Turquoise children's room - classic and modern design options (60 photo ideas)

Choosing the main color scheme for a nursery is not easy, because the child grows quickly and what delights the baby will not always please the teenager. Turquoise is universal in this sense. The positive atmosphere it creates appeals to children of both sexes at any age.

Turquoise color in the interior of a nursery

It’s not for nothing that turquoise shades have gained such popularity among modern parents.

Here are just a few advantages of decorating your baby’s room this way:

Turquoise color is universal. With the right choice of shade and additional accessories, the design is suitable for both girls and boys.

And if children of different sexes live in the same room, then this is just a godsend.

Turquoise color can be used either independently or in combination with other colors, which allows you to realize the most interesting ideas.

A wide range of shades of turquoise allows you to think through designs for children of different personalities.

Delicate colors will calm an overly active baby. While a bright room will push a bored baby to new discoveries.

There are a lot of ideas on how to decorate a nursery in turquoise tones.

Color combinations in a turquoise nursery

Turquoise color is often the predominant color when designing a children's room.

But one way or another, there are other shades in the interior. These can be pieces of furniture, textiles, souvenirs, photo frames and other accessories.

Here are the most successful combinations that will help create a harmonious place to sleep, study and play.

For the boy...

Tomorrow's men do not like softness, romance and tenderness in any of their manifestations. Therefore, most likely, the owner of the room will prefer persistent, rich turquoise, which will become the personification of coolness, freshness and the ability to create.

However, here you can do things differently by adding:

  • chocolate and brown shades. Such a tandem will look elegant and subtle, especially if you choose pieces of furniture in the same color as a contrasting color;
  • white. This option is ideal, because it contains a lot of possibilities for imagination. It is easiest to fill such an interior with bright decorative elements - and the design will be created;
  • red, ranging from orange to terracotta. The combination is welcome in interiors in ethnic or specific national styles.

The ideal choice is the one you make together with your child. Show him the options and let him choose his own.

Turquoise and white

This is a classic. This combination is especially relevant for small rooms, as it allows you to visually expand the space and create a feeling of lightness.

Such a room will set its little resident in a positive mood. A turquoise and white room stimulates interest in knowledge and helps develop perseverance in schoolchildren.

Turquoise and orange

One of the boldest and brightest combinations. Both colors are unusually rich and rich.

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When creating a nursery design, the main thing is not to overdo it with colors, but to find the right balance of shades. For example, turquoise can become the main color, and orange will appear only in accents.

Or the second option is to match the rich orange with a soft shade of the color of the sea. In any case, a good mood and a positive attitude are guaranteed in a turquoise-orange bedroom.

For the girl...

Girls love everything bright, provocative, that lifts their spirits and something they can show off to their friends. This is a turquoise room, effectively complemented by other colors. Therefore, it is worth creating a dynamic space for her, in which it will be pleasant to fantasize and be creative, receive an honest company of friends and learn lessons.

A girl's turquoise room is a tandem with:

  • bright pink. In this case, the second one can occupy no more than 40% of the space so that the room does not look tacky;
  • white, beige, gray. A classic combination will help expand the space, create a positive atmosphere in the room and emphasize the depth and beauty of turquoise;
  • yellow, coral, peach, orange. Any of them will bring a touch of lightness and joy to a turquoise room. The shade can be calm or active, depending on desire;
  • blue, green, emerald, mint. Shades of almost the same primary color will make the room sophisticated, languid and even aristocratic. Great taste guaranteed! This combination will create a feeling of peace and comfort, just enough to take a break from an eventful day.

If the baby wants to participate in the decoration, give her this opportunity. What if you have a future interior designer growing up in your family?!

Turquoise and light green

Perhaps one of the most successful combinations for a nursery. Shades of fresh grass and a bright cloudless sky will never let your baby feel sad.

A room in turquoise and light green shades will be bright and cozy.

Child psychologists say that this combination will help the child cope with emotions and relieve stress after a busy day.

Boy's room

A little boy will definitely love a playroom in a nautical or pirate style. An image of a ship on the wall, pillows in the shape of anchors and lifebuoys, as well as furniture in sand and turquoise tones will perfectly complement the direction. Children who are interested in racing and cars are recommended to decorate their room in the Formula 1 style. For example, install a chair in the shape of a racing car, stick photo wallpaper on the wall with views of tracks or cars driving on roads or off-road. For those who love exploring, you can decorate your room with ropes stylized as vines. The walls can be painted to look like a jungle or similar photo wallpapers can be used for decoration.

A tall wooden hut house where the child can often play will also be a good addition. Children who are fond of Westerns will definitely love the playroom with desert, cacti and cowboys depicted on the walls. In such a room you can install a small wigwam. The color scheme for such a room should include sand, olive and dark green colors.

Photo of a turquoise nursery

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