Washing machine under the sink in the bathroom: how to do everything beautifully

In small typical bathrooms, large appliances take up the lion's share of free space. At the same time, it can take up storage space, make it difficult to get to the shower, and cause many other problems. We have to come up with alternative options: for example, taking the device out into the hallway or into the kitchen. In this article we talk about an interesting solution for small apartments - placing a sink above the washing machine: what are the pros and cons, how to choose and what to consider during installation.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The main advantage is saving space in a small bathroom, especially if the area does not exceed 2-3 square meters. This is a solution for bathrooms in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings or small studios, where in the kitchen there is often no room for an additional large unit.
  • Since there is a sink here, all water communications are nearby, and there will be no difficulties with connecting hoses and drainage.
  • The machine can be easily disguised by being built into a cabinet under the washbasin, which can be closed with beautiful doors. Relevant if you don’t like open appliances or the bathroom is decorated in a classic, eco-friendly or vintage style.

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  • Most likely, it will not be possible to place a unit with a large tank volume under the sink. But for one person, a couple or a family with 1-2 children, a medium-sized car is quite enough.
  • After washing, it is advisable to ventilate the room, so if you have one bathroom in the apartment, you need to take this point into account and think about the use of the bathroom.
  • If the machine is closed on all sides by a cabinet, the result is a static structure, the approach to which may be inaccessible. As a result, it will be difficult to move, clean and repair.
  • The space under the sink will be occupied. But with proper use of free space, you can easily compensate for it and organize storage.

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Installation in furniture

Following modern trends of minimalism in the interior, you can install a washing machine in a closet or cabinet. The parameters of the technical device must correspond to the piece of furniture. Special cabinets can be found on sale or made according to an individual project, with shelves in the upper part for powders and basins and an additional compartment for linen prepared for washing.

This option is very convenient for the housewife, as everything needed for washing is nearby and hidden from prying eyes. The bathroom will always be clean and tidy. Another advantage is the ability to choose furniture to match the interior style, install mirrored doors, visually expanding a small room.

The disadvantage of this method of placing the machine is the need to manufacture furniture to order, which requires additional material costs.

Sink selection


Not every type of sink can be installed above a washing machine. You can choose from the following options.

  • “Water lily” with a side drain - hanging models with a hole at the bottom can be used, but they will have a fairly large depth (about 20 cm), which means there will be a large gap between the bowl and the machine, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Rear drain - this option is more similar to the classic models with the drain at the bottom in the center, but here it is moved to the back of the sink, and the machine will be located in front of it.
  • Built-in - the bowl is immediately built into the countertop, and the appliance will be located under it. This is one of the most popular options, since the additional layer visually unites the parts of the structure and also protects the surface of the unit from splashes and moisture.
  • The overhead is an easy-to-implement and effective solution when the bowl is simply placed on the countertop under which the machine is placed.

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The most common materials are porcelain and earthenware. The first one is heavier and more expensive, but it will last longer. This is an environmentally friendly material that is resistant to mechanical stress. No cracks form on it, so less dirt accumulates and, accordingly, maintenance is easier.

A ceramic bowl costs significantly less because this material is made from cheaper raw materials. Then it is covered with a special glaze. Earthenware is not afraid of aggressive detergents, dyes and temperature changes. The downside is that over time, the glaze cracks, small roughness appears on the surface, and the bowl loses its former luster. To avoid the accumulation of microbes and the appearance of stains in these cracks, you can take a model with an additional anti-dirt coating.

Another option is artificial stone. Bowls made from this material can be of any shape and size, and are often made to order. Additionally, they are coated with a special antibacterial coating. They are resistant to mechanical stress and do not require complex maintenance. In terms of technical properties, artificial stone even surpasses natural stone in some ways, but is just as expensive.

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  • Plumbing equipment

    Which sink is better to choose for the bathroom: studying 3 important parameters


The surface can be part of a full-fledged cabinet or “float” in the air, mounted on the wall. In the first case, in addition to the washing machine, a storage system is also organized under the bowl: shelves or closed drawers. But this option is not suitable for very tiny bathrooms.

If the area is very limited, the entire space under the sink will be taken up by appliances, and the countertop will serve as a protective layer. It can be made of wood, natural or artificial stone, acrylic or chipboard with marble or wood lamination. The main thing is that the material is waterproof itself or coated with a water-repellent varnish in the case of wood.

A sink above a countertop washing machine can be either surface-mounted or built into it. An interesting technique - the surface of the sink extends to the sides and plays the role of a countertop.

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Selecting a machine


Of the two types of washing machines - vertical and horizontal (front) loading - only the second can be placed under the sink.

You can choose a stand-alone device, but some manufacturers offer ready-made solutions for complete installation. The cost of such washing machines averages from 15 to 60 thousand rubles. There are also special models of washbasins that require installation above the washing machine - they are compatible with a number of models, from which you need to choose.

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Optimal dimensions of the equipment: height from 60 to 70 cm, depth - from 35 (ultra-thin models) to 45 cm. The average tank volume is 3-4 kg of laundry. The width is selected according to the parameters of the sink and the size of the bathroom.

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  • Technique

    How to choose an automatic washing machine: useful tips

On board the bath

Residents of rented apartments cannot afford bathroom renovations. Therefore, in a tiny room, the option of using the “Malyutka” machine is considered as a way out. There are also similar units - “Fairy” and “Otrada”.

This washing machine is installed on the side of the bathtub. A special polymer platform is needed.

Installation Rules

When installing a sink above a washing machine in the bathroom (photo below), you need to remember a few basic principles.

  • When planning co-location, consider the location of communications so that there is no direct contact between water and electricity.
  • Please note that you will need a special siphon for the washbasin: with an outlet for the washing machine, a splitter or with a check valve. The latter blocks wastewater and prevents it from reaching the drain if the pipe becomes clogged. It is also advisable to install a special overflow drain that will prevent water from overflowing the edge of the bowl.
  • Installation occurs in the following order: a plan with markings for the brackets, their installation (attached to dowels or anchors), installation of all sink elements, connection of the washing machine and communications. Afterwards, be sure to check whether the equipment works.
  • If the bowl is shallow, provide the washing machine with protection from splashes - the best solution for this is a countertop.
  • Since equipment vibrates during washing, ensure there is space between the walls of the appliance, siphons and fastenings so that they do not get damaged or become loose. For the same reason, it is better not to place the unit close to the wall - constant vibration will not benefit the finish. And to reduce movement when washing, you can put a rubber mat down.
  • After the machine is installed, check that all connections are tight. It is better to additionally secure them with clamps. This is necessary to avoid water leakage, which will be difficult to clean behind equipment installed under the surface.

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Placement in a niche

When carrying out renovations in the bathroom, you can provide a special place for the washing unit, fencing off part of the area with moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard, glass blocks, and foam blocks. The partitions are finished with ceramic tiles, thus maintaining the unity of the bathroom style.

This kind of small laundry room can be arranged as conveniently as possible - equip shelves and hooks in the upper part, install a hanging cabinet, and attach a heated towel rail. An important condition for placing the machine in a niche is the presence of side gaps of at least 3 cm, holes for the outlet of hoses and an electrical cord.

Photo of sinks above the washing machine in the bathroom interior

Let's look at ideas and photos of examples of interesting interiors with a sink above a washing machine.

When there is little space

Even a tiny bathroom can fit a washing machine. In such cases, it will not be possible to organize storage under the washbasin, since there is only enough space for the unit itself. There are two accommodation options.

  • Sink, countertop, machine - everything is compact, with minimal width and depth.
  • The sink and the appliances immediately underneath it - in this case, you need to immediately think about protecting the appliance from moisture.

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Space optimization

If space allows, you can organize at least minimal storage under the sink, on the side of the unit. These can be narrow open shelves, a compact shelf or full-fledged drawers, if the bathroom area allows.

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Hidden storage

The equipment, as well as all storage under the sink, does not have to be displayed: you can choose a cabinet with hinged or sliding doors that will hide both the equipment and, if necessary, the shelves.

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The car as an accent

You can go the opposite way and turn the washing machine into an accent element of the interior. For example, dark models look very stylish, especially against the background of the same muted finish in deep shades. For a light bathroom, on the contrary, a snow-white product is suitable, which will stand out and harmonize with other plumbing fixtures.

The surface can be either contrasting in relation to the device or matched to the tone, merging with it into a single visual composition.

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Near the cabin

Replacing a bathtub with a shower can increase the area of ​​the room. The unit is installed in the space that appears next to the booth.

A vertical loading machine will save the day if there is very little space. With a width of 40 cm, it fits between the wall and the plumbing.

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