Children's room 9 sq. m. - 110 photos of examples of exclusive design and options for ready-made design ideas

Plan the design of a children's room 9 sq. m. - not the simplest task due to limited space, but quite feasible. A well-designed project, thoughtful zoning, taking into account all the features of the room when decorating and selecting furniture and accessories will result in creating a cozy area for the child’s development, play and study. In this article we will tell you how not to miss a single detail during the ongoing renovation of a children's room.

Space planning and zoning

Before you begin the renovation, it is important to think about how and where the main interior items will be located. The layout and zoning determine the functionality of the room in the future: how comfortable it will be for the child to study, whether he will have a secluded place to relax, whether the limited square meters will be enough for a play or creative hobby area. Several zoning and planning rules:

  • “No” to unnecessary details and decor. Interior of a children's room 9 sq. m. should be as comfortable and cozy as possible for the child, and therefore it is not recommended to clutter it with unnecessary furniture and other items, and leave the central part completely free for ease of movement.
  • Relaxation area - maximum tranquility. The relaxing atmosphere of the relaxation area is the key to good health and good sleep for the child. To achieve this effect, you need to pay attention to pastel colors when decorating.
  • Facing materials for zoning. Wallpaper, paint, flooring - it is not necessary to select the same materials; different textures, patterns, and contrasting colors are allowed. It is important that the finish is in harmony with each other.
  • Separation by color. A good zoning option for rooms with a small area. In the play or hobby area you can add a colorful carpet, bright bean bags and colorful storage boxes. You can also use color accents to decorate a room for two children of different sexes.
  • Lighting as a zoning option. Allows you to create accents in the right parts of the space. Colored lighting is well suited for a children's room. Zoning option: for example, one central chandelier, spotlights, table lamps near the work area and a sconce or night light near the bed.


When zoning a child’s room, it is important to correctly identify three main zones: for relaxation, for extracurricular activities, and for sleep.

Age characteristics

Design project for children's room 9 sq. m.

should be created taking into account the age characteristics of the child.


If the room is planned for a newborn baby, in addition to the cradle, you need to think about a place for a changing table and a chest of drawers. It’s great if you provide it with a cozy chair in which the mother can feed and rock the baby.


The student is required to have a study area. If the children's room has a balcony, then it can be insulated and converted into an office - this will save several square meters. An option for arranging a loggia is a play area or a reading area.


For children over 13–14 years old, you need to provide a place for gatherings with friends and entertainment. A sofa and poufs, a music system or a TV are suitable for this task.

Correct arrangement of furniture

Factors on which the arrangement of furniture in a children's room of 9 square meters depends:

  • The desktop should be placed near the window, then determine the location of artificial lighting;
  • The bed should not be placed near the window, since the temperature of the recreation area should be comfortable, without drafts in summer and cold in winter;
  • according to psychologists, the bed should be positioned so that the child can see the door before and after sleep;
  • To teach your child different types of activities, you need to take care of functional, compact furniture.

Children's room 9 sq. m. for girls

The color scheme of a girl's bedroom is, of course, pink, pastel, mint, and peach shades. Try to use light colors - they are gentle and unobtrusive, and also visually expand the area and create an airy effect.

It should be understood that as the daughter grows up, she will decide on color preferences and the decoration of the room can be updated.

When furnishing, it is worth providing a comfortable table and chair - with height adjustment or ideally suited to the height of the child. A current piece of furniture for a girl’s bedroom is a dressing table or a comfortable wardrobe equipped with a mirror.

Selecting the color

The color palette influences the child’s well-being. This is a proven fact. Therefore, children’s designs are advised to be done exclusively in light natural colors. The best options are pink, blue, beige, green, and white. It is advisable to choose warm shades.

It is important to consider the gender of the child. Gentle, pastel colors are suitable for a girl, and slightly more saturated shades for a boy. Bright colors are appropriate to use only as color accents. It is best to keep decorative elements in them.

Children's room 9 sq. m. for a boy

Traditional colors are blue, blue, green, brown, olive, beige and wood tones.

The design can be varied with thematic motifs: sea, space, pirates and so on. If the decoration matches the theme, and is not just classic, then you need to choose suitable furniture, decor and attributes/accessories that match the theme.

A boy's bedroom can be equipped with a sports corner - hang a punching bag or install a horizontal bar. To store toys, you can purchase racks and plastic containers.

Design of rooms for two children

Thinking over a 9-meter nursery for both children requires careful planning: you need to arrange the room so that everyone is equally comfortable in it, but so that the space is not cluttered to the limit.

To do this, you should pay attention to bunk beds or loft beds with sleeping blocks for two. It is also worth considering a storage system - these could be drawers for everything you need. An alternative is a built-in wardrobe.

It is important that in a 9-meter room there is a place for a personal corner for each child. Visual highlighting of zones - photo wallpapers in different themes, textiles, paintings / stickers on the wall.

Children's room style: what to choose?

There is no universal recipe, because the choice of style is directly dependent on the child’s age and preferences (if a teenager), character, and gender. For example, girls are more attracted to delicate airy shades, the presence of cartoon elements in the decoration of walls and curtains. The boy would like to associate himself with the hero of his time and see the main characters of his favorite films or cartoons on the walls or in decorative elements.

But teenagers are a different level of demands and a separate responsibility for parents. The following styles are suitable for decorating the bedroom of a daughter or son aged 13–14 years:

  • Modern. It embodies all a teenager’s ideas about trends. There are bright, contrasting interior items, and the absence of children's elements and prints. Posters with iconic characters are suitable for wall decoration. Perhaps a teenager likes the contrast of white and black with small splashes of bright accents.
  • High tech. This is an abundance of metal, chrome and light gray shades. Often the interior is associated with something futuristic: mysterious and incomprehensible patterns on the walls, ascetic ceilings with an aluminum chandelier, and so on.

Also, boys will certainly appreciate the industrial loft, while girls will be close to Provence or Art Deco.

Decor elements

“It is possible that indoor plants will become relevant in a children’s room for a 10-year-old girl”

What gives any setting individuality, can create an atmosphere of comfort, and elevate the interior? Of course, decorative elements. What accessories can be used in the design of a children's room for growing girls?

Collages and galleries of children's drawings. The latter will always be relevant. Even if their author has grown noticeably, they will inspire him to create new masterpieces. By the way, there will be an opportunity to evaluate how artistic talent has evolved.

Gallery of children's drawings in the room

Garlands of hearts, beads, butterflies, and flowers can decorate a girl’s boudoir. The atmosphere will be filled with romanticism, will become light and dreamy.

It is possible that indoor plants will become relevant in a children’s room for a 10-year-old girl. Beautiful specimens will enliven the atmosphere and fill it with life-affirming notes.

Indoor plants will enliven the space

Children who are passionate about creativity can make appliqués and crafts that will be displayed on the shelves.

Textiles are often used as a decorative element, which is usually abundant in children's rooms. These can be colorful partitions, bedspreads, embroidered pillows.

Toys. They also cannot be discounted. Teddy bears can even be found in the non-childish interiors of teenage girls.

Soft toys are not uncommon among children's and teenage girls.

In principle, you can add anything to the decor that does not conflict with its stylistic design. The main thing here is not to overdo it with accessories.

Recommendations for arranging small children's rooms

  • It is not recommended to zone a 9-meter bedroom with arches, niches, multi-level ceilings, bulky shelving and plasterboard structures - all this will visually make the room smaller and create a feeling of enclosed and oppressive space.
  • Remember that any furniture will not last as long as it serves an adult in the bedroom. Children are growing up, they are more active, so breakdowns, a change of interest and, accordingly, the need to replace interior items are possible.
  • Curtains, cornices, lamps, cabinets - there is no point in choosing too expensive furniture and accessories. Or be prepared for the fact that after some time something will get dirty, torn, broken, and so on. But this does not mean that furniture should be without quality certificates and meet all safety standards.
  • Take care of your safety. It should be manifested in everything: from finishing materials to the shape of furniture. All of them must meet environmental standards. Fragile composition, sharp corners, antistatic properties - all this should not be in the nursery. Also, do not make a lock from the inside of the room so that the child cannot lock himself in it. All electrical wiring must be hidden in the wall or under the floor, and sockets must be closed with curtains or special plugs.
  • All necessary items must be within reach of the child's height. That is, you should not make racks for toys under the ceiling. A nursery is a small world, and a child should feel like a master in it. Use cabinets of low height; switches should also be mounted low. Optimally - no higher than 1 meter from the floor.
  • For floor finishing, it is recommended to choose natural materials such as cork or boards. But it is better to save tiles or linoleum for other rooms, as well as carpet, which is considered a dust collector and a potential allergen. Soft flooring can only be left in the play or recreation area.
  • Complex patterns are something you don’t need to be afraid of when decorating a nursery. The fact is that the child will be interested in looking at them, and this trains the imagination and vision. If you have a neutral background for the walls, you can use decor in the form of paintings, walls, stickers.
  • Expensive silk wallpaper or liquid plaster are not something worth spending on when renovating a bedroom. The walls of the nursery are susceptible to scratching, drawing with felt-tip pens or paints, and mechanical impacts from balls. In this case, you can install a large chalkboard on a piece of wall or update the paint/wallpaper on the walls as needed.
  • The child's bedroom must be provided with good sound and heat insulation. To do this, it is important to choose high-quality double-glazed windows with child locks, as well as a self-leveling floor with a “warm floor” system.
  • To finish the ceiling, treatment with plaster, primer and white acrylic paint is suitable. And the water-based composition collects dust and can cause allergies. If you want to install a suspended ceiling, pay attention to fabric options that lend themselves well to decoration: a starry sky or another image.

Photo of a children's room 9 m²

Below you will find examples of the interiors of children's 9-meter rooms, which are planned to the smallest detail. Get inspired and use them when renovating a room in your apartment or house.

Storage systems for things, toys, books

To teach your child order, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • provide a minimum number of essential things in the nursery;
  • books, toys and things must be stored in a certain place;
  • containers should be used to store toys and small items;
  • vertically folded items significantly save space;
  • if the room has access to a balcony, it should be used to decorate the play area and store things;
  • in a small room it is appropriate to use a bed with built-in drawers; such models can be found in the Ikea store.

Teenage bed with built-in drawers
The layout of the nursery should be carried out by adults, but taking into account the child's point of view. A room in any style should be complemented by family photographs that will serve as a reminder of enduring values.

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