How to place a microwave in the kitchen: 8 practical options with pros and cons

Greetings, friends! If you are already scratching your head over the question of how to place a microwave in the kitchen, then we are coming to you... Okay, jokes aside, but with a microwave it’s really not that simple. And if it cannot be built into a column, it is usually placed where it fits and where it is worst to use.

1. Built-in microwave in a column with an oven

So, the best option is to place the microwave in the column (cabinet) of the kitchen unit together with the oven. Where it is installed at chest level, directly above the oven.

Of course, this option is the most convenient and safe, since you control the position of the dishes and what is in it. It is unlikely that you will be able to spill hot soup on yourself. This arrangement also allows you to clean the microwave without any problems!

Experts recommend installing the stove at a height of no more than 135–140 cm from the floor or 6–8 cm below the shoulder .

A similar way of placing a microwave in a column is when it is placed under the oven. Sometimes the microwave is installed exactly so that children can warm up something for themselves.

Of course, parents in this case must understand how the child’s age and level of development correspond to safety rules. Although the child will sooner or later still have to learn how to use it.

with a façade frame looks good . The latter shows how you can save on built-in equipment.

Is it possible to place a microwave oven next to a refrigerator?

The device is designed in such a way that only the chamber inside is heated. At the same time, the housing is slightly susceptible to high temperatures. This occurs because warm air is released through the vent on the sides and back of the appliance.

The instruction manuals do not say that it is unacceptable to install the stove next to the refrigerator.

On the contrary, it is prohibited to place a microwave or refrigerator near heating appliances, radiators, stoves, or ovens. Although a microwave oven emits some heat, it does so only if it is used as an oven.

Placing a microwave in an upper or lower kitchen cabinet

In this placement option, first of all, the ease of use of the stove suffers. Since the upper cabinet is approximately at eye level, and you will have to constantly bend down to the lower one.

In addition, it is not always possible to place a microwave in cabinets without any modifications to the unit itself. Therefore, if you are planning a new kitchen and installing a standard microwave in it, then include your wishes in the design project .

How to place a microwave in the kitchen on brackets?

For this arrangement we will need special devices, similar to corners, and a place where we want to install the microwave. Usually such a place is the apron set.

Of course, the disadvantages of this arrangement are obvious:

  • the design of the headset is deteriorating
  • part of the free space is taken away
  • darkening of part of the work area on the tabletop, although this can be compensated for by backlighting

With this arrangement, the main thing is not to forget to make a small indentation from the upper cabinets to the microwave for ventilation.

Microwave niche in the kitchen

For some reason, many customers and designers neglect this option. However, if there is a niche in the kitchen and it fits the size of the microwave, then it should be used. But we often see that they try to quickly close such areas and forget that there was anything there at all. And this is in vain!

See how you can cleverly hide a microwave in a niche. By the way, don’t forget about the sockets in this area.

Microwave on the windowsill in the kitchen

Another profitable and thoughtful way is to place the microwave directly on the windowsill near the window. Typically, window sills are rarely used for household appliances and any unnecessary trash or flower pots are often stored on them. Therefore, it would be a sin not to use it to place a microwave.

Believe me, this solution will greatly help save most of the working space in the kitchen. Moreover, there is always a parking space on the windowsill where you can put a plate or cut food before heating it.

At the same time, sockets must be provided in the window slopes, otherwise you will have to pull an extension cord.

Where to put a microwave in a small kitchen - on the countertop

So, if you have run out of ideas on how to place a microwave in the kitchen, or your small kitchen does not allow you to find a place for it. Then there is only one old and reliable way - just put the stove on the countertop.

There is nothing to comment on here, because the microwave will always take up space on the countertop, taking away useful working area. Of course, she will constantly get in the way and will be moved from corner to corner. As a result, you will simply have to accept this decision, or abandon the stove altogether.

In our opinion, placing a microwave on a countertop is the most inconvenient and impractical location option, especially in small kitchens.


Another type of microwave shelf that can be made at home. It is distinguished by its convenience and original design. The advantages of a shelf-shelf include the following:

  • high-quality ventilation of the microwave, which is why there is virtually no chance of the mechanism overheating;

Shelf-shelf has its advantages

  • the shelf fits perfectly into different interiors;
  • it is great not only for the microwave, but also for other useful items in the kitchen;
  • If desired, the finished structure can be rehanged at any time.

Metal corner

To make your own shelf-shelf, you need to prepare the following:

  • small corners made of steel;
  • steel flanges in the amount of 16 pieces;
  • small metal rods;
  • furniture boards, which can be found in hardware stores. A total of three standard boards are needed.

Tools need to be prepared in advance

The process of making such a shelf is simple. You just need to follow the instructions below:

  • make markings on the surfaces of the furniture pieces, marking the places where the flanges will be attached. The recommended distance between the corner and the flange is 30 mm;
  • Using an electric drill, drill large holes in the middle shelf. The diameter of each of them should be 22 mm;
  • attach the flanges to the middle shelf by screwing in the screws using a Phillips screwdriver;
  • cut 4 identical pieces from the rod. The length of each cut piece should be from 65 to 70 cm;
  • secure the rods using a special clamping screw;
  • attach the shelves to each other using wood glue and self-tapping screws;
  • Attach metal corners to the back of the structure.

A shelf or small wall rack is also a good option for installing and storing a microwave oven

Stand with two shelves (above the microwave)

At this point, the process of making a shelf-shelf can be considered complete. All that remains is to coat the product with varnish and, after waiting for everything to dry, hang the finished shelf to the wall using self-tapping screws and dowels. Of course, the dimensions of the shelf and the number of shelves can be changed if desired.

Microwave in the island

Placing a microwave oven in an island is not the most convenient option for this particular household appliance. Since the height of the island is usually small, this means you will constantly have to bend down. If you prefer a sporty lifestyle, then you can use this type of microwave location.

The disadvantages are the same as in the location of the stove in the lower cabinets of the unit.

Above the oven

This "chef's kitchen" style isn't shy to show off stainless steel appliances. It's great for balancing timeless wood with modern style.

Pros: Groups equipment and gives it a harmonious, integrated look. Also allows you to have a larger microwave for intensive use.

Con: Sometimes this option places the microwave too high or the oven too low, making them difficult for some users to use.

Design aspects: As a rule, this approach requires a lot of time to work out all the details.

Parking near the microwave

So, we have already dealt with the question of how to place a microwave in the kitchen. However, an equally important point remains - the presence of a parking area near it. Why is parking so important?

The fact is that before you put a plate in the microwave, you first open the door. And when you have dishes in your hands, it is sometimes difficult to do this with one hand. You have to put the plate somewhere, or return with it to where you came from.

What if you take a hot plate out of the oven with your bare hands! This happens sometimes, doesn't it? Then you will have to run with considerable acceleration in order to quickly get rid of the burning object in your hands! Therefore, it is very important to have a small part of the surface near the microwave.

That is why we did not consider options for placing microwaves on the walls and on the refrigerator, since without parking it is very inconvenient and impractical. And sometimes this arrangement is not safe!

We hope that the article helped you and you have already decided how and where the microwave oven will be installed in the kitchen.

Safety and convenience of accommodation

In order to combine the safety of the equipment and the convenience of its placement, you should adhere to certain criteria when choosing the location of the microwave oven. Let's list them:

  • equipment that is excessively heated from external heat sources when turned on and continues to operate can quickly fail (external heating up to 40˚C is considered unsafe), so it is advisable to keep it away from heat sources and direct sunlight;
  • this equipment is negatively affected by vibration, so it is advisable not to place it on other equipment that vibrates during operation;
  • steam and high humidity also negatively affect the performance of equipment;
  • it is necessary to ensure normal ventilation of operating equipment, for which it must be placed at a certain distance from the wall and other equipment (at least 10-15 cm);
  • when choosing a suitable location, you need to take into account how the door of the microwave oven swings open, otherwise nearby equipment or furniture may interfere with the normal opening of the door;
  • It is optimal to have sockets near the equipment; the use of extension cords reduces the reliability of the power supply to the equipment.

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