Corner sink in the bathroom: features of choice, varieties and tips on how to find stylish models

A bathtub with a corner sink looks impressive and becomes more spacious, as previously unused space is used. This type of plumbing is becoming increasingly popular.

It is especially in demand in small apartments, where every centimeter of space is important, and in houses with small guest bathrooms.

For each purpose, you can quickly select the optimal washbasin option.

Advantages of the model

When arranging a bathroom, some corners may remain unclaimed, which will not give the interior the opportunity to achieve a finished look. It is for such cases that there are corner interior items developed by designers: bathtubs, showers, sinks.

Installing a corner design product has a sufficient number of advantages:

  • harmonious combination with any design style;
  • the possibility of additionally equipping with shelves or wall-mounted cabinets, installing a cabinet;
  • variety of materials;
  • visual expansion of space;
  • the ability to disguise pipes.

The presented photos of a corner sink in the bathroom show models of different sizes, suitable for installation in both spacious and small rooms.


First of all, all models differ in the material used in production. It is impossible to unambiguously draw a conclusion about the superiority of one or the other option. Each of these types is designed for comfortable and long-term use, has its own advantages and disadvantages and differs in cost.

Which option to choose when purchasing is up to you, and further information will help you navigate a little among the models.


Despite some old-fashionedness, such models are now again at the peak of popularity. The operation of enamel washbasins has undergone serious aging and, in principle, has proven itself quite well.

Advantages of an enamel washbasin:

  • Strength.
  • Long-term operation.
  • Relatively affordable price.

Disadvantages include heavy weight, limited choice of shapes and colors, and the lack of corner compact models. With proper care, such a washbasin will last almost forever; the main thing is to avoid dropping heavy objects on the relatively fragile coating, and also not to create sudden temperature changes so that the enamel does not crack.


The most popular and sought-after option is made of ceramics. Such washbasins will fit perfectly into any interior; the purchase will not require significant financial investments, and further maintenance will not be difficult. Among the ceramic models of sinks, there are many corner ones, intended mainly for bathrooms. The photo shows an asymmetrical ceramic sink:

Advantages of ceramic models:

  • Durability of the coating.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Excellent choice of configurations.
  • Possibility of using any cleaning products.

The disadvantages of ceramic washbasins are the risk of damage and chips due to careless use, a rather limited selection of colors, and also a fairly significant weight.

Other washbasins made of earthenware or porcelain can also be classified as ceramic models. In appearance, they practically do not differ from each other, have similar properties and a wide price range. Porcelain washbasins are considered the most expensive, but they are also the most durable.

Earthenware washbasins are often made from so-called sanitary earthenware, the excess pores of which are slightly “clogged” with glass additives during production. All three materials can be classified as traditional types for such products. There are corner sink models from each option, but for the most part this applies exclusively to bathroom accessories.


There is more variety here for kitchen models. Most often, versions of metal sinks can be found in the kitchen. Some of the most suitable types of metal used in the manufacture of sinks include stainless steel, copper, brass and cast iron.

Steel and cast iron models are usually coated with enamel to provide the necessary water resistance, so they are automatically classified as enamel models. More rare and expensive materials: copper and brass are used in the manufacture of prestigious models of washbasins, so their cost is very high. The service life of a copper sink is almost a century; the main thing is not to use aggressive cleaning agents and protect the surface from direct impacts and falls of heavy objects.

The most popular and “popular” option is stainless steel, sinks made of which have taken root well in our homes. Stainless steel has high strength characteristics, low weight and a wide range of models and sizes. Selecting such a sink for the kitchen will not be difficult, especially in the corner version.

Another thing is that such washbasins are practically not used for bathrooms. These are mainly designer models of unusual shapes and exorbitant prices. Such washbasins are perfect for high-tech high-tech style and modern minimalism. Metal sinks have a number of advantages:

  • Good wear resistance.
  • Long-term operation.
  • Wide selection of configurations and sizes.
  • Relatively light weight.

The main problem with a metal surface is minor scratches and abrasions, which do not affect the functionality of the item, but significantly reduce its aesthetic perception. For such sinks, it is advisable to use mild cleaning agents without abrasive substances. Often, loss of attractiveness can also occur from ordinary splashes of water, which leave sloppy streaks and marks on the surface.


Probably the most durable and reliable option is made from stone, both natural and artificial. A good alternative to natural granite or marble would be their artificial counterpart, which has additional strength and is more affordable than real stone.

Porcelain tiles are made from real stone chips, quartz sand and polyester resins, which tightly and reliably solder the particles together. Today, this is the best option with virtually no disadvantages other than high cost. The strength and performance characteristics of this material have no worthy analogues.

Porcelain tiles are absolutely safe for humans, have many design options and can withstand long-term use without the slightest marks on the surface. A washbasin made of natural stone is more susceptible to minor scratches and damage than the artificial version. In addition, its cost is unusually high, and the number of colors is limited.

A corner version of a washbasin for a bathtub or a kitchen sink made of artificial stone or natural stone can very rarely be found in such a massive design. Natural stone is simply not suitable for such compact models, but porcelain stoneware sinks can come in a variety of shapes, especially for kitchen types.

Glass and wooden washbasins

There are also glass models of washbasins (not in the kitchen version) and rarer wooden ones. Tempered glass, despite its apparent fragility, is an excellent material for a spectacular transformation of the bathroom.

Typically, such models have a non-standard appearance and are aimed specifically at shocking. Wooden washbasins are a rather rare type of product, whose exorbitant cost does not at all correspond to the low strength characteristics. Typically, such sinks are made to order and serve as a decorative detail rather than a real functional element.

Types of models

The range of corner sinks is quite wide. Products may differ in shape, design, size and the presence of additional elements. The most common options include:

Plumbing fixtures in the bathroom interior

Corner sinks can organically fit into almost any style of room, thanks to the variety of models and wide range of colors.

Interior designers are happy to design antique and minimalist style interiors with corner sanitary accessories.

The task of harmoniously arranging corner washbasins is greatly facilitated by the huge selection of models on the modern plumbing market. A large number of materials, textures and textures of products used expand the possibilities in bathroom design.

The photo in the article demonstrates the most common finishing options for corner plumbing fixtures in a modern interior.

What are the features of corner equipment?

Many may have a reasonable question: why is a corner device better than other types of plumbing fixtures?

The fact is that a corner washbasin for a bathroom will be the most optimal solution for installation in compact bathrooms, where other types of plumbing fixtures will take up too much space.

And thanks to the installation of such equipment, you will be able to save precious meters of space, freeing up space for comfortable movement in the room.

Tip: A washing machine can easily be placed under a wall-mounted sink, which can easily be placed under the sink.

If you have started a renovation and want to install a more spacious bathtub, but the nearby sink does not allow you to do this, you can purchase corner washbasins for a triangular-shaped bathroom.

They will not take up much space in the corner, and if desired, such equipment can be installed above the bathroom itself, which is very convenient.

It is worth noting that almost all models of this type of product are equipped with a cantilever mount, i.e. In any case, they must be attached to the wall using special brackets.

Thanks to fastening to two walls, the reliability of the structure increases compared to the conventional installation method. This installation method imparts rigidity to the hanging equipment, which is important, because it significantly increases the service life of the sanitary ware.

Hanging (console)

The product is attached directly to the wall, leaving the corner underneath free, allowing you to use the space to place a laundry basket, shelves for household chemicals or a small washing machine.

There are special models for installation above the washing machine. They have a flat bottom and a special siphon design. Wall-hung sinks do not hide communications, so the siphon and pipe connections are beautifully decorated with chrome parts.

Cons of small sinks

  • due to their size, they do not have enough area to place various items on the sink;
  • if used carelessly, splashes fall outside the washbasin bowl;
  • limited functionality;
  • attaches only to solid walls.

These disadvantages have little effect on the popularity of miniature washbasins. As a rule, they are purchased for small rooms.

Built-in model

The product is installed in a piece of furniture or in a hanging tabletop. A corner bathroom sink with a cabinet takes up more space than other designs, but it has many shelves, cabinets and drawers for storing necessary things: bath accessories, washing powders and other household chemicals.

A corner cabinet under a bathroom sink is a convenient and spacious storage system and is considered one of the most popular options for arranging a washbasin.

There are also examples of countertop sinks. They are not built into the furniture, but superimposed on it.

Manufacturing materials

Beautiful appearance and suitable size are not sufficient characteristics for purchasing a sink. It is very important to evaluate the positive and negative qualities of the material from which they are made.

It depends on him how easy it will be to care for the plumbing, how durable and reliable it is.

  • Ceramics. The most popular sinks are made from ceramics - earthenware and porcelain. Their price is quite low, and they are easy to care for. In addition, these models are environmentally friendly and visually attractive. If you damage such a sink, restoration will not cost much and will not be difficult. Unfortunately, they are quite fragile; any blow or fall of something heavy can break them. In addition, you need to carefully select the care products for them, otherwise you can damage the coating, make it porous, and then plaque will form on them very quickly.
  • Metal. This is not a very popular type of plumbing, despite its practicality and durability. Such sinks look good in industrial and futuristic styles, and are also suitable for retro. More inexpensive washbasins are made from stainless steel, and luxury varieties are made from copper and bronze. This material is not afraid of external influences; it is impossible to split it. It is easy to care for; any detergent is suitable for this. But there are also disadvantages - stainless steel is too noisy, and bronze and copper models darken if they are not regularly cleaned with special products and polished.
  • Glass. Such models are highly decorative, original, effective, and can be decorated with paintings and three-dimensional images. There are models made of frosted or transparent glass; you can choose any shade and shape. This sink is easy to care for. The glass used for plumbing fixtures is durable, so you don’t have to worry about its excessive fragility. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that such a sink needs to be washed daily, since there are a lot of stains and drops left on it after each use. It is impossible to restore the sink; it will have to be replaced if damaged. The price for such plumbing equipment is quite high.
  • Natural stone. Non-trivial luxury models, unique in appearance thanks to the pattern created by nature. The texture of such sanitary ware is rich. Most often, marble, granite, and onyx sinks are made. They are strong, durable, and can be easily restored. But they are very heavy, which makes their installation more difficult, and the price of the models is far from budget. In addition, stains often form on them, and stone sinks cannot be cleaned with aggressive abrasives.
  • Fake diamond. These sinks look identical to natural ones, but are lighter, making them easier to install. They are not afraid of chemicals, are durable, and look very nice. Stains are easily wiped off and restoration is simple. The cost for them is less than for models made of natural stone, but more than for ceramic ones.
  • Tree. This type of plumbing is the most atypical and belongs to the elite segment. A variety of colors, shapes, and sizes allows you to choose a sink to suit every taste. The wood ornament looks original and catchy. For the production of shells, moisture-resistant tree species are used - oak, ash, walnut, cedar, larch. Wooden sinks are light and fit well with classic, eco-style, Provence, and country style. But they are quite expensive and require very careful care using special products.


Such products reflect light and can visually enlarge the room. Transparent products with LED backlight produce a special effect.

Glass washbasins can have different textures: glossy, rough, grooved, patterned. They can also be transparent, colored and matte. They do not require complex care, but they constantly need it, since drops and streaks are clearly visible on the glass.


Bathroom interiors in a loft or retro style can be decorated with products made of brass, copper and bronze. Stainless steel and nickel look great in high-tech. Metal sinks have excellent performance qualities, but they make noise when jets of water enter them.

In some cases, they are coated with a special compound that has an anti-noise effect. Metal sinks should also be wiped down periodically so that water stains do not remain on their surface.

Stainless steel

A stainless steel corner washbasin looks great in the bathroom.

Size limits for stainless steel sinks:

  • height 30-60 cm;
  • width 40-70 cm;
  • depth 13-15 cm.

Stainless steel sinks are in most cases used in interiors designed in the Art Nouveau style. There is a wide variety of stainless steel products on the market in shape and texture.

There are two methods of processing stainless steel: matte with a durable textured surface and glossy with unique relief patterns.

Types of stainless steel washbasins according to production method:

  • solid sheet, made by stamping;
  • made by welding. Structural elements welded to each other are carefully ground and polished.

Armed with knowledge about the types and methods of installing corner washbasins, you can safely go to the store for the type of product you need.


Corner sinks made of polymer material have a lot of positive qualities. They are inexpensive, but strong and durable. Can be presented in different colors.

Despite the fact that sinks are usually made of waterproof materials, in bathrooms with a country or eco style, you can see products made from impregnated wood. They look unusual and interesting, but require special care.

Familiar ceramics

This is a strong material, it is pleasant to touch, and it is hygienic. They are standardly available in white, but you can choose any other color.

We can safely say that a ceramic product will last forever. It does not require special care.

Sizes and shapes

Corner versions of sinks most often represent a quarter circle or a triangle. Less common are asymmetrical right and left designs, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the room.

There is no size limit. They are selected according to the area. The most common common size for a corner sink in a bathroom is 50 cm.

Right choice

Before purchasing a suitable corner sink model for your bathroom, you should pay attention to some important details:

  • presence of an overflow hole;
  • equipped with a bottom valve, which makes it possible to collect water;
  • harmonious combination with the style of the room;
  • compliance with the size of the room;
  • complete set (siphon);
  • features of care.

The remaining parameters - shape, placement of the mixer, color, additional elements - are selected based on the preferences of the buyer.

Typical mistakes when installing sinks

If the fastening rules are violated, quite unpleasant consequences can arise that can significantly reduce the service life. The most common violations are:

  • formation of gaps;
  • tilt to one side;
  • instability;
  • water or sewer leakage.

Don't forget about some "tricky" details.

For example, light shades can visually enlarge a space, and this effect can be enhanced by the use of mirrors.

For a large family, a double corner sink is perfect, giving a unique opportunity to carry out water procedures for two people at once.

Photo of a corner sink in the bathroom

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