How to make a kitchen with your own hands - examples of beautiful and modern renovations

Photo: The kitchen is the most frequently used and functional room in every home. Here they cook, drink coffee, have dinner and greet guests. At the same time, the layout and size of kitchens in typical apartments often leave much to be desired. But all this can be corrected if you approach the issue of design and organization of space correctly!

What should a kitchen be like?

The kitchen should have as much natural light as possible. It is comfortable to cook in a sunny kitchen, even if it is small. You can visually increase the kitchen space by placing spotlights above the work area. The washing and food preparation area can be divided by installing LED strip or separate lamps under the cabinets.

The kitchen space should be divided into technological zones: washing, storage and cooking zones, so that everything is at hand. The kitchen should be comfortable for family communication. The kitchen wall and table should be positioned in such a way that everyone can see each other and communicate.

To avoid clutter, you should consider a storage system. At the design stage, determine places for dishes, spices, food and other things that you consider necessary.

Current color palette

Great importance is attached to thoughtful and well-placed shades. To create a cozy atmosphere, a harmonious color combination plays an important role. This requires a responsible and balanced approach. Here you should rely on the basics of color selection and your own views.

Interesting colors

Bold decisions will help you avoid monotonous and boring combinations. Adding a shade of purple, orange or yellow will draw attention to the interior. But the choice depends entirely on personal preference.


A popular design in modern catalogues. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. When combined with neutral colors, they add an element of chic to the room. Positively affects tone and causes appetite.


Elegance meets practicality. No visible stains on work areas. This type of design will never lose its relevance. There are many options to suit every taste.

A good project is the key to the success and beauty of the future kitchen

The process of making a kitchen yourself is quite a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. However, if you have the skills and motivation, it is quite doable. But, in addition to desire, there must be a clear project on how to make a kitchen with your own hands, which includes: drawing up a sketch, taking measurements, creating a design and making a cutting plan.

Drawing up a sketch or approximately a drawing by hand allows you to visually imagine the composition of the future kitchen and design features. If necessary, the sketch can be turned into a drawing.

When making a kitchen, taking measurements is an equally important step. It is necessary to measure the width and height of the wall where the kitchen will be installed, the parameters of the hob or apron, the depth of the niche for cabinets under the sink and gas stove.

You should also calculate the dimensions of all kitchen components and appliances: refrigerator, ultrasonic stove. All measurements must be included in the sketch.

You can make a kitchen project yourself, turning the sketch using a computer into a full-fledged drawing. Special programs will not only tell you how to design a kitchen, but will also offer optimal solutions, display a picture of the kitchen interior with all the components, their color, material and much more.

There are, of course, other options. For example, seek advice from a kitchen manufacturing company; they usually provide it free of charge. Well, finally, you can order a paid project, however, this already violates the principle of independence in making a kitchen.

Refrigerator design

When choosing a refrigerator, you need to consider not only its capacity and functionality, but also its design. After all, this is one of the main and most noticeable elements of the kitchen.

The white refrigerator is a timeless classic. But it is unlikely to become an accent in the kitchen interior. But cold steel with a stainless steel coating or stylish and smooth black with a reflective surface already look fresher.

Bright and saturated colors are less common. For example, a red refrigerator will not fit into all interior styles, but it will certainly not go unnoticed. This is a good solution for a loft or hi-tech.

For cozy home interiors, such as country and Provence, a refrigerator covered with slate paint looks interesting. You can write and draw on it with crayons. Another elegant alternative is decoupage. Painting and decoration with moldings fits into any of the rustic styles.

You can also cover the refrigerator with a film with a pattern, similar to photo wallpaper. In styles like pop art, colorful vinyl stickers and decals look interesting.

In a strict classic kitchen, you can do it even simpler: immediately build a refrigerator into the cabinet. Such interiors are difficult to tolerate the introduction of modern details, so it is better to hide the equipment.

Installing a hood in the kitchen

A range hood is an absolutely necessary device in the kitchen. And it's not just about smells. Cooking fumes can adversely affect kitchen appliances and kitchen surfaces. For example, hot fumes are detrimental to a kitchen made of PVC. At eighty degrees, the film begins to warp and lag behind the base.

There are several options for how to make a hood in the kitchen: you can order production with installation, do it yourself and, finally, buy it. If you make your own kitchen unit, it is more advisable to buy a ready-made hood and install it yourself.

Here you just need to select the appropriate type of hood in advance so that it fits into your future kitchen, both in size and design.

Step-by-step process for creating a project

Well, let’s say you have decided on a program or service where you will create your first design project, so it is important to outline the algorithm of work, the sequence of which should look something like this:

  1. We draw the room, creating a model of the kitchen indicating the actual dimensions. Most often, programs offer ready-made versions of popular layouts that can be easily edited or you can draw everything manually using a special tool.
  2. We choose the finish by reviewing the available material options. Most often, program catalogs include many options to suit every taste, and sometimes even show prices for the materials you like. This way we create the style of the room.
  3. We add appliances and furniture. In the same way, we look at the equipment and choose its location, not forgetting about practicality, ergonomics, comfort and our own preferences.
  4. You save your work, after which the program will show you a finished three-dimensional visualization where you can make various edits. The final result can always be printed or saved as an electronic file if you are comfortable working on a tablet/smartphone.

Don’t forget about the opportunity to experiment with the choice of materials, equipment and furniture. Try any options that come to mind, because only by comparison will you understand that in the end you made the most correct and rational choice. Also, feel free to use ready-made templates that you can always adapt to your needs. Sometimes ready-made solutions offer the most unusual ideas for implementation, since they were prepared by experienced designers and use various tricks that are rarely available to ordinary users.

As you can see, the process of independently creating a studio design project is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it requires perseverance and a creative approach. Modern programs greatly simplify this process, but you should understand that if you have started a serious renovation with redevelopment and want to end up with something unusual, then you should contact a specialist, since it is his experience that will guarantee that at the end of the repair work you you will get exactly what you expected. Paying for a designer's services is not comparable to the risks when everything looks good on paper, but in the end there are many offensive discrepancies or defects.

Making a cooking wall - an apron

After completing the repairs, we begin creating the hob wall. The hob is already part of the kitchen unit. The future volume of work, its cost, and the durability of the product itself depend on the decision made on what to make an apron from in the kitchen.

Non-standard. Top 6 ideas for unusual kitchens

If you approach the issue correctly, you can successfully combine the most contradictory options. Creative thinking allows you to get the most out of any situation. It is important to be able to manage opportunities.

Kitchen-living room

A solution that is gaining popularity is combining it with a living room. Psychological comfort is created due to the possibility of unhindered communication between family members. A room devoid of clear boundaries helps to lift the mood. The dining area fits harmoniously into the overall vision.

Kitchen corridor

It is formed as a result of redevelopment or is a solution originally included in the project. Allows you to increase living space and creates convenience when removing waste and unloading food. It is advisable to use light colors in the design.


Using this arrangement, you can implement non-standard design solutions for organizing space. An isolated area and a large amount of light will have a positive effect on the processes being performed. The kitchen room is freed up for other needs.

Kitchen-dining room

An ideal way to spend time with your family. The furnishings convey the atmosphere of two different zones combined in one composition. For a harmonious combination, all components need ideal organization.

Kitchen in a private house

It is based on the size of the room and the location of communications and differs from the formation of an apartment interior. May vary in appearance. To create a working area, the most comfortable place is selected. An individual project may include the installation of a fireplace. Non-standard forms provide a platform for experimentation.

What is an apron and why is it needed?

The apron or hob is the distance from the top edge of the countertop to the bottom edge of the set. It absorbs splashes when cooking.

Naturally, the apron should be easy to clean, but it is very important that it has an attractive appearance. Based on this, let’s look at what you can use to make an apron in the kitchen.


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Selecting a layout

First of all, take all measurements: the length of the walls and the distance between them, the height of the ceiling, the location and dimensions of all window and door openings, as well as the distance from the floor to the window sill.

Then decide how much furniture you need and what kitchen appliances you can’t imagine life without. It is advisable that furniture occupy no more than 20% of the room area.

Consider whether you need a separate dining area or bar counter? Dishwasher, oven or microwave? Are there any non-standard wishes?

Ceramic tile

The traditional version of a kitchen apron in our country. Currently, trade offers a wide range of ceramic tiles, so choosing the desired design is not a problem. However, this material has significant disadvantages for an apron.

  1. Over time, the seams lose their presentable appearance, since grease, dust and soot constantly get there, from which it is almost impossible to clean them. They are also an excellent environment for bacteria, which is generally unacceptable in the kitchen.
  2. Laying tiles requires careful preparation of the surface; it must be perfectly leveled, which can only be done by a professional, and this is an additional expense.

These two noted disadvantages may be a sufficient reason to think about how to make a backsplash in the kitchen other than tiles. Luckily there is a wide choice.

Medium Density Fiberboard - MDF

MDF is considered the opposite of ceramic. They are made from pressed shavings covered with plastic film. MDF is easy to install and easy to maintain. There are no seams in such an apron, which means there will be no need to clean them. Installing MDF does not require careful leveling of the walls. The service life of MDF is 5-7 years, which is quite enough considering their cheapness and ease of installation.

Photo gallery:

Kitchen 7 sq. m. in Scandinavian style

Kitchen project 9 sq. m. in minimalist style

Modern style kitchen

Kitchen-dining room

Kitchen-living room in loft style

Country style kitchen


In terms of money, plastic is considered the most budget option and the easiest in terms of installation complexity. Therefore, you can change it at least every year. The market offers a huge range of plastic boards. To install them, you just need to coat the back side with universal glue or liquid nails. The panels have a long service life, but can fade in the sun.

There is a whole range of materials for making aprons: glass, steel, natural or artificial stone, acrylic and even wine corks. This list can only be limited by the imagination of the master. Each of them has both its disadvantages and positive aspects.

A kitchen without an apron is modern

A kitchen without an apron is a special trend in kitchen design fashion. But what to do in the kitchen instead of an apron?


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The point is not to cover a small space in the furniture opening under an apron, but to cover the entire wall, sometimes including the side walls, creating a complete picture. At the same time, the feeling of a separate patch of the apron disappears.

When implementing a kitchen project without an apron, the materials used to finish the wall must be moisture-resistant, heat-resistant and easy to clean from kitchen contaminants. All these requirements meet the environmental conditions in the kitchen. The most often mentioned are:

  • moisture-resistant brick coated with a special varnish;
  • concrete coated with moisture-resistant materials;
  • expensive brands of metal;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • and even moisture-resistant paint.

Ways to create a project

We would highlight three real ways that will help you create a kitchen design project yourself:

  1. Draw everything on paper.
  2. Design in a specialized program.
  3. Use ready-made standard projects.

The first option, as you understand, requires the most creative approach, since, in addition to coming up with the ideas themselves, they will also need to be beautifully implemented on paper, which not everyone will be able to do. However, if you have such talent, then you can combine business with pleasure and make the process of creating a project a real “hand job”.

If we talk about the third option, then the widest choice of options opens up, since today on the Internet you can freely find many options for standard projects for literally every type of layout. This is very convenient if you have a typical Soviet-style layout, but even if you have a new building or some kind of personal project, then you can definitely find something similar. Now there are ready-made solutions for every taste, you just need to adapt it a little to your desires, since the kitchen should not only be visually attractive and comfortable, but also functional.

You can also contact a modern furniture showroom, express your wishes to them and show them the actual layout in a photo. There they will select furniture for you based on your preferences and financial capabilities, take measurements of the room, assemble the furniture and advise on any issue. This is the simplest option when there is no particular point in remodeling or replacing the finishing, but you only want to make cosmetic repairs and update furniture or appliances.

Well, if you want to approach the matter with full responsibility, then you will have to resort to the second option. Of course, working with programs takes time to learn all the functionality, but today there is a lot of specialized software and online services where everything is intuitive and you can start working in just five minutes.

Properties of materials

When choosing a material for making a kitchen, many focus on its future appearance. But design may not be a primary issue. It is equally important what kind of kitchen is better to make: wooden, chipboard, there are many options. The facade must meet the conditions in the kitchen; it must have:

  1. Moisture resistance.
  2. Durability, including mechanical damage.
  3. Resistance to absorption of foreign odors.
  4. Aesthetics.

Is redevelopment necessary?

This is a purely individual matter, but it is important to understand whether it is necessary to change the geometry of the room and how this change will affect the improvement of its convenience and functionality. To more accurately understand whether redevelopment is necessary, answer the following questions:

  • How many people will use the kitchen at the same time?
  • How actively do you use the kitchen, how often do you cook, or is the kitchen just a place for the refrigerator for you?
  • Is it possible to organize the exit points of all communications differently if they are affected by redevelopment?
  • Will it be possible to hide communications during repairs?
  • If the kitchen is very important and a lot of people constantly gather there, then perhaps it makes sense to combine it with an adjoining room (usually the living room)?

By answering these questions, you will understand whether redevelopment provides at least some advantages. If they exist, then it makes sense to start this business, which many perceive as something complicated and expensive. In fact, the dismantling and construction of partitions does not take much time and does not require large financial investments. The most difficult thing is to correctly distribute communications, so that they are not visible and always function effectively.

Kitchen materials listing

The most preferred material for kitchen furniture is wood. It has high strength, is easy to process and has good performance parameters. Birch, larch, spruce, pine, oak, and walnut are used to make furniture. The most valuable of them are oak and walnut.

The second row contains artificial materials:

  • Medium Density Fiberboard - MDF
  • film medium density fiberboards – film MDF
  • chipboards

The budget price is their common advantage. Negative qualities are associated with their artificial origin. They are subject to deformation, not fire-resistant, and some of them emit odors.

Next comes the exotic “raw materials”, which in a normal situation are poorly associated with furniture. Well, for example, is it possible to make a kitchen out of stone? It turns out yes. It can be made from brick or from champagne corks.

Making a cutting map

Making a cutting map is a necessary condition for how to properly make a kitchen. It represents schematic drawings of kitchen parts that need to be cut out of the material.

For each type of material, the cutting map is individual. To make a cutting map, you can use special software. Sometimes cutting cards are included with the material upon purchase.

Kitchen set assembly

So, when all the parts of the headset are made, you can start assembling. Well, how to make a beautiful kitchen without tools or fittings? They must be prepared in advance. Assembly is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The lower tier is being installed.
  2. Wall cabinets are assembled from blanks.
  3. The table top is being installed.
  4. The sink crashes in.

After successfully completing the assembly of the kitchen set, you will become a master in this matter and the question of how to make a kitchen yourself will no longer be relevant for you.

Photo tips on how to make a kitchen

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