Kitchen project: ideas that will help you plan your space correctly



Before you start renovating a room, you should consider many nuances. Visualization of the space and a well-thought-out layout design will help not only determine the required amount of materials, but also approximately calculate the costs of repairs. When creating a kitchen project, you need to think about the correct arrangement of furniture and appliances, and the placement of necessary items. To develop a plan, you don’t have to contact a designer - you can do it yourself.

The creation of a kitchen project must be approached with maximum responsibility.

Why is it recommended to create a drawing of the kitchen in advance?

Even with the help of a basic kitchen layout project drawn on paper or graph paper, you can visually get an idea of ​​the future situation in the room. At the same time, it is not recommended to start work immediately after drawing up the project; it should be postponed and after a few days return to the plan again. Over time, it will become clear whether such a project is suitable or not, and, most likely, you will want to add or remove something to it. The plan will make it possible to think through the possible combination of a kitchen and a room (or balcony), which will significantly expand the boundaries of the room.

A pre-prepared project will help you get a general idea of ​​the future kitchen.

Helpful advice! Doing a kitchen project from scratch can be a daunting task, but it often requires getting started to get results. Usually, after the first details are applied, creative thought begins to work, which quickly develops and helps to complete the layout.

A finished kitchen project will provide an opportunity to solve a large number of problems that arise in the process of planning a room renovation. With its help, you can rationally place pieces of furniture and household appliances, which will allow you to wisely use the usable area of ​​​​the room.

Thanks to preliminary planning, you can immediately determine how much furniture will fit in the room, so that there is enough space for free movement and comfortable cooking. Also, the number of household appliances that fit comfortably into the dimensions of the kitchen is thought out in advance. This step will save you from buying unnecessary or inappropriately sized household appliances.

Thanks to the project, you can intelligently manage the space of the room

The kitchen design picture must necessarily include the location of communications. Thanks to this, it will become clear how to distribute the workspace taking into account the outlet of water and gas pipes. This will help you plan the placement of household appliances correctly. At the same time, it is not necessary to focus attention on the sockets, because during the repair stage they can be placed in any place where it is needed.

If you don’t just draw a kitchen design on a piece of paper, but create a full-fledged 3D design, then, in addition to calculating the required dimensions of the kitchen set, appliances and other furniture, you can decide in advance on the color of the walls and furniture and even the placement of your favorite decorative elements. The finished 3D visualization will allow you to admire the picture of the finished kitchen and decide whether you need to leave your ideas unchanged or whether you need to make some adjustments.

On the Internet, including on large furniture websites, there are design programs with which you can create a free kitchen design project. Often, this requires simply registering on the site. The most popular is the PRO100 program, which has a free trial version.

Using special programs you can create a full-fledged 3D kitchen design

If you decide to do a kitchen project yourself, then a person receives the following benefits:

  • the kitchen set fits perfectly into the parameters of the room, since the dimensions and configuration of the room were taken into account;
  • the entire area of ​​the room is used correctly;
  • the result is an individual kitchen design, one of a kind;
  • money is saved on the cost of furniture (if it was decided to assemble the kitchen set yourself).

Drawing Options

The kitchen drawing includes not only a schematic representation of the room itself, but also a display of communication lines, the location of the set, its parts and an assembly diagram (for self-made furniture). The following technically important parameters must be displayed on paper:

  1. Dimensions and area of ​​the room.
  2. Location of window openings and their sizes to scale.
  3. Direction of communication lines (electrical lines, water supply, sewerage, gas for the stove). Particular attention is paid to these criteria, because the entire layout of the future kitchen depends entirely on the location of communications.
  4. Model of the future furniture set and its shape, features of production and assembly. For example, a drawing of a corner kitchen can be displayed in several different variations, which have meaning in practice.

The next factor is not necessary for independent drawing, but it is better to pay special attention to it. It is important to display all the features of the interior decoration of the kitchen space on a pre-drawn diagram in order to carry out repair work strictly according to the specified points.

What you need to complete a kitchen sketch

If the goal of the work is not only to create a general interior concept, but also to develop a detailed plan of the kitchen space indicating furniture and household appliances (taking into account their individual parameters), you will have to create a kitchen project in several different versions. It is necessary to show a top view, a side view, and perform an expansion of the walls, which shows the placement and required number of sockets, as well as lighting items.

It is recommended to create a room project from different angles

Before designing a kitchen and creating a project, you need to carefully take detailed measurements of the kitchen space. You need to understand that this action is carried out after renovation for final finishing, since if moving and leveling of the walls is required, this will significantly change the configuration of the space and affect other parameters.

At the planning stage, the walls and floor should be level, and there should be nothing unnecessary in the kitchen, including construction waste. Only in an empty room can you correctly measure all angles and distances. To take measurements of the room, you need to have a pencil, a sheet of paper or graph paper, an eraser, a tape measure or a construction rangefinder on hand. To obtain detailed information about a room, follow these steps:

  • measure the width and length of the walls;
  • find out the height of the ceiling;
  • take measurements of window openings and doors;
  • determine the parameters of protrusions or niches.

To get a high-quality result, you need to take accurate measurements.

In addition, you need to carefully measure items that cannot be moved, these include gas meters, a radiator, a ventilation outlet, and a gas boiler. In addition to the sizes, you need to know the distance from these objects to the key lines. Usually this is the floor or one of the corners of the room - more often the outer corner located near the door is taken. If a kitchen design with a corner layout is being created, then, in addition to standard measurements, the perpendicularity of the walls is additionally measured.

When measuring a wall, it is recommended to mark off intermediate points. One point is usually located at the level of the future countertop, the standard height of which is 800-850 mm. In some cases, depending on the person’s height, this parameter is changed. The second point is set at the level of human height, where the installation of wall cabinets will be planned. It is important to place these points in different places on the wall and connect them using a level to avoid curvature. It is recommended to first apply all the resulting elements manually onto paper, even if you plan to carry out the project on a computer.

A kitchen sketch can be made either manually or using a special program.

Helpful advice! Interior designers often use millimeters as units of measurement, so it is better to immediately carry out all calculations in these units.

Features of creating a kitchen drawing: what to put on it and what scale to use

After all the measurements have been taken, you should start creating a drawing. To do this, you need to transfer the obtained indicators onto paper or into a special program, choosing the most appropriate scale. It should be taken into account that a too large scale is inconvenient to use due to the large size of the picture, and if the scale is chosen too small, the picture will be inconvenient to read. As an optimal option, civil engineers recommend using a ratio of 1:10 or 1:20.

If the scale-coordinate markings are done correctly, then creating a kitchen project with dimensions will be quite simple. When developing this sketch, all measurements are transferred to paper - the result is a plan of the kitchen space, showing the view from above. On the drawing it is necessary to mark the location of door and window openings, as well as protruding objects.

It is recommended to create a kitchen drawing on a scale of 1:10 or 1:20

Here they draw and mark with the help of signs the outlets of water pipes, ventilation holes, and heating systems. It is important to correctly depict the distance from objects to walls. After transferring the information to the plan-drawing, you need to additionally enter the kitchen and once again check the drawn sketch and the room, make sure that not a single object is lost. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to at least visually check the marked distances.

The second stage of creating a kitchen sketch: drawing out the walls

To make the design of a kitchen in a house or apartment the most informative, it is recommended to show the layout of the walls in the second sketch to visualize the side view of the kitchen. A side scan of the walls is needed in order to depict the surfaces of the walls on a scale, on which it will then be convenient to draw a drawing of the kitchen set and mark the location of the dining group. The development is considered the most convenient tool, using which it is easy to indicate the placement and positioning of shelves, kitchen cabinets and cabinets, as well as the location of household and lighting fixtures.

Archicad and Revit programs are used to create a layout of the kitchen walls.

To create a floor plan, interior designers use special programs such as Archicad and Revit. Of course, if you approach design creation professionally, you will need to study all the nuances of how programs work. However, to create a basic kitchen project, it is enough to watch videos containing simple instructions for working with the programs.

Important! When creating your own drawing, it is first recommended to look at photos of kitchen projects with dimensions that best match the required characteristics.

It is convenient to indicate the placement of kitchen furniture on the wall layout

In addition to using programs, you can do the planning manually using a pencil and graph paper. To do this, you need to draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper, its height (in scale ratio) should be equal to the height of the wall, and its length should be equal to the size of the wall that is of greatest importance in the interior. Having chosen the required distance from the floor and corner, you need to draw window and door openings, draw a battery and other objects that cannot be moved. The scan should be performed for each wall separately. The main thing is to draw a general plan of the kitchen, where each wall is marked with a specific letter.

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Various interior styles, features of layout and selection of furniture. Photos of kitchens.

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How to create a kitchen sketch taking into account furniture arrangement

Before you make a kitchen yourself, you need to think about the overall concept of the room. To do this, you should decide what equipment will be mandatory in the kitchen, how the main elements of the working triangle are located: refrigerator, hob and sink. You need to determine in advance the area for installing the dining group, which should not overlap with the workplace, as well as the shape of the kitchen unit and the placement of cabinets.

Important! Wall cabinets must be hung on a stronger load-bearing wall. The installation option is selected depending on the type of material from which the building is constructed.

After several sketches have been drawn that show the kitchen from different angles, you need to fill the space with virtual pieces of furniture. Before you start drawing furniture on the diagram, it is recommended to first make copies of the drawings so that in case of an error you do not have to re-draw the room.

Designers recommend starting to think through a sketch from the moment you arrange large furniture and large household appliances. To create a three-dimensional image without using a computer, mock-ups are made to a certain scale from cardboard or other durable material. You can make scale models using standard dimensions of kitchen furniture:

  • the internal depth of wall cabinets is usually not planned to exceed 350 mm, more often it is 300 mm;
  • the internal depth of cabinets standing on the floor is 460-500 mm;
  • tabletop depth – 600 mm;
  • the cabinet under the sink is at least 550 mm, which depends on the specific configuration of the kitchen.

On the kitchen sketch you can indicate the standard sizes of furniture and appliances

It is not difficult to depict household appliances, but you should decide on the models in advance and view their parameters on the pages of online stores. If you do not need to save space, then it is better to choose equipment of standard sizes rather than shortened or narrow models. You need to place layouts with an eye on the outputs of the necessary communications, because the farther the sink is placed from the drain, and the gas stove from the gas pipe, the more time it will take to expand or transfer communications.

After drawing all the items, it will become clear what dimensions of the kitchen table are suitable for installation, and the convenience of the configuration of the working triangle will be assessed and the free area that will be formed after installing everything necessary will be calculated. If, when looking at the plan, it becomes clear that there is too little space left for unhindered movement, then already at this stage you should decide which items can be discarded.

Once it is clear where and what items to place, you need to attach pre-prepared paper layouts to the drawing and trace them with a thin pencil. Measurements of key distances are converted to scale and also plotted on paper. The result of all this work is a finished kitchen scheme that was developed independently. Below you can see finished projects of 5x5 m kitchens with furniture and appliances installed.

Image of communication lines

A mandatory element on the plan diagram is the direction of power lines, water supply, sewerage and gas (if there is a gas stove). Also on a separate sheet are the locations of outlet points, distribution boxes, electrical panels and switch keys.

Be sure to place all water supply taps and sewer pipes, heating pipes and appliances on the diagram. In the future, these parameters may be needed in the event of a malfunction or new repairs or redevelopment of the kitchen space.

Kitchen project: how to properly manage space

In order not to miss anything when creating a preliminary project, it is necessary to divide the kitchen space into main sections in advance. This includes a work area, storage space for food and kitchen utensils, as well as a corner for installing a dining group. The main requirement when creating any plan is that you should not place large furniture or appliances near the window, so as not to interfere with the free penetration of natural light.

Whatever kitchen layout option is chosen, the main task is to organize a convenient and functional working triangle, on the tops of which a refrigerator, sink, stove or hob are placed. Be sure to leave a little work surface between the main items so that there is room for laying out food. It is not recommended that the longest side of the triangle exceed 2.5 meters, otherwise the time allocated for cooking will be wasted.

The main thing when designing a kitchen is to create a comfortable working triangle

Helpful advice! If there is less than 90-120 mm left for free movement in the kitchen, you should reconsider the design and change it, because in such a kitchen it will not only be inconvenient to move, but there will also be difficulties with opening cabinet doors and the refrigerator, as well as with drawing out drawers.

It is also important to understand the correct placement of major household appliances. For example, if we are talking about a very small kitchen project of 2x2 m, it is impossible to create a working triangle in accordance with the rules. If space is limited, it is strictly forbidden to place the hob close to the sink. It is better for the sink to be located next to the refrigerator and separated by at least a minimal countertop from the food preparation area.

Main types of kitchen space layouts: choosing an option depending on the area

Before you start planning the arrangement of kitchen furniture, you need to study the configuration features and dimensions of the room, taking into account all the niches and irregularities. The basis of any layout is the creation of a comfortable work area in which everything you need is at hand. If you organize the food preparation area correctly, this process will take much less time. Depending on the placement of the kitchen group, there are several kitchen layout options described below.

Island kitchen - the best option for a kitchen with a large area

Linear layout. It is considered a suitable option when designing a kitchen of 10 m² or less. In this case, all the necessary kitchen furniture is placed along one of the walls, while the opposite wall is used to install a kitchen table of such dimensions that there is enough space for free passage. The disadvantage of this option is the impossibility of organizing a convenient working triangle. Below is a series of photos of kitchen projects 9 sq. m.

Parallel. Suitable for organizing narrow kitchens, where furniture is conveniently placed along opposite walls in two rows. Here the sink and stove are placed against one wall, and the refrigerator against the other. The result of this organization of the room is a regular working triangle. Such projects are especially suitable for kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, which tend to have a small total area of ​​the apartment.

U-shaped layout. An ideal solution for organizing medium-sized rooms - from 8 to 15 m². Studying photos of kitchen projects 12 sq. m, you can see that the furniture is installed near three walls, while the fourth remains free. This creates a triangle with one elongated side.

L-shaped kitchen suitable for medium-sized rooms

L-shaped. It is relevant to use in spacious kitchens with an area of ​​12-15 m², which have a rectangular or square shape. In this case, two functional zones of the working triangle are located near one wall, and the third is placed on a perpendicular wall. Most photos of corner kitchen designs show that a dining group is placed in an unused corner, often with a corner sofa.

Ostrovnaya. Suitable for organizing kitchen design from 15 m² in size. Two work areas are placed on the main wall, and the third is placed on the island - most often there is either a sink or a hob. Often the island is used as a small dining table for quick snacks.

Important! The type of layout is influenced not only by the size of the room, but also by the configuration features. Therefore, before deciding on a layout, you need to decide how functional it will be in a particular kitchen.

Decorative finishing

Do-it-yourself kitchen decor is carried out according to an individual project, based on the original plan.

Decorative furniture fittings, adhesive PVC film, acrylic paint, furniture varnish, and decoupage techniques are often used as finishing elements.

When making furniture from natural wood, it is recommended to impregnate the parts with stain or a protective compound before assembly.

A creative approach will ultimately allow you to create not only functional, but also original furniture.

Features of creating a design project for a kitchen combined with a living and dining room

By creating a kitchen-living room design in the interior of an apartment, you can use more space to accommodate the necessary furniture and appliances. As a result of combining the rooms, a spacious room is formed, which will be enough to receive a large number of guests. To create a kitchen-dining room project, you should not only prepare for significant financial and labor costs, but you will also need to visit certain authorities, document the redevelopment and protect yourself from problems that may arise in the future.

Before combining the kitchen and living room in one room, you need to take into account the fact that you will have to abandon the centralized gas supply in favor of electricity, because according to the standards, there should be no gas installations in the residential premises. It is also prohibited to bring pipes that are responsible for water supply and drainage into the living room area.

Combining the kitchen with the living room and dining room will allow you to get more space

To avoid these problems, many designers advise using a trick and not tearing down the entire wall that separates the spaces. The best option is to demolish part of the wall, where sliding doors are then installed. This step will allow you to avoid some documentary problems, and will also make it possible to make the kitchen a completely isolated room. On the Internet you can see a good selection of photos of kitchens and living rooms together.

How to zone rooms: photos of the interiors of a kitchen-living room of 20 sq. m

In a combined space, it is important to perform competent zoning, which can be done not only with the help of a sliding door, but also through the use of different floor coverings or surface colors. An interesting option for delimiting space is to move the kitchen onto a podium, which is located slightly above the living room level. The disadvantage of this option is the inconvenience of cleaning, as well as the likelihood of injury from a kind of step.

If we are talking about organizing a private home, then in this case you can dispose of your personal space at your own request. More often, in a private home, the living room, kitchen and dining room are not separated by solid walls, and false walls or shelving are used for zoning. According to the rules for arranging rooms, the kitchen is located first, then the living room and dining room. If we are talking about arranging a trapezoidal space, then the rooms are located at an angle on each side of the kitchen.

Helpful advice! If you look at photos of the interiors of a kitchen-living room in a private house, you will notice that an indispensable attribute of the premises is a beautiful fireplace installed in the living room area. It will help create a cozy atmosphere in the room.

When combining rooms, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of this project option. The main problem is the noise of household appliances. The refrigerator, dishwasher, blender and meat grinder are considered the loudest appliances that can interfere with communication between people in the living room area. Another problem is the need to constantly maintain order in the kitchen, because it is, in fact, part of the living room. You also need to take into account that if you purchase a hood that is not too powerful, then all the odors from the kitchen will immediately enter the living room area.

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