Bedroom furniture: modern examples of design, furniture placement, beautiful layout options (115 photo ideas)

Placing furniture in the bedroom

A design project will help you rationally arrange furniture in the room.

When compiling it, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • Only the most necessary pieces of furniture should be in the sleeping area;
  • The bed should not be in front of the mirror;
  • It is advisable to purchase tables and nightstands for the bedroom with beveled corners;
  • Place the bed so that it is not located between large furniture;
  • Lighting should visually increase the space of the room;
  • Small bedrooms should be decorated in light colors;
  • Spacious bedrooms are best decorated in cool colors.

In this photo of the furniture in the bedroom you can see that the furniture is arranged rationally. The bed is the main piece of furniture in the bedroom.

If the sleeping area is designed for several people, then the bed must be placed so that it can be approached from both sides. You can place the bed close to the wall if the room is designed for one person.

There are ways to properly arrange furniture:

  1. Symmetrical arrangement is used in rectangular or square rooms. All furniture is placed along an axis, the role of which is played by the bed.
  2. Asymmetrical arrangement is used in rooms of non-standard shapes and sizes. The principle of this arrangement is the alternation of large and small furniture.
  3. The principle of circular arrangement is to choose a piece of furniture around which all the others are placed.

Choosing colors for a fashionable bedroom

Fashionable bedroom design is done in natural colors. There should not be bright and flashy colors in a room intended for relaxation.

Shades from the natural palette are also used as accent color spots.

  • Turquoise and delicate mint tones are popular.
  • These colors are very natural and go well with the beige palette.
  • Walls are most often painted in light shades, making one of them an accent using color or geometric patterns.

As for fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom, designers recommend warm colors from pastel pink or beige. Single-color coatings without a pattern are preferred. White bedrooms and light gray trim are still popular.

Typeface styles

Buying bedroom furniture is an important step, since a person’s emotional state depends on the furniture. Today there are a great many offers from manufacturers.

You can choose both individual pieces of furniture and bedroom sets. When choosing bedroom furniture, it is necessary to take into account the style and color in which the bedroom is decorated, as well as the size and shape of the sleeping area.

When choosing furniture, you need to be guided by its quality and environmental friendliness. Before purchasing a headset, you need to measure the room and make a sketch indicating the doors and windows on paper.

As a rule, the headset consists of:

  • Beds,
  • Mirrors,
  • Bedside tables,
  • Wardrobe or chest of drawers.

All furniture is divided into the following types:

  • Modular, different items are made in the same style;
  • Built in furniture. This type requires niches in the sleeping area;
  • Cabinet type furniture is assembled from blocks that are easily assembled with each other;
  • Transformer, this type of furniture is very convenient for small bedrooms. The sleeping place can easily be transformed into a working place.

The classic style of bedroom sets is the most popular. Natural materials are used to make this furniture, and the finished products are durable and geometrically correct in shape.

Furniture in the Provence style is distinguished by sophistication and elegance. This style combines openwork decor and smooth lines. Furniture items are stylized as antique. The minimalist style is characterized by simple, regular-shaped furniture.

The set includes only the necessary pieces of furniture. Modern and extravagant high-tech style is characterized by strict lines. The furniture is decorated with rhinestones, and LEDs are installed in the bed.

Overview of the main styles in room design

The modern market of building materials and accessories allows you to create a stunning masterpiece on any area. You will need a ready-made sketch, which you can order from a professional designer, download from the Internet, or come up with yourself.

The preliminary plan must correspond to the chosen direction down to the smallest detail.

Bedroom interior design styles are rich in variety and completeness:

  • For several years now, Scandinavian style has not gone out of fashion. Northern restraint, a minimum of furniture, an abundance of light, straight lines attract attention and allow you to inexpensively decorate any room;
  • The classic version will provide coziness and comfort, suitable for most people who prefer convenience and soft colors;
  • Modern bedroom design combines both designer innovations, built-in household appliances, skillfully hidden in functional furniture, and soft tones of walls, curtains and bed linen. Here you can stick to one chosen design line or implement several original ideas at once. The advantage of the style is the creation of a unique, multifunctional space at minimal financial cost;
  • Lovers of natural materials will love the eco trend, which harmoniously combines wood and linen. Wicker mats in light colors will perfectly replace paths, and bamboo furniture will fill the room with exoticism and freshness;
  • A concrete wall or brickwork is not conducive to comfortable sleep, but a loft-style room finds many adherents among different age groups. To soften too sharp transitions and cold tones, it is necessary to dilute the interior with natural decorative elements and add lighting fixtures. A leather sofa, wooden beams under the ceiling, several colorful paintings will transform the bedroom and make the room more presentable;
  • The most harmonious look is a room decorated in romantic Provence with muted pastel colors throughout, small floral patterns on curtains and bedspreads, high-quality furniture with ornate decoration and plenty of pillows and poufs on the bed and floor;
  • The design of a bedroom in an apartment in an urban direction looks good. Every detail is thought out from a practicality point of view. A built-in wardrobe must have many shelves, mirrors and interior lighting. Under-bed drawers are convenient for storing bedding, and the apparent simplicity only emphasizes sophistication;
  • A room in an oriental style with an abundance of textiles and draperies, gold edging and a hookah will help you completely relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. A distinctive feature will be an airy feather bed thrown directly onto the floor, a mysterious ornament and incense. Attention is focused on the little things: porcelain figurines, ringing pendants on a chandelier or screen, embroidered curtains, a cage with songbirds.

Furniture quality

The fundamental factor when choosing furniture is its quality. Buying furniture made from chipboard is unsafe for health, as it is saturated with toxic substances. If you have a limited budget, it is better to purchase furniture from the finely dispersed fraction.

When choosing a bed, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Pay attention to the quality of the mattress, it should be comfortable;
  • The structural parts must be tightly connected to each other;
  • Products must be certified.

The bed frame is made of wood, metal or flexible slats. The mattress must be elastic and firm or orthopedic.

For budget frame options, the mattress should be low and not heavy. When choosing bedside tables, you should give preference to wood products.

Decor and textiles for a fashionable bedroom

Naturalness, as the main trend, manifests itself very clearly in accessories and decorative elements. Fashionable interiors are decorated with live plants more often than before - it is much more pleasant to be in a room filled with flowers.

Modern design involves the use of natural stone decor. This natural material is so beautiful that objects made from it evoke genuine admiration. These could be, for example, lamps or vases made of marble. Such accessories fit perfectly into eco-style.

Natural textiles are in fashion:

  • Linen bedspreads,
  • Cotton bed linen.

They are much more environmentally friendly than products made from polyester, which is unpleasant to the touch and harmful to the environment. To add variety to the decor, sometimes it is enough to complement it with pillows with an original pattern.

Fashionable curtains for the bedroom can be made from linen, cotton and other natural fabrics. The interior is decorated with wicker baskets, chandeliers, lamps, and rattan furniture. This allows you to refresh the atmosphere and make it homely.

In addition, various natural bamboo decorations are used as decoration.

Natural materials in the interior are organically combined with modern technological elements, glass, metal and even concrete surfaces. Taking into account current trends, you can easily decorate your bedroom according to your preferences.

Modern bedroom design

Modern bedroom furniture includes a bed, which should occupy a central place in the room, two bedside tables if the bedroom is designed for two people. Also, a chest of drawers or a closet, which should be comfortable and roomy, a trellis and a banquette.

For a large bedroom you can purchase a dressing table.

  • Bedroom furniture in a modern style consists of unique models of sets with built-in trellises, wardrobes and bedside tables.
  • Built-in furniture allows you to increase the space of the room.
  • A built-in wardrobe is especially convenient in long narrow rooms.
  • Recently, built-in asymmetrical bedside tables with open shelves have become very popular.
  • A mirror in the bedroom will visually expand the space of the room.

Fashionable bedroom interior design (ideas)

In the photo of a fashionable bedroom, it is noticeable that the trend is eclecticism - a mixture of different styles. It is not customary today to define clear boundaries and separate styles. Designers strive to make the interior as comfortable as possible - this is more important than strictly following the given canons. They experiment with color combinations and combine different textures.

Just a couple of years ago, interior designers advocated simplicity and conciseness in bedroom design. But we came to the conclusion that functionality and minimalism should not be taken to the point of absurdity.

Modern creative ideas are becoming more and more eclectic. Not only classics and minimalism are in fashion, but also loft, art deco, Provence, and eco-style. Designers pay more attention to color combinations and shapes than to matching style.

Eco-style is at the peak of popularity today. The ranks of his fans are growing every day. It allows you to create that very “relaxing effect”. You can decorate any room in the house in eco-style, but it is especially good for the bedroom.

Modern design uses any natural shades, as well as natural materials:

  • Wood,
  • Bamboo,
  • Cotton,
  • Straw.

Simple furniture and decoration are diluted with active accessories. With this design, the design remains airy and light.

Color range of bedroom furniture

Bedroom furniture comes in a variety of colors. Light-colored furniture is considered the most elegant, giving the interior of a room a festive look.

Light furniture brings harmony, gives coziness, comfort and a feeling of spaciousness, suitable for the interior of a bedroom of any style.

White color transforms various surfaces. For small bedrooms, white furniture will be an ideal option, since white color visually enlarges the space.

  • Turquoise color has a calming effect and promotes complete rest. Turquoise suits all interior styles perfectly.
  • Peach color creates an atmosphere of romance in the room.
  • Furniture in dark shades will create an atmosphere of mystery.
  • It is best if the furniture does not have a rich dark color, but is decorated with elements of light colors.

Bedroom furniture in dark colors is suitable for any interior style and adds luxury to the room. Furniture in brown shades gives the room peace and coziness. Brown color goes perfectly with green, white and peach.

There are many manufacturers, but one room...

If you want to choose directly bedroom sets from a manufacturer, and a good one at that, it’s worth getting acquainted with several.

The most popular Russian brands are Shatura, Triya, Miassmebel, Lazurit. These are exactly the factories that produce not just beautiful things, but are also responsible for their quality.

To be honest, the pleasure is not cheap, but such a creation will last for many years, maintaining its original appearance and delighting the residents and guests of the house.

Undoubtedly, there are many manufacturers whose bedrooms are much cheaper, but the quality is appropriate. Here, the choice is yours. Models presented on the Russian market can be found for any wallet.

Design tips

When choosing furniture for the bedroom you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Furniture in small bedrooms should be pastel shades;
  • Lighting built into the furniture, vertical patterns and mirror inserts will visually increase the space;
  • Place as few objects as possible opposite the front door, this will preserve space;
  • Bright colors are appropriate to use in large, spacious rooms.

What is good about a bedroom set?

When choosing furniture for your room, the first thing you need to do is look at all the proposed photos of the bedroom set.

Combining the functionality, we can say that by giving preference to headsets, we benefit from several factors:

  • Each piece of furniture complements the other in color, style, and purpose.
  • Having made a purchase once, you no longer need to rack your brains about which piece of furniture to buy next and how much to spend.
  • The functions of each furniture are thought out to the smallest detail.

Photos of new bedroom furniture designs

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