Burgundy curtains - features of choice and application options in interior design (90 photos + video)

Intense burgundy color is the result of mixing energetic and uncontrollable red with strict black. This shade is chosen by unusual individuals who are accustomed to being leaders. They have clear life positions and firmly defend them. Color attracts attention, and confident people take advantage of it.

This is exactly what a burgundy living room will be like – with a strong, commanding character. The interior is more likely to be clear and planned than chaotic and fluid. Although burgundy can be found in bright interiors in the pop art style, and in smooth natural modernism. However, it all depends on the color combinations that are used in the composition.

Features and meaning

An intelligent combination of shades of red and brown gives an expressive and active color that inclines the beholder to depth and reflection.

Most often, the color burgundy is associated with successful and business people. It is a symbol of strength and endurance, power, wealth with a slight conservative inclination. Take a look at the photo of burgundy curtains: you can immediately feel confidence in the interior.

Typically, fans of burgundy are people with creative inclinations. Often theaters are decorated with wine color.

In addition, experts say that burgundy color promotes the development of determination, confidence, managerial skills and perseverance.

Shades of burgundy are ruby, carmine, cherry, lingonberry, wine, marsala, burgundy, sangria and burgundy.

Types of burgundy curtains

In stores, burgundy curtains are presented in a wide variety. They differ in many ways:

  • Type of fabric;
  • Texture of the material;
  • Depth and brightness of color;
  • The presence or absence of decorations.

The main difference between any curtains is their shape and method of design. This section presents the most popular types of wine-colored textiles.

Blackout curtains

Burgundy curtains are the most traditional option for using this shade in the interior. Thick curtains not only perfectly protect the room from the sun, but are also a worthy element of the design of any apartment. The fabric can have an interesting texture and have various decorative elements and draperies. The burgundy shade itself attracts attention well, so you shouldn’t overdo it with decorations - this way you can give the interior a “boudoir” look.

Thin fabrics

Dark red tulle is a very unusual and interesting solution that is used to create modern interiors. Such curtains do not require combination with thick curtains, since they act as a bright accent on their own. They can have a lace texture or For thin curtains, it is important to choose the appropriate baguette and method of fastening. Such curtains look especially interesting on grommets.

Roll and Roman designs

Rolled models of dark red curtains are perfect for decorating kitchens and balcony windows. They are distinguished by their sleek design and ease of use. In addition, roller structures can be hung directly on the window frame to protect from the sun, and topped with regular fabric curtains. Roman curtains will be an excellent addition to rooms in ethnic style and minimalist interiors.


If you overdo it with the amount of color in a small area, it may seem vulgar and provocative.

In addition, in melancholic people, burgundy color causes anxiety and constant worry syndrome.

Burgundy wallpaper in the living room interior

The color scheme of the walls in a rich interior palette often remains neutral. Only the accent will be darker or brighter - one side of the room or just a strip behind the sofa, as well as opposite it. Often they use a beautiful shade and paint the selected area in it. But still, wallpaper in the interior of both the living room and other rooms remains the leader in decoration. They can be chosen with a pattern in the chosen style or plain.

Burgundy wallpaper in the living room is most often used in a classic setting. Large patterns with ornate or floral motifs would be appropriate here. The ornament looks organic in this deep shade on a neutral background.

Coverings with stripes are also suitable for formal styles, which will make the room visually taller. By the way, if you need to visually expand the room, then striped wallpaper is also suitable, only for this they should be pasted horizontally. But this should be done exclusively on the narrow side of the room.

If the room has shortcomings that you would like to correct, it is better to use wallpaper with a burgundy pattern, but not a background.

Color combinations

Burgundy curtains in the bedroom look harmonious with accessories and furniture in gold and silver colors. These shades will fit perfectly into the design of curtains as patterns. This combination looks presentable and is suitable for classicism style.

White color will calm the aggressiveness of burgundy curtains in the interior. This contrast looks quite harmonious.

As for the gray color, it, in combination with burgundy, will add rigor and conservatism to the room. Perfect for office or living room design.

Sometimes burgundy is combined with olive color. It tires some people, but in the interior it looks pleasant and calm.

Burgundy color is very diverse. In its different interpretations in the interior it can cause admiration or strong hostility.

Many shades expand the possibilities of using burgundy curtains in the interior. The color is universal, and many will consider its aggressiveness a great advantage.

Living room in burgundy tones: optimal combinations

The first associations that burgundy color evokes in the interior of the living room are luxurious royal apartments. Heavy velvet curtains in such a bedchamber effectively cover the room from the sun's rays. Bordeaux-colored covers, decorated with gold embroidery, cover armchairs and sofas, and even tablecloths in such an environment can be identical in tone.

But a modern hall using such an emotional and deep color can be different.

Its character is determined by combinations, and we are talking not only about the color palette, but also about textures.

  • The combination of burgundy color in the interior of the living room can most often be seen with a warm golden palette - soft yellow, delicate cream, noble gold, natural wood in the entire spectrum of tones of natural surfaces. Here, the wood itself often has reddish notes - expensive types of material serve as a kind of decoration even in products that are simple in shape and finish.

  • The duet of white with burgundy details looks contrasting - the living room is usually painted predominantly in the color of snow, and curtains, upholstery, and wooden furniture are selected in burgundy tones. It is in this combination that the shade with pink notes – the color of wine – looks luxurious. The interior turns out to be quite solemn and at the same time romantic. Often in such an environment a trio is used - burgundy, white and gold. This is a classic combination for an aristocratic composition.

  • The duo of burgundy and gray will be discreet . A cloudy palette restrains the emotional impulses of the red range, but such a combination should be used skillfully - dark tones and a cold spectrum can seem gloomy in a poorly lit room.

The interior of a living room in burgundy tones usually has a certain massiveness, and it’s not even about the furniture - the color itself creates a feeling of filling even the brightest spacious room. Moreover, this effect becomes obvious when there is an excess of details in the red palette, when the walls, furniture, and accessories are made in it. But this cannot be called a disadvantage - many people love these sensations, when everything around seems monumental and eternal.

Burgundy details look elegant in a bright, but not white living room. These are not only curtains: part of a multi-level ceiling, sofa cushions on light upholstery, a mahogany coffee table. Such a composition will be balanced and less cumbersome.

Curtains for the nursery

Burgundy curtains installed on the windows in a children's room are considered one of the main elements of the room's style. The look of burgundy curtains looks like the backstage of a theater. A children's bedroom can be decorated to resemble a fairy-tale plot.

Turn it into a room where a princess or a knight will sleep. The dark red color is well suited for a child’s room designed in a “marine” style. Paraphernalia on the corresponding topic is added: ropes, sea anchors, shells.

Important! Bordeaux is chosen with extreme caution for a nursery. The absence of a specific theme or style in it will give the curtains psychological heaviness. According to psychologists, the brightness of such a tone can affect a person and make him tired. Such textiles should not be placed near a child’s bed, or where the child’s desk is.


Kitchens must give a person a feeling of comfort and lightness. Therefore, their design must contain the necessary elements for this. Burgundy curtains, heavy in nature, go well with light, airy white curtains.

Styles that favor simplicity in design involve the use of pleated curtains. More luxurious interior options include the use of tassel tiebacks, silver or gold fringe. Eco styles welcome the installation of curtains made from natural silk, cotton, and polyester.


It’s not difficult to go overboard with burgundy color. The room should become chic and fashionable, and not put pressure on the psyche. That is why there is no need to simultaneously decorate several rooms using this palette as a basis.

After all, it is important for the eyes to rest, and not constantly enjoy monotonous splendor.

Curtains for the kitchen

The products may look good in the kitchen if the color accents in this room are weakly expressed. It is better to hang tulle on the windows or secure a roll model. The advantage of dark curtains in the kitchen is to hide various dirt. Dark burgundy successfully masks the dirty residue that settles on the fabric when food is prepared in the kitchen.

The room should have good lighting if light burgundy tulle is used. Kitchen accessories and decorative items should be combined with the burgundy tone of the curtains.

The design of the kitchen, as well as the dining room, includes the inclusion of additional rich and bright colors. It is important to take into account the specifics of the general appearance and style of the room.

  1. The windows can be decorated with exquisite Roman curtains of dark red color with a delicate and voluminous image.
  2. The oriental style will be emphasized by soft pink sakura on a burgundy background or an image of flying white cranes.

Bordeaux in the bedroom

In the interior of a bedroom, burgundy curtains are a non-standard, but very effective solution. If you correctly combine light wallpaper, soft pink curtains and burgundy curtains, then in the bedroom this will have a beneficial effect on sound sleep. You can create coziness by decorating the room with figurines, fittings and lighting. You can also duplicate colors: for example, a blanket and pillows match the color of the curtains, and everything else is light or a different color. A large selection of models allows you to choose curtains according to your taste, style, decor, color variations, i.e. easy to adjust to your taste. Bordeaux sets the mood of aristocracy, wealth and celebration, so if your apartment style does not match this, then it is better to immediately abandon this color of curtains.

Coziness in the kitchen with a burgundy mood

Burgundy curtains for the kitchen should be laconic and neat. A great option for small rooms is to place Roman or roller blinds in the window opening. To give a more solemn mood, you can additionally hang white and cream tulle on the eyelets. An original combination of burgundy and pink tones will create a joyful and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen.

If the decoration of the walls of the room is monochromatic, then light curtains with a medium-sized burgundy pattern or ornament will look impressive.

When creating the interior of any room, you should use a rich burgundy color with caution. To prevent the shade from creating a depressing impression, it is advisable to complement the decor with small interior details of the same color scheme (sofa cushions, lamp shades). The key to a harmonious interior will be the use of colors that are most compatible with luxurious burgundy.

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