Bathroom in green: important design nuances

A green bathroom is an interesting design option that acts as an alternative to many others. It is always pleasant to be in a room neatly decorated with tiles or other materials. It will seem individual even in comparison with those who have a similar design.

Beautiful green bathroom with structural tiles Source

Covering the area near the bathtub with green mosaic tiles Source

Features of green color in the bathroom

The variety of finishing materials makes it possible to come up with an individual (author’s) design. The combination of smooth and structured surfaces, modern plumbing, well-thought-out lighting will create a unique interior.

Green color in the bathroom has its pros and cons.

Positive impact on the human psyche. Greenery calms and calms the nerves, so taking a bath surrounded by a green palette is pleasant and comfortable.

Shades do not affect the visualization of space, i.e. they do not enlarge or narrow it. Effects are achieved by adding other colors.

The green palette is widely used in popular areas of interior design.

Excessive and illiterate use will overload the space; instead of a cozy room, you will be left with either a gloomy or too bright room.

Some shades (especially the swamp direction) do not look aesthetically pleasing and should be used with extreme caution.

Designers recommend using the entire spectrum, from dark (from the floor) to light (from the ceiling).

By and large, green is a universal color that can be easily combined in modern interiors. For this reason, it never goes out of fashion, and designers, when developing new trends, always include it in the list of the main palette.

Magical properties of the stone

For those who, when choosing the color design of a room, proceed not only from the concept of “beautiful/ugly”, but appreciate the symbolism and magical meaning of stones and minerals, you should read this paragraph in more detail.

Malachite is one of the first semi-precious stones that man learned about. It is not known exactly where such an unusual name came from; there are different versions. From foreign languages ​​it is translated as “soft” or “green grass”.

People started talking about the healing or magical properties of the stone back in the days of Ancient Egypt. When a cholera epidemic raged there and many people died, those who worked in malachite mining were completely unharmed. Then they began to use it in the manufacture of amulets, as well as paints and eye shadows.

It was soon discovered that such close contact of the stone with the body is harmful to health, since it contains a lot of copper. The Egyptians also made malachite a symbol of life and used it to decorate babies' cradles.

In the Middle Ages, it was used to make protective amulets against black magic, and was also actively used for decorating rooms.

At different times, the most incredible properties were attributed to malachite. It was believed that thanks to him a person could become invisible, and also understand the language of animals and birds. To have such abilities, it was necessary to drink water from a malachite bowl.

In treatment, the stone is used to reduce blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and remove toxins from the body.

When caring for it, it should not be exposed to strong chemicals, as the soft surface can quickly deteriorate.

This green stone can change color depending on the mood of the wearer. It serves as something of an indicator of emotional state. It is not recommended to wear it during severe nervous shock or stress.

Even in ancient Rome, malachite was credited with the ability to attract the opposite sex. This is due to the fact that the stone made a person more open and relaxed. Therefore, it was worn by young and unmarried girls who wanted to get married.

A malachite figurine on your bedside table will protect you from nightmares and make your sleep light and serene.

It is believed that in order to fully demonstrate the properties of a stone, it is necessary to choose the right frame. Silver and copper are best suited for this.

Which shade of green to choose

When choosing finishing materials for a green bathroom, the presence of warm and cold shades is taken into account. The first create an atmosphere of home warmth and cheerfulness. The latter give the room airiness and lightness.

Green color is obtained from mixing blue and yellow. The temperature of the shade depends on which pigment is more abundant.

Warm mixtures include all mixtures in which yellow and brown colors predominate:

  • pistachio;
  • fern;
  • verdepom (color of unripe apples);
  • herbal;
  • asparagus;
  • olive.

Cool shades:

  • emerald;
  • jade;
  • mint;
  • Red Sea color (sea green);
  • dark green.

Design options

Modern, in-demand materials for finishing bathrooms allow you to consider various combinations and combinations of colors. However, when preparing a design project, it is necessary to maintain a balance between brightness and style requirements that the room must meet after renovation.


If the floor is planned to be green, then the shade should be darker and deeper than the color of the walls or ceiling.


The ceiling is most often the brightest spot in the bathroom. It can be pale greenish (if there are more saturated tones in the design of the rest of the space).

Wall decoration

Bathroom walls are traditionally tiled. The texture of the material and the depth of color depend on the task facing the designer.

Bathroom with green tiles

A bathroom with green tiles is a common occurrence. This color remains among the leaders when choosing the main palette for the bathroom. The tiles can be plain. Then the floor and ceiling should contrast with the walls.

There are rooms completely lined with this green finishing material. In this case, designers recommend decorating each wall with samples one tone lighter than the previous one. In this case, the ceiling remains the lightest and the floor remains the darkest spot in the room.

What colors does green go with?

For ease of perception, the color palette is divided into four groups.

  1. With yellow pigment (light, warm, bright, like spring grass).
  2. Classic (rich, expressive medium green).
  3. Khaki (filled with shades of gray, dusty, discreet, natural).
  4. Dark green (noble emerald, sea green).

All shades are 100% compatible with white and satellite colors.

The green range reveals itself next to bright and warm tones, creates depth and volume among cold ones, and comes to the fore with a neutral background.

Classic combinations with green:

  • pink/coral - a plant combination of flowers and greenery, shades from pastel to bright fuchsia are acceptable, the third component is purple;
  • beige/brown - a natural combination of earth, tree bark and vegetation, the more complex the tone of green, the more harmonious the picture looks;
  • gray/silver is a neutral combination if you create a synchronous (simultaneous) contrast, i.e. gray should have an admixture of blue or green. This option is used in small rooms, since in large areas it is difficult to emphasize its contrast;
  • orange - often used when decorating a kitchen, but in combination with white it is suitable for designing a bathroom in green tones;
  • lilac – the original combination allows you to zone the space;
  • black is good in modern interiors, it is used to allocate zones and decorate furniture facades;
  • golden – an extraordinary approach to design. To create an elegant and luxurious environment, marble is used for cladding, emerald for finishing, gilding for fittings, decor, and metal jewelry.

Combining colors in decoration

The developed bathroom design project in green tones will help you not make a mistake in choosing colors. The combination of colors in the decoration is carried out according to the following classic schemes:

  • using achromatic shades. These include white, gray, black, i.e. those colors that are 100% combined with any others;
  • contrasting combinations to highlight zones and place bright accents;
  • analog combinations are a simple combination of two nearby colors. For example, bottle + blue, khaki + ocher. Decorators recommend adding an achromatic shade to others. A light green bathroom begs for whiteness and rays of sun; the grassy palette will be shaded by graphite or wet asphalt;
  • three-color options. There are several blanks for all occasions: green-turquoise + purple + orange, classic green is complemented by purple and orange-red.

Bathrooms in city apartments are the least suitable for experimenting with color. Due to their small dimensions, it is recommended to use achromatic shades and analog combinations.

Different types

Based on quality, this green stone is divided into three types:

• Turquoise. It has the hardest surface, making it especially valued by jewelers. Most convenient to process. Belongs to the highest grade.

• Velvet or fleece. An atypical name for a semi-precious stone. It is due to its texture, which is characterized by large grain size. This feature complicates the processing of malachite.

• Curly. Is the most rare. It has amazing patterns that resemble the trembling of leaves in the wind.

Choosing furniture for a green bathroom

The compositional solution will be completed by the installation of furniture. Its shape must correspond to the chosen style. The easiest way is to choose a cabinet for the sink of the desired configuration and paint it two shades darker than the walls.

The following cabinet products (chests of drawers, wall cabinets, bookcases) look good against a green background:

  • made of wood;
  • with a countertop under the sink made of natural/artificial stone;
  • white, black, gray colors;
  • combined colors of the main tone and achromatic color scheme.

Furniture colors are supported by a similar range in elements such as:

  • mirror frame;
  • holders for towels or toilet paper;
  • dispensers for liquid detergents.

Any plumbing fixtures will do – white, black, green.

Furniture and plumbing

The room should not be overloaded with furniture groups, creating chaos and disorder.

Basic set includes:

  1. Cabinets.
  2. Shelves.
  3. A laundry basket.
  4. Dryers and towel holders.
  5. Hangers.

If the square footage is large, this list will be supplemented by an armchair, a dressing table with a pouf, a chandelier, and an ironing board.

A green curtain for the bathroom will sound impressive only when shaded with neutral shades. Not only will darkened greenery make the space feel smaller, but it will also resemble old mold, contributing to a negative feeling.

Snow-white plumbing fixtures are an undying classic; the sink can be made in the configuration of a leaf or a flower, and the bathing bowl in the original shape of a circle or semicircle. Malachite items are also made to order, but this is an expensive pleasure, but purchasing furniture of a similar color is not difficult.

Accent colors

The desired atmosphere is achieved through well-placed accents. The following directions are popular:

  1. Freshness and comfort. Your own paradise in the bathroom in a light green color is created with the help of white, green apple, and lime. If you want to soften the range, bright shades are replaced with sage or olives. They give the room sensuality and comfort. It's nice to relax in it after a busy day at work.
  2. Sophistication and elegance. A classic finish is a combination with wood, mosaic, and natural stone.
  3. Pastel greens. Shades lightened to the maximum are combined with white, bleached wood, and straw. This is a good background for design in Provence and Shabby chic style.
  4. The striped interior has long been firmly established in the design of bathrooms. The trend is wide vertical stripes combined with black edging and white inserts.
  5. Non-standard solutions. These include - a “mossy” bathroom with different textured surfaces made using plaster and relief tiles; a combination of sage, chocolate, milk cream, gold and cinnamon to create a warming effect; olive bathroom with elements of mustard, bronze and dark wood.


For some, this color evokes a strong association with eternal greenery and summer, vivacity, and in some cases it gives calm and helps reduce irritability.

In reality, with the right combination, it can really help, giving a feeling of stability, protection, renewal, which is important when people come home, preoccupied with new things to do in the bustle of the world.

It is recommended to choose this particular color scheme based on the fact that green is a universal color, it is present when mixing many tones, and combinations with it add more modern style to the installed interior.

By absorbing more of the “calming” forces of blue and the all-encompassing energy of yellow, it creates the necessary balance in the design.

Correct lighting

To ensure that repair work is not carried out in vain, lighting is thought out in advance. The designer knows in advance in what spectrum the interior will be embodied.

An emerald (dark) bathroom will require much more electricity than a light green one. In a light-colored bathroom, one chandelier is enough. In other cases the following applies:

  • wall sconces;
  • ceiling lights zoning the space above the bathtub, washbasin, bidet/toilet;
  • LED strips around the perimeter of mirrors, panels, shelves with soap accessories.

Bright lighting will emphasize the effectiveness of green interior elements. It is advisable to use yellow light, as white will give a feeling of coldness.


Monochrome is rarely used in this case. Excess green color will negatively affect the environment. The room will become uninteresting, faded and dull, especially with an abundance of dark shades.

There are several design options that are worth considering when decorating.

  1. Wall cladding is carried out from a saturated range to a lightened one (from bottom to top).
  2. Laying ceramic tiles in a checkerboard pattern, alternating dark squares with light ones.
  3. In rooms with a large area, do not get carried away with mosaics, but use large elements (panels, slabs), alternating them with tiles of accent colors.
  4. The mosaic consists of at least three colors. It can be used to decorate an accent wall or individual areas, for example, around a bathtub, shower or sink.
  5. Tiles with patterns are combined with plain tiles.

A combination of glossy, matte and shimmering materials looks impressive. They are recommended to be introduced into the interior of the bathtub in green.

How to choose a color scheme?

One option is to give preference to your favorite color and experiment with its shades. This solution is appropriate when the residents of the apartment have the same tastes, then there is no need to waste precious time and energy on arguing, and you can safely go to the store for the right paint. For example, the rich malachite color of the hallway is combined with a mint living room.

Do not forget that the interior of a room is not limited to the selection of wallpaper. Lighting, furniture and decor play an important role. Sofa upholstery, carpet, curtains, pillows, figurines and vases - their color can repeat the main color and create bright accents where necessary.

The next way to choose a harmonious design is to rely on the shade of the flooring. If you like a particular color of parquet, laminate or tile, then it is quite acceptable to match the rest of the interior of the room to it. Perhaps the parquet will have some characteristic texture, and it will be able to determine the overall style of the room. Remember, if the floor is dark, then the walls and ceiling should be several tones lighter so as not to overload the room.

Today, a method of selecting colors called Feng Shui has become popular. If you do not fully master it, you can always turn to specialists for help. They will advise a solution for each room, and also select the necessary color combination.

An apartment will look especially harmonious if each room is decorated in the same style. When you suddenly find yourself from a Provence kitchen into a Greek living room, you get a kind of vinaigrette that only irritates. No one limits the color design; it is enough to fit it into the framework of a certain style. Then there will be a unified and harmonious atmosphere in the house.

The main thing is to make compromises, because more than one person can live in an apartment, and each of them has the right to vote. Let's assume that we chose the first option and decided to use malachite color in the interior. It's time to find out what this unusual shade brings.

Preferred interior styles

Modern bathroom designs use varieties of green tones in the ECO, Japandi, and minimalist styles, but in an extremely limited range (sage, olive, pastel). The full range is used in rustic and modern projects.


The pastoral of rustic simplicity, comfort and silence is achieved through maximum unity with nature. The green color is exactly what gives a room in the Country style a mood of calm and privacy.

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