Small kitchen design for 2022: examples of successful planning and zoning. 130 photos of real interior examples

Black and white interior has been one of the leading positions for several years now. An original and attractive kitchen design option captivates the eyes of connoisseurs of restraint and brevity.

Do you like classics? Then we propose to try a win-win solution - black and white interior for the kitchen! How to decorate the interior? Read our article and see our photo selection!

Kitchen interior features 2022

The main task when decorating a kitchen this year is to keep as much space as possible free.

To do this, all possible methods of planning a small room are used - from the color scheme, certain finishing materials to the selection of a minimum set of necessary small-sized furniture. But at the same time, everything should be quite comfortable, beautiful, original.

Fashion trends for modern small kitchens 2022:

  • minimum furniture and household appliances;
  • no stools - only comfortable seats with backs;
  • maximum light - a sufficient number of lamps, no thick curtains on the windows (only transformable blinds or light curtains);
  • glossy or mirror surfaces;
  • neutral light walls that visually expand the space;
  • combination of two rooms (with a loggia or living room);
  • installation of modular folding and transforming furniture, not built-in, but mobile household appliances, so that you can quickly change the space to something more convenient at the moment;
  • mixing different styles.

Same color for countertop and splashback

A single surface of the apron and the countertop underneath will help to visually enlarge a small kitchen. Both surfaces should have the same color and flow into each other. This technique will work if the surfaces are light in color.

Dark colors are only acceptable in spacious kitchens. The easiest way to implement this idea is in kitchens with furniture made from chipboard. One large sheet of protective film is glued on top of the tabletop and on the wall in the apron area.

Organization of kitchen space 2022

Logic, functionality, and layering dominate in compact kitchens. All interior items and kitchen utensils are placed according to the following principles:

  • transformation of furniture from one type to another;
  • retractable tables, cabinets, folding chairs;
  • abundance of shelves;
  • the use of multi-tiered structures to free up space by vertically placing the necessary interior items;
  • at the same time, the fashion trend of 2022 is the abandonment of hanging drawers;
  • installing a gas stove with 2 burners (not 4), a mini-refrigerator, and using a smaller microwave oven instead of an oven;
  • pyramidal placement of sets of dishes and other kitchen items, when several smaller items are placed inside larger ones.

Smooth facade

This trend was visible in kitchen design last year and has strengthened in 2022. Kitchen furniture facades are becoming simpler. Designers have moved away from decorative wooden elements a long time ago. Nowadays, designers are adding decorative chamfers to facades less and less often.

The most modern facades have the simplest possible design, often without even handles. This technique is very effective in small kitchens, it allows you to save precious centimeters of free space.

Finishing materials for the kitchen 2022

The choice of materials for such a room is a crucial moment, because here, due to increased evaporation of moisture, the formation of fatty deposits on surfaces, and contamination, they must meet certain standards.

All materials must be durable, moisture-resistant, and easy to clean from emerging stains and deposits. Including wallpaper for a small kitchen in 2022, you need to choose waterproof, easy to care for.

In addition, they must be ideally combined with each other and the interior items. Natural materials or imitation materials are popular this year, especially wood and marble. Glossy surfaces, plastic fittings, and glass pieces of furniture are also relevant.

IMPORTANT: Shelves, table surfaces and other furniture elements are made of especially strong glass, are safe to use, and make the room visually more spacious.

Island + countertop

A dining table that flows into the island will save space. To do this, a long tabletop is made near the island. One of its edges rests on the island cabinet, the second stands on legs, like a traditional table.

Chairs can slide under the table and also save space in a small kitchen. At such a table it will be convenient to prepare food and immediately serve it to guests.

Installation of communications

When installing them, the location of water pipes and other communication systems in the kitchen must be calculated so that they are hidden behind the fronts of the cabinets. Or order furniture taking into account existing communications. If they are left in sight, they will visually clutter up an already small space and spoil the appearance of the room.


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Some people prefer not to install a hood in a small kitchen to save space. But this is in vain, because in such a small room it is especially necessary. Odors and fumes accumulate here faster, negatively affecting a person’s well-being and mood. A hood will be appropriate in the design of a small kitchen in 2022.

In conclusion

This is how you can equip even a tiny kitchen without any problems, saving useful space. If finances allow you, then everything will be done by professionals.

Otherwise, before you begin registration, study all the information that is abundant today.

Kitchen lighting

You can visually expand the space with the help of properly installed lamps. The more light, the more spacious the kitchen will look. If there is insufficient lighting, the room will seem cramped and uncomfortable.

Volumetric decorative chandeliers are not suitable for such rooms. You can install ceiling lamps, small chandeliers and wall sconces with laconic forms, original design, spotlights, LED strips. Their successful combination and placement will create enough light and beautifully zone the space.

Big window

If you are not afraid of large-scale changes, consider enlarging the window. If the architecture of your home allows it, the window can be made larger. This will let more light into the kitchen and visually enlarge it.

Most often, partitions do not allow increasing the width of windows, but in length it can be made almost to the floor. Keep in mind, in order not to spoil the whole effect, there should be nothing standing near the elongated window.

Furniture for kitchen

For small rooms, you should choose furniture that is not too voluminous, avoid an abundance of decorative ornaments, and a variety of color combinations. Primary colors should be light and dim. Dark and rich colors are allowed in small quantities - these can be interior items, fragments of furniture facades, fittings and other elements that create successful design accents.

The optimal set of furniture for a small kitchen:

  • floor cabinets;
  • wall cabinets and racks;
  • dinner table;
  • a few chairs;
  • bar counter.

IMPORTANT: Furniture should be placed along the walls, tightly aligned, because scattered cabinets and household appliances further fragment and reduce the space. The island method of placement in the center of the room will not work here. In a small kitchen, it is better to install a solid countertop for several cabinets.

Contrasting worktops

Everyone knows that light colors visually enlarge the kitchen. However, the monochrome white interior quickly gets boring and seems too boring. Dark countertops will help add personality to your kitchen space. You don't have to combine only black and white. Instead of black, brown, black, blue and other deep dark tones are quite suitable.


For small kitchens, Roman blinds or small curtains made of light, airy fabrics would be appropriate. It is not recommended to purchase natural materials; it is better to choose mixed fabrics from synthetics and natural fibers - they retain their appearance longer even after several washes. For kitchen curtains, fabrics are produced that are impregnated with special compounds that prevent them from quickly becoming dirty.

The colors of the curtains should be favorably combined with the overall color scheme of the room. It is better to choose light shades, plain or with patterns that match the style of the interior.

In some cases, if provided for by the design, curtains can be of any bright color that can be combined with other interior items. See which curtains are suitable for a small kitchen in the 2022 photo.

Unexpected color inserts

If you want to add variety to a white kitchen, bright colors are the best choice for this. An interesting idea would be to use them in unexpected places. For example, a bright color could be a kitchen stove and the hood above it, or a cabinet, part of a countertop and a wall cabinet.

In addition to the decorative function, this technique will visually increase the height of the ceilings in a typical apartment.

Fashionable kitchen color schemes 2022

White remains a popular color this season. It gives a feeling of freshness and visually increases the volume and depth of the room. But don't get too carried away with it. When there is a lot of white, the space may seem boring and colorless.

It is better to combine it with shades of other colors. Light pastel colors can also visually expand the room and at the same time this color scheme looks much richer.

Fashionable colors for the kitchen 2022:

  • white;
  • light gray;
  • cream;
  • green (mint, olive, sage);
  • blue (indigo, pastel, sea, turquoise, blue, lavender);
  • red (carrot, red-brown, pink);
  • yellow.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to choose warm shades for the kitchen; it is better to additionally combine cool shades with them. If the color scheme is dominated by blue, cyan, or other cold colors, then the room will seem uncomfortable, especially if it is not on the sunny side. Even if it is a beautiful small kitchen design. Fashionable this year, beautiful blue and turquoise shades can be successfully combined with refreshing white and add warm beige (for example, turquoise walls, light wood furniture, white ceilings, curtains and other interior items). You can add pink, yellow, light green or other shades, depending on the chosen style and preferences.

Which style to choose for the kitchen 2022

This season, several styles are relevant for the kitchen interior, which can be used either independently or in combination with others. Some of them, despite their characteristics, are perfectly combined with each other and give special expressiveness to design ideas.

Fashionable styles for kitchens 2022:

  1. Country. It is no longer as popular as in previous seasons, but still firmly holds its position due to its cute simplicity, convenience, naturalness of materials, and naturalness.
  2. Modern. It is characterized by minimalism in decor, monochromatic colors, rounded smooth lines, glossy surfaces, functionality, an abundance of modern household appliances; such interiors often feature comfortable bar counters.
  3. Minimalism. Particularly suitable for small kitchens. This style is distinguished by its simplicity, laconic forms, lack of decor, but at the same time the interior looks solid. Materials: wood, marble, chromed steel, glass.
  4. Classic. Luxury, clarity and correctness of forms, comfort, naturalness of materials always attract many when choosing for design in their premises.
  5. High tech. Ultra-modern, with an unusual, laconic, expressive design, where the main accents are the latest technologies. The focus is on new household appliances, the main materials being plastic, metal, glass, ceramics.
  6. Loft. Laconic, rough style, reminiscent of an industrial interior. Materials - metal, brick, wood processed in a simple way, genuine leather, coarse fabrics. It’s not entirely suitable for a small kitchen because it looks cumbersome, so only combinations of individual items of this style with other trends (high-tech, minimalism, Scandinavian) are relevant.
  7. Art Deco. It combines neoclassicism and modernity - luxury design and equipment with ultra-modern household appliances. It is rarely used in small kitchens due to the impossibility of presenting all its splendor in such a space. But it is suitable for combined kitchens and living rooms.

True scale

To prevent the kitchen from looking too cramped, it should use furniture that is appropriate in scale. For example, in a narrow kitchen it would be wise to use narrower countertops rather than standard sizes. At the same time, in a kitchen with low ceilings it would be inappropriate to install a classic high bar counter.

Modern design tricks will help make your kitchen visually larger and more interesting. Don't be afraid to try something new and different to decorate your kitchen.

Kitchen with balcony

To get additional meters to the kitchen at the expense of a balcony or loggia, you will have to insulate this room, install double-glazed windows with heat-insulating properties, and add additional heating devices. But there will be additional meters for placing lockers and even a dining area.

In place of the removed window frame, you can install a bar counter or tabletop. You can come up with many different interior options for small kitchens combined with balconies.

Kitchen combined with living room

You can combine these rooms by leaving part of the wall and making a spacious arch, or by completely removing the wall if it is not load-bearing. With some disadvantages (kitchen odors, the need to ventilate and clean more often, and other inconveniences), the advantages of having a more spacious room prevail.

Such spaces are usually zoned with shelving, bar counters, sofas, and decorative trellises with indoor plants. For decoration, you need to choose a single style and color scheme.

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