Turquoise children's room - classic and modern design options (60 photo ideas)

Turquoise children's room The universal turquoise color is one of the trends among designers lately.

More and more parents, when decorating a children's room, looking through many photos of a turquoise children's room, prefer to choose this color.

The turquoise color combines brightness, style and self-sufficiency, as well as a varied combination with different colors.

But at the same time, if the richness and brightness of the colors in their room brings joy to a child’s eye, many parents prefer calmer and gentler tones when decorating a child’s room.

Therefore, the ideal solution when choosing a turquoise color is a competent combination of different shades and colors.

Turquoise color in the interior of a nursery

It’s not for nothing that turquoise shades have gained such popularity among modern parents.

Here are just a few advantages of decorating your baby’s room this way:

Turquoise color is universal. With the right choice of shade and additional accessories, the design is suitable for both girls and boys.

And if children of different sexes live in the same room, then this is just a godsend.

Turquoise color can be used either independently or in combination with other colors, which allows you to realize the most interesting ideas.

A wide range of shades of turquoise allows you to think through designs for children of different personalities.

Delicate colors will calm an overly active baby. While a bright room will push a bored baby to new discoveries.

There are a lot of ideas on how to decorate a nursery in turquoise tones.

Why is turquoise good?

The turquoise palette has several shades, each of which has its own color characteristics. This allows you to use turquoise decoration in rooms of different layouts and with different levels of lighting. In gloomy rooms of small areas, light turquoise shades are appropriate. With their help, you can expand the space and fill the decor with lightness and lightness. Delicate shades of turquoise add depth to the space and also make the nursery look voluminous and spacious. For hyperactive children, the room should be decorated in turquoise tones with greenish tints. Turquoise and blue in the interior of a nursery will help to quickly restore strength. These shades also have a beneficial effect on children's immunity.

children's room in turquoise tones

Your baby will never get tired of a turquoise children's room.

Why? Because turquoise is a chameleon color. Being the main background of the decor, it will be perceived differently each time. Everything will depend on the degree and type of lighting in the room and the correct selection of companion colors. For example, when adding blue flowers to the decoration, turquoise will also have a blue tint. In general, turquoise color is in perfect harmony with the rest of the rainbow palette. Children's rooms turn out to be very “alive”, where contrasting colors are added to turquoise, such as:

  1. Hot pink.
  2. Fiery orange.
  3. Rich yellow.
  4. Brick brown.

bright pink color will “revive” a children's room in turquoise color

The main thing in contrasting combinations is to maintain a harmonious balance. Bright accents in the nursery should be no more than a third of the overall background of the interior. Turquoise can also be combined with pastel shades. In such a room, cleanliness and freshness reign. Try to highlight the beauty of turquoise color with white splashes, and the decor will delight you with space and brightness.

Color combinations in a turquoise nursery

Turquoise color is often the predominant color when designing a children's room.

But one way or another, there are other shades in the interior. These can be pieces of furniture, textiles, souvenirs, photo frames and other accessories.

Here are the most successful combinations that will help create a harmonious place to sleep, study and play.

Interior decoration

The versatility and diversity of the color spectrum make turquoise a universal way to decorate a child’s room, thanks to which you can design an interior with a perspective, “for growth.”

The play of colors with bright details and proper lighting allows you to create a cozy and harmonious atmosphere.

Many associate it with water themes. And not in vain. After all, the resulting design conveys a feeling of freshness and vigor, like during a sea breeze.

How to choose shades?

As the main background, it is better to use a light and neutral palette (pale, with a blue tint or aquamarine). Bright and rich colors (dark turquoise, pearl) will be needed to decorate one of the walls (accent) or as decorative elements.

Light turquoise children's wallpaper will help visually increase the space. And richer and deeper colors will refresh sunny rooms.

Don't be afraid to improvise and give up monochrome! A turquoise nursery will only benefit from having an accent wall! Feel free to use stripes and prints (within the same spectrum or contrasting solutions).

This way the child’s room will acquire taste and personality.

The choice of colors largely depends on the child’s temperament. Mischievous and restless children need restrained shades with a green undertone (for example, light green or sea green). And for quiet people, more intense, cheerful options paired with bright details are suitable.

Textiles can contrast with the main background or be within the same spectrum. If you don’t want to take risks, then opt for white weightless curtains. Plain or patterned - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to overload the situation.

But if neutral-colored walls and bright details are necessary, then feel free to hang turquoise curtains in the nursery.

It is better to use wooden texture as a floor covering. This will add comfort and harmony. Don't forget about carpets. The color scheme can contain all the shades used in the interior or be monophonic.

Turquoise and white

This is a classic. This combination is especially relevant for small rooms, as it allows you to visually expand the space and create a feeling of lightness.

Such a room will set its little resident in a positive mood. A turquoise and white room stimulates interest in knowledge and helps develop perseverance in schoolchildren.

Turquoise and orange

One of the boldest and brightest combinations. Both colors are unusually rich and rich.

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When creating a nursery design, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors, but to find the right balance of shades. For example, turquoise can become the main color, and orange will appear only in accents.

Or the second option is to match the rich orange with a soft shade of the color of the sea. In any case, a good mood and a positive attitude are guaranteed in a turquoise-orange bedroom.

Turquoise children's room and the child's perception of color variations in decor

Since a child’s room is a specific room, it is simply necessary to approach its design in a qualified manner. Understanding the needs of a growing body and developing psyche will help to avoid many problems in the future. Attentive parents are well aware of all the vicissitudes of their child’s character and can try to correct them with the help of properly designed decor. So, let's begin to “conjure.”

turquoise rug in the interior design of a children's room

Turquoise and white

The combination of turquoise and white has long been classified as classic.
And indeed, this couple can work wonders in children’s decor. The combination easily creates the illusion of space, which is sorely lacking in small rooms. Using such a duet, you will not only be able to successfully deceive reality, but will also create a joyful and bright mood in the nursery, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on the emotional background of the little apartment owner. a combination of turquoise and white is the best color solution for decorating a newborn’s room

Turquoise with orange

This bold and rich color combination is incredibly picturesque. However, it must be taken into account that both representatives claim leadership with their colorfulness and richness, therefore, in order not to make the interior of a turquoise children’s room “heavy”, it is worth trying to build a competent balance of colors . In this case, it is worth abandoning classic turquoise and focusing on softer shades of the spectrum, because they react more responsively to the presence of orange and are able to correct the excessive activity of the fiery partner. Otherwise, such decors cause real delight in children, because they are joyful and “tasty”, as they are associated with oranges and the holiday.

an orange bedside rug is a bright accent in a turquoise children's room

Turquoise with light green

This pair is considered ideal for children's interiors. The colors are fresh and emotionally rich, so they will never allow your child not only to become depressed, but also simply to be sad. Turquoise, complemented by light green, makes the interior very natural, as close to nature as possible. Such a room will always “smell of spring.” This design is simply shown to whiny children and children with increased anxiety.

Turquoise with pink

A turquoise children's room with pink accents is a room you don't want to leave.

There is no excessive diversity here, which means that unnecessary emotions will not awaken in the child’s behavior. In such an environment it is pleasant to fall asleep, but even more pleasant to wake up. Your baby will always be in a good mood.

the duo of turquoise and pink is ideal for decorating a girl’s room

Turquoise with brown

A combination more often used in teenagers' rooms. If you want to use it to decorate a room for a smaller child, then dilute the duet with notes of beige or soft green shades. The baby will be much more comfortable in such an environment.


As you can see, a turquoise children’s room turns out to be calm and moderately relaxing, but at the same time, such an interior is really capable of “gently” charging a child with activity. But this is what we needed!

Turquoise and light green

Perhaps one of the most successful combinations for a nursery. Shades of fresh grass and a bright cloudless sky will never let your baby feel sad.

A room in turquoise and light green shades will be bright and cozy.

Child psychologists say that this combination will help the child cope with emotions and relieve stress after a busy day.

Dusk color furniture

If you doubt that a design in twilight purple or cool lilac tones will be to your girl’s liking in a year or two, but with the stubbornness of a teenager she insists on her option, there is a compromise - to focus on furniture. The design of the room can be done in neutral colors. Against the background of light walls, a chest of drawers or a wardrobe in color will look perfect.

You can buy a ready-made kit, but it is much more interesting (and more practical) to transform the cabinet, shelves and work table yourself. All you need is a can of paint and a couple of brushes. Your teenager will probably be happy to take part in this creative work and come up with a couple of original ideas.

Rule No. 2: furniture for a children's room should be of simple basic shapes, made of high-quality material, and can be painted.

Topic: life story

Old bookshelves became the decoration of my daughter's room when we painted them white, and her girls - her friends wrote wishes with funny drawings on the sides of the shelves. Now it is not just a piece of furniture, but a real souvenir.

Conclusion - colored furniture does not have to be monochromatic. You can stencil it with various motifs, harmoniously combine two or more shades - for example, lilac and bright purple.

Photo of a turquoise nursery

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