Children's room 15 sq. m.: interior planning and tips on how to organize and decorate a stylish nursery design (110 photos and videos)

  • up to 6 years old. If the baby has just been born, then his room must be equipped with a crib, a changing table, and a chest of drawers for storing essentials. It is ideal when the room has furniture for a cozy time for mother and baby. An easy chair or a small floor lamp is suitable for this. Since the child will soon be able to crawl, walk and have fun on his own, it is better to allocate a place for a play corner in advance. Speaking of color design, for children under 6 years old, light and neutral colors without accents are desirable;
  • from 6 to 12 years. A child who has started school needs a comfortable zone to do homework. If there is a balcony and its proper insulation, it can become an office: this solution significantly saves square meters and will allow you to use all their possibilities for playing and sleeping space. You can also arrange a good playground on the loggia. So that the interior of a children's room is 15 sq. m. visually seemed larger, you can hang wallpaper or paint the walls with narrow or wide vertical stripes;
  • from 12 years old. For teenagers, you need to provide places to meet friends and have fun. This function is well performed by soft sofas and armchairs, a computer and musical equipment. In the room where older children will live, you can implement various modern projects with the most daring solutions and bright colors. Functional styles such as minimalism, loft, hi-tech and others are suitable for this. To prevent the situation from turning out gloomy, consider the side of the windows. For the north side, warmer tones are relevant, and if the windows face south, then experiments with cold ones are acceptable.

For boy

Parents are responsible for decorating a room for a preschooler. More often, pastel colors are chosen to decorate the space. It is worth taking care of bright accents on the walls or shelves. Their role is played by toys, books and other objects.

A nursery for a school-age boy should have a work area. A comfortable desk and chair are selected according to the child’s preferences.

On the wall you can attach a world map, wallpaper with images of technology, or choose a fantasy plot.

Teenagers are directly involved in the design of their room. Often their tastes do not meet the expectations of their parents. There is no point in arguing with them; it is better to settle on a compromise solution.

Accents in interior design according to age

Depending on the age of your child, the design may be completely different. Accordingly, the older he gets, the more consistent his style becomes! And so, let's look at it in more detail.

12-13 years old

Early adolescence, when independence is just beginning. Often at this age, a teenager has his own interests or hobbies, which he does in his free time from school. Of course, the sooner he understands what exactly he likes, the more he can achieve in life! And you yourself can help him with this. For example, display his hobbies in interior design.

In this way you will influence his best and most effective achievements.

14-15 years old

This age allows children to acquire idols. Wall posters, posters, or posters will start appearing in their room! It is at this age that children begin to unite in groups based on interests and morals. You will only be happy when he does not leave home, and his friends come to your home and gather in the child’s room.

Age 16

The child has both a hobby and already some achievements! He was fully formed as a person. And now you can absolutely trust him, because he himself will figure out exactly how to decorate a modern room for a teenager!

For girl

Little ones love wallpapers with delicate floral motifs, bears, kittens, and princesses.

You should purchase a comfortable and safe bed. You can decorate it with a canopy or buy a beautiful bedspread.

The room must have an area for creative activities or a desk for a schoolgirl.

A girl's nursery is often equipped with a dressing table. Little ones love to put on bright clothes and look at themselves in the mirror.

Enough space should be left for the child to play actively. Kids don't like to sit in one place for a long time. Particular attention is paid to the choice of curtains; they should be in harmony with the arrangement of the room.

For two children

The space must be divided between the kids so that each has their own territory. But the place for games and activities is made common.

Boys choose bold and interesting solutions for their room. It is necessary to ensure good lighting; workplaces are located closer to the window.

Functional furniture is appropriate in the room, which will help save space.

If two girls live in a room, then the interior should be kept in soft colors.

It is worth taking care of storage systems so that children learn to put away their things and toys from an early age.

A nursery for two children of different sexes can be designed in two different colors, but it is imperative that they be combined.

Features of zoning a small room

Layout of a children's room with an area of ​​10 square meters. m depends on the age of the child for whom it is intended. But whether it’s a one-year-old baby or a teenager, it should be clearly divided into zones.

The baby only needs two – a playroom and a sleeping one. But you will quickly need a third one - for modeling and drawing. It will eventually transform into a learning area intended for preparing lessons. By the standards of adults, a children's room of this size is small.

But children have a different opinion: it’s cozy for kids here - psychologists believe that a small space is more comfortable for them. Teenagers will also be happy to have their own room - at this age it is important to have their own personal space, which no one will encroach on.

Divide the nursery into zones using:

  • screens;
  • narrow shelves or other pieces of furniture;
  • decorative curtains or screens.

You can decorate zones in different colors, but in the same style.

Place to sleep and relax

The child should rest fully. Choose a comfortable bed with a good mattress - this is the key to a healthy spine. The small area makes it necessary to combine a sleeping place with furniture for storing clothes or other items:

  • sofa-chest;
  • loft bed with sleeping area above and lockers underneath;
  • a pull-out or folding bed that can be removed or folded during the daytime.

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Boys like to sleep on the “second floor”. If a teenage girl will live in the room, the best option is a regular single bed or ottoman.

Zone of active games and creativity

You won't be able to run around in such a small room. But it is quite possible to install a small suspended sports complex. Both toddlers and older children will love it. For a boy, as for a girl, movement is necessary, and rings, a rope, a swing and a wall bars will fully satisfy these needs. You need to put a fluffy rug on the nursery floor to prevent injuries if you fall.

The rest of the children's space, excluding the work area, is used for the play area. A bright design using pictures with your favorite movie and fairy tale characters will make it attractive and set you in a positive mood.

If a child has some kind of hobby, you need to provide a place for doing what he loves: drawing - a good option is a special board on which masterpieces are attached so that all family members can admire them. An exhibition of crafts or plasticine figures on a shelf specially designated for this will also attract everyone's attention. Such a caring attitude towards creativity encourages us to continue to engage in it.

Arrangement of the work area

For kids, a small children's table and a couple of chairs are enough. It is so convenient to sculpt, draw and paint, and play board games with friends. You can put a toy box nearby. If the children's room is a room for a teenager, the work area must be prepared according to all the rules. Required:

  • a comfortable table; if there is not enough space, a wide window sill can be used for it;
  • book racks;
  • a place for a computer, it is needed for classes.

The work area should have a minimum of decor so that nothing distracts from work or interferes with concentration.

If the bed in the nursery is placed away from the window, then the table should be well lit. Natural light is most beneficial for children's eyes. Therefore, the place of the desktop is by the window. On sale you can find many modules that successfully combine sleeping and working space, they save space. In order not to change furniture as children grow, buy a table and chair, the height of which can be easily adjusted.

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Organization of storage systems

Bulky furniture is inappropriate in a small nursery. There can be only one closet and a small one. You can replace it with open shelves on which it is easy to organize storage of things.

You need to make the most of the space under your beds or sofas. Place bed linen in a drawer. Place toys and books on shelves and racks. You need to select furniture for the nursery in such a way that when using it, the intervention of adults is minimal - this will help teach children to order.

Color solution

Manufacturers offer many solutions for decorating living spaces. Design of a children's room 15 sq. m. should correspond to the preferences of small residents.

You can choose any color; the children must like it.

It is better to choose light colors, but it is permissible to use bright inserts and decor in the interior. Such details will fill the room with dynamics and create a cheerful mood.

Basic Design Principles

Your child grows and develops every day; as he gets older, his hobbies and needs change. The starting point in the design of a nursery will, of course, be age. However, this is not all that you need to pay attention to.

The interior of your daughter’s room is also influenced by the following factors:

  • Geometry and dimensions of space.
  • The number of openings in a particular room (doors and windows).
  • Interests of the child at this period of life.
  • Number of children for whom you need to equip a nursery: one or two daughters.
  • Characteristics of the little housewife.
  • Planned budget for repairs (remember that professionals advise updating repairs at intervals of 3-4 years).
  • General style in the house.


You need to give preference to quality products. To do this, choose models from trusted brands that have proven themselves in the market.

The interior of the nursery should correspond to the age and gender of the child. To furnish the room, purchase a ready-made set or select each item separately.

All elements must be safe for health and not contain sharp corners. You can buy models in any color or make an individual order.

Children's living room

It is not always possible to allocate a separate room for a child in an apartment. In this case, the space is divided into functional zones using color, lighting, and partitions.

Children's living room 15 sq. m. should be divided into two parts. In one half there is a place for receiving guests, and in the back of the room there is an area for the child.

Arrangement of the kitchen area

Regardless of the type of studio layout you choose, the first thing you need to do in the kitchen sector is to install a powerful hood. You shouldn’t skimp on this unit, because its quality determines how well the air will be purified from the aromas of freshly prepared dishes, and only a hood can minimize the settling of drops of fat and burning on furniture, textiles and other decorative items. There are many models on sale that do an excellent job of the main task, while working very quietly.

It all depends on the area, shape of the studio and the number of family members living in it. For example, for a young married couple who did not have time to have children, a small, compact bar counter can be an excellent option - an interior detail that can separate the kitchen area and the place for eating. This option is not suitable for older people, since they will not be able to constantly climb on high stools, so they need a full-fledged dining area with comfortable soft chairs.


A chandelier is placed in the center of the room, which serves as the main source of light.

If the space is designed for two kids, you can install two devices in different parts of the room.

Spot lighting is often provided on the ceiling, which allows you to create a cozy interior in a children's room.

At the renovation planning stage, it is necessary to decide on the location of all devices so that you don’t have to redo everything later.

Zoning of space is also possible through the use of lighting fixtures.

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