Kitchen in green, acceptable combinations with other colors, selection of fittings, curtains, wallpaper, flooring

Every person is in the kitchen every day, especially a housewife who loves to cook. Therefore, maximum attention is paid to the interior, because it allows you to get in the mood for cooking and can arouse your appetite or, on the contrary, suppress it.

Quite often the choice falls on one of the most cheerful summer colors, namely green. What are its advantages? What colors are best combined with it? Let's find out further.

The benefits of green in the kitchen

Green is becoming an increasingly popular color in the kitchen. Moreover, everyone will be able to choose the tone that suits their liking.

In general, it has a very positive effect on a person. He is calming, able to transform any dispute into a peaceful conversation. In addition, green has a good effect on a person’s mental abilities.

If we talk specifically about the kitchen, then this color scheme will allow you to wake up as quickly as possible in the morning and feel a surge of strength.

At the same time, after a hard day at work, you can relax in such a kitchen thanks to the soothing color scheme.

Accordingly, exclusively positive characteristics of the green color are observed from all sides. The main thing is to combine it correctly with other colors to achieve the desired result.

Secrets of choosing a green shade

First of all, when choosing a shade, you should pay attention to the location of the kitchen on the north or south side.

If it is located in the north of the building, then it is better to choose warm shades close to yellow.

When placing the kitchen on the south side opposite, it is better to choose a dark green palette.

It is not necessary to combine green with other colors. It is quite possible to combine tones of green. For example, you can make the walls light green, and choose a kitchen set in a dark tone, perhaps emerald.

When choosing a light green color, you should combine it with other light colors, and best of all with white. A bright palette, such as yellow-green, can be diluted with beige so that the kitchen is not too saturated.

In addition, it is not always worth choosing completely in green. You can make a bright accent and highlight, for example, a couple of kitchen drawers or chairs in green, and do everything else in beige, gray, white or other colors.

How to choose the shape of furniture

Furniture manufacturers now offer an unusually large selection of furniture. So first you need to decide what kind of kitchen you need and what it should look like?

The shape of the furniture must be selected depending on the size of the kitchen and its functions (for example, it can be a cooking area combined with a dining room).

Green apron

Not only can you choose a kitchen set in green, but you can also use it to decorate the apron. This will be a great accent, especially if you use other accessories of the same tone in addition.

The materials chosen are ceramic tiles, mosaics or glass. Tiles come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. At the same time, very large ones are unlikely to be appropriate.

Photo printing with images is often used on glass splashbacks. Therefore, in this case, you can show your imagination and choose different foliage, grass, fruits, flowers on a green background, a ladybug, etc.

Advice! A green apron can be made together with a green set. In this case, it is unacceptable to use one tone. In this case, glass with photo printing is perfect.

Triadic design method

This scheme involves the use of three shades of a certain color wheel, located next to or opposite. Complementing each other, they create a special mood and contrast. Often with two bright colors you can use a neutral one to soften the previous ones.

One of the colors of the triad can dominate and the other two complement each other

Purple and light green successfully compete against a white background

Such a circle consists of numerous tones of primary colors. This scheme helps to choose the colors that are most consistent with each other, playing with each other. Often, more subtle colors are used as a base, creating a soft atmosphere. A bright (complementary) color brings its own originality - explosive freshness to the entire flying image. More modern and bold solutions use three eye-catching colors at once, taking advantage of all the capabilities of this technique. This solution is incredibly popular among young people.

Three basic acid colors will make your kitchen cheerful

Find your ideal kitchen color scheme using the tips given to you in this article!

Green chairs and table

A choice of green chairs and a table can also be an excellent accent in the interior. Of course, you shouldn’t do absolutely everything in the same tone.

To avoid oversaturation with one color, you can combine chairs with an apron and choose them in the same design. It will look very cozy.

If the choice fell on a green kitchen set, then you can choose a glass table, and choose chairs in the same tone.

Which solution to choose?

Each person has their own stylistic and color preferences, but the older generation is usually against a silver high-tech solution. Children do not like brown color combinations in the interior of a classic kitchen. And middle-aged parents will find green and gray tones boring.

Everyone will like a white and beige kitchen if the stylistic solution is chosen correctly and the decor and utensils are in harmony. But remember that there are no good and bad colors, there are wrong choices and wrong proportions. A thick, saturated tone weighs down, a blurry tone refreshes.

Kitchen design in a combination of different colors

Combination of light colors in the kitchen interior

Original combinations can be found in the “color wheel”, but do not overdo it with extravagance. If the experiment is unsuccessful, you can always fix something without costly repairs by changing the curtains, tablecloth and decoration above the work surface.

To avoid variegation bordering on bad taste, choose a light background and only one part of the spectrum for detailed design - “warm” or “cold shades.”

Warm colors warm and invigorate:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • chocolate.

Cool color combinations for the kitchen calm and slow down reflexes:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • turquoise;
  • green (menthol);
  • lilac;
  • crimson;
  • violet;
  • lilac.

To help a novice home designer - special visualization programs or a “designer” of color combinations in the kitchen interior.

Kitchen interior in a combination of different colors

Modern kitchen design in color combinations

Light colors in the kitchen interior

Choosing curtains for a green kitchen

Curtains can perfectly complement a design if they are chosen correctly. It is best to give preference to natural fabrics. It is not at all necessary to choose plain curtains; you can also have them with a pattern, the main thing is that they blend harmoniously with the interior.

It is important to note that the tone of the curtains should be similar to the tone of the walls, but you do not need to choose it absolutely the same. Curtains in yellow-green, white-green, beige-green can be winning options.

Rules of application

When developing the design of a room with such canvases, certain features are taken into account:

  • first of all, it is recommended to select a kitchen set and other furniture, think over the design of the apron, and only after that buy wallpaper material;
  • The color of green is considered universal, but there are some nuances in the use of shades. For example, a bright tone is not recommended for finishing large areas. It is better for them to glue the accent surface, and decorate the remaining walls with a restrained color that effectively reveals itself in the overall space;
  • when the windows face south, or the room is sufficiently lit, select a green tone with blue shades;
  • It is better to decorate a shaded kitchen with green wallpaper with a yellowish tint;
  • muted and dark color looks great in a strict classic or minimalist style;
  • For a spacious room, wallpaper of any green shade is suitable, and a small kitchen is better decorated with light canvases and furnished with white furniture (or vice versa).

It is better to choose wallpaper with a regular pattern that does not “conceal” the space. Bright colors are suitable for decorating a modern interior; a pistachio shade or lime color harmonizes well with beige notes. For pale wallpapers, orange and red accents will be a harmonious complement.

The chosen color influences the design style. It is recommended to use an olive shade when decorating a kitchen in a country, Provence or classic style. Cool, glossy color looks perfect in high-tech or techno. The combination of this wallpaper material and brown furniture creates a peaceful atmosphere.

Green ceiling and floor

An original atmosphere gravitating towards nature can be created thanks to a green ceiling. Bright shades suit cutting-edge designs.

They go well with brown, white, blue or yellow. Moreover, if the floor is also of a similar tone, then the walls should preferably be made white so as not to overload the room with color.

For classic kitchens, it is better to choose a light tone. It will dilute the strict design and fill the room with freshness and energy. The pistachio ceiling will create the most cozy atmosphere.

A green floor can also become a signature feature of a kitchen. The selection of tone is carried out in the same way as in the case of the ceiling. But doing both the floor and the ceiling in the same tone is risky.

This, firstly, can oversaturate the room with color, and secondly, it can make the room visually lower. Therefore, it is better to make the floor lighter. This will shade the ceiling and increase the space.


Such furniture is located along the walls. It is suitable for a square or rectangular room. This placement of furniture allows you to install the sink next to the stove, adhering to the zoning rules.

Combinations of green in the kitchen with other colors

There are a lot of shades in the world, so you can choose a wide variety of options and come up with original design solutions. This also applies to green kitchens.

At the same time, it will be boring and monotonous if the interior is made in only one color. Therefore, it is better to dilute it. To do this, you can not only make drawer inserts in a different color or kitchen walls, but also use different decor, patterns, and glass inserts.

A table, a chandelier, a vase, jars - all this can complement the image and play an important role in the design. What colors go with green? Let's figure it out further.


The most versatile color that goes with any occasion is white. This rule is also relevant for green cuisine. When choosing a white and green kitchen, the accents can be anything, complemented by bright colors.

You can make the walls white, and choose a set in green. Moreover, even the acidic color of furniture is perfect in this combination.

You can, on the contrary, choose a white set, and make the walls light green, pistachio, olive, or give preference to emerald color.

The option also looks good when the top is white and the bottom is green, or vice versa. Dark green looks gloomy, but in combination with white it gives freshness and harmony.


The combination of green and brown is a classic. It will allow you to get even closer to nature and make the atmosphere more peaceful. Wooden furniture and brick walls work well here.

You can choose brown as a set, as well as a tabletop and chairs. The brown bottom of the headset with a green top looks great. You can choose many accessories in brown, such as solyankas, mills, and planks.

Tip: if you prefer brown-green tones, it is recommended to make a white floor, a brown table and a green set.


Along with brown, black and green are also perfect. Dilute the green interior with successfully decorated black dishes, wall tiles and other accessories.

A black table with chairs looks very impressive. Don’t worry, such an interior will definitely not be gloomy, especially if you choose bright shades of green.

You can also choose dark appliances - a refrigerator, stove, hood. This will wonderfully dilute the green tone and add contrast and ambience to the interior.

Of course, the furniture itself can be divided into black and green parts, or the top can be made in one color and the bottom in another.


Yellow-green cuisine is very juicy, rich, and can immediately lift your mood and appetite. Light green shades, khaki or mustard tones go well with yellow.

Green, slightly shading blue, is more suitable for lemon. The lighter and more subtle the yellow, the paler the green color you need to choose, otherwise bright green will overwhelm the yellow and make it look off-white.


An orange-green kitchen will give you a boost of energy. It will simply burst with energy, delight you with colors, colors, it will also increase your mood and appetite. It is best to choose a white or beige color as the background.


Gray color is one of the most restrained. It is suitable as a background for combination with bright details and furniture. Appliances in gray or metallic colors will look great. It is especially worth choosing small equipment in this shade. A gray corner or table top with chairs would also work.


As already mentioned, beige is an excellent background along with gray and white when choosing a bright headset and accessories. This is a fairly neutral color, so it can go with any shade of green. They can also create a table with chairs and hang beige curtains. This will make the bright green set stand out.


Purple, like red, should be combined very carefully with green, otherwise it may look ridiculous. In this case, it is better to contact specialists. This color is best used as an accent and in small quantities.

Alternatively, you can use a photo tile with purple flowers on it. You can use purple lamps or dishes. Also, a soft purple sofa or chairs with purple seats may be suitable for the ambiance of a green kitchen.

Thus, if you want to make your summer kitchen bright, inspiring, interesting, but at the same time calming, you can choose green for the interior. It is not recommended to make the entire kitchen in one color, using different tones. It is better to choose 2-3 colors and combine them, using various combinations for the apron, accessories and furniture.

Corner shape of the kitchen set

A corner kitchen is more versatile and easier to use. When implementing such an interior, serious mistakes rarely occur. Thanks to the angular shape, it becomes possible to use the corner at the junction of two walls, which most often remains idle.

With corner furniture you can save space by combining a corner cabinet, stove, sink and pencil case. This kitchen will suit any design style, and can also be complemented with a bar counter.

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