Corner wardrobe for the nursery - what you need to know to make the right choice

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Andrey May 22, 2018Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

The task of every parent is to decorate the children's room beautifully and functionally. A corner cabinet is an excellent assistant in this matter; the only thing is that you need to choose it correctly. Therefore, I propose to understand what the advantage of corner cabinets is, what types they come in and how to choose the right furniture.

Corner wardrobe - the optimal solution for a children's room

Advantages of a corner cabinet

Why a corner cabinet? The fact is that this furniture has several important advantages:

  • Compactness. As a rule, children's rooms are not spacious, so compactness is an important selection factor. The furniture in question is installed in a corner, so it does not take up much usable space.

Corner furniture is compact

  • Safety. The corner cabinet does not have external sharp or right corners, so there is no risk of injury. True, this advantage applies only to triangular or pentagonal models.
  • Practicality. In terms of practicality, a corner cabinet is not inferior to ordinary wall cabinets.
  • Original attractive look. Corner cabinets, although not uncommon, look more interesting and original than ordinary ones.

Thus, if there is a free corner in the children's room, it is more advisable to buy a corner cabinet. But how to choose it? We'll talk about this in more detail below.

A wardrobe in a children's room should be multifunctional

Opening system

There are several basic cabinet opening systems:

  • Hinged doors. The classic version, the doors are installed on metal hinges. Such cabinets are easy to use, but require more free space to open the doors.
  • Coupe (sliding). A sliding wardrobe for a children's room is the most modern and practical solution. The cabinet is equipped with sliding fronts that move along guide rails. Such models attract with a more modern design and compactness. They do not require additional space to open the doors. The facades can be mirrored, decorated with photo printing or various patterns.
  • Harmonic. The doors are made of several parts that fold like an accordion. When opening and closing, they require additional free space, but not as much as swing models.

Using a corner cabinet in a nursery

Before you start choosing a wardrobe for the nursery, you need to decide for what purpose it is needed. As a rule, furniture is required not only to store clothes, but also books, toys and all kinds of small items. Accordingly, furniture should be multifunctional, i.e. with closed compartments, shelves and drawers. The optimal solution is a modular design.

Of course, if the room already has shelves and a bedside table, you can limit yourself to a small cabinet intended only for clothes and shoes.

Children's furniture differs in design and size


As for the sizes, everything will depend on the spaciousness of your child’s room. If square meters allow, then you can purchase a high corner closet that will fit all your baby’s clothes, linen and toys. If the dimensions of the apartment are more modest, then it is better to choose a small option. A small corner closet will also be spacious and will help save space in your apartment.

Be sure to consider your child's height. The closet should be comfortable, first of all, for him.

It is from this parameter that the dimensions of the structure will have to be based. If finances allow you, then it is better to make custom-made corner furniture. This way you can optimally choose not only an exclusive design, but also product parameters.

Differences between a children's closet and an adult's - requirements for furniture

A children's closet differs from an adult's in several important ways:

  • Convenient access. The child must reach all sections of the closet, at least with a chair provided. Therefore, you should not buy furniture for the ceiling, even if it looks more harmonious.
  • Safety. The cabinet should not have sharp corners or protruding elements. In addition, it must be stable and should not contain glass. If there are glasses, for example, mirrors, they must be safe.
  • Color. As a rule, children's cabinets are made in brighter and catchier colors than furniture for adults. Keep in mind that the choice of color depends on the gender and age of the child. But, in any case, you should not purchase overly bright furniture, as it will have a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

Children's furniture should be made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials

  • Environmental friendliness. It is highly advisable not to purchase cabinets or, in general, any other furniture for a children's room made from chipboard, since this material contains phenol-formaldehydes, which evaporate into the environment. Therefore, the material should be wood or plywood of special furniture brands.

To ensure that the cabinet meets all your requirements, it is better to purchase it to order. Finding a finished model will take a lot of time and effort. Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will be able to find exactly what you need.

Think in advance about what items will be stored in the closet.


When choosing a corner wardrobe for a nursery, every parent is faced with the question of choosing a color. Usually they stop at the classic options. The white shade has always been and will be in fashion. Products in light colors always look more advantageous and elegant, while they help to visually enlarge the space and add more light to the room.

If you want brighter furniture , then you can choose, for example, yellow, orange, green models. They will help add brightness and positivity to your baby’s room and will charge you with only positive emotions.

Be sure to ask your child what color he prefers. After all, he will be the one who will use the closet first. If your opinions do not coincide, do not despair and quarrel. It is better to calmly listen to the baby’s position and try to come to a compromise. This way you will maintain a trusting relationship and purchase a stylish item for your home.

Storage in a corner cabinet

If a cabinet is purchased for things, its contents are standard. But, if its purpose is more extensive, it is important to think through every detail of the content. Manufacturers can equip it with everything necessary - a basket for toys, shelves for books and souvenirs, etc.

In addition, it is important to decide on the volume of things that will be stored. The size of the cabinet will depend on this. Moreover, it should be taken into account that the number of things stored in the closet is gradually increasing. Therefore, it is advisable that the cabinet have a reserve volume.


Corner cabinets differ in several parameters:

The main differences between corner cabinets in a nursery

Next, we will briefly familiarize ourselves with all their types.


Depending on the configuration, in addition to standard cabinets, which are a triangular or pentagonal design, there are the following types:


Corner cabinet with wall. It is a modular design in the form of an L-shaped set. This type of cabinet is the most practical, as it contains a lot of shelves, drawers and other compartments, which allows you to store everything you need in it.

Corner wardrobe with bed. This furniture is also modular, therefore in many ways it resembles a wall, but additionally contains a bed, which can be either stationary or folding.
The latter option is an excellent solution for small rooms. It must be said that the bed can be located not only at the bottom, but also at the top. In this case, under it there can be a workplace - a computer desk and shelves for textbooks and notebooks.

Corner wardrobe. A special feature of this furniture are doors that slide along guides along the plane of the cabinet. Such furniture is intended for clothing, but it may have additional storage space, for example in the form of shelves that are attached to the sides.

Types of structures

Depending on the design, the furniture in question is divided into the following types:


Frame. They are a standard structure consisting of a frame to which the facade and filling are attached.

Modular (docking). This furniture includes several frame structures that are interconnected or simply installed side by side.

Built-in corner cabinet. It is a stationary cabinet that is mounted in a niche or between walls. Sliding wardrobes are usually used only for storing clothes.


Depending on the shape, corner cabinets are divided into the following types:


Triangular. They are the most compact cabinets that do not have external corners.

Pentagonal. Larger than triangular, they have beveled corners. As a rule, additional small shelves are located on the beveled sides.

L-shaped. Made in the form of two rectangular cabinets connected to each other in the corner. The angle at the joint can be straight, rounded or beveled.


Children's furniture can be made from the following materials:


Solid wood. The most expensive material, but durable and environmentally friendly.

Plywood. In terms of strength, durability and environmental friendliness, it is not inferior to wood, but this only applies to furniture plywood made on the basis of casein glue or other environmentally friendly adhesives. Some brands of plywood are toxic.

Chipboard. As mentioned above, it is better to abandon chipboard, since phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder for wood chips.

MDF. An environmentally friendly material, like chipboard, made from wood chips, but with greater density. It should be noted that MDF bends well and can be machined, therefore it is an excellent solution for a facade.

Finish options

Most often, the following materials are used in the manufacture of children's cabinets:


Varnish or enamel. These coatings are not the most practical, as they are easily scratched and prone to chipping. But such a surface is easy to restore.

PVC film (lamination). A relatively inexpensive and at the same time beautiful coating, since a photographic image is applied to it. Therefore, laminated furniture can reliably imitate any type of wood, and also contain various drawings and photos. The disadvantage of film is that it is easily damaged and cannot be restored.

Plastic. Durable, beautiful and practical material, so it’s perfect for a child’s room.

Glass or mirror. If furniture is purchased for a teenage boy or girl, you can give preference to a glass or mirror facade, provided that the glass is durable and safe. This is a practical and durable material, but it is known to not like shock loads.

The mirror facade should not be located opposite the bed, as this will negatively affect the child’s psyche.

Configuration options

A corner cabinet can be an excellent solution, the main thing is to think through and choose the most suitable configuration.

The most common corner cabinets are:


This is a fairly compact version of the corner design. Its two parts are located at right angles. It is better to choose sliding or folding doors, which will also save space in the room.


This is a more impressive and voluminous design. Doors in this version are often hinged. It is very large, but due to its large size it may not be suitable for a small nursery.

Diagonal with central transition section

This option combines the advantages of the first two designs. In it, straight parts are connected by a corner diagonal module. Doors can also be combined: straight sections - sliding, diagonal - hinged.

Color scheme and decoration

Having decided on the configuration and materials, you should choose a color scheme. As mentioned above, you should stay away from bright colors. Therefore, it is best to purchase furniture in pastel colors.

Most often, parents try to get a blue or blue wardrobe for a boy, and pink for a girl. However, don't forget that there are a lot of neutral tones, such as green, yellow, purple, gray, etc. In order not to make a mistake with the color, involve the child himself in the choice.

Vinyl stickers allow you to transform the design of the facade

If the facade design seems too monotonous and boring to you, it doesn’t matter. Currently, there are all kinds of vinyl stickers and films that will transform or even completely change the appearance of furniture.

For boy

You can choose furniture for a boy in more muted tones. A deep blue shade is perfect; it will help calm the nervous system, achieve harmony and balance. You can install a model with different patterns that your son likes. These could be characters from films, cartoons, or just famous personalities. In any case, you should focus on the child’s tastes.

Corner cabinet care

So, we will assume that you have made your choice and the wardrobe is already in the nursery. In order for it to last as long as possible and at the same time remain attractive, you need to properly care for it with your own hands. Therefore, finally, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of operation and maintenance:

  • Do not place furniture in front of a window. It is advisable that the façade should not be exposed to direct sunlight, as most coatings fade over time.
  • Do not install the cabinet near heating radiators. This will cause the product to become deformed and crack.

Any closet requires proper care

  • Wipe the surface from dust with a dry, soft cloth. Thanks to a dry cloth, there will be no streaks left on the surface.
  • Remove dirt with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water. More aggressive detergents may damage the finish.
  • From time to time, wipe the surface with a cloth lightly moistened with vegetable oil. Thanks to this, your furniture will always shine.

It is always more difficult to care for a glossy facade than a matte one, since hand marks are clearly visible on it.

How to choose?

Choosing suitable furniture for a child’s nursery is a serious and responsible task. Before going to the store, you must accurately determine the size of the product and the place where such furniture will be placed. This way you can save your time and choose exactly the thing that will suit you and your baby.

Be sure to decide on the insides of the product: do you need a model with drawers or will just shelves be enough? If you need roomy furniture that can accommodate your entire wardrobe, then you should choose spacious and tall options. This is especially important if you plan to use furniture for two children.

You can make an original model to order. Such a dressing room will look stylish and attractive.

It is also important to select additional components. This could be a desk or a bed. Decorating a room in the same style will help your child develop a sense of taste.

Be sure to look at the quality of the product. It is worth inspecting the furniture yourself before purchasing. All mechanisms must work smoothly. Make sure there are no deformations and the paint lies flat. As for the pricing policy, here you must choose how much you can spend on your child. Quality models should be a priority. However, they may cost slightly more than usual.


As you can see, when choosing a corner facade, it is necessary to take into account many nuances, but in general there is nothing complicated in this task. The main thing is that the furniture is environmentally friendly, comfortable and that your child likes it.

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May 22, 2022

Accessories, Children's design

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