Design of children's rooms in wooden houses

People who care about their health will appreciate the enormous advantages of wooden houses over all others. Wood is able to maintain optimal humidity in the room, creating a unique microclimate. In houses built of wood, there is practically no need to use climate control equipment: air conditioners, heaters, dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and so on. The tree smells. The tone and mood of people living in log houses is much better. Wood has many qualities that we cannot describe, but perceive on a subconscious level. Not in vain, health centers and sanatoriums are usually located in forests!

Maximum natural wood - and the room turns into a dream!

There is no doubt that a child raised in a log house is less likely to develop allergies: timber walls practically do not attract dust. The air in such houses is much better, and the microclimate is natural.

Designing and creating the interior of a children's room is a responsible and complex task.

Features of the design of a nursery in a wooden house

When planning the design of a children's room in wooden houses, it is important to make maximum use of the wood itself. It is good because it requires a minimal amount of finishing. The appearance of logs inside the room creates a coziness that cannot be created in houses made of aerated blocks and concrete.

It is important not to forget about the safety of the materials used, the influence of them and colors on the development and psychological state of the baby.

A children's room in a wooden house can easily be turned into a pirate's cave or a ship's cabin! Stairs and ropes, a bed in the shape of a boat will look organic. Log walls are the best building material for creating a personal palace for a girl or a medieval castle for a young knight inside a country house.

One of the main components of a children's room is its environmental friendliness and lighting.

It should be remembered that the child is growing and very soon he will want to turn from a pirate into a starship commander. Therefore, when creating a narrowly focused interior style, you should use those decorative elements that can be dismantled without much effort and expense.

Important! When decorating a room for a child, you need to use materials with the least toxicity and only those that can be cleaned!

Wooden walls made of logs or boards need not be decorated with anything at all. Properly processed, they are a decoration in themselves.

The room should be designed in accordance with desires, skills, age and hobbies.

There is no need to use multi-layered decorative elements with a porous structure. You won’t surprise your child with this, and it will be difficult to get dust out of them.

You don’t need to be a designer to please your child with the design of a room; it’s important to just know what he likes and what he doesn’t like.

When designing a children's room, the main thing is to follow the rule: cleanliness and convenience! Everything should be easy to wash, easy to remove, easy to fold. Items must not be:

  • traumatic;
  • with a pungent odor;
  • buzzing, flashing;
  • turning on and off independently.

The finishing of wooden walls must be safe for the occupant of the premises; it must be amenable to hygienic cleaning.

A minimum of technology in a child’s room!


Do not forget about such an important point as the choice of lighting fixtures that can emphasize the country style in the children's room. You can use various lamps: chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, provided that they all have forging elements, wicker lampshades or carved wood.

You can purchase special lamps made in the form of barn lanterns or street lighting fixtures.

Important! The main goal of this style of lighting is to create a bright and comfortable space that will attract warmth and bring calmness.

Since wood, which predominates in a country-style nursery, absorbs a sufficient amount of light, the choice must be made in favor of lamps with less heat emission. Their power must be high. Preference can be given to fluorescent or LED lamps.

There are some criteria by which you should choose lighting fixtures for a child’s country room:

A children's room decorated in country style requires the use of exclusively natural materials and calm tones.

You should not resort to sharp contrasting combinations both in color and in terms of the use of materials for finishing walls and floors. It is also important to abandon ultra-modern furniture and give preference to solid wood furniture.


Color scheme for a nursery in a wooden house

Colors for a children's room are one of the important design points. Any child loves bright things, but the selection of bright accents must be approached skillfully. Regardless of how old the child is, deep, saturated colors that “cut” the eyes, especially red and blue, should be avoided. They act stimulating on a subconscious level and, at the same time, depress the psyche. The child's room should be “calm”.

When arranging a room for a child, you should give preference only to natural materials.

It is better to choose pastel shades for painting timber, and add bright colors to the interior using a rug on the floor, pillows, paintings, and storage boxes.

Children's paints should be non-toxic and washable.

Walls made of wood do not require additional finishing at all, because they themselves are already in absolute compliance with environmental standards.

Floor coverings that collect dust should be avoided. The floor should be easy to clean. But a small rug is also necessary. Children love to sit on the floor. A small rug can be easily taken out for cleaning. It should be natural and soft enough.

Covering the walls with wooden clapboard is a completely acceptable option for a nursery.


Room for a teenager in Art Nouveau style

A universal style suitable for children with any hobbies. Unlike minimalism, you can choose any accessories and leave them on display. They are the ones who will add special chic to the space: pillows, paintings and framed photos, stylish lamps and posters with idols.

The main rule is convenience in everything. Transformable furniture, a two-story bed, a wardrobe and a pull-out table - everything that will not clutter the room and will be at hand at the right time. The design of small children's rooms for teenagers is based on this principle.

Style of a children's room in a wooden house

He can be:

  • Classic;
  • Country;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Barbie style";
  • Sports.

These are the ones that are easy to create in a wooden house! Logs and boards are beautiful in themselves.

If design flourishes are not so important for children, then layout is important.

Note! Any style in a child’s room should not be intrusive, depressing or conducive to the development of dark thoughts, since children are very impressionable. If a child loves a hole in the room, it can be set up in a separate corner by putting up a tent. But you shouldn’t turn the entire room into Count Dracula’s cave based on the color scheme. Gloomy colors evoke the same mood. Of course, the child will grow up, and he will get tired of such an interior, but by then he will have already drained all your blood.

A child should spend time with pleasure in his room. It should be his reliable home, pleasing to the eye, giving him a feeling of calm and security.

It is necessary to highlight several main zones that should be different, at least visually.

It is not advisable to leave the walls empty; they are boring for a child. There is no need to paint them white. Even though he is “fair,” the child is unlikely to appreciate this fact.

A teenager’s room should be as close in design as possible to an adult’s, appropriate for their age.

For a girl, pink tones and a “doll” style would be good in the room: a fluffy blanket on the bed, bows and ruffles on the backs of chairs. The little princess will be very happy with a small dressing table with a mirror. The girl will learn to take care of herself without coercion. At such a table your little one will enjoy combing her hair!

A mandatory attribute is a large window, near which you can install a desk.

The young athlete will love a bed in the shape of a car, a rug with a color resembling a soccer ball, pull-up rings, and a mini-basketball basket.

When decorating a small room in a wooden house for a child of any inclination, the Scandinavian style will be ideal. It involves light colors and a minimum of furniture. This means more space for games.

Furniture is selected according to height and needs. This will help maintain correct posture and not damage your vision.


Stylized world map in the interior

The political map of the world is a timeless design option for rooms of an even older generation. Modern versions are not only useful in practice, but also original. A map with an erasable protective layer allows you to mark territories already visited by a young traveler, while a magnetic one invites you to add small photos from trips with your parents. Bright continents will organically fit into the interior of the training area.


Planning a nursery is an important matter. Much more important for a child than design. It should be comfortable, correctly divided into zones.

When ventilating, cold air should not directly hit the sleeping area or desk. Where the child spends a lot of time.

A smart solution is to buy furniture with height adjustment.

Adults have many rooms at their disposal: in this one they sleep, in that one they receive guests and watch TV, in the next one they read, knit, and work. The child has one room for all his needs. Therefore, when arranging it, zoning is important. This is possible with the help of shelving, curtains, furniture, and walls for physical education. The main thing is that all these items are securely fastened, do not pose a danger and do not block natural light. Zoning is necessary if the owners of the room are a boy and a girl.

For each child it is necessary to create his own secluded place.

When planning a nursery in the house, it is important to avoid cluttering the space, complex decorative elements that block the child’s free movement, or collect dust. We must remember that a child likes to try things out, destroy and build. Therefore, in his room there should be no fragile items, easily broken, glass or poorly secured.

A room in light colors looks especially gentle.

Creativity and learning

Two more important components of a child’s leisure time at home, regardless of his age. True, the fullness of this zone is selected depending on age. The criteria are general in any case:

    The most illuminated place. Applies to both natural and artificial light.

A mandatory attribute is a large window, near which you can install a desk

It is better not to skimp on furniture such as a desk, chair and bed.

A creative wall is a great idea for your child

Advice! A smart solution is to buy furniture with adjustable height and tilt of the table top. This will significantly save the family budget.

Furniture selection

The main mistake adults make when choosing furniture is its high cost and uniqueness. Children are unlikely to need this. Furniture should be comfortable and not brand name. It should not be massive, “for centuries”! It should not clutter up space that is so valuable for a child! A bed, a table, a closet for clothes and things is enough for him. There should be space for playing, crawling and running. When buying and arranging furniture, you need to take into account the interests and temperament of the child. If he likes to draw, you can attach a chalk board to the wall or hang large tear-off sheets; if he likes handicrafts, put a comfortable chair.

To teach a child to have order from an early age, it is important to provide convenient storage systems.

A play area is required. This is not just an empty spot on the floor. The play area should have space for educational games and physical education. You can install a wall bars, and, if space does not allow, make a separate horizontal bar, a ladder, hang a punching bag, or put a mat. Even if the room is small, the play area should be separated from the work area. At any age, a child will be distracted from lessons by his favorite toy if it is nearby.

The basic rule that needs to be followed here is pastel shades on the walls, and the accents can be bright.

In general, a small children's room in a private house requires special attention when organizing it. It should not be cluttered and, at the same time, it should have everything necessary for a comfortable life for a little person.

A child of any age needs brightness; without it, the room will quickly become boring and uninteresting.

It requires:

  1. Workplace. After all, from a young age, a child needs somewhere to draw and sculpt.
  2. Comfortable height table and chair
  3. A place to store pencils, albums and other “treasures”
  4. Lamp for studying in the dark.

In a small room, bunk beds would be appropriate if there are two children; or loft beds with a desk located below. The stairs to the top can simultaneously serve as storage cabinets.

Combine colors, but carefully, so as not to make the room repulsive.

If it is impossible to organize a separate room in a country house, you can allocate an attic for this purpose! The attic room itself has mystery and privacy. The child will love it. Attics are beautiful in themselves. Designing a room made of wood will require minimal investment.

A sloping ceiling is ideal for organizing a “starry sky” or a world map. And from the window the child will observe everything “from above.”

If you use materials of different textures, you will be able to give the appearance of the room uniqueness and originality.

In conclusion, we note the important points:

When choosing a room for a child in a private house, you should keep in mind that it should be close to yours and easily accessible. Since the house is made of wood, it is necessary to eliminate any possibility of the child’s access to the fire. If the child is still small, a balcony in the room is undesirable, and the windows must be protected from opening. Care must be taken to ensure that the sockets are located in places inaccessible to the baby. All interior items were thoroughly secured, screwed and nailed. The child should be able to easily get his things: pencils, toys. There should be no equipment in the room that produces constant monotonous or, conversely, sharp sounds. The crib should be placed away from the window, but within its visibility. The table, on the contrary, should be as illuminated as possible.

There is no need to neglect lighting - there cannot be a lot of it in a nursery, it would be better to have more.

The material for the walls of the house is preferably made of coniferous wood. The smell of coniferous trees promotes good sleep and is beneficial for the child’s body. If possible, you should choose a room that does not require artificial cooling or heating. Wooden walls work great for this!

Regardless of the material of the walls, it is important to create absolute comfort and safety for its occupant - this is the main task of parents.

Interior details

Textiles play an important role in the interior of a children's room. With its help, you can emphasize the geometry of lines or focus attention on the shade of color, visually expand or reduce the space.

The use of materials of different textures will help give the interior uniqueness, originality, divide or combine the space. High-quality room lighting is achieved by using various types of lighting fixtures, both ceiling and wall.

A definite highlight will be making your own lamp shades; the original thematic design will add color to the entire room. Pictures drawn by the baby, photographs of the child, posters of favorite characters will add charm and individuality to the interior of the nursery.

Room design for girls at different ages

Children's room for a girl 3-5 years old

At this age, girls simply like everything bright and the brighter the better. But remember that they will pass this age very quickly, and completely redoing the design of a nursery is expensive. We use old tactics - neutral decoration and furniture, bright toys and accessories.

Children love to play on the floor, so the flooring should be warm, soft and easy to care for. For the play area, you need to leave more space, not cluttered with unnecessary objects.

A little girl's room should not have long-pile carpets, heavy curtains, or too many soft toys. These items collect dust, and it is at an early age that chronic respiratory diseases develop. This is not a strict requirement, just don’t go overboard with dust collectors.

Children's room for a girl 6+ years old

School start age. We set up a study area with a desk and bookshelves. Little fashionistas need a spacious closet to store things, since there can be a lot of them, because in addition to everyday clothes, there is a uniform for school. If there is enough free space in the room, then a relaxation area can be arranged for receiving guests by placing a soft ottoman, an armchair or a set of a small table and chairs. A toy storage area is still needed.

At this age, children cannot be torn away from their devices - they literally grow into tablets. It is not advisable to prohibit it, but we advise you to establish rules about this.

Design Approach

What is our goal anyway? Here are 4 ideas that distinguish a cool and well-designed nursery for a girl from an ordinary one:

  1. Unconventional design with different colors, but at the same time compatible with each other. Such that both a child and an adult will like it.
  2. There is no need to redo repairs as they age . Read and look at photos of a teenage girl’s room in order to initially make repairs that can easily be transformed as they grow older.
  3. Gives scope for modification . If a girl wants to hang her drawings, stickers and posters, arrange toys, etc., this should fit harmoniously.
  4. Endures the mess . The room should look acceptable not only if it is in perfect order.


  • Traditionally, the color is selected by gender: for a boy - blue, for a girl - pink. But you shouldn’t think in stereotypes; you can come up with something more interesting, especially if the design of the walls is atypical.

The basic rule that needs to be followed here is pastel shades on the walls, and textiles, toys and other replaceable attributes are bright. A child of any age needs brightness; without it, the room will quickly become boring and uninteresting.

For a child there is no limit to brightness

Advice! Combine colors, but carefully, so as not to make the room repulsive. In addition, some colors have a depressing effect on the psyche, for example, dark blue. Red has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, so there should not be too much of it.

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