Interior design of a children's room for children of different sexes (100 photos)

Design and color selection

When choosing a color for a common room for two children of different sexes, you need to find a compromise. You can correctly combine two, perhaps contrasting, shades without disturbing the overall harmony of the room.

When we use zoning, there are usually no problems with colors. Different spaces combine perfectly with each other as separately existing territories. If the room for mixed-sex children is zoned correctly, then you can use each child’s favorite colors to decorate their personal areas.

If the layout or other reasons do not allow this method, then it would be best to opt for a neutral style for the room.

When designing a room for two children, pay attention to colors that suit both girls and boys equally well, usually the following are used:

  • white;
  • sand tones;
  • beige;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • light green;
  • light blue.

The dark tones of burgundy and black, loved by adults, do not match as well. Also, overly bright shades are unnecessary. This can negatively affect the nervous system of children - after all, as we know, dark colors are depressing, and bright red is irritating when present in such an environment for a long time.


For the full growth and development of children, large quantities of light are needed. Therefore, having taken care of good daylight lighting (by choosing the location of the windows), do not forget about evening lighting.

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When we place a desk for a child, the light should fall from the left (if he writes with his right hand). Opposite the window will be too bright for the child’s eyes, and if the light falls from behind, then textbooks and notebooks will not be illuminated enough. This also applies to artificial lighting - the lamp should be placed on the left.

For the gaming area, in the evening you will need light from a good chandelier. Choose a light, unbreakable material for this lamp - just in case. It is more convenient if the type of chandelier is ceiling-mounted, so that children do not accidentally touch the decor of the lampshade hanging from the ceiling.

For workplaces, it is better to use separate lamps to create a narrowly directed stream of light, because the main light from a chandelier may not be enough. Equip each table with sockets; if possible, there should be no extension cords. For small children (up to 8-10 years old), it is better to cover the sockets with plugs.

It is also better that each child has his own socket by the bed. It will be convenient to turn on a personal lamp there so as not to disturb another with the main light turned on during evening reading. It is likely that the child will charge the phone there.

Game Zone

A room for mixed-sex children should have plenty of space for games, especially if the children are still very young (preschoolers). For boys, the ideal solution would be to design a wall bars. It won’t take up too much space, but they will be able to have a great time, and everyone needs physical exercise, especially children! As for girls, they are usually calmer. The main thing in designing an area for a girl is to create a place where she can calmly have tea parties with her favorite dolls or read a book. An excellent option in this case would be a folding table.

Moreover, this option is suitable for both in the bedroom for children of different sexes. After all, they can, for example, play various board games together behind him.

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Public and private space

When we talk about arranging a common room for two children, we need to take into account different ages.

Some features of age determine exactly how to arrange the space:

  1. Small children under 6 years of age do not need to divide the territory as much as older ones. They feel quite comfortable together and communicate more easily. But it is important to distinguish between areas for sleeping and playing.
  2. For children aged 6-8 years, it will be enough to divide the space with color, so they will understand where everyone’s personal territory is.
  3. For older students, partitions will already be required.

The zoning of a children's room also depends on the difference in age - with different combinations, individual solutions will be required. If one child is much older than the other, then a bunk bed is what you need.

We place the baby below so that he does not accidentally fall from a height. You can make a curtain at the bottom for the younger one and give him the opportunity to be “in his fortress” alone while the older one does homework or sits at the computer.

In this case, one table for two is enough - while the eldest is at school, the youngest can draw at the table and do his crafts or other hobbies.

But storage areas should be separate. For both clothing and personal items and toys.

Play areas

Play helps children develop both physically, develop physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore, the room needs to be equipped with a separate space with its own rules.

For boys, you can install sports equipment: a wall bars or a horizontal bar. For girls - a dollhouse and little things to play with. For children, you can put an easel for drawing, crayons and other items for handicrafts or hobbies in the room.

While the children are small, you can lay one large carpet for two, when they grow up you can put two separate ones.

If you are just planning to make renovations in the nursery, then think about soundproofing the room - this way you will protect the children from extraneous noise and will not cause inconvenience to the neighbors.

For teenage children, instead of the standard play area, a place for communication will be required. After all, their friends will visit them. Buy a couple of extra ottomans for comfortable seating for guests. And after they leave, the poufs can be stored in the pantry or under the bed.

Place to study

Each of the children needs their own desk (with the exception of a large age difference). This idea is interesting: a solid tabletop that runs along one wall. You can delimit zones on the table by separating the halves with partitions. You should pay special attention to chairs - the position when sitting at the table will affect the child’s posture.

Also make sure that each child has their own computer. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the absence of this component, so provide your children with this. Schools now often assign tasks that require both Internet access and special programs.

If both children are about the same age and are already studying, then equip the room with two devices. It is better to buy two simple laptops than one expensive gaming computer. After all, children may not be able to share one “toy” between two people, and even more so, they may need a laptop to prepare homework.

Choose appropriately sized baby furniture. For small children, both the table and the chair should be appropriate so that the child can comfortably do his own business at it: make crafts, assemble puzzles, draw.

Sleeping area

Of course, sleeping places are one of the main elements of a children's room. The question of the location of children's beds worries many people - it is not an easy task. Even if children are still small, they will soon want to have their own personal territory, where they will feel alone, even if they are in the same room with a brother or sister.

Usually, rooms are simply visually divided into two parts and a bed is placed for each person near opposite walls or along one - depending on the layout. If you place beds next to each other, then separate them with any partition: a small bedside table is suitable for kids, a partition or a closet is suitable for older children.

If the beds are located perpendicular to each other in one corner, then they are usually placed headboard to headboard.

A bunk bed is suitable if the children agree to different shelves, and do not each claim the top one. Usually children of the same age behave this way, and then implement another idea. For people of different ages, this issue is easier to solve. Don't forget about the ceiling height - is there enough space to comfortably sit on the top bed?

Storing things

Many people think that girls have much more clothes than boys. But usually everything is different. The closet will need to be quite spacious. It's better when the cabinets are separate.

In addition to clothes, you need somewhere to place books and a large number of toys. Not only small children have a decent supply of their favorite dolls and various entertainment items. Teenagers often collect accessories and magazines that were fashionable in their time, and have their own secrets.

When decorating a children's room for two children, environmental friendliness of materials and safety of furniture are important. And you can find inspiration for design in a photo where a children's room for a boy and a girl has a similar layout or you like the color.

Functional furniture

Even in a small children's room, it is necessary to create all the conditions for a comfortable and safe pastime for each of the children. But at the same time, you can’t force it with furniture. Therefore, we focus on multifunctional, compact furniture.

  • Clothes can be stored together in one wardrobe.
  • And put personal small items in ottomans, which will also serve as seating.
  • Two desks may not fit into a room. But here is one, but elongated, and on the entire wall with a window - easily.
  • Instead of the usual chairs, use bean bags. If not needed, they can be stacked on top of each other in the corner.
  • Hanging shelves, securely attached to the wall, will help reduce injuries and accommodate a children's library, Barbie or car collection.
  • If you hang a TV panel on the wall, the free space on the floor will increase.

The sleeping place can be like this.

  • Two-tiered. Because of a bunk bed, disagreements may arise - each of the children will want to sleep on top. The problem will be decided by lot. The one who pulls it out sleeps there all the time or for one week, the second child spends the night upstairs for the second week.
  • With a pull-out extra bed.
  • Separate beds located on opposite walls.
  • Separate beds running along one of the walls (if the room is elongated).
  • Beds standing against adjacent walls and forming the letter L.

Also, an interesting solution for the interior could be a study or play area on an elevated platform, and under the podium you can leave a niche for two beds.

The type of bed can be anything: a carriage for a little princess or an alcove and a car or a “tree house” for a young gentleman.

Design options for a children's room for children of different sexes

Note! Ceiling in a children's room - how to design and combine it in the interior? 120 photos of design examples!

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Surface finishing

If the choice of color for decorating a room is done together with the children, then it is better to choose materials for the walls, ceiling or floor yourself.

The main requirement here is environmental friendliness and safety.

  • The walls are covered with paper wallpaper or painted with water-based paint. Plastic, vinyl, and oil-based paint are not acceptable. Part of the wall for a boy or a girl can be made of cork (and framed in a frame of the same connecting shade that we have already talked about).
  • The floor is wooden or cork. The latter is both soft and warm. It is advisable to make a noise-absorbing substrate, otherwise your neighbors below will not envy you.
  • Stretch ceilings are beautiful, but no one can guarantee that a flying airplane or dart will not hit the canvas. You should not cover the ceiling with polystyrene foam boards - it will not breathe.
  • Carpeting on the floor is acceptable, but with short pile, otherwise cleaning will be daily.

For windows, you need to choose curtains made from fabrics that attract the least dust. And give up gathers, ruffles, fringes and draperies.

Tips for arranging a small nursery

It would be appropriate to furnish a small bedroom with a loft bed or a two-story model. Also, to save usable space, a folding or roll-out design is perfect. For small and narrow spaces, it is better to choose beds with drawers in which you can conveniently store various things.

In a room in Khrushchev it is not advisable to use unnecessary furniture and decor. Bulky partitions should be replaced with textile curtains, mobile screens or through shelving.

Main criteria

From the very first stages of thinking through the future interior of the nursery to renovation, consult with both children and listen to the wishes of each. This applies to any details, from the color of the walls to furniture and large toys like a castle or a fairy-tale house.

In the interior of a nursery, it is worth taking into account the personal preferences of the brother and sister - their favorite books, cartoons, films. This will help create a thematic design and simply diversify the decoration of the room with your favorite things. The design should be bright enough to please both.

Don't think that boys don't like rich colors by painting half of them blue, gray and brown.

The interior can be safely diluted with yellow, red, bright green, turquoise, lilac shades. There is no need to tie the overall color scheme to gender; the interior should not be clearly “girly” or “boyish”. Options for decorative finishing of children's rooms in various styles that will appeal to children of different sexes can be seen in the selection of photos below.

Airy ideas to save space

Need to save space? An excellent solution would be a ceiling screen made of various fabrics. This method is often used to separate the sleeping area from the study area - elegant curtains create a gentle, soothing atmosphere.

The room of two children of different sexes can be divided into two parts with thick curtains, creating the effect of a theater curtain. This will allow children to be in privacy in their own part of the room at any time, and also calmly deal with their wardrobe.

Furniture labyrinths

Zoning a children's room can be done by rearranging the furniture. The separators include: bookcases, shelves for books or toys, a piano, a children's dressing table with a large mirror.

Rooms benefit from rooms whose space is divided into parts using furniture of medium height - then the room remains sufficiently illuminated during the daytime.

Design of a nursery with a high ceiling

In rooms with high ceilings, it is worth considering ideas for creating a two-tier space. Boys, as well as girls, love “tree houses” and will willingly sleep on a bed raised several meters from the floor.

The main thing is to think through safety measures so that the child can easily climb down and into his nest. Under the bed you can place a dressing room, a study, or a sports corner.

What interior styles are suitable for zoning a room?

When choosing an interior style for a nursery, there are no prohibited or inappropriate options. However, modern styles are more popular.

Classic types of interiors often contain fragile or easily soiled decorative elements and furniture, which is irrelevant for a child’s room.

The main thing is to use smooth surfaces and structures that are easy to clean and easy to replace if necessary. A children's room is the place that most often undergoes renovation, so when choosing an interior style, the fact that everything will change over time is taken into account.

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