6 sustainable trends in kitchen design 2022 (and 4 current styles)

Fashion can be approached in different ways. It does not oblige you to anything, but at the same time it provides an excellent opportunity to update your kitchen design, gain modern ideas and unusual solutions. Interior exhibitions were held in Paris and Milan, and now we can take stock of the main new products and trends for the coming 2022.

What you should pay attention to when choosing

What is a modern kitchen? Figuratively speaking, this is functionality and ergonomics dressed in perfect form. Eco-friendliness and simplicity are another couple of fundamental principles that must be taken into account in trendy cuisine. Man has realized all the beauty and impeccability of nature and tries to surround himself with things that remind him of it, without compromising modern concepts of comfort. In addition, the following features are trending:

Mixing styles

This is a wonderful moment when you can and even need to mix several different directions in order to get something of your own, special. We take facades made of natural veneer, give them a strict geometric shape, remove the handles, making the surface completely smooth - and voila, we have a mix of classics and minimalism. And this can be done with absolutely any direction, using its most recognizable features and mixing it with elements of another style. The main thing is to know when to stop.

Combination of bright colors

A rich palette competes quite successfully with classic and natural colors this season. Designers are actively using the new norm: three or more colors within one set. But in this relationship, one of the colors is the main one, the others support it without causing dissonance. In this case, the main markers for attracting attention can be facades, kitchen apron, plinth and other structural elements (see photo).

Contrasting tones

A great trick is to play with space by painting the kitchen in colors that “argue” with each other. It is important to remember here that for a small kitchen it is preferable to choose a light top and a dark bottom, while for a large area any combination is acceptable without violating the law of harmony.


An unshakable rule over which fashion has no power. Yes, the kitchen interior of 2022 is first of all beautiful, but it is also thought out from a practical point of view. This is achieved by various storage systems, containers placed in drawers and cabinets, retractable carousels for hard-to-reach places, and convenient and reliable fittings. All these options can be selected to suit your requirements, making the kitchen the way you want it to be.

Storage systems

The kitchen should be as functional as possible. Therefore, designers in projects pay special attention to storage systems. In 2022, in a fashionable kitchen interior, if you read real photos of already prepared projects and new trends, the following will be popular:

  • Pencil cases. Kitchens with a large number of cabinets and compartments included in the furniture are a trend for the new year. Many manufacturers began to hide drawer doors in the side cavities, simplifying the operation of the kitchen unit and making it more attractive. In addition, this solution allows the housewife to easily access the coffee machine, water filter or mixer installed in such boxes.
  • Drawers. The main requirement is that the drawers be able to withstand up to 70 kg and extend to a length of up to 60 cm. At the same time, they should not fall out of the grooves.
  • Tall cabinets. They will look good in spacious and rectangular kitchens, where you can install furniture along the length. At the same time, upper cabinets are often divided into two floors, thus increasing the usable area.
  • Open shelves. Designers additionally decorate the space with lighting. On such shelves it is convenient to place spices, pots of flowers or decorative elements.
  • Extended floor handles. They will look good both on the set and on wardrobes, chests of drawers and sideboards for dishes. The advantages of handles include their smooth geometry, with which they can emphasize the rigor and sophistication of any design.

The 2022 kitchen design project is a unique combination of functionality and style. With a competent approach to the design of the room, the selection and arrangement of furniture, you will be able to get a cozy space where it is convenient not only to do household chores, but also to have a good time.

Small kitchen design

If your kitchen has a small area, you are faced with a difficult but completely solvable task. To make the space as adaptable as possible for comfortable use, use the following reminder:

  • your choice is light colors and shades. This applies to both the design of basic surfaces - walls, ceilings, floors, and the selection of furniture. Light colors visually expand the space, add air and light to the interior;
  • thoughtful functionality. Even at the stage of repair and creating a design layout, think about where household appliances, dishes, and necessary utensils will be located. Each thing should have its own strictly defined place. Try to hide behind cabinet fronts small objects that create a feeling of chaos;
  • use practical solutions. Turn your window sill into a bar counter and don't give up on the idea of ​​a folding table. Let the features of your layout tell you or your designer how to get the most out of a small area;
  • large accents. It is quite acceptable to use contrasting inclusions in the design: rich upholstery on chairs, designer lamps, colorful panels. But this should be done in doses, in no case creating visual overload.

Large kitchen design

Happy owners of large kitchens also need to take into account a number of recommendations that suggest how to harmoniously organize the use of a spacious room:

  • divide the space into zones: a work area for cooking, a dining room for meals and a cozy place for relaxing with a cup of tea or coffee and intimate conversations. This will help not only with the choice of furniture and arrangement of household appliances, but also with the placement of significant details;
  • Consider ease of use so that the housewife does not make unnecessary movements when preparing food. The rule of the triangle “stove - sink - work surface” applies here. This is especially true for spacious rooms. When these three objects are in close proximity to each other, the comfort of using such a kitchen increases significantly;
  • The most preferred way to arrange furniture in a large kitchen is island or U-shaped. Although nothing will prevent you from choosing a straight or angular headset, it all depends on the layout features.

And finally, a large kitchen can be decorated in either light or dark colors. The main thing is to correctly place color accents in order to correctly present the advantages of a spacious room.

Features of finishing kitchen spaces

There are some important features to consider when choosing a finish. For each surface there are certain nuances:

  1. Walls. It was noted that a suitable palette is light. An excellent solution would be standard painting. It is important that the walls are smooth and free of defects. The design depends on the chosen style. If this is a modern direction, you can choose to imitate concrete or brick surfaces. A practical option would be to use wall panels. They are easy to care for and can withstand difficult conditions, including temperature changes and humidity.
  2. Ceiling. For a perfectly flat surface, a tension or suspended structure is preferred. They will allow you to conveniently install spotlights in the desired areas. Different lighting levels will allow you to change the atmosphere in the room throughout the day. The lamps can be rotating, with the ability to change the angle. A ceiling of different levels will help highlight several segments, separating the work and dining areas.
  3. Floor. Tiles are the most popular for kitchens due to their properties. It tolerates humidity and temperature differences well, is wear-resistant, lasts a long time and is not afraid of mechanical stress. It is easy to care for, therefore it is considered an ideal option for this space. Modern technologies make parquet more accessible for spaces with difficult conditions. If this option is too expensive, you should use laminate.

It has become fashionable to use laminate flooring for ceiling decoration. The interior will be more harmonious if the same panels are laid on the floor in the dining area

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Which style suits you

The time for faceless, boring headsets is over. The modern market offers a wide selection of kitchen furniture made in a variety of styles. There is no need to limit yourself here - choose the direction that best reflects your preferences and ideas about convenience and coziness. You can even safely combine elements from different styles, getting truly unique solutions. Here's a quick guide to some of today's most popular styles.


Characterized by straight lines and minimalist finishing. Functionality and strict aesthetics reign in it. Favorite additional materials are glass, metal, glossy plastic. In other words, modernity, or, as it is otherwise called, modern style, includes everything that is far from the classics. This is the pursuit of simplicity while maintaining practicality and ergonomics. The attitude towards color in Art Nouveau is democratic. This could be a steel-gray palette, as shown in the photo, or bright shades of blue, cherry, green combined with a neutral base. Here you can play with color without fear of going beyond the boundaries and seeming tasteless, the main thing is to do it wisely and with the help of a professional designer.

High tech

It will please those who love brevity, strict geometry, and smooth facades without any finishing. This style has a lot of light and air; household appliances are not hidden behind cabinet fronts, but are displayed. High-tech is futuristic, anticipates the future and suits bold, dynamic people who are accustomed to being ahead of their time. The use of contrasting classic colors is relevant here - white, black and its many shades (gray, ash blue), chocolate.


Embodies the breath of the rural province. This is a cozy style that will make you fall in love with its cute details and love for eco-friendly materials. Natural wood, sometimes carelessly processed or artificially aged, peeling paint on the facades, cabinets with stained glass, figured elements - these are significant signs of this style. The color scheme is natural, in muted brown-sand tones. Although it is also appropriate to use white, turquoise and their many variations.


Came to us from the era of the industrial boom. This is something between a factory warehouse and a space maximally adapted for living. The loft-style kitchen has brick walls, concrete ceilings, wooden floors, open communications, there are no curtains or curtains on the large windows, and the furniture has smooth (often glossy) surfaces, with an abundance of open shelves and movable modules. The color palette is classic - shades of natural wood, stone, granite, and marble predominate. The use of bright accents is minimized or absent altogether.

How to choose a color for the kitchen

The current color is, perhaps, one of the fundamental points that characterizes the kitchen as stylish, fashionable and modern. What do the latest trends dictate for us in 2022 in this regard? Since naturalness is at the peak of fashion, the choice of materials with a natural texture becomes preferable. These are wood, stone, granite, marble. Therefore, fashionable colors and their shades are also as close as possible to those found in nature: gray, brown, white, black. But if your soul persistently demands a riot of colors, act more boldly. Rich colors do not give up their positions, remaining the same in demand among a large number of buyers. Let's take a closer look at the most common colors and their characteristics.


The undisputed leader among trendy kitchen colors. It creates the volume of space, a feeling of purity, freedom, and abundance of air. White gloss is just as popular as white matte, but both equally require increased attention from the owner and careful care.


A great idea for creating a strict, intimate space, usually diluted with contrasting colors. He is elegant, strict and very attractive. And not as demanding as white.


An absolute hit in fashion design. Practical, calm - an impeccable background for arranging interesting accents. Allows you to concentrate and will be in trend for decades.


Selecting strong and dynamic personalities. The widest range of shades: from scarlet and rich burgundy to soft coral. Color perfectly refreshes the environment, imparts special energy, and creates tone. Not suitable for those who often go on diets, as it stimulates appetite.


Also available in a large family of similar shades, it creates magnificent rich interiors. Being in such a kitchen is a pure pleasure for the eyes and soul. Laconic, but at the same time rich, pure color improves performance and helps those who watch their diet.


Modern kitchens - 2022 - offer a wide selection of different solutions. But these ideas are based on functionality, convenience and aesthetics. Uniqueness and difference are in trend. A kitchen is a place with a special character and style that reflects the tastes, interests and preferences of its owner. This is the territory of creativity, creativity, dynamics. Now the ideal environment has been created to bring all your wildest ideas into reality, without fear of falling outside the generally accepted norms. Dare, be creative, create a kitchen that is pleasant to be in. This is a fascinating story with a happy ending.

Author: MF Maria


A fashionable kitchen interior in 2022 should be thought out to the smallest detail. One element that deserves special attention is the pendants. They perform several functions at once:

  • fill the kitchen with light;
  • complement the design;
  • make the kitchen visually more spacious.

Manufacturers produce different types of pendants, so you can choose a suitable lamp for almost any design.

If the project does not provide for suspensions, this does not mean that it will not be possible to create a suitable ambiance. The following are still trending:

  • sconce;
  • neon ribbons;
  • Spotlights;
  • floor lamps

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the main light, which is played by a large chandelier or several lamps at once.

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