Modern bathroom design ideas. 31 photos from 2016-2017

Updated: September 1, 2022

How does each morning begin? Of course, with bath procedures!

The rest of our day largely depends on the mood in which we engage in them.

So let's make the bathroom magical and inspiring so that every morning is good, cheerful and joyful! What a fashionable bathroom design looks like, photos of 2022, modern ideas and real examples - more on all this below...

  • Bathroom interior 2022: where to put the washing machine?
  • Toilet in bathroom design: to be or not to be?
  • Which sink should you choose?
  • Secrets of decorating a bathroom depending on its size
      Design of a small bathroom (2 - 3 square meters)
  • Design of a standard bathroom (4 sq. m)
  • Bathroom design 5 square meters
  • Design of a large bathroom (6 - 7 sq.m.)
  • 8 Ways to Cut Your Bathroom Remodel Costs
      Method 1: General cleaning and updating of parts
  • Method 2: cosmetic repairs
  • Method 3: detailed plan
  • Method 4: remove everything unnecessary!
  • Method 5: discount, sale, action
  • Method 6: do it yourself
  • Method 7: Save your receipts
  • Method 8: domestic manufacturers
  • What should you not save on?
  • Part 2. Bathroom furniture 2022: stylish solutions and original additions
  • The bathroom is the space for your personal hygiene. This is where maintaining cleanliness and order is critical. This matters not only and not so much from an aesthetic point of view, but is the key to your health and the health of your loved ones.

    People tend to get used to everything and sometimes we don’t notice obvious things: darkened joints between tiles, soap deposits on taps and mirrors, wooden parts swollen from moisture.

    Take a critical look at your bathroom!

    Imagine that you are in it for the first time. What do you see?

    If the expression “worse than a nuclear war” involuntarily comes to mind, then it’s time for change!

    But now we’ll figure out how drastic and costly they are.

    Tile is a universal material for the bathroom

    The wealth of sizes, textures, colors and decors make tiles the most popular material for bathroom decoration.

    It is used both for decorating walls and as flooring.

    By combining different types of tiles, you can zone the bathroom space at your discretion.

    A wide range of prices for bathroom tiles allows even the tightest budget to choose exactly what you like. And its strength, resistance to moisture and temperature changes guarantees a presentable appearance for your bathroom for many years.

    In 2022, leading interior design experts recommend:

    • combine contrasting colors
    • use mosaic tiles to create wall panels
    • lay out geometric patterns using narrow elongated tiles
    • decorate bathroom walls with voluminous textured tiles
    • combine fashionable tiles with other finishing materials

    And what all this looks like in a bathroom design - the photos below will show you.

    See more photos of bathroom tile designs.

    Tip: tiles with a matte finish have much less noticeable water stains than glossy surfaces.

    Step-by-step actions

    When creating project documentation, issues such as:

    • Identification of innovative solutions;
    • Search for equipment with subsequent installation;
    • Selection of finishing materials;
    • Selection of fittings and accessories;
    • Lighting system;
    • Heating system.

    A number of design tips are suitable for bathrooms of different sizes, some are tied to size - this is especially true for layout.

    Luxury bathtub: design tips

    Do you only like the best?

    1. Use natural materials to decorate your bathroom: marble, granite, glass, wood. It is stylish, unusual, beautiful and delightfully pleasant to the touch!
    2. Make your bathroom floor heated and your feet will always enjoy touching it!
    3. Stretch ceilings for the bathroom with additional lamps are an absolute must have in the interior.
    4. Fashionable decor for the bathroom in 2022 - living plants. Yes, yes, exactly in the bathroom!
    5. Say no to standard shapes: unusual faucets are trending.

    Have you figured out the finishing materials? Now let's dive into filling the bathroom.

    Bathroom design: photo 2022, modern bath and shower ideas

    What is the most important thing in any bathroom?

    That's right, the place where you wash!

    Years go by, decades follow decades, the world of plumbing is replenished with more and more cool new products, but the principle of arranging a place for taking bathing procedures remains the same: it is either a bathtub or a shower stall.

    What new did 2022 bring?

    Bathtub in bathroom design in 2022

    The current trend for 2022 is the desire for harmony with nature and a return to eco-materials. This was reflected in the elements of the bathroom.

    Today, designers suggest using not only traditional bathtubs for the bathroom:

    • acrylic
    • cast iron
    • become

    But there are also more exotic options - made of wood or stone.

    Shower stall in bathroom design in 2022

    The fashionable trend to use stone or wood has also affected shower cabins. Only the pallet can be stone or wood, or the entire cabin, including the walls and roof.

    But most often the main material for the cabin is glass, and marble, granite or wood complement it.

    Look how interesting trendy shower cabins look in a bathroom interior!

    What do you prefer: a bathroom or a cubicle? Write in the comments!

    Bathroom interior 2022: where to put the washing machine?

    Traditionally, the washing machine in apartments in the post-Soviet space is located in the bathroom, where it is less often moved to the kitchen.

    In 2022, designers are offering a ton of built-in options that will suit bathrooms of all sizes, from tiny tiny ones to spacious giants.

    The washing machine can be placed:

    • under the washbasin
    • in a free-standing cabinet
    • in the niche above the toilet
    • as an independent element

    It is very important that a washing machine of the appropriate size completely suits you with its functions (washing modes, loading, power consumption, etc.)

    Life hack: for a very small bathroom it is better to choose a top-loading machine. Then you won't need extra space to open the door.

    Popular shades

    The color palette tends towards calm shades. Bright colors are presented in a “powdered” version, somewhat muting their sound. At the same time, lovers of bright interiors can choose rich accessories that will make the bathroom dynamic and bright.

    • The red color brought together the calmness of terracotta and somewhat reduced its ardor.
    • The green acquired the richness of emerald and freshly cut grass. The warm shade of oak foliage is at the peak of popularity this season.

    • Yellow shades range from groovy citrus notes to mustardy calmness.

    • Blue is represented by sapphire and turquoise notes, which create an atmosphere of calm and serenity.
    • Gray appeared in the form of a light bluish haze. Winter sky, shark skin - this is exactly the fashionable shade that is at the peak of popularity.
    • Lavender and spring lilac mixed in one life-affirming shade, mysterious, calling for easy and exciting adventures.

    It is worth noting that the color preferences of designers change with each season. And tile is a durable material, capable of withstanding the test of more than one five-year period. Therefore, focus, first of all, on what colors and their combinations you like.

    If you still want to use a bright color combination, then it is better to focus on one wall, muting the shades on the rest.

    Toilet in bathroom design: to be or not to be?

    Of course, often whether your bathroom is combined or without a toilet is decided not by you, but by the designers of apartment buildings.

    But today combining or dividing space is not difficult. The question is: is it worth it?

    A combined bathroom has a number of advantages:

    • significant savings on finishing materials
    • ability to place everything you need (including a washing machine and clothes dryer)
    • having everything you need for morning and evening procedures “at hand”

    At the same time, in a bathroom without a toilet:
    • families of several people do not have to crowd in line
    • Toothbrushes are separated from bacteria and germs from the toilet bowl
    • toilet design can be made more budget-friendly, since there is no need to use moisture- and heat-resistant materials

    Which option suits you best - decide based on your own circumstances.

    Well, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting interior solutions for both options.

    Toilet installation

    As a rule, when choosing a toilet, attention is paid directly to its design, because they do not particularly differ in any functions.

    We also suggest using the geometry of shapes, choosing models with sharp corners, or with very smooth corners, or maybe with round shapes (well, or very similar to a circle).

    Which sink should you choose?

    There are three main types of bathroom sinks:

    • hanging
    • tulip sink (on a leg)
    • sink with built-in cabinet

    A wall-hung sink is convenient to use in small bathrooms, where every centimeter counts. They don't take up much space. The disadvantage of such a sink is that the pipes are visible to everyone.

    The good thing about the tulip sink is that all the pipes are hidden in a beautiful leg. But the space under the sink remains empty, which is only permissible for spacious bathrooms.

    The ideal option, in our opinion, is a sink with a built-in cabinet. In this case, not only a cabinet, but also a washing machine can serve as a cabinet.

    A fashionable trend in bathroom design is vessel sinks on special cabinets.

    Taps and mixers

    Polished stainless steel or matte, fittings in the color of plumbing fixtures, or in contrasting colors - these are the trends that await us in 2022 and subsequent years. Most of the devices will be hidden under the plaster, and are present in a minimalistic, simple form. Siphons will also be hidden in the walls, which will be invisible and will not take up space under the sink. A drainage line with a sink can be connected to such a siphon without any problems.

    The concealed installation system in showers will be carried out in accordance with the prevailing trends in furnishing large-sized interiors.

    Secrets of decorating a bathroom depending on its size

    Proper bathroom layout is the key to ease of use.

    What subtleties and nuances exist?

    Design of a small bathroom (2 - 3 square meters)

    Oh, this bathroom in Khrushchev!

    A space in which there is really nowhere to turn around.

    But even 2-3 square meters of a bathroom can be organized in such a way that you will feel cozy and comfortable.

    What does this require?

    Firstly, visually expand the space. Use:

    • tiles in light cool shades.
    • glossy and mirror surfaces
    • additional local lamps

    Secondly, a carefully thought-out layout of all elements placed in the bathroom. The ideal solution is to fill the corners of the room. This could be a corner sink or a corner shower stall. If you can’t imagine your life without a bathroom, take the washing machine into the kitchen or place it under the sink.

    Thirdly, try not to clutter the bathroom space in its upper part. Set aside one or two walls for hanging elements, and try to leave the rest free.

    An excellent solution for a small bathroom would be wall-hung sanitary ware - a washbasin and toilet that are attached to the wall and not to the floor.

    Read more about the design of a small bath here.

    Design of a standard bathroom (4 sq. m)

    4 square meters is considered a fairly standard space for a bathroom. In such an area it is quite possible to fit a small bathroom, toilet, sink, washing machine and laundry basket.

    In addition, you will probably need a place to store cosmetics and personal care products, cleaning products, and toilet paper. Special organizers will help you organize your storage area as ergonomically as possible.

    The photo below shows successful examples of the layout of a standard bathroom.

    Bathroom design 5 square meters

    An additional square meter does not fundamentally change the principle of organizing a standard bathroom. But it allows you to place in it a spacious Jacuzzi bathtub or a multifunctional shower box (shower stall and bathtub combined).

    This bathroom also has enough space for a portable clothes dryer.

    And we will show you right now how designers approach the issue of organizing bathroom space on five square meters.

    Design of a large bathroom (6 - 7 sq.m.)

    Bathrooms of 6, 7 or more square meters are found in new buildings and private houses.

    And it's truly king size! After all, in the same Khrushchev buildings such space is allocated for kitchens, and even small rooms.

    If you have enough space in your home, then you can organize a full-fledged place for relaxation in the bathroom: put a massage couch, organize a home mini-sauna and even place a TV.

    A bidet and a second washbasin will be a useful addition to a spacious bathroom.

    If this is not possible, move the ironing board, clothes dryer, and towel closet into the bathroom and you will have a miniature laundry room.

    As you know, a perfectly conceived renovation is only good when it is actually implemented.

    Before you begin any repair actions, familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that you should never make:

    How can we make sure that dreams of a magical bath are not dashed by everyday life and crises, but actually come true?

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