25 ideas on how to place a washing machine under a sink with a countertop

Photo: solojazz36.ru You always want to make your bathroom as functional as possible, but at the same time leave some free space. Sound familiar? That is why planning and repairing it takes almost the most time. You need to choose plumbing fixtures and furniture to fit everything you need. Combined multifunctional solutions remain especially valuable. A striking example is the sink above the washing machine.

Washing machine under the sink. Pros and cons of this solution

When planning to install a sink above a washing machine, people have one goal - to make the most of the limited space in the room. To understand whether this installation option is suitable for a bathroom, you should consider its pros and cons.

Should I install a sink above the washing machine?

The main advantage of installing a sink above the washing machine is saving space. This is in demand if the bathroom is small, which makes it difficult to install both structures. You can also install a small cabinet above the bowl, which will allow you to use all the free centimeters without sacrificing the ergonomic design of the room.

A sink above the washing machine allows you to intelligently organize the interior in a small room. And thanks to the large assortment of washbasin models and installation methods, you can find the best option for any interior style.

The disadvantages of co-locating a sink with a washing machine include difficulties in choosing a siphon. At the installation stage, it is necessary to eliminate any inaccuracies, otherwise this will lead to big troubles in the form of a short circuit. When looking for sinks, you should give preference to models that come with a siphon included, because... Finding a suitable design on your own is too problematic.

Due to the specific installation of the drainage system, the speed of water passing through the pipes is reduced. Therefore, the slightest speck can lead to stagnation.

If the installation location is chosen incorrectly, it will be difficult to move around in the bathroom. To avoid such inconveniences, you need to carefully consider all the nuances and draw up a placement plan.

Materials for production

Metal structures will serve perfectly in rooms with high intensity of use - storerooms, garages, utility rooms, utility rooms. Products made of chrome-plated strong steel are also suitable for kitchens, dining rooms or living rooms, but only if these rooms are made in the style of hi-tech, minimalism, modernism, cosmos, eclecticism or constructivism. Designs with glass shelves are also suitable here.

For interiors with smooth lines, soft shapes and curves, shelving made from:

  • plastic;
  • MDV;
  • LDSP – laminated chipboard;
  • array.

An example of interiors with warm colors, large space and varied geometry - Scandinavian, hygge, classic, pop art, art deco, loft. For Provence, retro, country, Italian or English styles, additional decorative details will be needed - moldings, overlays on the end of the shelves, with wood carvings.

A wooden shelving unit with baluster stands suits vintage-style interiors Source womanuntamed.com

Distinctive features of low cars

If you install the sink at the height of a regular washing machine, short people may even have problems reaching the faucet.

By installing a washing machine under the sink, you can significantly save space.

The main distinguishing feature of washing machines under the sink is their height:

  • They are lower than standard models;
  • Allows you to place them under the sink;
  • Convenience of access is not lost.

The second distinguishing feature is the width of the models; this also relates to the requirement for ease of interaction with the plumbing installed above it. The Bosch company, well-known in the household appliances market, has launched a number of models of similar devices, varying in design and parameters. This allows you to choose a convenient device for absolutely any configuration and size of the bathroom, as well as the plumbing element installed above it.

Kitchen placement option

Another common location for installing a washing machine is the kitchen. In this case, in order to save space for other appliances, the question arises of installing the machine and sink under one countertop. This type of installation is called built-in.

This placement of devices looks quite interesting in the interior, since the design of countertops and cabinets can be varied. The advantage of this placement is that it is not necessary to look for a washing machine that is suitable in both size and design. The design of the countertops may contain doors that will close the washing machine when it is not in use, which means it will not be visible at all. And due to the fact that countertops of such designs are made from a wide variety of materials, it can become the highlight of the entire interior, both in the kitchen and in a spacious bathroom.

The most common materials for making countertops are:

  • Glass;
  • Stone;
  • Treated wood.

Having a countertop above the washing machine has significant advantages. You can place jars, hygiene products or other not-so-resistant things on top. During operation, the machine creates vibrations, and the tabletop increases the amount of usable space. This advantage also applies when placing the machine under the countertop in the kitchen. A tabletop is an excellent addition to the interior; it can also help create a more cohesive space by visually connecting interior details into a single whole.

Next to the washbasin

Installing appliances next to the sink usually results in debris accumulating between them. Installing it under the countertop, above which the washbasin will be located, will help to avoid such problems and ensure compact placement of equipment. This installation method has the following advantages:

  • under the shelf next to the equipment you can place a small cabinet (if the bowl drain allows), a laundry basket;
  • Due to the presence of the shelf, water drips will not remain on the side surface of the equipment located close to the washbasin;
  • The shelf will protect the upper part of the equipment from damage and dirt; owners can store towels and cosmetics on it.

What kind of sinks are prices, types, sizes

Sinks above the washing machine differ from ordinary ones in the type of drain. There are 2 options:

  1. Below the washbasin. The drain is also located and attached at the bottom of the sink, only unlike a conventional siphon, the drain of this option immediately bends and goes to the side.
  2. On the side of the sink. Here the drain hole is not located at the bottom, but on the side.

There is an option where the machine is installed not under the sink itself, but under its countertop. This type is suitable for those who do not have a shortage of space.

The size of the sinks above the machine is usually 50*60 or 60*60. These dimensions are due to the fact that the width of a standard washing machine is about 60 centimeters. The only difference is the depth. There are non-standard forms, but this is rather an exception. Products with a table top can be up to 1.5 meters wide. The color and shape of the products may also vary. Prices for products vary depending on the country of production, shape and color.

The most famous Russian manufacturer of such washbasins is Santek. They have products in popular sizes (50*60 and 60*60) with a drain at the bottom. Inexpensive, affordable sinks within 5,000 rubles. You can find it in a regular plumbing store. There are other Russian manufacturers, but they are less known. Products from foreign companies (for example, Poland, Latvia) are much more expensive. Here you will have to shell out 10,000 rubles. And you can only find foreign goods on the Internet.

When incorporating a similar design into the design of a future bathtub, it is worth assessing all the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

What washing machines can be installed under the sink?

Even an inexperienced plumber will understand that installing a washbasin above a washing machine means choosing a special sink. It will not be possible to fix a standard structure over an electrical appliance. This is contrary to safety requirements and impairs the practicality of the installation.

Choosing a washing machine under the sink

For installation under a washbasin, only those washing machines that have a front-loading type can be used. Most manufacturers of such equipment produce special models that are adapted for such placement. However, if you know the basic selection rules, you can find a suitable machine among the traditional options.

First of all, you need to decide on the size. The permissible height of the device is 60-70 cm, the depth is no more than 45 cm. At the same time, there should be up to 3 cm of free distance between the washbasin and the electrical appliance. When looking for a suitable machine, you can consider compact devices with a load of up to 3 kg.

The documentation for some sinks for installation above the washing machine indicates the model of machines with which they are compatible.

Which sink is suitable and what to pay attention to

In addition to the appropriate machine model, you will need to choose the right sink. One of the most popular models is the “Water Lily” sink. It is a small structure with a rectangular, semicircular, square or corner shape, which is intended for rooms with limited free space.

This type of plumbing may have an offset drain and a countertop under the sink. The dimensions of the sink are selected taking into account the specifics of the room. If the bathroom is spacious enough, the use of large structures with good depth is allowed.

Depending on the type of water drainage, the following varieties of “Water Lilies” are distinguished:

  • with side shower;
  • with vertical drain;
  • with horizontal drain.

The latest models are in demand when combining a sink with a washing machine, but they have the following disadvantages:

  • with horizontal drainage, the likelihood of pipe clogging becomes high;
  • the speed of water passage is reduced;
  • choosing a siphon can take a lot of time, because... choosing the optimal design can be difficult.

Classic products with a vertical drain type are more convenient, but they are not suitable for installation above a washing machine, because... Leaked liquid may end up on electrical wiring and cause a short circuit.

Water lily sinks rarely come with a faucet hole. You have to arrange it yourself.

Types of racks

Rack installations are:

  • frame (or through) - several levels of shelves are fastened with racks;
  • with a blank wall - similar to a cabinet, has a back wall, shelves, but without doors;
  • hanging shelves;
  • classic floor shelving;
  • non-standard (for example, step-ladder rack);
  • straight, angular;
  • decorative - unusually shaped designs;
  • closed - with glass doors;
  • built into wall niches or furniture;
  • heavy-duty stationary installations with or without legs;
  • mobile – mobile racks;
  • with shelf-tabletop;
  • asymmetrical with different depths;
  • different forms of installation - straight, letter “G”, “P”, slide (pyramid), ladder.

Frame shelving in the interior can serve as a delimiter when zoning space. Examples of light shades look very good against a dark background of wall decoration. This contrast adds a nice variety to the overall design theme.

The frame of the rack is made of modules of different colors - they can be easily rearrangedSource furnitureeveryone.rf

The corner shelving imitates a staircase - all the shelf space is rationally occupied Source hoff.ru

Small hanging frame shelfSource banghesofagiare.com

A free-standing shelving unit perfectly identifies areas in the room Source fastbox.su

An exclusive shelving model demarcates spaces for work and leisure. Source vseblaga.ru

Pros of installation

Those who have already installed and use a washbasin above their washing machine talk about the following advantages:

Space saving. This is the main reason why people decide to install a sink above the machine. When the bathroom is 2.5-3 square meters in size. meters, every centimeter is precious. It is simply physically impossible to place a washing machine differently in such a tiny bathroom.

This solution allows you to leave a wide, comfortable and free approach to the washbasin, which is especially important for overweight people.

Everything is in one place. Some people, saving space, place the machine in the kitchen, leaving the laundry basket and drying facilities in the bathroom

So you have to run back and forth, first put it in the machine, then take it out and hang it up. In the version with a washing machine under the washbasin, everything is at hand: both laundry and washing accessories.

You can hide all the pipes and hoses behind the machine. You can’t hide all the eyeliners in the wall, but you can hide them behind the device. Access to them will be open if necessary (you just need to move the machine). It is easy to change, check, repair and at the same time everything is hidden.

No splashing. It's no secret that when washing your face, splashes from your hands fly in different directions. Owners of a sink above a washing machine say that there is less splashing when using such a sink. This is due to the height at which the sink is installed. The space between the machine and the sink can be used as a shelf for storing anything: towels, combs, hair dryer, brushes. The usually useless space under the sink near the siphon can be rationally used here. If the drain is on the side, then you can install the washbasin close to the washing appliance. This combination looks very beautiful and strict - nothing superfluous.


The materials from which shelving is made are varied. Taking into account numerous customer requests, manufacturers are trying to provide all new models made from different materials. While some buyers choose products made of metal, glass or wood, others prefer plastic or combined options.


Many people choose glass shelving for their bathroom; such a product will not only fit well into the interior, but will also be functional. Glass shelving is made of durable glass, it can be transparent or colored, as well as frosted. The base of such shelves is usually metal. Such glass furniture can be either floor-mounted or wall-mounted. It is not difficult to care for the product; its surface is quite easy to clean. However, it should be borne in mind that glass is a more fragile material than any other, so it is recommended to avoid mechanical damage and shock. When purchasing a glass model, you should carefully examine how strong the support is on which the glass shelves or drawers will be attached.


Metal products for the bathroom are also in high demand. Chrome plated metal is popular because it is resistant to corrosion. In addition, it has a peculiar shine that can decorate and complement the design of the room. A stainless steel product is more suitable for a bathroom; these metal structures are more stable and reliable. Metal racks look very impressive, in addition, they are extremely strong and durable.

The metal structure has impressive weight, so it is difficult to tip over. Forged elements give metal shelving a special chic; most often, forged parts frame the frame of the shelf, while thin, ornate metal patterns externally create a unique, sophisticated look for the furniture. Metal structures are treated with a special anti-corrosion compound, which will allow such furniture to be used for a long time even in the bathroom with excessive humidity.


Wood shelving is best suited to complement some design styles. In particular, the Provence or Art Nouveau style is ideal for combining high-quality dark tiles and wooden furniture.

Prerequisites for installation

To select a washing machine for such placement, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters that are distinctive for models designed for this purpose.


  • Height;
  • Width;
  • Depth.

The depth of washing machines can reach almost 85 cm, but when installing a machine of this width, approaching the sink will be very problematic. The most comfortable models for placement are those whose width does not exceed 50 cm. However, if the installed sink is narrower, then it will be necessary to find a household appliance in depth that does not exceed it. Separately, it is worth noting the height of the washing machine; this parameter usually does not exceed 70 cm.

The last parameter, the width of the washing machine, is unimportant. When choosing a device for a sink, the height is determined directly by the amount of free space in the room.

Before buying a washing machine under the sink, you should carefully take measurements.

Another parameter that you will have to consider when purchasing is cost. It is much higher than that of standard-sized devices. This is determined by high demand and the fact that almost all such devices are assembled in the European part. While standard washing machines have already acquired their manufacturers in Asian countries, in particular China.

Installing a sink above the washing machine. Photo report

Before installing this equipment, you need to consider some points described below:

  • The bowl of the sink above the washing machine should be 58 cm or more wide. This condition is acceptable if the drain pipe is located on the wall behind the device.
  • It is necessary to prevent the installation of drain pipes above the cover of the machine. Vibrations from the washing machine can cause connections to break.
  • To protect against water getting on the surface of the machine, it is advisable to install a sink that will protrude forward a few centimeters. Cover the washing machine like an umbrella.

In order to avoid unpleasant incidents, you must follow the instructions for installing a sink above the washing machine, which comes with the sink, and the procedure outlined below.

Instructions for installing a sink over a washing machine. Photo

1. Fastening procedures.

Installing a sink over a washing machine begins with attaching it to the wall. At the first stage, you should mark and try on the cup. It is necessary to take into account the gap between structures. Next comes the stage of marking the fasteners. In the marked areas, holes are made in a convenient way and brackets are mounted, which are included in the kit if a water lily shell was purchased. Then the bolts are screwed in, leaving a free space of 5-7 mm. After attaching the sink bowl to the brackets, it is secured to a special hook, which is then fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws. Then the back of the bowl is coated with sealant.

2. Installation of a siphon.

Installation of the siphon is carried out before the final installation of the washbasin. In this case, you should follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. First, you need to connect the drain hose to the siphon pipe and secure it with clamps. Then there is a connection to the sewer outlet. You should check that all gaskets are present to avoid leaks.

3. Installation of the mixer.

Before installing the mixer, you must read the manufacturer's recommendations. The installation itself is carried out in a hole specially designed for this purpose in the bowl using fittings and flexible hoses. The connections are sealed with gaskets.

General Installation Tips

The decision to install has been made, the machine of the required size has been purchased, what to do next? Install. It would be more correct to call this procedure installing a sink above the washing machine. Since the starting point is the machine. The execution of the first stage depends on its parameters.

To install a washing machine under the sink you will need a standard set of tools

Installation Tips:

  1. Something that you cannot do without in any installation is the application of markings for the sink fastenings (most often they come complete with the device; if there were no brackets, then you should contact the same place where you purchased the plumbing element so that a specialist can select the appropriate ones).
  2. Attaching the brackets is a standard procedure, but the initial holding dowels or anchors are not tightened or driven in completely. After installing the sink itself, this will help adjust its position in space.
  3. Before installing the washbasin on the brackets, it is necessary to assemble all the accompanying parts together. Initially, the mixer is fixed, to which the water supply pipes are immediately attached.
  4. Next, the drainage system (drain-overflow) is installed, consisting of a siphon and a drainage pipe. This should be done slowly, without losing sight of all the small sealing gaskets. Some elements may need to be sealed with silicone sealant.
  5. Finally, we put the sink in its place. The evenness of the installation is adjustable by level. After this, the brackets are “tightly” fixed to anchors or dowels. The sink is finally fixed to the wall.

Installation of the washing machine is carried out in the same way as if it were placed free from the location of the sink. Depending on preferences, the machine can be connected either directly or left with access to communications.

Placing the machine under the sink is extremely convenient when there is not enough space to save space. But, as with everything, there is a downside to the picture, in this case it is the cost of such equipment. Mini-machines are several times more expensive than standard-sized models, and the capacity of their laundry tank is much smaller. There is only one option for loading laundry, sideways, which not everyone considers convenient. And if the existing sink is completely unsuitable in configuration, then you will have to spend a lot of money on a suitable model. Therefore, when deciding on such an installation, it is worth weighing the pros and cons in each specific case.

Wall shelves

Such shelves can be equipped in the kitchen or pantry; rectangular shaped fasteners are placed at certain intervals along the entire length of the shelf. It must be taken into account that such shelves must support sufficient weight of kitchen utensils or similar items, so there must be enough fastenings.

These furniture items can be divided into three main types. Shelving modules already equipped with reinforcement fastenings. These are integrated into recesses, niches, and they can also be assembled, disassembled, and transformed.

In retail outlets that sell materials and tools for various DIY crafts, you can find a fairly large selection of various boards, consoles, fasteners, as well as functional elements such as sides and corners. There you can buy all the necessary materials for making shelves. They can have a stable and adjustable height, the latter option is very convenient. After all, designs with adjustable sizes are much more convenient to use. If you are sure that the height will not need to be changed, then ordinary shelves will do.

Shelves with an adjustable size system are very functional. As a rule, all racks are manufactured with this capability.

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