Interior in light green color: the best ideas and combinations

» Color in the interior » Green, light green interior and its combination

A green interior and its shade of light green are among the most positive for the psyche. They calm and energize. Combination with them: 100 photos.

Green is the color of forests and grasses, so familiar to the human eye. Contemplating them, the eye is in a relaxed state. It is believed that the green spectrum is more distinguishable for the visual system than others, so we can perceive a huge variety of green tones. These can be fresh light shades or dramatically bright, dark, cold or warm with brown, golden, yellow tints. Such a variety of greenery provides a rich field for activity in creating different colorful interiors with a favorable emotional impact.

Green color in the interior is comfortable for contemplation. It relaxes, gives a feeling of security, stability, unity with nature, so necessary in our time.

With these shades it’s easy to choose your style; thanks to their versatility, they will fit into any direction of interior art. They can also be combined with all colors, which also expands the boundaries of imagination.

The interior in green tones of the living room, children's room and bedroom (living rooms) is good for city dwellers. Oversaturation with advertising and bright signs leads to color irritability. We are not always aware of it, but we become more sensitive, nervous, and impatient. Green tones in relaxation rooms will help you relieve unnecessary color tension.

The interior of a green kitchen will make eating enjoyable. Green colors are not conducive to haste, but rather to a thoughtful process of assimilation. And if you want something invigorating in the morning and calm in the evening, you better pay attention to light green shades.

Most people, when creating an interior in green tones, prefer light, fresh colors. And this is understandable. What could bring more joy on a gray winter day than a reminder of spring, full of life and accomplishments? What if this piece of “miracle” is in your apartment? In spring and summer it will accompany nature, and in autumn and winter it will warm you with its energy. All shades of light green will help you recharge yourself in a good mood in the morning and relax, calm down, and enjoy the evening.

Combination: white and light green in the interior

It looks simple, light, a little provincial (in a good way). You don’t even have to notice this combination of shades; it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t catch your eye, but quietly, unobtrusively creates an atmosphere of well-being and comfort.

Combination: blue and light green in the interior

The combination of blue and light green, like a combination of fresh greenery and sky, sea and shore, is ergonomic. It can be bright, elegant or smooth, not contrasting, but deep, due to the increase in intermediate shades that our eye sees.

Shades of blue (turquoise or blue-green) of similar lightness are more suitable for a bedroom or living room.

Bright combinations of blue and light green are good to use for the kitchen, nursery, and bathroom. These elegant combinations will be more calming than toning, so they are often used in kindergartens, playgrounds or children's cafes, where reducing a child's hyperactivity is important.

Psychologists' opinion

In rooms where a light green background reigns, it is difficult to remain out of the mood. The energy of color stimulates the nervous system, encourages you to forget about melancholy and awakens the desire to try to conquer the world. And I want to start doing this literally from the first minutes of being in such an atmosphere. That is why light green color is very necessary in the interior of the houses of those people who are prone to apathy.

light green floor in the kitchen interior

Light green, just like orange, is called a shade of sparkling happiness. In his unclouded brightness there is no hint of isolation or anxiety. The continuous flow of energy flowing from light green can act as an irritant to people who are hyperactive in life, so they need to add this shade to the decor very thoughtfully, in small portions, and only with complete adaptation in the decor can the volume of its presence be gradually increased.

Combinations: brown and light green in the interior

Another natural combination. It can also be contrasting or soft.

Brown color is, of course, wood, which occupies a significant place in a modern interior. Light shades of brown will add tenderness and smoothness to your light green room. It will be bright, filled with “joy”.

If you like a bright interior with distinct boundaries, then you should look at darker types of wood or finishing materials.



Walls are the foundation of foundations. Wall decoration is the most important point when performing renovations. It is the walls that set the right mood and tone for the entire home. One or two walls can be highlighted in light green, the rest in white. Wallpaper in light green colors will give you abundance and the desire to conquer the whole world.


The light green floor is not only an original part of the interior, but also quite practical. Minor stains are not visible on it, and it goes well with almost any color.

Ceiling decoration

A ceiling in light green shades will give a feeling of boundless freedom in the lap of nature. It is better to choose light, diluted shades so as not to overload the room.

In the photo on the right: an unusual bright ceiling adds zest to the kitchen interior.

Combination: black and light green in the interior

A strong contrast between gloomy and positive, where light green becomes even more attractive and life-affirming, and black becomes the failures of the night. This highly dramatic combination would likely be suitable for a teen's room, bathroom or clubs. Although, if this combination is diluted with gray or gold, then black will add luxury to the light green interior.

Combinations: red, pink, orange and light green in the interior

What is spring without flowers, and green without warm tones is devoid of elegance. Playfulness, sociability, and spontaneity are introduced by warm shades in combination with green. This example transforms the room.

With a light green interior, you can model your mood, because you don’t always want to relax and forget yourself. If you are tired of passivity and want to break the dull circle, start by purchasing bright accessories in warm colors: pillows, figurines, curtains, bedspreads. You will instantly feel a surge of strength and a new bright spirit in your life.

Variety of shades

According to psychologists, green color in the interior promotes a balanced and stable state of the nervous system. It is the result of a combination of warm yellow and cool blue colors. Depending on their ratio, a lot of different shades of green are obtained: emerald, khaki, marsh color, olive, pistachio, moss, green tea, asparagus and many others.

The amount of yellow contained in green determines whether the final color will be warm or cold. Each shade has a specific effect on the atmosphere of the room. Due to its ability to visually increase space, light green is often used to design small rooms. Ideal for urban interiors, helping to relax after the daily hustle and bustle.

Color combination in the interior: green and white

This combination creates a modern, simple two-tone interior, with a fresh, clean atmosphere. You can break the sterility and add liveliness to the room with brown, yellow, pink or blue shades. This combination in interior design has a slightly elevated character; it speaks of the nobility of the family living in it.

Bright combination of red, orange and green in the interior

Red is considered a complementary shade to green. This means that in this combination the greatest expressiveness of red and green is manifested. They seem to glow that they don’t do anything without each other. This is its attractiveness, and it also causes irritation when contemplated for a long time. You can “calm down” the combination by clouding pure colors, making them complex, you can also add black or dark brown, white colors.

The combination of green and orange, although bright, is inferior to red. It is more comfortable and less intrusive.

Contrasting combination with green in the interior

The darker the shades, the closer they are to black, and in a certain presentation it is the most “expensive” color. The combination of dark bright shades of green with a tone tending towards black, joined by white, gold or straw, represents an ethnic or exotic luxurious interior. If you want to stand out, take a closer look at these solutions. The interior will be beneficial to those with status.

Read further: green kitchen : shades, elements, textures, combinations.

to “Green, light green interior and its combination”
  • Lorcha

    January 26, 2012, 20:17

    Pistachio color looks beautiful in combination with cream or light beige.

  • Sienna

    January 27, 2012, 14:15

    I really like these combinations too. and red-orange with bright green look cool too)

  • people

    May 19, 2012, 12:16

    very cool I like it

  • Love

    August 13, 2012, 17:26

    Thank you, I made a kitchen based on your article. The facades are light green, the side walls are vanilla, the countertop, floor and dining table are black of varying thicknesses - more or less tending towards gray. The wallpaper is rough, pistachio-vanilla. Now I’m thinking about what kind of curtains to make—a different shade of green and black? Or develop the vanilla theme a little? I still don’t want to go far from the green topic.

  • Ksenia

    August 14, 2012, 12:38

    In general, you need to see what it looks like. It’s hard for me to imagine the picture by ear. Although I think it's better to have vanilla curtains with a black cornice. A kitchen with a dark floor should be well lit.

  • Tatiana

    January 30, 2013, 15:06

    Kitchen set - bright green top, light wood bottom. The house is made of timber. The floor is, accordingly, light wooden. Tell me, please, what should I do on the windows? Roman curtains, blinds or other, and what color? Thanks if anyone responds.

  • Julia

    February 26, 2013, 14:16

    I think rustic curtains would look good. It’s like before there were two curtains gathered on the sides. The main color is white with small soft green flowers. It will be cozy!

  • Volga

    June 16, 2013, 17:52

    In my nursery, I have pistachio-colored wallpaper, a closet with a front of the same color, an ottoman in bed blue—everything is so calm and harmonious. I would like curtains as a bright element, but what color? Orange or yellow or something else????

  • Oksana

    October 25, 2013, 4:13

    Hello, thank you so much for the knowledge you share! Everyone can learn at least the basics from you!

  • Oksana

    February 3, 2022, 9:35

    Dear designers, tell me about dark pistachio on the walls in the bedroom, 3 beige doors, brown furniture, we were wondering what color curtains to choose. We wanted Provence, but our height is 290... there are no curtains that long...

Style solutions

There are a number of room decorating styles. For some of them, light green color combinations are very suitable.

The table shows interior design styles. It also lists those color combinations that can be used when decorating rooms in a particular style.

Colonial style in the interior

Despite all the apparent stylistic versatility of the light green color, there are a number of areas in which it is completely unacceptable and can even ruin the entire impression of the design.

stylecolor combinationmaterialsadditions
eco-stylecombination of natural colors - brown, dark gray, terracotta, chocolatecork wallpaper, wood, natural stone, bamboo, marble pattern tiles, rattan fabriclarge-leaved indoor plants, landscapes with images of natural landscapes, bamboo mats
japanese minimalismwhite, pink, fuchsia, dark graylaminate, porcelain tiles, paintable wallpaper, bamboopaintings depicting hieroglyphs, edged weapons on the wall, bamboo stems, ikebana from dead wood, floor vases
romanticism, retro, countryyellow, orange, red, blue, sea green, pinkwallpaper with stripes or small flowers, laminate, porcelain tiles, woodwooden furniture, pillows with embroidery, handmade imitation, curtains with ties, patchwork bedspreads, soft fabric toys, removable furniture covers
eclecticism, avant-garde, futurismwhite, lemon, blue, fuchsia, golden; the more saturated the color, the less of it there is in the composition suspended ceilings, possibly with a shiny surface, laminate, porcelain stoneware, wallpaper of different but related shadespieces of furniture of original shape, built-in lighting
These styles include:
  • baroque;
  • Empire;
  • Renaissance.

Bright design of your interior

When decorating a room in classic styles, light green color is appropriate only as a light accent, for example, on curtains or tapestry. In a more intense version, it can spoil the impression of a strict interior by introducing frivolous notes into it.

Lime apron in the kitchen

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