make a closet in the toilet behind the toilet yourself

The construction of the structure consists of several stages:

  • planning;
  • preparation of parts according to the project;
  • frame assembly;
  • installation of the internal part;
  • hanging doors and decorating.

All operations are easily performed without an assistant.

Dimensions and design

Before making a closet in the toilet behind the toilet, you should measure the height, width and depth of the future structure. If you choose to install a free-standing structure, then its dimensions are determined by tying them to the width of the wall. In a small room where the cabinet takes up the entire wall, you will need to take several measurements of the width and depth along the entire height of the structure. This will allow you not to make a mistake if the walls are not too smooth, and not to fit an already assembled cabinet into place.

When drawing up a project, you need to think about the location of the shelves and the distance between them. External design consists of the choice of facade panels or doors, their size and quantity. For free-standing models, you will also have to choose a method for finishing the visible parts. A hanging cabinet above the installation will require solving the same problems, but it is recommended to evaluate the height at which its lower edge will be located: if it protrudes beyond the front wall of the tank, there is a risk of hitting your head when rising from the toilet.

Preparing material and tools

Among the tools that will definitely be required when hanging or building a cabinet of any model should be a drill or hammer drill with different attachments. They will be needed for drilling concrete or brick walls of a room to which parts of the structure or hooks for hanging need to be attached. The hammer drill will also require fasteners: self-tapping screws with dowels at least 7-10 cm long.

The rest is selected depending on the material from which the cabinet is built:

  • hacksaw or electric saw for wooden parts;
  • metal scissors and a screwdriver for drywall products.

Measuring tools (tape tape, building level, square) will come in handy.

A niche or built-in closet is often made from gypsum plasterboard. This material is easy to process and allows you to build light and durable false panels placed at the required distance from the wall. The frame for the structure is made of a bar or a special profile.

Exterior finishing can be done using various materials. The main requirement for them is moisture resistance.


Wooden panels can be used to cover part of the walls where shelves are not installed. If the wood will not be covered with other materials, it must be painted or varnished to protect it from moisture. It is desirable that the wooden panels are in harmony with other furnishings.

To make a cabinet, you can use different types of wood materials:

  • solid wood board (lining, floor slats, etc.);
  • furniture board;
  • plywood with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm;
  • Chipboard and its varieties.


Panels can also be made from leftover plastic wall coverings or slope finishing. These materials are convenient for the construction of frame structures (niches, built-in cabinets). They are also suitable for hiding the presence of shelves. To do this, you can use a finish that matches the panels on the walls of the toilet.

You can choose another plastic material that is well suited for this purpose: polycarbonate. Rigid sheets will allow you to make transparent or translucent doors and beautifully decorate the wall above and below the cabinet. The main advantages of plastic are moisture resistance and easy surface care.


Ceramics are used only for finishing a structure already assembled from other materials. Using adhesives, the tiles can be fixed not only to the fixed parts of the structure, but also to its doors. You can use tiles, imitation stone, mosaic or mirror varieties. Even broken tiles after renovation are suitable for finishing: you can create mosaic panels from pieces of ceramics and hide both a temporary wall and doors under the tiles.


A homemade closet in the toilet is often assembled from gypsum plasterboard. Depending on the design option and the size of the room, the structure can only serve as a false wall with a niche or be used as the walls of a free-standing shelving unit. Only shelves that are going to be heavily loaded should not be made from gypsum plasterboard: the material breaks easily.

How to close the pipes in the toilet: other options

In addition to the methods already discussed - using boxes and walls made of gypsum plasterboard and plastic panels - there are other, quite successful ways to hide communications while maintaining access to them.

The first and most common is the built-in wardrobe.

It can be performed on the entire back wall or, as shown in the illustration above, only on the upper part. The basis of such a cabinet is a frame or other fastenings for shelves and doors. You can also hang a finished cabinet by removing part of the back wall and shelves so that there is room for a sewer riser and hot and cold water pipes.

Below are several configuration options for such cabinets; their layout depends on the position of the pipes.

Such a cabinet is especially convenient if in the toilet, in addition to pipes, you also need to hide a water heating tank.

And, of course, the shelves will not be empty - the built-in closet is perfect for storing detergents and cleaning products, a strategic supply of toilet paper, cleaning tools and other useful things.

The video shows in detail the process of creating such a cabinet, taking into account the mistakes of the creator.

Another successful camouflage option is roller shutters. This design provides quick access to all communications, while when closed it looks very aesthetically pleasing and is easy to clean.

The main task during installation is the placement of the side guides and the top box, which hides the roller shutter lifting mechanism. The video provides instructions for installing the structure yourself.

This method has, perhaps, only one drawback - it needs to be installed over the entire opening. If it is necessary to cover not the entire wall, but only part of it, you will have to install an additional box or at least one additional wall to install the guides.

Roller shutters do not have to open only from bottom to top - you can install two products or divide the main leaf into two parts, the lower of which (behind the toilet) will be stationary.

The advantages of this option include quick installation and compatibility with all bathroom finishing methods. In addition, neutral white is by no means the only possible design for a roller shutter. Manufacturers offer a large selection of photo printing and color canvases.

DIY doors

The most technically complex and labor-intensive process in making a cabinet with your own hands is assembling the doors.

Doors are hung on the closet last.

The simplest option is to install doors from sheets of laminated board (chipboard, MDF). First you need to carefully cut the workpiece without damaging the laminated surface. To do this, use a jigsaw or a hand-held circular saw. To avoid chipping, place an additional thin sheet of fiberboard under the jigsaw blade.

The easiest way to make doors is from laminated board.

It is better if you cut with a circular saw. In this case, it is more likely that the cutting line will be strictly straight (the saw blade cannot move to the side). The first cut is made to a depth of 5 mm in order to penetrate the laminated layer without chipping. The second one is already at full depth.

Next, a special tape is glued to the ends of the door using a heated iron. To mount it to the wall, you need to select a groove on the back of the door using a hand router. Adjustment of the door canopy after installation is carried out in three planes.

The doors need to be adjusted.

Using these simple methods, you will be able to make a wonderful closet in your toilet, spending a minimum of time, effort and money.

Features of the design of the entrance door to the bathroom

In most apartments, the opening to the toilet is slightly smaller than other openings in the living rooms. But when choosing a door leaf, it is recommended not to use average numbers, but to carefully take your own measurements. The standard door width for entering a toilet is from 590 to 700 mm.

Also, when choosing a suitable canvas, you should take into account the thickness of the wall. Often it is the width of one brick. Therefore, when choosing a suitable option, you should find out not only the basic parameters, such as width and height, but also the thickness of the canvas itself. As for the fittings, a lock combined with a handle is usually installed for such canvases.

Toilet Door Options

Today, original solutions are used - this is a small glass window. This attribute is quite convenient for those families who have children or elderly people.

For the convenience of domestic cats and small dogs, the canvas can be equipped with a special window. This will protect the door from mechanical damage from cat claws. This part is a frame secured with self-tapping screws. There is also a shutter that can be fixed in a variety of positions. Such designs are available for installation even in glass or plastic door leaves.

Plywood shelves

The most common material for shelves is, of course, plywood. Thanks to its low cost, strength and durability, plywood has held a leading position in this area for decades. In addition, anyone can make a shelf in the toilet behind the toilet with their own hands from plywood. And if you not only want to rationally use space, but also decorate the interior, then this material is the best option for you.

First, you need to decide on the type of shelf; they can be either classic with straight parts or with curly cutouts. If you have a jigsaw, then it is best to choose the curly options. They require a little more effort, but they do a much better job of decorating any room.

First you need to decide on the appearance and size of the shelf that you want to make in the toilet with your own hands, since the size and shape of the parts depends on this. It is best to first find or draw a drawing of the shelf. This will make your work much easier and, in addition, you can easily calculate the amount of material you need.

The next stage is marking the parts on a single sheet of plywood. If your design has several parts of the same size, then it is best to make patterns from cardboard and draw with their help. After the parts are cut out, their ends need to be sanded well. After this, you can fold the finished product and begin decorating it.

Flat surfaces can simply be covered with stain and varnish, this is quite enough. But you will have to work a little with the ends so that the shelf has a beautiful appearance. It is best to use edge tape, which is simply glued to the ends. The tape can be matched to the color of the tint or, conversely, it can be used to shade the ends. When everything is ready, you can hang the shelf on the wall.

Before starting work

When planning a bathroom and toilet renovation, be sure to consider a way to disguise water pipes

First of all, you need to make sure that communications are working properly. Under no circumstances should there be any corrosive areas, much less leaks. Before hiding heating and water supply pipes, it is advisable to insulate them. It is necessary to determine in advance the location of technological hatches and install main filters for water purification. Recently, roller shutters for toilets have become especially popular. This option combines a neat appearance and full access to communications.

Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the walls. You need to make sure that there are no traces of mold or mildew on them.

If the latter are present, carry out thorough mechanical cleaning and double treatment with fungicides.

What and how can I close it?

Thanks to the variety of materials on store shelves and the imagination of designers, today everyone can easily choose the option for masking sewer pipes in the toilet that is right for them.

Plastic panels

This method is the most popular, since installing a box made of plastic panels is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition, this material has such advantages as:

  • low cost;
  • wide range of products (color range);
  • low weight of the structure;
  • easy installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life.

When purchasing materials, consider the thickness of the panels and profiles. To install a plastic box you will need tools: a knife, screws, a screwdriver, a level. After checking all communications and accurate measurements, you need to form a frame from profiles and cover it with panels. First, it is better to draw a sketch, then put marks on the floor, ceiling and walls. You can also use glue for fastening, but it is better to use self-tapping screws.


This method is very similar to the previous one both in terms of the characteristics of the material and the installation process, but there is a main difference. Plastic panels do not require further processing after construction

An important feature that you definitely need to pay attention to is the moisture resistance of drywall. Other models of this material are not suitable for work in the bathroom

Installing a plasterboard box involves the same steps as in the previous method, namely:

  1. make markings on the floor and walls, having previously drawn a diagram on paper;
  2. prepare the profile and connecting elements;
  3. fix the frame to the wall;
  4. cover the structure with plasterboard.

After all the work, the material must be primed, thereby preparing it for decoration.

It is also necessary to take into account that in the event of a possible breakdown, dismantling of the entire structure may be necessary.

Plumbing cabinet

This option is suitable for those who have a lot of space in the toilet. Doors that cover sewer pipes are attached to a structure made of plasterboard or plastic panels. Fastening elements must be strong, since the doors will be in constant use. If you don’t have a lot of space for regular swinging doors, but this method of camouflage is what you like best, then you can use sliding doors.

To make a cabinet, you can choose any material: drywall, plastic, wood (plywood) or glass. The main thing is that it matches the rest of the decoration in the toilet and does not clutter up the space.

False wall

If the sewer pipes are located along the entire wall in one plane, then a false wall is perfect to seal them. This design will be easier to construct, since it does not require corners.

After covering the pipes, there may be free space between them, which can be used as shelves for storing household chemicals. The main thing is to think about this in advance, and also cut holes in the material.

Types of pipes and options for their camouflage

The toilet of an apartment building must have a vertical sewer pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. In buildings of the old type, cast iron was used as the main material for sewer systems, and water lines were made of steel pipes. The communications were highly durable, reliable and designed for long-term use. Their maintenance was limited to periodic painting with oil paint.

How to hide pipes in the bathroom without installing them in the wall under the tiles so that there is access No matter how original the design of the bathroom, open pipes spoil the entire appearance. However, it is possible to correct this deficiency by hiding engineering communications. At the same time, it’s not at all...

However, after long-term operation, the internal cavities of the pipe became corroded and overgrown with limestone accumulations of hard water. Due to its massive construction, the cast iron vertical riser and horizontal drainage pipe with a diameter of 50 mm took up too much space in the tiny toilet. To close the cast iron central riser, you can use the following methods:

  • Cover with plastic panels.
  • Cover with plasterboard in the form of a box.
  • Cover with moisture-resistant plywood.

In all cases of this method of hiding the sewer riser, a support frame made of galvanized steel profiles or small-section wooden slats is first installed. I attach the supporting structures directly to the wall, stepping back a few centimeters from the riser.

The horizontal section of the sewer system to which the toilet outlet is connected can be closed in a similar way. Often the drainage pipe is lined on the side and top with ceramic bricks laid “on edge” and lined with ceramic tiles. It turns out durable and beautiful, but when changing cast iron to plastic, you will have to completely disassemble this structure. Due to the fact that the service life of cast iron communications is up to 50 years, this method of hiding pipes is completely justified.

Pipe clamps: metal for fastening pipelines, sizes and diameters. The main limitation when working with pipelines and hoses of any diameter is their low longitudinal rigidity. When sagging, any long pipelines lose their strength under their own weight...

Steel water pipes responsible for supplying water to the flush tank are more difficult to close. In residential apartments, the water supply network is equipped with water supply metering devices - water meters, regulating water taps, and cleaning filters. To hide all this equipment, you will have to install an additional box or, which is much more convenient, install roller shutters that provide convenient access to the control water fittings and water meter. A plastic plumbing cabinet with opening doors is perfect.

Assembly and installation

Begin installation by installing support bars, guides and internal horizontal partitions. Be sure to use a level to attach all cabinet pieces as level as possible.

You need to drill holes carefully.

When drilling holes in walls, floors and ceilings, try to do it more carefully

It is important that the diameter of the resulting holes is equal to the diameter of the purchased dowels

The shelves need to be attached as evenly as possible.

Also pre-drill holes in wooden blocks, chipboards, MDF with a thin wood or metal drill. This is necessary so that when screwing self-tapping screws into workpieces, the latter do not crack due to expansion and internal pressure. The diameter of the hole must be less than the diameter of the screw. If this condition is not met, the reliability of the connection will be at risk.

If you are installing a plumbing cabinet that hides the piping, heating boiler, water heater, floor heating pipe system or other plumbing fixtures from view, installation will be easier. Here, the need to install internal horizontal shelves is partially or completely eliminated.

It is much easier to make a cabinet that simply hides communications.

Coating options

A product that will work in conditions of constant humidity and sharply changing temperatures must be practical, protected from the negative influence of the environment. When choosing hidden doors for a bathroom, owners look with particular interest at models painted with enamel or wrapped in eco-veneer with a wood-like texture. A canvas without finished cladding offers a different look at the design of the opening.

Treated with a protective primer, it is subject to:

  • masking against the general background of the room. To do this, use paint, plaster, ceramic tiles. A completely hidden design is a chance to get a unique interior and minimize the number of visible details of the furnishings, unloading it;
  • mirror equipment. Such a product will give the room more depth, light, and presentability;
  • turning into a painting - for example, with a marine theme. The low price inherent in primed hidden doors for the bathroom and toilet may well be combined with exclusive artistic performance.

In order for the “invisible” device to become an integral part of the decoration and delight you with uninterrupted operation for a long time, it is important to take care of its professional installation. Academy specialists will provide assistance in this matter.

What are the doors made of?

If you decide to make a closet for the toilet yourself, making shelves is usually not a problem: two parallel planks are placed on the walls, and shelves are laid on them. Instead of slats, you can install furniture shelf holders - they come in different sizes and shapes and are easy to install. A hole is drilled in the wall into which the extended part of the holder is inserted. This is one type. The second is brackets that are attached to the wall. In general, there are usually no problems in this part.

It's not as complicated as it seems

But there may be questions about what and how to make the doors. The easiest way is to order a façade of the required size from a furniture shop. It is better to order together with the strips to which these doors will be attached. You can also ask for hinges to be cut in. Then installing them will be simple: screw them to the wall and that’s it. Possible facade materials: chipboard, LMDF, plastic, aluminum + glass or aluminum + plastic.

There is an option - to make the doors from sheet material and cover them with the same tiles that were placed on the walls. This is in case you don't want the cabinet to stand out. You can also stick on a mosaic of a suitable shade, use flexible tiles (plastic sheets under the tiles), stick on washable wallpaper, paintable glass wallpaper, etc. There are actually a lot of options.

You can also not make doors, but hang ordinary horizontal blinds, use roller blinds of a suitable color and size. This is one of the simplest and most budget options. To access the shelves, you will need to lift the blinds or roller blinds.

A more serious and durable option is to close the shelves in the toilet with a roller shutter. It is more serious in terms of cost and complexity of installation. You will need to install guides and secure the drum at the top.

Types of installation structures

As already noted, when it comes to the toilet, we are talking mainly about the vertical arrangement of communications. Horizontal distribution pipes are also subject to closure. Based on this, there are several types of structures for masking water pipes:

  1. Mounted. This is an option suitable for installing blinds; roller shutters also have a hinged design.
  2. Frame. PVC panels and plasterboard are suitable for covering the frame.
  3. Combined. As the name implies, this is a symbiosis of the first two options - frame and mounted.

Combination of frame and hanging structures

  1. Ready array. As a rule, this is a one-piece structure that is mounted in an assembly. For example, a frame made of metal-plastic, in which a door is mounted for access to the water supply.

A special case

Often, the apartment owner takes on the job for purely aesthetic reasons: the only goal is to close the water supply and sewer risers, which significantly spoil the appearance of the toilet.

What can be recommended in this case?

Instead of drywall, it is better to use wall panels made of thick plastic. We emphasize: mechanical strength is important here. An accidental blow will easily pierce thin, inexpensive panels of domestic production; but Italian ones that are one and a half times more expensive can only be damaged with a hammer.

  • The panels are attached to the galvanized profile frame with clamps. The structure must be collapsible: sooner or later access to the risers will be required. A starting L-shaped profile is launched along the perimeter of the wall.
  • Access to the valves and filters is provided by a plastic plumbing hatch or, as it is sometimes called, a plumbing door to the toilet behind the toilet. The hatch is installed in the cutout of the panels using silicone pipe sealant.
  • To ensure that the risers are ventilated and do not rust due to the formation of condensation, a pair of narrow and long ventilation grilles are mounted in the upper and lower parts of the wall.

How to close the pipes in the toilet: other options

In addition to the methods already discussed - using boxes and walls made of gypsum plasterboard and plastic panels - there are other, quite successful ways to hide communications while maintaining access to them.

The first and most common is the built-in wardrobe.

It can be performed on the entire back wall or, as shown in the illustration above, only on the upper part. The basis of such a cabinet is a frame or other fastenings for shelves and doors. You can also hang a finished cabinet by removing part of the back wall and shelves so that there is room for a sewer riser and hot and cold water pipes.

Below are several configuration options for such cabinets; their layout depends on the position of the pipes.

Such a cabinet is especially convenient if in the toilet, in addition to pipes, you also need to hide a water heating tank.

And, of course, the shelves will not be empty - the built-in closet is perfect for storing detergents and cleaning products, a strategic supply of toilet paper, cleaning tools and other useful things.

The video shows in detail the process of creating such a cabinet, taking into account the mistakes of the creator.

Another successful camouflage option is roller shutters. This design provides quick access to all communications, while when closed it looks very aesthetically pleasing and is easy to clean.

The main task during installation is the placement of the side guides and the top box, which hides the roller shutter lifting mechanism. The video provides instructions for installing the structure yourself.

This method has, perhaps, only one drawback - it needs to be installed over the entire opening. If it is necessary to cover not the entire wall, but only part of it, you will have to install an additional box or at least one additional wall to install the guides.

Roller shutters do not have to open only from bottom to top - you can install two products or divide the main leaf into two parts, the lower of which (behind the toilet) will be stationary.

The advantages of this option include quick installation and compatibility with all bathroom finishing methods. In addition, neutral white is by no means the only possible design for a roller shutter. Manufacturers offer a large selection of photo printing and color canvases.


The classification of products for decorating cabinets in the toilet is also carried out, taking into account the type of raw materials used for the manufacture of functional structural elements. Today, consumers have several options to choose from


Wood is a widely used material for the manufacture of sashes of various modifications. In order for the product to have a long service life, it is worth taking into account the specifics of the room where the wooden sashes will be installed, namely high humidity, in light of which the products will require pre-treatment with protective compounds that will prevent deformation of natural raw materials from contact with a humid environment.


Budget material used for the manufacture of sashes. Such raw materials are quite suitable for making your own doors to a sanitary cabinet. Chipboard doors are easy to install and are secured using standard hinges.


This material is in demand for structures with invisible doors. This option is in demand when you want to hide the cabinet from view, but at the same time make the most of the existing niche.

Mirror models

A popular and attractive option for cabinet doors, which will be relevant for combined or separate bathrooms. A special feature of this model is the ability to visually expand the area of ​​the room and emphasize the design of the walls in this area. You can implement a similar idea of ​​​​designing a functional design by purchasing a finished product or by independently attaching the mirror to an additional fixing material, which can be plywood.

Plastic products

This category of products includes modern versions of blind doors, roller shutters, and classic swing doors are also made from polymers. The raw material is in demand due to its wide color palette, resistance to dampness and contact with water, in addition, the material is easy to care for.


Textile door options will be no less attractive and functional. The fabric can have a special impregnation, thanks to which it will remain resistant to moisture and will also keep its shape. Thanks to this design, you can make an interesting and bright accent in the room, in harmony with the overall style.


A beautiful and functional variety that allows you to make your closet beautiful and practical. The variety of textures, as well as the possibility of applying various patterns, makes glass doors quite popular among consumers. In addition to its visual appeal, this material is notable for its long service life, which will be important for rooms with high levels of humidity.

Plumbing doors

In apartment buildings, all communication systems run along the wall of the bathroom, supplying clean water and removing liquid waste, which does not paint the sanitary room at all. It is also worth noting the small dimensions of the toilet, which should be taken into account when trying to disguise communications. The optimal solution was sanitary cabinets or doors.

The design of the product allows you to stylishly disguise communication systems, while maintaining easy access to them.

A sanitary cabinet can imitate a wall lined with tiles or stone, look like a full-fledged piece of furniture, or disguise itself as horizontal blinds. An interesting stylistic solution would be the door to the toilet in the same color and format as the door of the sanitary cabinet behind the toilet. This set of doors is produced by some manufacturers, and the product can also be made to order in organizations that provide similar services.

The small size of the bathroom does not allow the installation of full-fledged sliding door structures, so most often the communication is sheathed with moisture-resistant slabs, in which a small niche is left for the doors. The small size makes it possible to install hinged doors that provide access to equipment, for example, a boiler or water heater. But most often, one or two doors are installed, fixed on special fasteners on the inside of the niche, which, if necessary, can be easily removed and inserted back.

Roller shutters of suitable size are made to order, made of lightweight, yet durable, moisture- and wash-resistant materials.

Selection of materials and tools

For finishing the toilet, natural wood or its derivatives (MDF, chipboard) are best suited. When choosing such materials, moisture protection must be provided. Wooden facades are treated with a special impregnation that protects the surface from excess moisture. When choosing chipboard or MDF, also focus on moisture-resistant boards coated with special plastic.

Wood looks the most natural.

To fasten support bars, guides and other elements, it is better to use plastic dowel nails. The dowels themselves must be purchased from high-quality plastic. It is very easy to recognize by its cost, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of other manufacturers

Pay attention to the nylon dowels. These are white and cream colored corks.

To connect wooden surfaces, use wood screws, metal corners and strips.

Here's what tool you'll need.

  • Tape measure for measuring the basic geometric parameters of a room.
  • Bubble or laser level for horizontal and vertical installation of all bars and guides.
  • Construction pencil for marking.
  • Construction rule. Used as a guide when cutting material.
  • Impact drill or hammer drill. Used when drilling holes in concrete and brick.
  • Electric jigsaw or hand-held circular saw. For cutting chipboard sheets and wood blocks.
  • Screwdriver, screwdriver.

The set of tools is quite standard.
In addition to this list, you must have a set of drills for wood, metal and drill bits for a hammer drill.

Materials for the manufacture of sanitary doors

When manufacturing door blocks for sanitary premises, manufacturers focus on moisture-resistant materials and coatings:

Glass is resistant to water and steam, easy to clean, and retains its original appearance for many years. The safety and strength of the material is ensured by hardening or the triplex system. If there is a possibility of a fight, the tempered glass is showered with small crumbs that are not capable of harming a person. Triplex is made of several thin layers of glass glued together with a special film polymer, so in the event of a fight, all the fragments remain glued to the film. Glass design involves various effects (matte, mirror reflection, tinting, corrugation, etc.) and fittings or inserts made of durable and lightweight aluminum.

Solid PVC plastic is inert to moisture and temperatures; due to its polymer composition, it is not suitable for the emergence and development of mold and fungal spores. The main advantage is the ability to make the product according to individual sizes, in any stylistic decision and shade.

Chipboard panels impregnated with a special composition with moisture-repellent properties. The panels are usually finished with natural veneer or eco-veneer. The only drawback of doors is their heaviness, which is why manufacturers usually produce doors whose inner part consists of many empty cells, reminiscent of a honeycomb, which is sheathed on both sides with chipboards of small thickness, and then comes the thinnest layer of coating.

Solid wood. Products made from natural solid wood are characterized by a high level of strength and reliability, and have a luxurious appearance. The wood blank for the door must be thoroughly dried in production, soaked in several layers of antiseptic and moisture-repellent compounds, and then tinted in the required color. Wooden doors are quite heavy, so they are not suitable for installation in rooms with thin walls. There is also a possibility of buying a counterfeit product, the material for which has not been completely dried and treated with compounds, which will ultimately lead to the appearance of mold, bacteria and bugs inside the wood.

Plastic doors for sanitary cabinets

Plastic doors for a toilet cabinet are the easiest to install and, importantly, will fit seamlessly into any interior. Another important advantage of plastic products is moisture resistance and resistance to other types of influence.

Plastic doors come in a wide variety of designs, which allows you to choose a model for any style solution

A wide color palette provides plastic products with enviable popularity

Such doors are easy to clean; a simple damp cloth is enough, and in case of heavy contamination, you can use various cleaning agents without fear of harming the material.

Doors to the toilet for a plumbing cabinet - the 2 most common options

Louvered doors for sanitary cabinets

The biggest advantage of louvered toilet doors is that they are made of moisture-resistant plastic and PVC. It is the appearance that often raises doubts: it will not fit into every interior and not everyone will like it, however, for some design solutions it will be a very good choice.

If we consider this option from a practicality point of view, we must take into account that when opened, the blind system goes up. Access, of course, does not block, but the part of the door that gathers at the top goes into the mechanism, which takes up a significant space in the upper part of the opening. The lower part, made of this material, will require a large number of modifications.

Louvered doors can have an open top frame or a closed one built inside a niche

Well, there is one more significant drawback - the ability to install only in a completely finished opening. If the repairs in the toilet have not yet been completed, the walls have not been leveled, tiles have not been laid or wallpaper has not been pasted, then you should not install louvered doors in the toilet. otherwise, during installation there will be gaps that will need to be corrected.

Decoration materials

You can close the plumbing lines in the toilet using various construction and finishing materials, as well as special equipment. Read more about each option below.


Drywall is considered one of the most affordable and convenient materials used in construction and repair. It is used for a variety of needs, including to sew up pipes in the bathroom. The advantages of drywall are:

  • health safety;
  • ease of use and operation;
  • possibility of quick dismantling;
  • relatively low price;
  • the ability to install doors and other structural elements;
  • availability of various finishing methods.

PVC panels

PVC panels

Plastic panels (it would be more correct to say polyvinyl chloride) solve two problems at the same time: they block the pipes and make the resulting structure more aesthetically pleasing. On sale you can easily find PVC panels that look no less aesthetically pleasing than ceramic tiles. Other advantages of plastic panels include:

  • speed and ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • the ability to make a structure that can be disassembled if necessary;
  • large selection of colors and textures;
  • no need for decorative finishing;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes.


Drywall and PVC panels are used to disguise pipes in the toilet in the same way - they are used to make a box in which communications are hidden. Sheets of plasterboard or plastic panels are mounted on the frame. The frame required for these materials is different, but the principles for installing the box are very similar. It should be possible to access the most important structural elements for repairs and maintenance work.

Plumbing cabinet

Another type of structure that allows you to seal the pipes in the toilet is a plumbing cabinet. It differs from a box in the mandatory presence of large doors and built-in shelves that can be used to store household supplies. You can make a sanitary cabinet yourself from ordinary furniture facades, purchase a ready-made one, or order an individual project from a company that produces furniture for bathrooms.

Roller shutters

Plumbing roller shutters have become widespread relatively recently. They are a mobile structure consisting of a base frame and dozens of narrow panels, which, if necessary, are assembled into a roll, allowing access to the pipes. Roller shutters for the toilet are made from materials that are not afraid of moisture. This device can be controlled using buttons or remotely using the remote control.


An option for masking pipes in a bathroom, very similar to the previous one, is plumbing blinds. Roller shutters, in essence, are a later, modified type of blinds. The latter are much simpler - the design does not include a frame, and control is only possible mechanically. Blinds are made primarily of plastic, so they are moisture resistant, but not very durable.

Available materials

You can also decorate unsightly-looking plumbing and sewer pipes using improvised means. What materials to use depends only on your imagination. Here are some of the most interesting and easy to implement ideas:

  • paint the pipes bright colors or draw patterns on them;
  • disguise pipes as trees, turning the toilet into a forest or jungle;
  • wrap the pipes with twine or braid;
  • use artificial plants for decoration;
  • cover the pipes with decorative stones;
  • decorate pipes with special stickers and decals for home decor.

Roller shutters

If the bathroom is small, then additional structures for hiding pipes and a riser in the toilet will take up useful space. Roller shutters do not require much space and open compactly, so it is worth considering this camouflage option. They are blinds that rise and fall using a shaft and a special design. They are made from:

  • wood;
  • aluminum;
  • plastic.

Plastic roller shutters are considered the most profitable option. They are inexpensive, waterproof, and have a neat and attractive appearance. Roller shutters are mounted on top of the cabinet wall or built inside an opening with pipes.

When inserting, the roller shutter box can be left outside or hidden inside. The second method is preferable, because the box located inside the cabinet will not clutter up the appearance of the bathroom.

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