How to decorate the interior of a corridor: useful tips and 100 beautiful photos

Design of a corridor in an apartment - photo

Despite the complexity of the task, there are much more options for designing a corridor than it seems at first glance. We invite you to see this clearly with our selection of design projects!

Modern corridor in apartment 2020

In 2022, two interesting trends are being observed in modern interiors that will come in handy in the hallway. The first is soft contrasts: for example, beige and gray instead of white and black. The second is the blue color in all its diversity, with which the room immediately seems cooler, more spacious and fresh.

Design of a small corridor in an apartment

In a small corridor, the first thing you need to do is minimize furniture and any objects in general. Carefully analyze what you can’t give up and what you can throw out or move to another room. When decorating, use design tricks: for example, vertical lines visually raise the ceilings, and horizontal lines push the walls apart.

Wallpaper for the corridor in the apartment

Wallpaper in the hallway is not the most practical covering, but if it is spacious enough, it can be done. Just be sure to choose durable and wear-resistant collections, preferably ones that are washable and can be painted. These are vinyl and non-woven fabrics, or a new trend of recent seasons - glass wallpaper.

Design of a narrow corridor in an apartment

Your task when decorating a narrow corridor is to visually expand the room, and expressive straight lines will help with this. Choose tiles that match wooden planks and lay them perpendicular to narrow walls. Install spotlights and any other pronounced horizontal lines in the same way. Make the wall opposite the door an accent wall, and arrange the furniture so that high and low elements alternate chaotically, and there is no illusion of an elongated straight line.

Bright corridor in the apartment

Light shades are your best friend when decorating corridors, because they compensate for the lack of natural light. You don’t have to limit yourself to white and milky, because you have the whole pastel range at your disposal. For example, warm and cozy vanilla or delicate and airy pale cornflower blue.

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What furniture is needed in the hallway

We are talking about small hallways or corridors. There is a section of the wall where you can put something, maybe only a meter or so wide. If this is your option, you need a mini hallway. A coat rack with a small bedside table and a chest of drawers with a mirror. Models of mini-hallways are straight and angular. Some take up very little space - 45 cm from the corner.

Mini hallways for the corridor

If the space for storing things in the apartment is really bad, you can use the space above the door by making something like a mezzanine there. The sensations upon entering will be strange, but there is no time for subtleties.

If the area is a little larger, you can add a closet. It won't be superfluous at all. It’s also nice to have a bench that you can sit on and put on/take off your shoes. An open shelf is desirable for hats; a spacious drawer is desirable for gloves, scarves and other similar items. Moreover, so that things in the box do not get confused and mixed, it is better to divide it into sections.

A slightly larger corridor can also accommodate a closet

If there is still free space, place a shoe rack. It can be in the form of a narrow chest of drawers with folding drawers or in the form of a bedside table with inclined wire shelves. Both options are not bad. This arrangement can hardly be called compact hallways in the corridor, but it is not a super large set.

Also note that the furniture in the hallway can be angular. There is usually a closet in the corner, but you can put a hanger or chest of drawers there and hang a mirror above them. This option - with a corner chest of drawers - is definitely for modular-type hallways. You won't find this in ready-made versions.

Corner hallway makes efficient use of space

Please note that the corner hallway can also be of the “mini” category. If you only have a free corner between two doorways and the free walls are no more than a meter in size, consider installing a radial corner hallway. They are made only with sliding/sliding doors or without them at all.

Radial hallways from the “mini” category

The bad news is that radial furniture is not an economical option. It is made to order. You won't find it in ready-made or modular categories.


Color correction is the most popular technique for changing the geometry of any room. If you want to visually make a large corridor smaller and make it more comfortable, use warm shades: ecru (a combination of white with yellow and gray), earth colors (brown, olive, yellowish-green), sunny colors (gold, mustard, amber, honey). An interesting effect appears when the walls and floor are decorated in contrast. This way you can visually limit the space.

How to find furniture for a small hallway or hallway

One of the most “exploited” places in the apartment is the hallway. This is the place that the first person sees when entering an apartment or house. The hallway gives the first impression of your home. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the design. In old-style apartments there is not even such a thing as an entrance hall. There is only a corridor. This is what they use as a room in which they undress and dress. Only small-sized, specially selected furniture will fit into such a space.

Small hallways in the corridor - convenience and functionality

In this usually small room, seasonal clothes are stored, and sometimes out-of-season clothes; shoes and outerwear are left here. And that’s why we also need to take care of functionality and convenience. If you consider that the hallway area in standard apartments is far from inflated, it becomes clear that the task ahead will not be easy. There are three possibilities to equip small hallways in the corridor. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Custom hallway

Ordering the manufacture of furniture for the hallway according to your dimensions and requirements is a wonderful option, which, if ordered correctly, will allow you to optimally use the available space. You can order the style you need - Japanese, loft with craquelure, Versailles, etc.

Ordering a hallway is a good option, but it costs money

The downside is that the cost of such furniture is quite high and you have to wait several weeks, or maybe several months, for the furniture to be made. There is another pitfall - choosing a company. If you have experience - you have already placed an order and the quality suits you, or you have recommendations from friends/acquaintances, everything is easier. Otherwise, you will have to hope that your instinct will not let you down.

Ready kit

This is a budget option - small-sized hallways in the corridor sometimes cost not eight thousand (but there are also much more expensive ones, it all depends on the size and composition of the furniture included). Factories produce a number of ready-made sets of cabinet furniture for small hallways. They usually include a cabinet with a mirror, a hanger, and a wardrobe with hinged or sliding doors can be added. They are available in assembled form on the windows of furniture stores; they will bring you exactly the same one, but in the form of planks. You can also pay for assembly or assemble it yourself.

Ready-made small-sized hallways in the corridor

The advantage is that you can get such furniture within a day. They saw, they paid, they bought. The kit will be delivered to you on the same day or the next. Cons: standard design, fixed color, design, inability to change anything to suit your tastes.

Modular hallway

This is also ready-made furniture, the only difference is that the factory produces a line of furniture in the same style. All elements are combined in size, style, color. For example, several open hangers of different widths/heights, with slightly different designs. There are several cabinets of different sizes, with one or two doors, with and without drawers, with mirrors of different shapes. Several cabinets, straight and corner, differing in size, type of door opening, and the presence/absence of a mirror on the facade. Several bedside tables, shoe racks, chests of drawers, benches. And all this is combined with each other.

Sample set of modular hallway

From these elements, like from a construction set, you can assemble a hallway of the size and composition you need. Without any restrictions. If you want two hangers, that’s your right. All you need is a wardrobe and a banquette - that's also welcome. From such a set small-sized hallways can be assembled into a corridor to suit any size and desire. All this is available in finished form (packed planks) in the warehouse. Several such packages with selected fragments will be delivered to you.

Modular hallways allow you to select the components you need

Any functionality and size

A traditional hallway set contains a small wardrobe, a cabinet with a mirror and a hanger

Variations on a theme

Not a bad option and inexpensive. The furniture is manufactured at the factory and consists of pieces of the same shape and size, which reduces the cost of its production. That’s why modular hallways are inexpensive. In addition, popular lines can be available in several colors. You can even take elements of different colors. If that's what you want...

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